[MF] Camping Adventure

This story takes place the summer after my freshmen year of college. I [M] was 19 at the time and my girlfriend at the time, now ex, [F] was 20. For the sake of her privacy I’m only going to refer to her as S.
Some background first:

S was by far one of the hottest girls I’ve known. S was around 5’5” blue eyed with strawberry blonde hair at the time. S was very slim with the faintest outline of abs and honestly, for a slim girl her ass and boobs had no business being as big as they were, but that’s probably what caught my eye in the first place.

I wasn’t a virgin when S and I started dating but I was definitely inexperienced, S on the other hand was far more experienced. S very quickly taught me what she liked and I soon learned that I liked literally anything she did. Whatever inexperience I had was compensated for by my desire to please and by the unending stamina of a horny athlete.

23M Hooking up in a car [MF]

This story takes place about 3 years ago when I was still in college. For anonymity’s sake I’ll refer to the girl I was hooking up with as B.

When one of my friends invited me over to a house party he was hosting a few blocks away from my apartment I was ecstatic. I had been busy with homework the last few weeks and needed time to unwind, the fact that the party was so close by and my friend was inviting some sorority girls he knew was just a nice bonus.

Out of pure laziness I decided to drive to my friends house with the intention of simply walking back to my apartment if I drank. As soon as I walked in I knew it would be a fun night, amidst the crowded house I spotted B and several of her friends. We instantly locked eyes and exchanged smiles.

B and I had matched on Tinder and had hooked up several times in the past. Each of our encounters were always explicitly for sex and neither of us ever pretended otherwise. But those are stories for a different time.