Hey, I’ve been trying to get this story typed up but never really found the time. I just wanted to get it down and see how it goes.
So, about 3 weeks ago we attended my uncle’s wedding. Was a fairly busy service; full church, plenty from our family and his wife’s. [We arrived at the church](https://imgur.com/n5PwIp7), and as usually we all stood around chatting to various members and family-friends. There was 1 guy that caught my eye straight away. Blue suit, very tall, well-built. I had no idea who he was and I just assume he was a random guest, never thought much of it, but he was the hottest guy there.
Fast-forwarded a bit, we had left to church and had driven out to a fancy hotel for the meal/ afterparty. I was sitting with my folks and noticed the Blue-Suit-Guy walk in. I think that was the moment I thought i would atleast have a snog with him, and see how it goes. I watched him walk across the room and sit at the head table, that was when I released he was actually the bf of my uncle’s wife’s daughter.
So, the meal starts and ends, and I eventually bump into him at the bar. He was struggling to keep his eyes off my cleavage, which I found pretty cute. We have the typical small talk; names, family connection, jobs, etc etc. As we’re chatting, I can tell he wants to flirt, but keeps checking to see his gf is not near. We end the chit-chat by taking our drinks and going back to our own tables. I mingle round, chat to nan, see cousins etc. I soon find myself going outside for a bit of fresh air and I’m soon approached by Mr Blue Suit. The after-party party is just starting up and we eventually mention about nipping back to the cars (car park was not near the hotel, 3min walk away). I said come on then, I need to change heels.
We walk up to the car park, we’re both a little tipsy and extremely horny. Without saying it, we both know what is going to happen. We get to his car (range-rover) and I move in close and give him a little kiss. I push him against the rear of the car, start to snog him, move his hands to my breasts. We spend a few minutes kissing, snogging, enjoying it. He opens to boot, pushing the cars down and before I know it we’ve fucking in the car. My legs up, him pumping into me, the night’s air keeping us cool. Both of us moaning, his cock filling me up, my breasts smothering his face. We were soon cuming with each other.
After we were both satisfied, we both arranged our outfits, exchanged numbers and I want back to the party, shortly followed by him. Didn’t speak again that night, but I didn’t manage to find another hook-up before I went to be, though that can be another story
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d4n65p/f_uncles_wedding_mr_blue_suit
You look amazingly slutty! ?
Well damn. He’s a lucky guy. You’re stunning
you look so gorgeous, I’m not surprised he couldn’t keep his eyes off you…. hell, I bet every man and woman there was checking you out
Did he cum in you?
Definitely inspired me to wear my blue suit to a wedding next weekend. You are incredible and I’m sure that man has no regrets about what happened. Any sane man would do this 10 out of 10 times.
Is funny how one word can give away where your from. “Tips hat”