[MF] Cheating with my Brother-in-Law While Camping

A few years ago my sister and her husband (my brother-in-law), and I went camping to celebrate my completion of law school. I’d been working my ass to the grindstone for 5 years (I took a year off to get into better physical and mental shape). Finished top of my class and never felt better.

Anyway, my brother-in-low, let’s call him Eric, was an avid camper, and he was one of those types who liked to camp off-grid. You’re allowed to do this in most national parks, actually. You don’t need to camp at a designated spot. You’re fully legally allowed to hike off into the woods and camp wherever you want. So that’s what the three of us did. Me, my sister Camilla, and Eric.

Once we set up camp we got our fire going since the sun was setting and it was late summer early fall. We live in St. Louis by the way so it gets frigid pretty quickly. We were sitting around the fire, drinking hot cocoas with whiskey. Camilla has always been a light-weight, and I’d told her to slow down many times. After about 20 minutes of drinking and chatting (and the warmth from the fire) Cam went to bed in her and Eric’s tent. Literally one minute went by before we both heard her breathing change to that of someone deep in sleep. So Eric and I chatted it up.