Fox – [M/F] Light humiliation, submission, office sex


Fox moved effortlessly through the office space, making her way towards Mr. Williams’ corner office. She moved at a quick clip, sparing little time for a quick nod of greeting here, or to flash a smile at a friend across the cubes along the way.

Mr. Williams’ office was at the end of a long hall, dubbed ‘Executive Way’ unofficially, that was only sparsely populated since the move from the old building a year and a half ago. The nearest office that had a resident was two doors down on either side from his corner office. Fox slowed as she approached his door, smoothing her pencil skirt absently with her left hand. Out of habit she stopped two doors down and looked herself over in the reflection of a the office’s glass door.

All of the doors, and a few offices that had windows facing the hallway, had ‘smart glass’ in them. With the flip of a switch they could be turned opaque for privacy. Since most of the offices were empty nearly all the glass down the hall was clear of course. Mr. Williams always kept his on the opaque setting. He liked his privacy.

She briefly inspected herself, slowed her breathing as she’d been all the way down on the ground floor when she’d received his text and had decided to take the stairs versus the elevator, then once satisfied walked sedately the last dozen feet or so to the door at the end of the hall.

Fox laid a light finger on the door handle, then knocked quietly three times.


With a soft click the door swung open and Fox walked in to the well lit office.

Fox, as she was known, had come on board right around the time when the company expanded and moved. Things were pretty much chaos due to the influx of new people, and the geographical switch to the other side of town to a bigger space.

Right at the same time Mr. Williams’ (It was always ‘Mr. Williams’ never ‘Jake’) former assistant had decided to move to Guam, or some such thing, on a whim and left him rudderless amongst the chaos. Mr. Williams had put in an urgent requisition to HR for another Executive Assistant, and the call had gone out.

Out of perhaps fifty resumes Fox had been shortlisted, then called in for an interview. When she had walked in to the office building she could not have stood out more. People stared as she waited on in the reception area for her turn being interviewed, her brightly dyed hair, heeled boots, and hints at tattoos peeking out from her sleeves, seemingly foreign in such a place.

Mr. Williams never batted an eye when he came out to meet her, looking her in the eye and giving her a firm hand.

When Mr. Williams hired her, she was a shocked as the rest of the office.

The results could not be argued though by anyone. She quickly took control of the chaos surrounding Mr. Williams, and soon he was back to full speed, with Fox supporting him any way she could, and in any way he needed.

Within the corporation she became his champion, his bulldog when he needed her to be, and often his shield when she saw threats forming before they could fully solidify. They very much became a team, and Fox came to realize that what drove her became less, and less about improving her own career, but over time more, and more about taking the stress, the burdens she could off of Mr. Williams.

He fought so hard for the company, and thus the people in it, she felt a drive within her to give him every benefit she could in that fight.

Part of that included making sure his own needs were taken care of. He worked so hard, so many long hours, she found that he forgot to eat often, or would work until the early morning hours if she didn’t basically tell him to go home. Sometimes his stress levels would get so high that even Mr. Williams fell victim to losing his temper.

Fox took on taking care of his health when she needed to, which amused people, and Mr. Williams occasionally, when she, all slim five foot five inches of her, would put her foot down and make Mr. Williams go home. She was able to predict fairly early on when pent up stress was wearing on him, and she would discreetly bring him a drink of single-malt, or if the door was closed sometimes give him a shoulder and neck massage until he relaxed.

Things progressed slowly past that, but steadily. She was still his bulldog if he needed it, and she still kept the chaos around him reeled in, but as the business pressures mounted, so did Mr. Williams’ need for outlets of his stress and frustration.

She stepped into the office, and with a quick backwards glace down the hall to make sure it was still deserted, closed the door softly.

Mr. Williams stood close to six feet tall, his back to Fox as he stood by the window looking out, a crystal scotch glass in his left hand. He swirled it briefly before turning, the single ice cube ‘tinking’ against the sides.

*A drink already? It’s only 11:00, not good…*

“Ah, good.” He threw back the rest of his drink “The Davis deal fell through.”

A simple statement that belayed the months of work he, *they*, had put into it.

“I see, Sir.” With a subtle hand movement Fox clicked the lock on the office door. “What.. what can I do to help?”

Mr. Williams held her gaze silently for a second or so, his crystal blue eyes seemingly boring into her. She might have been a happily married mom, but at night when she went to sleep it was always those eyes she saw peering back at her in her dreams. She would do anything to try to take away the sadness she sometimes saw there, or quench the anger that raged there more often. His calm exterior always masked a rage of emotions, but a simple look into his eyes could tell her volumes of what was going on inside.

