The Torment of Denial [Female Pleasure] [Teasing] [Edging] [Denial] [Forced Orgasms]

“Welcome Andrea my dear, please come in. I am Dr Wand; we have been expecting you!”

The voice was warm, welcoming, enough to put Andrea at ease. The apprehension of turning up to such an isolated clinic was nearly enough to have prevented the usually carefree girl from taking advantage of such an opportunity. A two-week vacation to anywhere in the world just to try on a new prototype bra sounded almost too good to be true, but seeing the small group of researchers spread around the room, some obscured by computer screens, others looking up at her in the doorway, all dressed in white lab coats and looking busy, it all felt so much more legitimate.

*‘Just remember…two weeks in the French Polynesia islands,’* she kept reminding herself, to make her go through with it.

Andrea closed the door, leaving the stream of twilight sun behind, to then be bathed by the synthetic light radiating around the windowless clinic.

“Hello, sorry I’m a little late,’’ she said timidly as she moved forward.

“Please, no need to apologise, we are very happy to see you. Follow me!” said the doctor who had greeted her upon entry, taking off a pair of surgical gloves as he walked along slowly.

Andrea followed him deeper into the large clinic, past the gleam of the numerous computer screens, heading toward the rear of the clinic. A light pink dressing screen had been erected beside the examination chair, illuminated by bright lights above and surrounded by monitors.

The clinic was large; however with around a dozen lab technicians bustling around and so many PC’s, surgical instruments and general clutter around the area, it felt much more compact. As she walked through the centre, taking in the sights of the work happening around her, Andrea noticed a number of eyes divert to her and linger. She couldn’t blame them for eyeing her up so much; after all, there were many men in her life who all shared the same desire for her busty figure, something which had always drawn attention throughout her life to the point where she almost expected it, though in this environment it was quite surprising. While her jeans were very tight, she had worn a plain white blouse, however this did nothing to hide her assets which always attracted so much attention. The lab technicians were all of varying ages, a mixture of men and women, and while the girl felt eyes boring into her from every angle, she felt safe and undaunted here.

As Andrea glanced at a screen of one of the few workers not paying her attention, she had to suppress a giggle when she realised he was looking at a pornographic video.

She kept smirking until she reached the rear of the room, amused at the boldness. Just how could he possibly expect he wouldn’t get caught watching that at work?

“Well my dear girl, it is getting on, so let’s not waste any time,” said Dr Wand as Andrea approached him, shaking her hand.

“What would you like me to do Doctor?” Andrea asked politely while wondering how long the trial would take.

“The prototype bra is behind the screen, simply put it on and get comfortable on the examination chair behind me. We do apologise if the situation feels uncomfortable but we have been pushed for time lately,” he said kindly.

“It’s no problem at all,” Andrea replied with a sweet smile before walking behind the screen, shielded from view.

The bright red bra lay on a short table behind the screen, in the measurements that she had confirmed to them over the phone. It was very soft to the touch and had a silky quality to it, but did not feel very different to any other. She changed into it, clipping together the fastening at the front, her voluptuous frame all the more glaringly revealed.

Andrea stepped out from behind the screen before being beckoned over by a female lab assistant standing with a keen smile beside the examination chair.

In an instant, Andrea suddenly had never felt so exposed and defenceless; even though she had her jeans on, Andrea could not help but feel every eye in the room was examining her curves as if she were naked. She could not help but feel every inch of fabric nestling so closely to her skin, even her jeans felt like they were pressing in more tightly between her legs than ever before. Instinctively she crossed her arms, though doing nothing to conceal her full, heaving chest which was so wonderfully filling out the delicate bra.

“Please place your hands above your head, I’m just going to secure your wrists so that your arms do not get tired as I inspect the fit of the bra,” the assistant lightly spoke once Andrea had lay down on the chair.

Andrea was too lost in her own insecurity to even think how odd the request was to secure her wrists; she simply did as she was told, her mind focused on the lab assistants who were thankfully shielding the area with another larger screen.

Suddenly she was brought back to her senses as the click of the cuffs above her head indicated her arms were locked in place.

“Is that really necessary?” Andrea asked quietly, not to sound out of order.

