My [F] Slutty Journey Part 2: That Time I Was Topless and Messy in Front of a Crowd for a University Student Club Event

I’ve been slightly hesitant to post this story because friends who did this with me didn’t find it erotic (and it’s not supposed to be erotic). But I’m an exhibitionist, so I guess that explains it. Also, I’m afraid this tradition will be looked down on by those who oppose it, but I want to emphasize that I enjoyed it, I think it was valuable socially, and it was 100% consensual.

During my second year of university, I did an exchange program in a European country. Given the above reservations, I’m going to be vague about which country but if you’re familiar with the tradition I’m about to describe (and it’s fairly googleable), you can figure it out. It was common for students at the university to join clubs – sort of like coed fraternities for those from the US, but with a lot more tradition (folklore) than the US has. Even though I was going to be there a short time, I wanted the experience of joining, particularly since I was in a sorority back home.

The clubs have a rather elaborate process to join – activities that are symbolic and emphasize long traditions. Some may deride this as hazing, but it is not. It was a real bonding experience and entirely consensual. Not all of the activities are wild and crazy, but the final one is. For that activity, the incoming members perform a series of skits on stage in front of older members and alums. The catch is that the new members are nude (or mostly nude) – specifically, the guys are totally nude and the women wear only panties.

Additionally, during the performance, the audience throws this messy goop on you. It’s usually a harmless mixture of beet pulp mixed with colored dye (symbolic). Some clubs though have engineered other types of goops.

Now, this all sounds a bit outrageous, but it is all entirely customary in this country. To most people it doesn’t feel erotic because you’re all doing it together, the skits are more funny than sexual, and mostly because it’s usually quite cold. Also, I think culturally nudity is not as much of a big deal as it is for someone from the repressed US (like me).

So here I am, 19 years old, going on stage with my fellow students in front of maybe 100 older students. I was wearing white thong panties and nothing else. I remember being cold standing back stage but also nervous and excited at the same time.

My skit involved a re-enactment of the Garden of Eden from the Bible. I got to be…the apple tree! I guess either my language skills or my acting skills were subpar because all I had to do was stand on a little box and hold three apples (one in my mouth) for about five minutes while this skit went one. It was quite a funny little skit, but I’ll stick to my psychology.

As the skit started I just was so aware of how on display my body was. I definitely did not have the largest breasts, which I was self-conscious about, but I felt attractive enough. I remember being aware of how hard and erect my nipples were, ostensibly because of the cold, but in my case because of being aroused as well.

Pretty quickly, the goop started flying. I closed my eyes because it can sting a bit when it hits you. Because I was just standing there instead of moving around, I was a prime target. I think this is the part I found so erotic. I was standing almost naked in front of 100 people and they could throw goo at my helpless body. I held my eyes tightly closed and focused on the sensation of it splattering on my skin and then sliding off. I remember trying to imagine that it was cum. I loved how wet and slimy it felt.

At one point the box I was on was turned around so that the audience now had a clear shot at my thong-clad ass. I was just extremely aware of the ooze coating my ass cheeks and how that must have looked.

Despite the cold and my slight discomfort at standing there for so long, I could tell my lady juices had started to flow. If my panties weren’t already wet from the goo of the audience, it probably would have been pretty noticeable.

Anyway, the scene ended and I stuck around until the end with my friends doing their skit, basically freezing my ass off but really excited and on edge too. When I got home, I took a hot shower and focused on the bits of goo that remained stuck to my body. I tried to imagine it was the semen of the men from the audience who were hopefully aroused by looking at my body. I had many orgasms in that shower.

Aftermath: I’ve tried to talk to friends about this who experienced the same thing, but their reaction was mostly embarrassment, silliness, or just remembering the cold. I chalk up the eroticism of it to my own cultural experience as well as my set of kinks.

This experience definitely solidified my love of exhibitionism, it made me enjoy some mild humiliation, and it has also given me an enduring appreciation for slimy, messy things.

If anyone else has been through this tradition and is reading this, I would be curious to hear about your reactions!



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