Met a guy that was into cuckolding [MMF]

Thought I’d share one more that happened a number of years back. I worked for a utility company and my foreman and I smoked a joint then stopped at a mini mart called Village Pantry for something to drink. There was a couple in there and they apparently could smell the marijuana on my foreman because the guy made a comment asking if he could get some of that. Or something along those lines. I was by the Soda fountain so I didn’t hear that part of the conversation but he was telling me about it later on the way back.

I walked up into the conversation and the guy acknowledge me with a nod. He was a bit older than the woman he was standing with, maybe in late 40’s or early 50’s but I was more concerned about getting back to the shop to start my weekend than listening to any conversation from strangers with my foreman so I turned around towards the cashier when I heard the guy say during mid sentence “well hey I’ll let you fuck my wife” and I turned right back around now with sudden interest on what the hell this conversation is about.

I was being played the whole time. But once I found out it made memory of it even hotter. [MF]

I recently made a comment on another thread that had me thinking about it quite a bit the past couple of days so thought I’d write it out because there’s a slight plot twist at the end. This happened around 2009 or 2010. I met a girl online named Tara and we progressed from there to talking on the phone then finally met in person to go on our first date. She told me the night prior to our date that her favorite place was Taco Bell and that therefore she was a cheap date. Couldn’t argue with that. She was a little younger than me and still lived at home and went there to pick her up. She was on the porch with her mom and was introduced to her and all that good stuff.

Tara was a little cutie. Blonde hair, freckles, light brown or hazel’ish eyes and a sexy figure not more than 5′ tall wearing tight jeans and hair still wet from an obviously very recent shower. We ate at the Taco Hell and as always they screwed up my order. I swear if I don’t just make a super simple order and get regular taco’s then they’ll mess it up every time. I got a Big Beef Burrito Supreme but it had rice in it instead of beef. But this time I didn’t complain or take it back because I didn’t want to create any noise on my first date with her.