Sarah + Ashley
Sorry if this post seems scattered. It’s from a notes app I sent to my friend right after I left. Understandably I was pretty excited.
Went over to their apartment, after agreeing to make them diner over an app. Ashley opened the door and was stunning. Sarah was in the back and would have easily stood out in a crowd.
We met on a kink app, and had decided I would come by, and if the vibe was right would watch the two of them have sex. I showed up, fully expecting to be murdered, but knowing it was worth the risk. But was pleasantly surprised when we all talked about music a bit. Their relationship etc. I start cooking, showed them the Japanese pumpkin I was using in the recipe. Cooked. Then they asked what brought me to the app, we talked about what we’re looking for. It’s getting flirty.
Finish dinner, plate it. Ashley says she gets flustered when she gets turned on. Our feet touch and she starts getting flustered. Lots of tension. Neither one of us eat much. I’m too anxious to eat.