Her question, however, fell on deaf ears as the lady, who was out of sight, standing at the head of the chair behind Andrea, lowered a blindfold down and hastily slipped it over Andrea’s eyes before she could react.

The instant the void of darkness fell upon Andrea like a wave, her mind was aflame, terror flooding her as she pulled against the restraints without a moment to think. It was of course, useless.

“What’s going on? What are you doing?” she asked in a shrill, panicked voice as she heard footsteps approach her.

“Please stay still,” Dr Wand whispered in her ear, not spoken menacingly, but warm and soothingly. At that point, too overwhelmed by her situation to do anything other than obey, her attempts to both question them and demand them to let her go this instant had caught in her throat.

“We are simply carrying out the experiment…,” he continued in a reassuring manner “…however it is more beneficial that you are unable to see the analysis, otherwise our findings will be compromised.”

Andrea relaxed a little and spoke, composing herself more.

“I… I’m sorry. I thought it was just a simple examination of the fit of the bra!”

“Yes, yes it is!” he replied kindly “However, we must also closely examine it under various circumstances, before it is released commercially. Now, if I explain any further, I’m afraid the experiment would be jeopardised. Please try and relax; we will do everything to make you feel as comfortable as possible, just let us know when you are concerned about anything.”

Andrea was certainly reassured, even when the female assistant finally spoke and gently asked if she could remove Andrea’s jeans, she felt more at ease with the situation. The lady slowly started to unbutton the jeans as she explained that the experimental trial should not take very long. Andrea, however, was struggling to keep her mind on the woman’s gentle words, as to her astonishment, the bra felt like it was both getting warmer and resonating.

“Is everything ok?” the lady asked as she unzipped the jeans, as if reading Andrea’s mind.

“The bra seems to be getting warmer and…,” it started to resonate more, making it feel like it was cupping her heaving breasts even tighter, already bulging within the constricting fabric.

“Feel nice?” the lady quickly added just as her fingers curled around the waistband of the jeans and began very slowly sliding them down.

Andrea realised they must of course be aware of what it was doing, but still felt a little embarrassed at what she was feeling. The vibrations within the bra were making her chest feel so warm and fuzzy, and the tingle of pleasure gently coursing through her upper body from the sensations seemed to be steadily growing.

“It’s… It’s vibrating!” she said as calmly as she could.

“Feel nice?” repeated the lady, who slowly pulled the jeans down, revealing inch by inch the subject’s white knickers, licking her lips at the sight as the girl’s inner thighs were now on display.

“Yeah,” Andrea exhaled. “It feels nice, but… what kind of bra is this?” she added, feeling her nipples getting stimulated by the fabric, like a thousand butterflies dancing and fluttered along her sensitive breasts, causing a warm desire to flood her chest. Even as the jeans were fully removed, her body now barely concealed, her attention was solely on the sensations the bra was giving her, it felt so alive.

“It is a lovely little piece,” Dr Wand replied. “A bra that has been fitted with tiny vibration pads within the fabric. Must be quite a nice sensation, particularly for someone as well developed as you,” he continued, smirking as he surveyed the wondrous specimen now in his thrall. “Of course, we did not wish to advertise that little fact, in case it put anyone off responding to us. But you seem to be enjoying the study.” He brushed the girl’s hair back, but she did not instantly respond. The words were background noise to her busy mind as she focused on analysing her own sensations.

“Can you tell me what you are studying?” she asked gently as her breath turned shallow and her face began to burn with her racing imagination. It was traitorously leading her down erotic pathways she’d long kept buried: fantasies she’d shoved down deep in an attempt to stay in reality. She wished they’d take the blindfold off, but did not vocalise it.

Dr Wand did not answer her question, but responded in a soothing tone “I’ll leave you in the capable hands of my assistants to explain further. I shall be watching the progress from the monitor to record your responses.” He then turned and left the scene, his assistants closing ranks around the girl. Much to their delight, her stimulation was becoming more and more visible.

Andrea struggled to sense what was happening around her. How many people were surrounding her, in the quietness? What were they doing, or going to do? The bra made no noise, even though the strength of the vibrations made that quite surprising. The static hum of computers and electronic items seemed to radiate throughout, permeating the room in a false calm.

