The First Finger Fuck over him [MF]

Our first advisory session two long years ago, he came with his long term GF, I’m 10+Married Happily (Children too) he was hot but off the radar. Meetings would leave me talking to his GF mostly, with him looking on a good arms length away. A year went by…
Unexpectedly they broke up. They started to come separately. This now meant I was talking to him, alone. His usual position of sitting arms length was now replaced with sitting opposite me.

Holy fucking Shit. My eye has never wondered, my thoughts in a straight line, my knickers never soaked by another man. NEVER.
But HIM, what is it about him?? His humour, smile, common interests and good looks were hard to ignore. BUT I DID.
As he sat opposite me, my mind wondered. Im blushing. I’m stumbling. Fuck me, what is going on here…has he noticed??
We kept the meetings light, purposeful and in keeping with our sarcastic/jokey humour.

Our meetings meant we would have lighthearted chats inbetween. Forever the complimentary guy, confident in his thoughts and what he wanted. I was flattered, thought I may be attractive after all not a simple mum and wife.

Lockdown Lovers [MF]

It’s been 5 fucking weeks. We’ve behaved in lockdown, plus he has had company in his house…we are a complete secret.

Somehow weve spoken everyday since December. I’m not talking like “Hi” like many messages with IDK what’s in them..
Over the past 5 weeks, weve dipped inbetween sexting. Discussing childhood, upset, joy, played games, winding each other up, making each other laugh. We are honest and complete wind ups to each other.

See previous posts for sexcounters.

An opportunity arises for is leaving for a day or so. My husband is encouraging me to be with my friends as “I always return in a good mood and deserve a little Me time” and we are horny as hell.

It’s late but nessasary, “coast is clear” he messages. I make my excuses. I’m wished a lovely evening by my husband of 15years, chuck on some joggers and a hoodie. Grabbing my keys and phone. I’ve no time to grab any sex toys or gifts (I would never turn up to someones empty handed) this is RAW need today.

Dick Dumb with FWB continued [M] [F]

See first post..

I lay back on the bed as instructed. By now I’m a little tired and pretty much at his mercy.

He scoops under my legs with his strong arms and pulls me towards the edge of the bed, kissing my pussy once more, I’m getting louder moaning and not really knowing what to do with myself.
I’m so sensitive by now but I want everything he has to offer, I’m.not foing to pull away or use my safe word one bit.

He comes up, kissing me. Scooping me up into his hands. His dick just slips in as soon as it’s near, as always he is gentle at first. He knows his size and how I need to stretch out. I curl my legs round his bum and give him the go ahead to fuck me, pushing my heels into his hum and looking into his eyes. Begging him to fuck me. I want to feel every inch, I want his cum inside me. The tease is insane. He cant possibly come in me, I’m not on any birth control and he could impregnate me at any moment if he loses control. It’s so fucking Hot. I repeat “please come in me” he bangs harder knowing im the ultimate risk taker.
Lifting my legs above his head, fucking me harder and harder. I can feel the rub on my g spot as he angles just the right amount. Uncontrollable kissing and sweaty fucking. We need to break.

Still Dick Dumb 12hours later [M] [F]

It’s just over 13 hours since I’ve left my FWB house. With a permanent smile on my face, a calmness over me and an aching clit STILL.

Weve done this a few times now. He is my escape from reality, my new best friend for fucking and play. We get on incredibly well.outside of the bedroom too. Music, sense of humour and fucking cheek. It will never be more let me make that clear. I’m married with children, he wants that with someone too.

50 Shades of Fuck you Two [M] [F]

Some time has passed..its hard to remember how much. (See first post) we haven’t managed to get together.
Our messages although unthinkable that they could get sluttier – have indeed RAMPED up. We’ve exchanged erotica stories with fictional names (Obvs it Us in them ;-) pictures are full nudes now. His huge erect Black dick. My curvy mum bod.
We’ve firmly maintained our frustrating sexting, getting to know one another a little inbetween. Every Damn Day. He is addictive Jeez.
A meeting at his is arranged, it’s some cock and bullshit story about him needing something that I can drop off. We exchange messages, its clear this is a quickie. Testing the ground, now the boundaries have been crossed how WILL it change and is it all just frustration chat???
This will be the first time in my adult life I would have been in the company of another man with the intention of touching him in a way that a wife should not touch another man.
I drive over, nervous but excited. Butterflies but calm and confident. Not really knowing who I am but knowing I need to explore this….
As I pull up he is waiting for me, I’m not being invited in. It’s not the time, neither are we going to get in one of our cars. Play it fucking cool.
Were both nervous, it’s clear. I’m talking shit and cant remember what on earth he is talking about. He just keeps staring at me, smouldering. What is he thinking?? Is he being polite? Is it all chat??
The moment isnt right. Were too exposed, its fucking cold and this is the first meeting as non professionals.
We settle for a hug, he pulls me close. A tight bear hug, is that a erect dick or are the pictures true?? Holy Fuck. He is beyond cheeky here. I LOVE IT. As he slowly let me go were now the closest weve ever been, the tension is hot. We want to kiss but it’s just too tempting, we wouldnt stop there. We pause as we part, neither if us making the first move. Like a wound up coil, a kiss will unveil a whole heap of shit that could probably get us arrested on the street.

50 Shades of Fuck You [F] [M]

Our first advisory session two long years ago, he came with his long term GF, I’m Married Happily. He was hot but off the radar. Meetings would leave me talking to his GF mostly, with him looking on a good arms length away. A year went by…
Unexpectedly they broke up. They started to come separately. This now meant I was talking to him, alone the still needed life support. His usual position of sitting arms length was now replaced with sitting opposite me.

Holy fucking Shit. My eye has never wondered, my thoughts in a straight line, my knickers never soaked by another man. NEVER.
But HIM, what is it about him?? His humour, smile, common interests and good looks were hard to ignore. BUT I DID.
As he sat opposite me, my mind wondered. Im blushing. I’m stumbling. Fuck me, what is going on here…has he noticed??
We kept the meetings light, purposeful and in keeping with our sarcastic/jokey humour.

Our meetings meant we would have lighthearted chats inbetween. Forever the complimentary guy, confident in his thoughts and what he wanted. I was flattered, thought I may be attractive after all not a simple mum and wife.