[MF] Return of Sud: Part 4

Sud didn’t return for long. I was getting slightly drowsy waiting for her. When it had been more than 30 mins, I put on a shirt and shorts and opened my door to go check on her. As I opened, I found Red and Sud talking just outside my door. The living room had very dim vibe lights. Just as I stepped out, they stopped talking and looked at me.

Me: What’s up? You have been gone a while.

Red stepped back and behind Sud. I didn’t understand the dynamic. Sud had a pleading look on her face as if saying “rescue me!”

Me: What’s up girls?

No one spoke, Sud looked at Red and Red at her. Then Sud looked at me. I was looking at Red. She was in her bra. She made no attempt to cover up. She was probably Sud’s height or smaller. She was definitely lighter. No where near the curves that Sud had. She also had to be younger, if I had to guess, 20-22. Her boobs were petite, midriff was flat and she had this vibe about her which made me look closely.

Me: No one’s gonna say anything?

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[MF] Return of Sud: Part 3

Previous episode: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gketa0/mf_return_of_sud_part_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gketa0/mf_return_of_sud_part_2/)

We were in bed for about half an hour before Sud realised that she had to do calls to check on her kid. It was weirdly arousing to see her mommy her kid around while walking butt naked in my room. “Don’t be naughty” had a complete sense of irony when spoken like that.

When she was done, she climbed into bed. I got up to get some water. Sud got up as well. She sat in bed.

Sud: Can we talk? I don’t want to sleep now.

Me: Really?

Sud nodded.

Me: Ok, what do you want talk about?

Sud: I have been meaning to ask you something.

Me: Shoot.

She fell silent for sometime.

Me: What, Sud?

Then she dropped the bombshell.

Sud: Be exclusive with me.

Me: What?!

Sud: Yes. Be exclusive with me.

I was completely shocked out of my mind. I turned around and put a foot on my chair. Sud was just a foot away. She was kneeling with her butt resting on her feet.

Me: Do you need me to tell you how stupid that is or you will get there on your own?

[MF] Return of Sud: Part 2

This is where we were. I was standing in front of a kneeling Sud. Her hair was open. All she had on was the black silk stockings and the stilettos. There was a wide expanse of naked flesh with nothing on it. There was the leather collar and the chain. Sud waited for my move. She was looking up at me. Her nipples were erect in arousal. I tugged on the chain twice.

Me: Remove my pants.

Sud unbuckled my pants and peeled them off slowly. I helped her by raising my leg alternatively. My boner was at its full glory. All the anticipation, watching Red with Sud, making out in the kitchen and then watching her turn into my little pet – I didn’t need any more impulse. The head of my cock was well beyond peeking out of my underwear.

Sud saw it and proceeded to pull my underwear down. She hissed loudly as my cock now stood erect pointing at her. The moment she took off the underwear, she lunged at my cock making another hiss. I tugged on her chain to stop her. She was puzzled and in angst. She wanted it.

[MF] Return of Sud: Part I

Annie and I had a blast for a little less than a month. In general, we followed her rules. I broke some. She broke some of hers, in lust. She let herself loose and she made it clear to me. I felt myself attracted to her at times, but Annie made sure to let her feelings be known: this was closure, and not beginning. She was leaving for Cambridge in a few weeks and she wanted enough of me to leave happily. In plainspeak, it meant that we fucked madly. A lot.

Meanwhile, two weeks after the fight with Sud, she called me. I didn’t take the call. She called back several times over the day and the next. I didn’t respond. Then she texted.

Sud: Please call me. Please.

To be honest, if there was no Annie, I would have talked to her when she called. With Annie around, I didn’t feel like reopening that chapter. I would definitely have missed Sud a lot, if Annie didn’t happen. But Annie didn’t leave any cum in my balls to trigger reminiscence of Sud. Too bad for Sud, I guess.

I didn’t respond again.

[MF] One thing leads to another? Part 2

Before you read this,


I woke up to a sex dream. It was still very dark outside. But the bedside lamp was on. I could hear the blankets rustling. I saw it was 3 AM. It was not a dream. Annie was sucking my cock, while I slept! When she noticed I was awake, she looked at me.

Annie: Sorry, I was hungry.

Me: Go on, get your fill.

Annie: You can get yours too.

She bent over such that her booty could now be seen over her head from my vantage point. She smacked herself and winked at me.

