[MFF] An Unexpected Threesome – Part 1

Hello GWS:

Recently I had one of the most erotic experiences anyone could ever have and I just feel like I am compelled to share it. I am not one to normally share things like this (first ever post here), but if I can brighten someone else’s day, then it was worth the effort to write all this.

This story is about an unexpected threesome with my wife and one of her friends. Before getting into the story, here is a bit about my wife and our sex lives:

We are in our late 20s and have been married for just over eight years. We used to have sex super often, but have trailed off a bit lately due to time constraints. My wife Kate is an extremely beautiful, sexy woman with dark hair and a face that can light up a room. She is around 5’2”and a bit on the curvy side with full DD breasts that barely have any sag and a very round ass that sticks out quite a bit with a prominent hourglass figure. She is by no means fat (I would call her thick), but she often complains that she has trouble keeping her weight down. For a visual reference, she kind of looks like [Erica Campbell](http://iflporn.com/content/2017/02/erica-campbell_004.jpeg), except a little shorter and a bit thicker everywhere (especially in the butt!). Kate often seems to be jealous of more petite girls, especially ones that seem to be able to eat what they want. I often remind her that I find her body type far more appealing than the typical super model build, and that usually makes her feel better for awhile. What’s more, I have never really felt that I was that attractive myself, so I feel super lucky to have a woman as beautiful as her.

The one other thing you should know about our sex life is that when we got married, Kate was far more experienced in the bedroom than I was. I had only had sex one other time before I met her, which was way back in high school with a girl that I didn’t really even like that much. It was one of those super awkward first time things that was certainly exciting, but not really that enjoyable. At the time Kate and I started dating, she had slept with I believe nine other guys, so we were definitely not on even footing. She had to teach me a bunch, but I think after awhile I got the hang of it and I do now consider myself to be a very good lover. I used to get really turned on (and also a little jealous) when she would tell me about some of her previous lovers, and which of them knew what they were doing, and which of them had nice dicks and things like that. It always challenged me to try to be become the best lover she had ever had.

As I mentioned previously, I don’t consider myself that attractive physically, but I must admit that I do have a very nice dick. That isn’t entirely from genetics, however. Around the time Kate and I first starting sleeping together, when I really wanted to meet the challenge of becoming her best lover, I began a very rigorous jelqing routine. After several years of this, I have noticeably increased my size. When we first met, I was probably a little over 6 inches long and about normal girth, maybe a bit larger than the average dick but nothing to be amazed about. Now, when doing a bone pressed measurement with a ruler, I can stretch my dick to just about 7.5 inches, but the increase in circumference, especially the head size, is what is remarkable. My shaft girth is around 6 inches now, but the head (which is really hard to measure) is about the size of a large lime with a very prominent flare.

While sex sometimes takes a little while to get started (she has to be very warmed up), it is absolutely mind blowing for both of us when we really get going. My head perfectly scrapes firmly along her gspot in many positions, and she also loves the popping feeling it creates when I thrust in and out. She claims that while I was not the largest man she had been with when we first began having sex, I am definitely the widest (she is not sure about longest) at this point in time. The one downside is that she used to give the most amazing blowjobs, but now the head is too large to fit in her mouth, at least without some massive teeth scraping which is not that pleasurable for me… but oh well, I will take that trade off to have awesome sex (and jacking off feels much better now as well).

Anyway, the reason I thought I needed to give you all this much set up is because it is directly relevant to this story. You see, one of the really common themes when my wife talks dirty or tells me her sexual fantasies is about her seeing me with another woman. She often talks about it being a shame that no other girl gets to see and feel my dick, and that I never really got to have good sex with another woman besides her. I never really knew whether or not these were just fantasies she talked about during our intimate moments that were just meant to turn us on, or if she was really serious in her desires. I always let that remain a mystery to myself as I feared what she would say if I ever brought it up outside the bedroom.

So now on to the actual story: It was just an average Sunday evening where I was mostly minding my own business while trying to get some work done on my computer. Kate was out with some friends and called to tell me she was on her way home and was going to bring one of her newer friends who wanted to see our house. After a short time, they pulled into the driveway in separate cars then came through the door. Her friend’s name is Sara, who I later found out is a few years younger than us. Seeing her the first time, my initial reaction was that she was fairly pretty with long brown hair, but had no really striking features. She was a little taller than Kate (maybe 5’4”) and was wearing just a loose sweatshirt and baggy sweat pants. Although I could tell she was very thin, her clothing kept any other bodily featured she might have hidden. I didn’t think much of anything of my wife bringing her home as she often makes new friends, so nothing at this point was out of the ordinary.