Andrea’s ratcheting tension was suddenly broken by a female voice. “We will be studying your most intimate responses. Tell me, is the bra turning you on?” she asked.

“We will be studying your most intimate responses. Is the bra turning you on?” she asked gently.

Andrea wondered with fleeting indignation how to reply, but was suddenly stopped mid thought by the female’s slender fingers tracing along the bra straps. She stayed silent, unable to formulate an answer as the fingers softly followed the straps, thumbs pressing gently across her sternum.

*‘Make them stop now! This isn’t right,’* Andrea thought to herself, but there was a gaping disconnect between what her instincts were telling her and her body’s reactions.

Startlingly, another pair of hands made contact with her body, this time however, every fingertip barely pressed to her skin; instead, they lightly brushed along her tummy, almost tickling her with such a delicate and controlled touch.

The mild tickling sensations of such deliberately restrained contact made her body yearn for them to touch her more closely. As she marvelled at the uncharacteristic wish, the feeling and sound of cuffs clicking into place around her ankles and thighs distracted her again. Before she could do anything to avoid it, her legs were fastened wide.

“Do not worry, all part of our little examination,” the female voice whispered again in a saccharine sweet tone before pressing her lips to the now helplessly restrained girl’s neck.

While her body felt so warm and tender, Andrea’s mind was a blur of contradicting thoughts. A male voice broke through to her, “Please do not worry, just relax and tell us what sensations you are feeling.” His voice seemed to clear the air of her whirling thoughts, comforting yet direct in tone.

“It feels nice…,” she began, her limbs relaxing more as the fingertips continued to patter along her tummy and upper chest. The bra was still making her breasts tingle while the female’s lips did not cease kissing her neck with soft, maddeningly gentle sounds. “But what does this have to do with the -” she broke off on a deep inhale as the fingertips trailing down the bra straps slid between her cleavage, stroking her warm chest between those tantalised breasts. “- The bra?” she finished in a little sigh as the female assistant who was kissing her started to suck and nibble on trapped woman’s nape. Andrea blushed bright red: it had always been such a turn-on spot for her.

“The bra seems to work just fine at the moment… though we need to make sure it isn’t going to overheat, it won’t take long.”

The man’s answer seemed to relax her a little, but still Andrea wondered whether it was right for her to be getting so turned on. Not that it mattered; she was as helpless to stop her own reactions as she was to stop the assistants.

The fingertips continued to walk along her tummy, up and down as if toying with her. The further they moved below her belly button, the more it sent a tingle between her legs; no matter how much she tried to block it out, she could not contain the fluttering sensations in her lower regions. Soon Andrea felt fingers tracing along the outline of the underwear, running along the waistline of her panties. More fingertips pressed around the bra, outlining her bust, and then circling around again to feel the warmth of her skin along her cleavage. Those fingers could feel the quickening beat of the girl’s heart, and their owner smiled.

All sense of time evaded Andrea as they continued to tantalise and massage her. Another pair of lips joined in to nibble, lick and suck her neck and earlobes while questing fingertips trailed along her body, never touching her most sensitive places. The bra never ceased in its enticement of her breasts.

*‘How long can this go on?’* the spread eagled girl thought to herself. They had continued to stimulate her in this way for some time now, and she was certain that the bra couldn’t overheat after all this. Her body had been tantalised so much it was uncomfortable; she thought to herself that she’d have to masturbate as soon as she got home.

“I think the bra is fine,” the gentle male voice uttered, as though reading her thoughts. Just then, the fingers on Andrea’s lower body trailed along her inner thighs, making her shiver ever so slightly.

Instead of resisting the attentions, Andrea, whose body was undeniably and uncomfortably hot, found herself solely focusing on the wonderful sensations being stirred in her body. She was trying her hardest not to audibly display how much she was being turned on; trying vainly to maintain her breathing as much as she could.

A moment later, her breath hitched as the front of the bra was suddenly unclipped. The delicate piece slid open to reveal her gorgeous soft globes. Andrea blushed bright red, thinking of all around her smirking in joy at the site of her stiff nipples, so evidently turned on. She could not speak for feeling so utterly helpless.