Me: I will make sure of that.

She was talking in the midst of a blowjob. I love it when women do that.

Annie: I couldn’t wait till the morning. I was wet and you were right here.

Me: Do you do this to all your Tinder dates?

Annie: Oh no, I only keep the ones that I want to use again.

She winked.

Me: Give me reason#1 again.

Annie: Look at you, already liking Annie for reason#1.

[MF] One thing leads to another? Part 1



**The next development is kind of messy. If you are not into emotional mangles, don’t read further. Normal service would resume in later parts. Tune in then.**

After I returned from Sud’s place, I was riding a two big cumshot wave. I felt light and happy. It was early by my grad school sleep time standards. So I cracked open a cold one and started working. I was getting so close to finishing school. There was so much to look forward to. I was excited!

I was in flow for 2 hours.

When I checked my phone after I was done for the day, it was full of whatsapp notifications. Sud had flooded me with msgs. I had not noticed at all. It was 1 AM so I was contemplating, if I should call her at all. But she was online and the moment she noticed the blue ticks, she sent another text.

Sud: I need to talk.

Me: Ok. What’s up?

Sud: I will call.

The phone vibrated

Me: Hey, what’s up?

Sud: I want to talk to you.

Me: Yes, we are talking.

[MF] The best movie date of my life

Me: Something easy to take off. A short strapless/spaghetti would be fine.

Sud: My mouth is watering at the thought. But I am scared of getting into trouble.

Me: Will I do something which puts us at risk?

Sud: No. But you are always doing things on the edge.

Me: I know what I am doing. Do you know what you are supposed to do?

Sud: Yes

Me: Then let’s keep it at that.

I went to sleep and woke up late. Of course it would happen, I was chatting with her until 3 am in the morning. When I woke up there were texts from Sud asking to delay our date.

I called her.

Sud: Hey! Good morning. Will you mind picking me up at 6 pm instead? I woke up so late and have to do some family stuff and help my son with some school work.

Me: Argh, all right. Don’t be late.

Sud: I will come to the grocery shop?

Me: No I will pick you up from your home.

Sud: What! Why? He will be at home.

[MF] Setting up a movie date

Watching Sud tease my roommates made me very hard. It appealed to my newly acquired kink with an intensity I hadn’t expected. Blood had rushed to my cock. I left my apartment to chase after her. I wanted to bring her back and re-fuck her. In my rush, I had forgotten my phone in my room. I reached the lobby and found that she had left. My cock was raging. The big load I had blown half an hour back didn’t seem enough. I felt a strong desire to plough her pussy and make her scream. I wanted to deposit a big load in there. Once again. Her absence was frustrating. I ran back up to my room to call her back.

I wanted to fuck. I needed to fuck. Right now.

[MF] Showing off Sud

I woke up the next day knowing exactly what I had to do. I would squeeze in work until afternoon. After that I should be at home and make sure everyone was home before I commenced today’s debauchery. I wanted to ensure that the fucking was broadcast. I rarely opened the windows in my room, to keep it quiet and cool. But today, I wanted them open. Opening windows that haven’t been touched in a year is some work. I had to remove a ton of books and papers out of the way. Then I had to find a place to dump it all. Prepping my room took a good 30 mins. With my hobbies and my studies, there was much less room than I needed to store all my stuff. But what the hell, I am gonna mess it up in the evening any way.

Today’s fuck was about show off. It had to be long and high-intensity. I checked on my desensitizer stock. Then I proceeded to the gym and got in a big lunch. I worked for a few hours and then got back early. I texted Sud.

Me: Remember to dress up. I am showing you off.

[MF] Some conversations with Sud

After the workplace fuck, it had become clear to me that Sud had crossed over the line. Before she came to the lab at 5 am in the morning, I knew I would have to push her to do things. She would do everything, but there was this push she always needed to get out of her shell, to push herself out of her comfort zone, her safe practices. But after that day, her spontaneity was enough to convey how she had tied herself to me. Her actions told me how eager she was to please me. Her words told me how aroused she got from my attention.

Until someone found out, I could look forward to absolute bliss of a sex life. It happens very rarely that you find a temporary arrangement which feels permanent and has all the indications of being permanent, and yet is not! In theory, you can walk out anytime you want. What else could a 27 year old single man want?