What she saw now was anger, and frustration. She felt her face flush, that was always an interesting combination.

“I see…” she repeated, breaking his gaze and walking slowly towards the massive oak desk that dominated the far side of the room. Standing in front of the desk, her back now towards the door.

“… you’re next appointment isn’t for an hour. The desk?” The last was said low.

There was no response to her query, but she felt him move behind her, even as she posed the question. Strong, rough hands gripped her waist firmly and pulled Fox back against him. He was already rock hard, his cock straining against his perfectly pressed slacks. One hand left her waist, sliding through her bright pink hair, then quickly forming a fist, pulling her head back against his chest. Fox’s hands went out against the desk, steadying herself on her fingertips while molding herself against Mr. Williams’ body.

“Of course, ‘the desk’.” He let go suddenly, and took a step back. “Bend over and pull this up” Slapping her skirt covered ass “I’ve got less than an hour to vent some frustrations in you, slut.”

Fox complied quickly, bending over fully, laying her cheek on the desk, as she hiked her skirt up above her waist. She’d discovered secretly that she really, *really* enjoyed it when he was angry. The amount of release he got from using her was phenomenal. She knew that the energy he worked off into her would even him out for the rest of the day. The harder he used her, the more negative energy he dumped, the better she felt.

She knew this, this was why she was here.

“You locked the door?” He said roughly as she heard his slacks unzip, then fall to the floor.

“Of course, Sir.” Her head still on the desk, resting on her folded arms.

“Good girl.” Fox felt her lace thong pulled down her legs, expertly stepping out of one side with a small movement so she wouldn’t have her legs constrained by the fabric. Or, more likely, tear yet another pair of expensive panties.

The office reverberated with an unexpected slap as his palm landed on her right ass cheek.

Fox put her forehead on her arms now, and offered her ass up to him, rolling her hips slightly to angle her ass up.

“Yes, Sir. You know I am.” *Smack* “mmmph.. yes Sir.” *Smack, smack*

Each strike on her cheeks burned, followed quickly by a smoothly building warmth in her belly and pussy.

Mr. Williams moved slightly to her left and grabbed her hair with one fist, pulling her head up off the desk.

“What are you?”

“A slut.” She cooed.


Fox knew another spank was coming, but the stinging power was surprising.

“A what?”

“A slut, *Sir*!”


“Try again.”

“mmmmmm.. *You’re* slut, Sir!”


He laid each slap on alternating cheeks.

“Ohmygod, yes, please Sir!” she wasn’t even sure what she was saying ‘please’ for but she didn’t care. He had so much pent up energy, she needed it, all of it.

“Correct, you are *my* slut.” Mr. Williams pulled her head back a little further by the hair forcing Fox to lift her chest off the desk a bit. Her perfectly manicured hands pushing out before her.

“Who owns this?” She felt his hand which could be so hard at times gently caress her right buttocks.

“You do, Sir.” She whispered, eyes already half closed in expectation.

“.. and this?” He moved a finger between her cheeks and pressed against her asshole.

“You do, Sir.”

“.. and this?” Lower, his index finger lightly traced her vulva, teasingly parting her already wet lips as he spoke.

“You. Always you, Sir. All of me.” She tried to push back on his finger, to feel him inside her, but he held her firmly in place, easily, with one hand. “Ohmygod, all of me.” She repeated.

Mr. Williams grunted in response. He gave her a light swat on her ass, then let go of her hair and moved behind her. Instinctively Fox spread her feet a few inches, knowing what was coming next, her body silently hungry to feel him inside her.

With little preamble, one hand gripping her hip, the other guiding his cock, Mr. Williams pressed into Fox from behind.

Fox had her head back down on her hands, and she gasped as she felt him enter her. Even if she had tried to act uninterested in his ministrations her body would have betrayed her instantly. Her pussy was sopping wet already, her skin flushed from head to toe, and her heart was racing.

Mr. Williams exhaled softly as he pushed deeper in one, long, slow thrust. Fox did her best to stay still, and keep quiet, but a whimper of pleasure escaped her lips. Finally he bottomed out inside her. His thick cock filled her, completed her in some way, as much as he needed her to fuck and use, she felt a deep, instinctual need to be used by him. The more he fucked her and used her over the last year, the more comfortable she had become with herself and her own needs. Now, now she knew who, and what she was.

“Your slut.” She murmured, lost in thought and pleasure.