“It’s okay sweetheart,” came the consoling female voice to her left. “We are going to make you feel amazing for the study. Just relax,” she assured, before rejoining the other on Andrea’s right in nibbling and licking down and under her neck and upper body.

Andrea’s mind was blank with desire, unable to protest, while the fingertips continued to flitter along her legs and inner thighs. The sheer number of hands and fingertips were lost in a haze of sensations; she had never felt so utterly bewildered and turned on at once.

Warm and astonishingly soft hands curved around her heaving breasts, fingers clutching around those soft curves so sensually. Her breasts seemed to ache with longing for more. She was certain that the fingers which slid up and down her cleavage could feel her heart stuttering quicker.

*‘Please touch me more!’* she wanted to cry out as her chest was fondled more, fingertips circling around her nipples but not touching them. She fought the urge to indicate her desires, yet the fingers teasing along her thighs made it so hard for her to not rock her hips in desperation.

It was a losing battle with her own body after mere minutes of this attention, spurring Andrea to speak up. “Please, how much more? What do you need to know now?” Even that quiet roundabout admission of need cracked her will; her hips started to sway ever so slightly, her body betraying her want.

The reply came from the male between her legs, just as he slid a lone fingertip up between her legs as he moved it to her navel, making her gasp and jump.

“I see you are exceptionally aroused. That is perfect, as we want to see just how far we can push you.”

His answer made the helpless girls head swim with questions, but she could not find words as the many fingers suddenly increased their exploration of every inch of her body. Touches lit up her skin everywhere except her most delicate areas; her nipples and sex throbbed like never before.

Her entire body writhed as the hands caressing her were joined by more pressing lips. Along her tummy, across her chest, along her legs and thighs, lips pressed and tongues slid along her soft, warm, succulent skin. Andrea sighed and moaned gently as a pair of soft, slippery tongues circled around her nipples, daringly close yet never quite touching them, no matter how much she swayed her own body towards them.

“Please, why?” The mindless question rose from her last vestiges of reason.

She received no reply. Instead her question was met with fingers tracing along the front of her panties, making her hips sway in longing for them to just move an inch more, to touch her mound which was so clearly swollen and on display in the tight white panties. The fingers trailed up and down over the fabric with utter precision, never quite pressing to her soft lips, but getting so close it was agonising.

Andrea did not care about anything in those moments except for them to touch her sensitive parts. Just then, one of the female voices whispered gently in her ear, the tone so seductively wicked and hungry like a predator addressing its prey, ready to pounce.

“We’re going to keep you on the brink of pleasure.”

Before Andrea could respond, oil was being drizzled over her near naked body, the hands all over her smothering it around every crevice and curve, though still avoiding that little patch between her legs. The silky, smooth, oily sensations over her made the helpless girl writhe and breathe heavily, her lust completely taking over her senses, drowning her in sensation. The hands slipping and sliding all over made her back arch in pleasure, allowing fingers to slide under and trace along the curve of her spine. Andrea shuddered in arousal, knowing she was helpless, but still twisted and turned against the restraints hopelessly — for a second she wondered whether being helpless was what turned her on even more.

*‘Oh fuck! Please just touch me, finger me; make me come!’* her mind was trying so desperately for her mouth to utter.

The writhing girl’s body was shimmering. The wet sounds of oily hands massaging her did little to mask her heavy breathing. Although her breasts felt so wonderful to be massaged all over in such an oily caress, her nipples went still untouched, so erect it was almost painful. The girl, so utterly on display, was too aroused to even care that her panties were so visibly wet; in fact, she could not remember her pussy being this wet before. The fingers that were tending her inner thighs were making her throb without making contact with that special little area. While the eyes of those around her savoured the wetness of her white panties clinging to her swollen lips, they still made no effort to give it more attention.

“Oh God! Please… my body is on fire,” Andrea finally managed to gently say, but to no answer. The only reception was that now lips and tongues began tracing more closely to her delicate areas. Two mouths tended to her breasts, each licking and nibbling in circles around her nipples, while two mouths on either side of her thighs nibbled and licked along the line of her moist panties, toying with her cruelly.

“Please… more!” she exhaled as her moaning increased every time the tongues curled and met just above her apex. *‘I can’t take this teasing anymore,’* she internally cried out.

