[FM] I caught my roommate stealing my panties pt.2

[part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e5v88q/fm_i_caught_my_roommate_stealing_my_panties/)

I really wasn’t planning on writing about how this went down because I’ve tried my best to purge it from my memories but I got enough requests that I figured I would at least wrap this story up.

Anyway, M and I fucked several times over the break until F came back. We had free range over the place so we would do it all over. His bed, my bed, the living room, kitchen, you name it. Now don’t get the wrong idea, we weren’t having sex multiple times a day, maybe once a day for a few days straight if we were lucky. We still had other obligations but those aren’t really important to this story. F told us that she was coming back in the afternoon one day so we had sex one last time in freedom before we would have to sneak around her. The main issue wasn’t that we didn’t want to have a threesome or that we were catching feelings, it was really just that we didn’t want her to feel weird in her own home and we were really relying on her to help us pay rent.

[FM] I caught my roommate stealing my panties

Back when I was in college I lived with two other people, a guy and a girl. All three of us had a pretty good chemistry between us but we were just roommates so there wasn’t much going on there. All of us worked our own jobs as well as went to school so we were rarely home together.

A little about myself, I’m a female, I’m about 5’4″, 130lbs, larger than average ass, and about average boobs, blonde hair but I’m not sure how important that is, I was 20 when this story takes place.

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when this story begins. One night after arriving back at home from work, I was walking to my room when I saw my male roommate (we’ll call him “M”) open his door to leave his room, he saw me, and then he immediately turned around and went back to his room.

Me : “Something wrong, buddy?”

M : “No.”