Sports moms, Chpt 2 [age gap]

It wasn’t as if the previous mom that took care of things had just left me a mess to sort out on my own. As I maneuvered my chubby hips through the clutter I found the ‘bible’ on the shelf near the register. It contained the list of contacts for bread, meat, soda and water delivery, ice, and even secondary numbers to call in case the first providers couldn’t fill complete orders or were unable to at all. There was a calendar of the previous years events that showed what had been assumed to be sufficient, where too much had been ordered and where too little was on hand. It would be a great help in figuring out what this season would require. I called around and introduced myself as I leaned against the outside wall, because it was still musty and dank inside and the clutter was driving me crazy. From time to time a couple of the players would find their way over to hide in the shade, smile at me, and ask if I was up and running and had any cold Gatorade on hand. I would apologize but made a mental note to make sure I did the next time if I was asked.

Categorized as Erotica

Sports moms, Chapt I [age gap]

Cleaning out the concession stand.
It’s the end of summer and the local high school football team is back in practice a couple of weeks before the return to classes. They need to be prepared for the start of the season and the coaches need time to evaluate the players and work on their plays. School isn’t officially open but there are teachers showing up here and there to check out their classrooms and inventory their allotted supplies. The only students are some upperclassmen girls who aspire to become teachers aides and the football players. The fresh/soph team meets early in the morning from 8 til 11 and the varsity team uses the field after 12 until the coach is satisfied with what he sees. This being summer sometimes they break and return to play in the evening under the lights and the thin blue skies of dusk.

Im Patty, I’m a freshman mom. My son is actually going to participate in Cross Country/track. I have however been volunteered by the senior moms to be on the ‘sports moms’ committee. We get all the chores now. You know, fundraising, decorating, coordinating the end of season banquets, etc. I guess it’ll be all worth it and it shows my son I support him all the way. All the way. Hmmm, funny expression.

Mutual masturbation (pt 2) f4M age gap- stepdad

I don’t know if I ever considered where our behavior might lead

It was just a free and easy practice of achieving orgasm and really nothing more. Oh, yes, I’ve been told by therapists and strangers alike that he was grooming me all along. Perhaps, but if that were the case then I’d have to declare that not only was Gary an excellent lover he must have been the most patient person on the planet. Not once did he pressure me to do anything. Not once did he request, demand, or force me to do anything I might be uncomfortable with. If he was grooming me then I have to give credit to his mastery. And a master he was. My master.

Mutual masturbation fM (age gap-stepdad)

As I recall, this is how it all started. My semi incestuous affair with my stepdad. I’m not sure if it was his intention all along or if things just progressed as they normally would in any relationship.

My dad left when I was around nine or ten years old. My only vivid memories were of the fighting between he and my mom. Knowing what I know now I can see it was her fault for the most part. She possessed a very evil personality.

We were alone for a few years before she met and would ultimately marry my stepdad. The fighting started all over again. I found out from my stepdad, who I will call Gary, that the constant fights were over sex, or rather the lack of it. Instead of leaving like my real father, Gary lost himself in his bottle of Scotch. There were many mornings I’d wake up to find him passed out in the kitchen while I ate my breakfast before going to school. And then, he started coming into my room at night

Turning on the heat

Of course it would happen today of all days. The US Midwest is experiencing record low temps and my boiler won’t fire up. A few years ago I had this problem also and called the telephone number on the sticker attached to my boiler from who I assumed was the original installer. They sent out a young man who ultimately overcharged me, as I was to find out later, for a new thermal couple replacement and talked me into buying another for a reserve. Of course I thought it was a good idea as he explained that the item was the usual culprit when a furnace won’t start. I’m almost embarrassed to state how much I paid for someone to vacuum out a small amount of debris and install a six dollar part. I’ll leave it at this. The “free” service call was just to come and tell me what the problem was, not to correct it. I paid the hourly rate and triple for each part. I found out about this much after the fact but I was just relieved the heat was on. Enough of that. It sounds too much of me whining, right ?

[f]eeling sorry for my sisters ex

This happened centuries ago. It’s probably really not all that unique in most respects. I can’t imagine being the only person to find themselves in a position like this.

I was fifteen soon to be sixteen. My sister had just turned eighteen and had been dating a guy that lived in our neighborhood. They were together off and on for over two years. I knew him well at this point. He was cute, funny, and had a car. All pluses in the teenage world at the time. He was always nice to me even during the times my sister and I were fighting (a right of passage, right girls ?). He let me tag along to the amusement park when he’d take my sister. He’d show up sometimes with pizza from a restaurant he delivered for and always made sure there would be a section of plain cheese just for me. He let me tag along on a trip to a lake once. Even if birthday and Christmas gifts were small, he never ignored me. At no time did he ever make any “moves” on me. He was just my sisters boyfriend and that’s all.