Suddenly her hips bucked as a finger gently brushed up and down the front of her panties. A single fingertip pressed unbearably delicately up and down the wet fabric, tracing along the slit between her swollen pussy lips which sent surges through her body. It may have been minutes, but it felt like hours as this unyielding dedication to teasing her continued; coupled with the constant licking, nibbling and massaging of her hot, oily body, Andrea gave in.

“Do something more! I’m so horny, just let me come!” the words were practically yelled out, unable to put up pretences anymore. Her walls had been broken down.

Instantly she heard the snip of scissors and felt the waistband of her panties parting. The fabric fell open, the final barrier of nakedness. In any other circumstances she’d be beside herself, outraged that she was naked and exposed, but as the girl lay there so utterly, beautifully vulnerable, her mind was solely on the thought of releasing all her sexual frustration, to have never before been so desperate to come.

Any further demands for sexual release were muted as female lips pressed to Andrea’s, the woman’s hair falling along the trapped woman’s shoulders as their lips locked together. The tenderness of the kiss was fuel to Andrea’s sexual fire, making it rise further as their tongues began swirling around one another’s. This moment did little to hold Andrea’s attention though, as suddenly her overly sensitive body was being lavished with the sensation of paintbrushes gliding around her. She moaned into the mouth that kept her from crying out in frustration; nothing had ever felt so torturously erotic. Being kissed so sensually, as soft tipped paint brushes worked over her body, tickling gently along her sensitive folds, made Andrea squirm and pull on the restraints in desperation. The soft, oiled bristles were methodically brushed around her most sensitive areas so cruelly. They circled around her areola, just barely darting around the stiffened peaks, while between her legs brush strokes eased slowly up and down the delicate petals of her sex.

Andrea bucked and wriggled her hips to get what her mind screamed for, every moan and attempt to cry out muffled by the seductive mouth.

Her pussy was dripping wet, glistening every time her lips were brushed softly, yet never enough to push her over into the deeply burning release she craved.

The moment the kissing stopped Andrea took the first chance to scream out.

“STOP TEASING ME, I NEED TO COME… pleaaaaase!!” her desperate plea resounded, but the only sounds in return came from the humming of the scientific equipment around her, as if scanning her.

Her body was shining wet as sweat mingled with the oil, looking like a surgical procedure as her helplessly restrained body was surrounded by the scientific team as well as scanners, all focused solely on her writhing, moaning, squirming frame.

*‘I have to come, I HAVE TO COME!!!’*

“MAKE ME COME, PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU!” The throbbing, pulsating fire in her loins could not build any longer, like a dam fit to burst.

Suddenly, her pussy lips were delicately spread open with calculated fingertips as her clitoral hood was slowly peeled back, making Andrea squeal, unable to contain herself. She wanted to scream the moment the thin, soft bristles of a brush circled around her exposed clitoris.

“OH MY GOD…it’s too much… pl… please, I’m so fucking hot,” she kept squealing as her clitoris twitched, her legs now shuddering while her back kept arching for sensations that her mind could barely comprehend. The moment a pair of mouths clamped down around her nipples however, her mind erupted, awash with joy the moment they sucked on those achingly stiff little nubs.

So close to orgasm, her teeth gritted, head flung back and open mouthed as their teeth trapped each achingly erect nipple, trapping it for their tongues to lash against gloriously.

“Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!!!”

The paint brush slipped just over the tip of her clit, a scream of bliss filled the room as her body trembled… she knew she was going to come now, the paintbrush flicking back and forth over her button of pleasure; it was unbearably sensitive, but at that moment her entire universe was the enormous orgasm about to drown her.

Andrea’s toes curled, she held her breath as every muscle in her body seemed to tense…

…Suddenly it stopped.

“NOOOOO PLEASE, I WAS THERE, I WAS THERE… PLEEEEEASE,” she cried out, on the verge of tears, feeling like she wanted to burst.

The rapid rise and fall of her breasts with each deep breath was hypnotically beautiful to gaze upon.