After introductions, Kate gave Sara a tour of the house and I went back to working at my computer. They eventually settled down to chat in the living room, which was adjacent to the room I was working in. I could hear their conversation if I wanted to, but really was not paying attention as I focused on my work. After a while I heard Kate say something like “Well my husband sure doesn’t have that problem,” followed by laughter, which caused me to perk up just a bit. Why were they talking about me? After a few more minutes of unintelligible comments, I next heard my wife say “I can imagine that a female would know their way around down there!” Now I was paying full attention as it was fairly obvious their conversation had ventured into the “naughty” realm.

Right then, I had to make a decision. I so wanted to hear exactly what they were talking about, but I really didn’t want to be rude and eaves drop on the entire conversation (plus it was difficult to hear anything Sara was saying). On the other hand, I didn’t want to barge in there, which would have likely made them change the topic. I decided that honesty *was* actually the best policy, as my wife probably knew that I could hear them anyway.

So I quickly got up and began walking toward the room they were in. Just as I was about to enter, Sara clearly proclaimed, “I just wish I had boobs like yours!” By the time the words came out of her mouth it was too late to stop myself and I appeared in the doorway, causing both of them to look up. Of course they then both burst in to laughter at the thought of me barging into the room on that comment (I think Sara had no idea I could hear any of the rest of the conversation).

I instinctively kind of went along with it and said, “Oh no! What did I just walk into?,” while showing a bit of honest embarrassment. After their laughter subsided, my wife, who was never one to shy away from an awkward conversation, proceeded to explain what they had actually been talking about for the last several minutes. Apparently, Sara had been complaining to Kate that she had not had much success in her love life lately. It seemed that many of the guys she was attracted to weren’t attracted to her, and the ones that were ended up being terrible in bed. They had mostly been talking about one guy in particular (the subject of her last several hookups) who apparently had a really tiny penis. This is where the “My husband doesn’t have that problem” comment from Kate came in.

At some point in their conversation, Kate had also declared that maybe Sara should “go back to girls.” Apparently it was already known to both of them that Sara had experimented with bisexuality in the past (I don’t know how my wife finds out these kind of things so early into a friendship). This is where the “a female would know their way around down there” comment came up. My wife has always considered herself bi-curious and thinks women are very beautiful, maybe even sexy, but I don’t think she had ever considered acting upon those feelings. However, I had a strange feeling that that was potentially about to change because as they were explaining their conversation to me, Sara was giving her the most lustful look (especially staring at her tits, which were braless and confined in a tight shirt). I had previously thought that Sara’s comments about Kate’s breasts were in regards to it being easier for her to attract a man if she had great boobs, but now it seemed that it was more meant as straight-up compliment.

As they finished up explaining their previous conversation to me, Sara remarked that in the past when she fooled around with girls, she had never been with a woman nearly as beautiful as Kate. This obviously caused Kate to blush, but I was sure she was also getting a little turned on by Sara’s clear attraction to her. “Maybe,” Sara continued, “If I had a girl that was as hot as you, I would have never even gone back to guys.”

“Well maybe,” Kate responded, “If you would have just had a guy with as nice of a dick as my husband, you would have never even tried girls in the first place!”

Woah! Now the conversation was heating up big time! I felt my heart rate rise and my face flush even further. The sexual tension in the room was almost overwhelming. My wife and I talked about these kinds of topics quite often, but never in the presence of another person. But both of them seemed to be enjoying it, so I was eager to see were this was all going.

After a brief pause Sara said, “Well, you know a nice dick only gets you so far. Like I said, woman can often be better, more passionate lovers in my experience. And of course, women’s bodies are just a work of art!” With that, she turned to me and said, “Again, did I mention how awesome your wife’s boobs are?”

“I know,” I answered, “I get to see them naked all the time. They are amazing!”

Sara responded back, “I know this is weird, but I would kinda like to see what they look like naked as well.”

My wife now had this amused grin on her face as she was enjoying being the center of a very flattering topic of conversation. She turned to me and said, “Do you think I should do it? Do you think I should really show them to her?”

“Well, it’s up to you,” I responded. “It’s your body.”

“Well OK,” said Kate. “I guess I can show them off. They are quite nice if I do say so.” Sara excitedly clapped her hands as my wife stood up and quickly pulled her shirt over her head. My wife’s wonderful tits were now on full display as she kind of arched her back making them look even larger. “Here they are,” she proclaimed, cupping them with both hands. Sara’s girlish excitement had now turned back into a look of pure lust and she stared at what seemed to be the best pair of breast she had ever seen in person.

