[m/f] Rough boob bounce play! 34K boobs

my wife has come round to the idea of rough boob play. She actually likes it to she came home from work about 4 hours ago and told me this. I think im gona like this rough play stuff some old lady dropped £5 and i had to run after her for a good 150 feet and it killed my tits!. And made it hard to breath and get my breath back. buuuut i fucking loved it !. I got and instant raging boner and she saw it to. She just sat my down and said start wanking. I want to see how turned on you get by this hunnie. she took off her shoes then her top skirt tights but left her underwear on. then she put her hands behind her back and started jumping and i mean JUMPING. The force her boobs were coming down with was intense. Im going for it at this point she is panting because her boobs are just constantly pushing the air out of her lungs its an amazing sound!. After about 2 mins she stop and takes off her bra and starts jumping but shes holding them. she then says to me in a out of breath panting manor "tell me to let them go!" i do and they slap her stomach hard over and over. They are so heavy then are jerking her entire body when then come down. I can see shes in pain from them but i love this and can see how horny it makes me!. So she carries on and is now moaning in pain and struggling to breath now and that made me cum so hard and the look of satisfaction on her face was amazing! she stop and said while panting and herding her boobs up "fuck me that's painful but if you like it ill do it hunnie" Now im thinking im the happiest guy alive !!!