As quickly as it had stopped, it started again, this time two brushes now on either side of her red little button and along her lips. All she could do was clench her jaw at the teasing sensations, until another brush-stroke fluttered over her clitoris once more. The sensation would have made her jump from the chair if she wasn’t restrained, yet all she could do was throw her head back in a soundless scream as the brushes worked her hypersensitive clitoris towards a crescendo until…


The brushes were all withdrawn at the same instant, making the girl strain on the bonds in desperation. In silence they watched as she thrust her hips up and down as if trying to grind against the air, before setting on her yet again with the soft brushes. While her most sensitive little places were being tormented with every dedicated brushstroke, Andrea pleaded with them throughout.

“Please let me come this time, I have to come, I’m begging you.”

Her muscles began to tense.

“I… I… I’m going to come!” she gasped, but she was wrong.

Once they pulled away from her again, Andrea could feel her pussy juices running down her ass cheeks; never had she been so aware of her pussy, of how it felt, so sensitive to even the coolness of the air on her hot, wet womanhood.

Before she could moan in frustration, a steady authoritative tone spoke out.

“There has been such little examination of female denial. But now, we can detect just when that delightful peak is upon you.”

Before Andrea could truly take in that the words were being directed to her, and what they meant, her thoughts were brought straight to between her thighs the moment she felt a tongue lick up from beneath her pussy, slowly up to her mound. Her hands clenched and toes curled as the tongue trailed up and down, parting her pussy lips slightly as it nestled along her labia before trailing over her clitoris. The speed gradually increased as on and on the soft wet sensation of an eager tongue played havoc with Andrea until it built up again, leaving her breathless for a second, before the tongue moved away.

“I can’t take it, I have to come,’’ the sound of pure frustration made those around her smile as they paid careful attention to the monitors which, unknown to Andrea, were keeping track of her arousal.

“Oh fuck… YES, oh God, yes yes… please don’t stop!’’ she squealed as without warning soft lips clamped around her clitoris, sucking on it greedily.

A female voice whispered into her ear “Mmmm… you look so sexy; I want to keep you like this forever,’’ the woman giggled sweetly at the end.

Andrea shook and screamed out, “I’m coming!!!’’

But she was wrong again, the mouth pulled away at the last instant, his chin smothered with her pussy juice, smirking.

Andrea was thrusting her hips up and down, trying to entice him, or anyone, into giving her more. She wriggled and moaned as temptingly as she could, desperate to seduce someone into taking pity. Mercy did not come, as they allowed her to calm down again, before two tongues swirled around her clitoris while her nipples were being sucked. The feeling of two tongues down there was like a dream to her, yet in this predicament all she wanted was relief. The tongues played with her stiffened little swollen bud for what felt like hours, ever so slowly lapping around and over her clit, then trapping the little button between their tongues and tormenting it.

When they brought her to the edge again, both pulling back at the same time, Andrea could feel her clitoris throbbing while she screamed.

“I’ll do anything, please just stop it and let me come.”

It was only after a brief moment that a finger rested on her clitoris. Such a solid sensation on it made her body twitch suddenly, until the fingertip began rubbing over her engorged clit slowly. They had hardly let her come down, meaning she reached the edge very quickly, but she tried to say nothing, to see if they’d make her orgasm.

However, as soon as the peak was reached, the masturbation stopped.

“Aaaaaaarghhhh…. LET ME FUCKING COME… PLEASE!!!… I’ll give you anything, do anything…’’

Before the overwrought girl could finish, the torment started, again not giving her sex a chance to rest.

She was masturbated to the edge multiple times, screaming and pleading throughout the cruelty her sex had to endure, her body an inferno of need as they gave her just enough rest after every peak to stop her from toppling over into the orgasm she craved.

“Pleeeeeeeease! Please fuck me, I’m begging you… fuck my pussy. Oh God, please, please, please!” She whimpered, tears trailing down her cheeks, not from pain but from utter frustration, an intensity she could not have even fantasised about experiencing. In her dreams she may have desired such pleasure, but to experience it and have it thrust upon her so unrelentingly was more intense than she could have believed. Her pussy was constantly twitching and quivering, red and swollen while it glistened with her sexual essence leaking uncontrollably.

