Hanging out with Hal. (Short story)

Writers notes: this is based on true events from the opposite parties perspective. First story so any helpful tips are welcome!

All names and locations have been changed to conceal identities.

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Hanging out with my friend has always been a blast, he comes over often and hangs out with me. We talk about a lot of personal feelings and beliefs and he’s one of those people you can just open up to and know that he’s accepting.

Now as a college student I’m away from my boyfriend, Josh, more often than usual. I normally would be able to last a week without Josh but Vicky, that’s what I named my vagina she’s such a naughty girl always craving attention, but I’ve been extra horny.

That’s why it’s been great my friend, Hal, has been comming to hangout. Not that he ever makes a move on me and satisfies me physically but I get to sit their and tease him innocently which satisfies my desires or at least Vicky’s desires. It’s great, Hal will come over and we will smoke some legal colorado bud which always makes us super horny .