A hand grabbed her by the hair again and pulled her head back, harder than before, forcing her to lean back on her palms once more.

“You’re going to be quiet, like a good fucktoy, right?”

“Yes, Sir, I’ll be quiet, I promise.” She said in a low voice.

“Good. We don’t need the rest of the office knowing what a little whore you really are.”

He started to stroke then, keeping her head held in place by her hair. Quickly building up steam soon the soft smacking sound of skin on skin once more filled the office.

For a few minutes this was simply Fox’s world. No words were spoken as he worked her, he simply let himself get lost in her body, his thick, bare cock a hot iron spike of raw anger and passion pumping in and out of her. Like always she lost herself in the moment, savoring every sound, smell, and nerve firing off.

At some point Mr. Williams let go of her hair, and moved both hands to her slim waist. Sometimes Fox would get down on herself for her body, thinking her breasts were not big enough, or her hips not wide enough. Any time she let voice to this Mr. Williams would tell her she was being a dumb girl. Her body was made to be fucked, he would say, to be used by men and enjoyed. Usually the conversation would end with Fox on her knees and her boss’ delicious cock between her lips.

When she felt the power that she had though, at times like this, the power to make his body respond the way it did, all doubts about physical attributes melted away like her resistance to his needs.

Mr. Williams bore down and in to Fox. He had a wide stance behind her, hands gripping her waist like a vice, his thick strong legs bare, probably comically in any other situation as he still had on his dress shirt complete with cufflinks, swaying with each thrust into her. Fox’s own legs, pale and smooth by comparison, fitting neatly between his as she leaned forward on the desk. Each thrust pushed Fox forward, forcing her to come up on her toes, then rock back against Mr. Williams as he drew out.

The rhythm was strong, steady, and mesmerizing for both as each sunk deeper into themselves. This wasn’t ‘making love’, nor was it simple casual sex. This was need given form.

Mr. Williams soon felt the pressure in his balls build as he pounded her in near silence. Instead of slowing he went harder.

Fox braced herself against the desk now, as opposed to just holding herself up against it as she weathered Mr. Williams’ storm. She knew he would lose the last of his control soon, and flood her with his seed. Not once had he worn a condom with him, and not once had she ever objected. She would not dictate how he used his toys.

Each wet slap of his skin against hers brought him closer to climax. Fox, her blouse loose having worked free at some point during the session, did her best to keep position for him while at the same time luxuriating in her body’s hunger for his cum. She could read the signs, he was almost there.

Her own climax fell on Fox like a surprise hammer blow, flattening her out on the desk. Reflexively she clenched down hard on Mr. Williams as she rode the orgasm, biting her own hand to keep quiet.

With little more than a low grunt Mr. Williams lost the last of his control. With a hard, violent thrust he leaned into Fox, her pussy still clenched down on his cock like a vise. Then Fox felt his balls empty inside her.

He groaned. A long, glorious, deep sound to Fox. Though he didn’t move , his hands still on her hips and leaning back with eyes closed, she felt his cock pulse with each strong jet of hot cum being shot deep inside her. She took every bit of it, her body milking his balls dry as he offered his seed to her. Each spasm proof of her efforts, and proof of the validity of her own needs.

For a while they stayed just like that, it felt like minutes though it was probably a few seconds in reality, sated in each other’s efforts.

Reluctantly Mr. Williams pulled out at last, his cock still hard, glistening with a mix of her wetness and their cum. Fox, also reluctantly, straightened, pulling up her thong and expertly shimmying her skirt back down. Mr. Williams watched her pull her clothes back in order with some detachment. As soon as she was put back together well enough she immediately got on her knees before him and expertly cleaned his gorgeous cock and balls clean with her lips.

Once she was satisfied with her work she stood, hands clasped in front of her as if ready to take her next order. Mr. Williams slipped his slacks back on and then turned to her.

His hand gently caressed her cheek as he stood near her, his eyes calmed, needs sated for the now. A small smile touched his lips, then his hand fell away as he walked slowly behind his desk and settled into his chair.

Turning his attention to his computer he started back to work.

“Thank you, you may go. Let me know when my next appointment shows.”

Fox smiled, her own hunger satisfied, for a while at least.

“Yes, Sir. I will of course, Sir.”

She turned, and headed for the door that lead to the hall, consciously subduing her smile in practiced familiarity as her fingers touched the handle.

The door clicked shut behind her as she headed to her own office down the hall from Mr. Williams, noting to herself that she needed to change her panties soon, Mr. Williams had a very large load for her today.