The feeling of someone blowing gently on her pussy made her moan and sigh, a soothing relief, yet it still made her yearn for more and seemed to make her throbbing clitoris twitch further. At that moment, her pussy was the centre of the universe for the girl who lay bound and blindfolded helplessly. Never had Andrea felt so deeply every minute part of her sex. it almost felt heavy; the throbbing of her clitoris and the pulsation of her contracting pussy seemed to course through her being like never before.

The feeling of a lone finger trailing slowly up and down her twitching wet pussy made her buck her hips uncontrollably. She was purely animalistic in her need, driven solely by sexual desire. To the surprise and utter delight of Andrea, the fingertip pressed into her pussy hole, softly sinking into her feminine folds; although her pussy was so tight, the amount of teasing had made her entrance deliciously lubricated. The tight little hole seemed to be constantly contracting on its own, desperate to swallow and cling tightly around the penetration. One inch… then two… until it was withdrawn just as devastatingly slowly, leaving a string of pussy juice following the finger. Before Andrea could cry out further however, the finger slid back inside again, making her moan in pleasure as it was thrust fully into her, her walls clenching and pulsating around it.

“Finger-fuck me hard… I’ll scream and come hard for you,” Andrea cried out as a second was slid inside.

“Tell me when you are close, and then I will count down to your orgasm. Understand?” uttered a male voice.

“Yes. Yes. Fuck yes!” Andrea squealed out in response as the fingers thrust in and out faster, sending her juices flinging every time they drilled back and forth.

Faster and faster he finger-fucked her, until finally she reached the edge.

“I’m… I… It’s coming… please!!” she yelled out breathlessly.

“On zero,” a woman beside her replied, before the countdown begun.

“10… 9…. 8… 7…”

Andrea was writhing and moaning in complete ecstasy, on the verge of climax, her impending orgasm ready to flood her like a tidal wave.

“4… .3…”

She was there, mouth wide open to scream into the heavens, eyes shut tight under the blindfold.

The fingers pulled out fast.


Her screams of desperation were replaced with a yelp of shock as an ice cube was pressed onto her sensitive clitoris.

“IT’S TOO MUCH… STOP!!” she pulled on the restraints fiercely as the ice cube slid up and down her sex, beginning to melt very fast due to the heat of her aching sex.

“JUST FUCK MY LITTLE PUSSY!” the girl screamed, yet her torture did not end.

Once the ice melted, her pussy was explored again; fingers curled up inside her, her engorged G-spot was rubbed relentlessly while her tormented clit was sucked on, the contrast of the cold ice to the warm tongue made it feel like it was alive and on fire, a sensation that felt almost disconnected from the rest of her body.

“Please, I’m going to die, I’m going to die… PLEASE STOP!” her pleas for mercy went unheard, with no answer and only the wet slapping sounds of her pussy being explored audible to her.

Over and over they explored her this way, taking turns denying her, sucking her clitoris, finger fucking her and using ice on her most sensitive spots to get the squeals they so desired from her. If she didn’t want to orgasm more than anything in the world, she’d have prayed to be released, but as it were, she was helpless but to endure the torture, her teased nipples and clitoris harder and more sensitive than ever imaginable.

Andrea’s delicate sex was ravaged even more mercilessly once the toys were introduced to her.

Speechless, all she could do was to scream as she was vibrated remorselessly to the edge more and more; small bullet vibrators were inserted into her pussy, feeling the vibrations shudder deep inside, before another powerful egg vibrator was pressed to her clit. Even as they stopped her on the verge once again, the feeling of having the bullet vibes pulled quickly from her sex was indescribable.

With her body covered in sweat, thighs shuddering, sex swollen and breathing heavily, Andrea was finally spoken to.

“It seems that you can’t be pushed any further, I guess we are done with you,” the female voice was cold and clinical.

“Please let me come… fuck me…. do anything to me,” Andrea begged.

Instantly she felt multiple tongues trailing over her lower body and breasts, across her thighs, her tummy, and exploring around her pussy. The burning desire started to overcome Andrea once more while the tongues darted over her tender petals.

“Oh yes! Mmmm… yes… don’t stop… it feels so fucking good.”

One mouth sucked on her clitoris intensely while the other tongue lapped away at her clenching pussy.

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck…. oh… OH… I’M CLOSE!”