“I have to feel them,” was the next thing out of her mouth as she stood up and walked across the room toward Kate. Just as she arrived next to her with an out stretch hand, she looked at me and asked, “do you mind?”

Without saying anything, I gave her a kind of “It’s up to my wife, not me” look while gesturing toward Kate. Kate nodded and Sara then gently placed her right hand fingertips of my wife’s left breast. She began tracing the underside curve before giving the soft flesh a gentle squeeze.

Sara’s mouth was slightly open and she had a look of total concentration, like she was trying to make a perfect memory of what she was seeing and feeling. She then used both hands to kind of lift each breast and feel their weight. “Wow, I can’t believe how perky these are. You are so lucky,” I believe she said to both of us. She then stretched the fingers of both hands fully and palmed each breast at the nipple. “And so big,” she said, marveling at how small her hands looked cupping the wonderful mounds.

Without saying anything else, she removed her hands, quickly bent over slightly and licked my wife’s left nipple. I think it surprised Kate a bit as she inhaled quickly in excitement. “That feels amazing,” she whispered.

At this point Sara began to lick and fondle each breast in a very loving and passionate manner, which I could tell was really arousing my wife. I noticed her legs begin to tremble a little (a sure sign that she was turned on). She could never take it when I gave her any sexual pleasure while she was standing, and it was amazing to see another person produce the same effect.

After a minute or so, Kate said, “I have to sit down,” as she moved backwards toward the couch. As she sat down, Sara kept her attention fully on my wife’s tits while she took up a kneeling position in front of Kate. Sara gently pushed Kate so that she could relax against the back of the couch while she kept up her passionate licking and touching. Now that my wife could relax a bit more, she really let her arousal begin to climb. I began to hear soft moans and her face had a look of pure bliss.

By this point, my heart was pounding in my chest and my cock was straining against my underwear, but I still had no idea if this was going to go any further. That question was answered just a few moments later as Sara begin to kiss down my wife’s body toward her belly. My chest tightened even further from the palpable excitement.

I knew my wife well enough to tell from her body language and the look on her face that she was experiencing a plethora of emotions at this point. I think part of her thought where this was going was wrong and wanted to stop Sara before her arousal got the best of her. But it was also very obvious that my wife was maybe more turned on than she had ever been and desperately wanted to give her body over to Sara for her to do with as she pleased. Whatever she was feeling, it was all happening so fast (but at the same time somehow felt as if it was in slow motion), and before we knew it, Sara had kissed all the way down to my wife’s jeans.

As she slowly undid the button, Kate’s breathing began to rapidly intensify. I could tell that she was feeling an overwhelming amount of emotion and arousal. Seeing her chest rise and fall with quick but deeply excited breaths as Sara began to pull down her pants, is one of the many visuals that will be etched into my mind for probably the rest of my life.

After her pants were completely removed (now my wife was wearing nothing but her panties), Sara lowered her mouth straight to Kate’s mound and planted a firm kiss on the cotton covered flesh. Kate looked over at me for the first time in a while and just said, “Fuck!” with a half smile. As Sara then went to remove her panties, my wife, still looking at me mouthed, “I love you,” before turning her attention back to the eager woman between her legs.

The experience of watching a person you are deeply in love with be pleasured by someone else in the most passionate way possible is something that is almost indescribable. The moment Sara first laid her lips on my wife’s bare pussy, Kate began to tremble all over. I am not sure if she was having a real orgasm, or just that the arousal level was so high that she lost physical control of her muscles. Either way, it was something that I had never seen happen to her in all our years making love. It was tough to keep out strong feelings of jealousy knowing I could not have that effect on her, but the extreme arousal I was also feeling was definitely a great consolation.

My wife later told me that what Sara was doing to her physically didn’t feel any better than what I did when eating her out (she actually preferred me because she said that I am a little more forceful with my tongue on her clit), however the overall situation was so hot and that that was why she seemed to not be able to contain her arousal.

Sara continued to eat out Kate for who knows how long and my wife seemed to be in a constant state of at or near orgasm. Again, the thought of “where will this go next?” crept into my head. From previous conversations, I knew that Kate did not really have any interest in eating out a girl herself, so I thought she may be hesitant in returning the favor. So I really had no idea what would happen. At any rate, I resolved to be completely OK if they just did things to each other and I was not involved. After all, I knew that as soon as Sara left, Kate would probably give me the best sex of my life with all her residual excitement.

After several minutes (and possibly a few orgasms), Kate seemed to snap out of her bliss for a second and quickly sat up, gently pushing Sara back. “I have to see you,” she said, gesturing for Sara to remove her clothes.

