My [M] one gig at a swinger’s group [M/F/M/F/M/F] Yikes!

In my late 20’s, I was part of a band. We never really clicked but we did do quite a few clubs, things like that. Towards the last I found myself getting booked solo at parties, The two nights a week bookings the band was getting were not exactly covering food.

I found myself playing solo guitar background music in a dinner house in East Portland, $20 and a meal. One night this couple came up to me and asked me if I played at private parties, offered me $50!! You BET I played at private parties for that much, so I found myself a couple of days later sitting on a stool in the corner of a large living room, with a houseful of people there.

Now I was much younger than the guests, that was noticeable. Also quite noticeable was there obviously was some things going on I wasn’t used to, like a few couples sitting around getting rather friendly. One guy was on a couch and a lady was blatantly rubbing his crotch, in short order he had one of her boobs out of her dress and was playing with it.

Then a few minutes later another woman came in from the other room, wearing nothing but red panties, I almost dropped my guitar. It began to register on me that this party was quite a bit different than any I had played at before. Of course I had seen folks pair up in other clubs, but they normally wandered off.

Then one guy that was easily in his 50’s came over and asked me if I was cut. I probably looked confused, then he explained he wanted me to bareback his wife but didn’t want her knocked up. He seemed unhappy when I told him I wasn’t. Later when I figured out which one was his wife, I was wishing I WAS cut, she was a knockout, probably barely 30.

By the 2nd hour I was no longer playing the tunes of the day and was back to mostly scales, just melody runs, easy background stuff with a 3 chord base and notes on top. People were in various states of undress everywhere, some coming in from other rooms, then leaving. I saw one guy with a root that looked to be dang near a foot long and it was like he couldn’t get the thing down, I saw him with 3 different woman over the course of an hour.

Then, in came two women, both attractive and around my age. Well, probably older but not much. They got some drinks, went and sat down across from me, began passing a joint back and forth. That was when I realized that they were doing dope, at that stage of my life my experience with that stuff was sparse. They both had on skirts, sitting there on the floor. I was getting some nice peeks up there. The one brunette saw my glances and let her knees drop apart. She whispered something to the other gal, her knees dropped apart also. The two of them rather obviously were having fun with me, I tried to keep on playing.

The brunette got up and came over to me, she got down on her knees and was fumbling with my belt, big grin on her face. I looked around quickly, no one was paying any real attention, needless to say I missed a few notes. Let me say this, it is impossible to play the guitar while getting a blowjob, that would take real talent and I was probably at best, average.

So, there I sat on a stool, getting a blow job while trying to protect my Epiphone guitar that cost me a month’s wages at the mill I used to work in. In a room with at least a half dozen other people not paying any attention and one other woman sitting six feet away watching.

That was the end of my playing music, things got a little crazy after that, somehow I ended up on the couch with the other young woman who proved to be extremely energetic and no idea where the first one went. Some older lady not wearing a stitch came and sat by me later, I was only vaguely aware of that, the whole place was full of fumes that I later realized was more pot, at least I think that is what it was. She was doing her best to get me up and going, to no avail, I was exhausted, drained That one looked to be about the age of my Mom, and she hadn’t missed too many dinners.

She finally wandered off somewhere.

I woke up about 4 in the morning, all quiet. Looking around, I spotted my slacks and tugged them on. Then I went and found the guy who hired me, wanting to get paid and get out of there. He told me I was supposed to be working, not playing, so..

I didn’t even get paid.

My first swinger group experience, years later, after getting married I did take the wife to one of those type parties. We watched, and managed to escape with our purity intact.



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