She had the terrible sensation that they would all withdraw their wondrous assault, but they continued to ravish her with their tongues, eating her out and sucking on every tender inch.

Under the blindfold, the writhing girl widened her eyes, knowing it was coming.

“OH MY GOD…. I’M COMING!!!” she screamed out, unable to stop it even if she wanted to. The mouths restlessly suckled and licked at her as Andrea erupted in orgasm, every inch of her body trembling, her toes curled and fingers clenched, shuddering as the explosion surged throughout her; an orgasm she thought she’d die from. Unending and unyielding, it seemed to last painfully long, more intense than any feeling in her life, wrestling with her very existence, washing through her mind and leaving no room for thought.

She did not seem to come down from the height of pleasure, as the tongues did not stop ravishing her now over-sensitive body. Even after everything, all of the denial and need for sexual release, she had received the orgasm she needed, and her body had had enough. Nothing she could do would stop them, so open and utterly vulnerable.

“Ok… ok … I came, stop! I’m done,” she said breathlessly, as if they actually needed to be told she had come. However they kept on sucking even harder and licking faster.

“Stop… I’m… oh God! I’m Goi…” a second orgasm built just as quickly inside her, hitting her just as hard as the last. Crying out, transfixed in bliss as she pulled against the restraints… not being able to caress herself or soothe anywhere with her own touch seemed to make the orgasm even more intense, such violent, raw pleasure.

“I… I… no…” she could barely speak as fingers were thrust inside her, curling up and rubbing on her swollen G-spot while the sucking on her overstimulated clitoris did not cease. The finger fucking she received made her scream out and shiver as her juices leaked from that throbbing little red sex.

“Please… It’s too much, s-so sensitive!” Now Andrea needed them to stop as it overwhelmed her with pleasure, but still they finger fucked, sucked and licked her throughout her orgasms, relentlessly forcing her to come no matter how much she begged them to stop.

She was pulling at the restraints so hard she felt like her limbs would tear off, but still the abuse would not cease.

“FUCKING STOP… PLEASE, PLEASE STOP IT. MERCY… STOP!!! OH GOD, OH GOD!” her orgasms were brutally intense, she saw stars as they forced orgasm after orgasm out of her, barely able to breathe through what was being thrust upon her while she squealed and screamed. She thought she would pass out, but her body did not grant her such release. Instead, her pussy began to simply become so sensitive it was simply painful. Evidently her tormentors were able to read these signs, as they slowed down and began to cease their carnal attentions on her.

Andrea felt like a cluster of nerve endings, her body so sensitive, she just wanted to curl up forever, but all she could do was lay back, motionless, breathing heavily. She did not utter a word or move, lost in her own mind, while she was uncuffed and tended to gently. It was morning, and still the lab was as active as when she first arrived so many hours ago.

After monitoring her carefully and keeping her stable and cared for, Andrea was clothed, washed and fed once her senses returned. Things were back to normal in the lab, as if nothing had happened, treating her once again like the test subject she believed she was going to be when she first entered. Dr Wand returned to join her, taking her by the hand and walking her towards the exit. Andrea simply followed without question, her legs still a little shaky, but now able to walk at least.

“Now Andrea, I hope you enjoyed our little test,” he started gently. Andrea blushed and could not bring herself to respond.

“We have all the information we need about the bra, so thank you,” he continued, opening the door and letting the morning sunlight shine through before continuing. “However, you are welcome to come back to us if ever you wish to be involved in our research further.” He smiled at her, but she averted her gaze, her embarrassment returning.

“We have room for any other females who may wish to visit the lab. Perhaps you may be able to recommend us to anyone,” he finished, before handing an envelope.

“Thank you,” Andrea said softly before quickly turning and leaving.

As she walked away, she felt like she’d need to sleep for a week to recover from what she’d been through. Though she couldn’t help but think that deep down, part of her would not be able to forget the pleasure she had been put through.

She opened the envelope as she strolled slowly, and pulled out the contents — Tickets to the French Polynesia Islands… and a pair of panties with a tag on it displaying ‘prototype’.

The End



  1. Oh my god. Loved it. The edging, the transcendent pleasure, was so expansive and glorious!

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