Without showing any hesitation, Sara stood up and began to strip. She didn’t really take her time, or try to be sexy or anything. She just took her clothes off just as she might before taking a shower or changing.

My thoughts obviously now turned toward Sara. As I mentioned earlier, I thought she was quite pretty, but not striking and seemed to have an overall very thin frame. Even though I had not been previously super attracted to her physically, a new form excitement jolted through my body as I realized that I was about to get to see another woman naked right in front of me for the first time in years.

As she quickly disrobed, my first thought in seeing her body was that her skin was amazing. She had a very light complexion, not quite Snow White-ish but she had a very even glow of color. She also had no apparent blemishes whatsoever. Her skin made you just want to run your hands all over her to feel how smooth she was.

The next thing I noticed was how incredibly in shape she was. All of her major muscles showed quite a bit of definition, from her biceps to her delts and quads. The muscles were not large at all, just very well defined. As she initially stripped, she had her back to me and I was treated with a great view of her ass. It was shaped very differently than Kate’s (who had more of a bubble butt), with wide hips and cute small cheeks.

As she turned to face me (probably to give Kate a view of her back side), I noticed three things about her front. One was her amazing abs complete with a subtle six pack that I found super sexy. The next was her breasts, which were extremely small, probably A or AA, but looked fantastic. They were simply little mounds of creamy flesh with perfect little pink nipples. The third was that she was totally clean shaven down below (which my wife never was).

To give you a visual reference for Sara overall, she kind of looked like [this model](https://www.nudespuri.com/gals/mpl_studios/2013/10/anya_nude_on_the_bed/anya_nude_on_the_bed-8.jpg).

As I admired Sara’s now very apparent beauty, my wife got up from the couch and stood next to her. She then threw her arms around Sara smashing their breasts together and began passionately making out with her. It was quite the sight to see these two women standing there kissing, looking almost polar opposite from one another. One thick and voluptuous, the other lean and hard bodied. As I previously said, I had always been more attracted to curvier women, but Sara’s physique was admittedly very enticing at this point. Nevertheless, I think almost any man would find both women extremely attractive in their current state.

After a minute or so of kissing, I think my wife’s “straightness” kind over took over. I could tell that she wanted to return the favor and give Sara a bit of the pleasure she had just experienced, but she didn’t really have the desire to perform cunnilingus (or even use her fingers) on her. My wife later told me that in that moment she just thought that she was not experienced enough with girls to know what she was doing.

So with those thoughts running through my wife’s mind, the next sentence that she uttered will also be burned into my mind for eternity. “I want you to fuck my husband.”

As soon as the sound of those words reached my ears, my heart felt like it went straight through my throat. Up until then, I really had no expectation to be involved in anything with Sara this evening (or ever), but now the ultimate opportunity had been presented. Equal feelings of fear, anxiety, and arousal shot through my body. I know I was probably sweating profusely and even felt a little lightheaded.

And you know what the crazy thing was? As turned on as I was and as exciting as the situation that was presenting itself was, my dick decided that this was the moment to fail me. I had gone completely soft! I do know that I had been hard for much of the past 15-20 minutes, so maybe that had something to do with it, or maybe it was just pure fear, but it was totally limp. I could only hope that it would rise to the occasion very soon.

To make matters worse, Sara’s first response to my wife’s proposition was, “Well if his dick is anything like you have been going on about, then I guess I am in for a treat.” You would think that her affirmative response would have caused me to snap out of it, but I think now the added pressure of meeting an expectation only caused my performance anxiety to ratchet up further.

Kate then walked over to me, took me by the hand, and led me to the couch she had been previously sitting on. She sat me down in the exact spot that she had just been pleasured in and proceeded to pull my shirt above my head and begin taking off my pants.

While Kate helped me disrobe, Sara stood next to her just watching with anticipation. I could kind of tell she was not super attracted to me physically as I am not in great shape myself (I am not overweight or anything, just have trouble finding the time to work out, so don’t have a lot of muscle definition especially compared to her).

As my last article of clothing (my underwear) was removed, my anxiety only increased as my dick had shriveled into itself even further than I had realized. I am circumcised, but the years of jelqing had helped to restore much of my foreskin and now it was completely covering my head. It was almost like I had just come out of a cold pool. As I glanced up at Sara, I couldn’t help but see a look of disappointment flash over her face, although I believe she tried to hide it as much as possible. At that point I thought I was done. I had just blown probably the one chance I would ever have of sleeping with another women (with my wife’s approval no less).

But Kate, bless her heart, had other ideas. She looked at my dick and gave some words of encouragement. “Come on baby, isn’t her body beautiful? Don’t you want to show her what this thing can do?” And with that she hungrily put my whole flaccid penis in her mouth. This was a feeling that I rarely got to experience. Usually I am hard from the anticipation even before we do anything sexual, and as I mentioned earlier, it is almost impossible for Kate to give me a proper blowjob once I am fully erect.

While her mouth did feel awesome, frustration had now really begun to set in. Despite Kate’s enthusiastic efforts, my cock still would not come to life. I also started kegeling for all I was worth but still… nothing. This was the first time in my life that this had ever happened to me and what a terrible time for it to occur!

But the next thing to happen was so unexpected and so shocking, that I think it likely saved the day by getting me out of my own head. After assuming that Sara had completely lost interest in the situation, she was suddenly sitting right next to me on the couch with her face just inches from mine. She put both her hand on either side of my face and turned me toward her, locking her lips with mine in a passionate embrace.

I cannot tell you how erotic it is to be kissed like that while another pair of lips are around your cock. I was in heaven and suddenly all my fears vanished. From that point it probably only took about 30 seconds for me to get almost completely hard. During that time, Sara continued to softly make out with me, all the while caressing my face and chest tenderly. She did not stop this until we heard a slight choking sound from my wife. You see, I had now become too large for Kate to fit her mouth around my head.

After hearing that sound, Sara quickly turned around to face my dick and my wife, who was just pulling the head out of her mouth. Keeping one of her hands on the shaft, Kate gave me a few final jelqs, bringing me at last to my full size.

“Holy fuck,” Sara exclaimed as her mouth hung open. It was the largest ego stroke of my life and I was at the top of the world.

At that point, I think Sara’s animal lust took over. Where she had just been kissing me with the passion of a life-long lover, she now seemed to look at my cock like it was a tool that had only one purpose. She then lifted her leg over mine straddling me as my wife moved out of the way to watch what was about to happen. Sara reached down with one petite but strong hand an gripped me firmly. I felt so powerful at that point as my cock looked so massive against her small frame. It was kind of stuck between us but nearly reached up to her navel.

For a few moments she just squeezed it as if deciding if that thing was really going to fit inside her. Then I think she decided to just go for it. With one motion, she lifted herself up and guided my dick right to her opening. Then she firmly forced her body down, impaling herself as deep as she could, letting out a whimper of lust, possibly mixed with some pain.

It was amazing how different her pussy felt from what I was used to with my wife. My dick actually went in more easily, as if she was looser than Kate at the opening, but despite pushing down forcefully, my dick only went maybe two-thirds of the way in. It was almost like she got tighter the further in it went. Where my wife’s pussy had a very powerful grip at the opening, but ballooned quite a bit inside, Sara’s almost felt more like when I use my fleshlight, where it grips the head all the way through the canal.

Nevertheless, she felt amazing as she began to ride me with a slow and steady pace. Across the room I heard my wife ask if that was the biggest she had ever had. Sara nodded vigorously while a huge smile spread across her face. She then locked eyes with me and began giving me one of the most passionate fucks I have ever experienced. I began to realize that Sara was likely a pretty competitive person, and she was maybe trying to fuck me better than my wife ever had, just like she had earlier tried to give my wife the best oral she had ever had. As she rode me it was like she was staring into my sole trying to extract the maximum possible pleasure out of my dick.

After maybe a minute of this, I could feel another problem begin to creep into the situation. It had been several days since I had last cum, and with the way she was making love to my cock, the first signs of the point of no return began to show themselves in my body. I am usually one to have an enormous amount of stamina (my wife usually says I last too long), but you would have to forgive me in this situation if I got a little worked up too quickly.

To counteract my impending climax, I tried as best I could to relax and stopped moving my body with hers (this usually helps my arousal subside a bit). I think Kate could sense from the change in my movements that something was up. She flatly asked, “Babe, you aren’t getting close are you?” I then realized that she was probably feeling many of those same feeling of jealously that I had been feeling when watching her get pleasured by Sara so masterfully before. I didn’t want her to think that Sara was better at sex or anything so I tried to play it off by saying, “no I’m fine.”

Still, my wife knows me super well so she could probably tell that I was at least slightly misrepresenting the truth. I also think that her feminine intuition told her that Sara was now doing everything she could to try and get me to the edge as fast as possible. Kate decided to help the situation by coming over and standing behind Sara. From there she began to kiss Sara’s neck and reach her hands around her to touch her breasts and clit.

This new stimulation I think caused Sara to stop focusing on me so much and start enjoying her own pleasure a little more. She slightly changed the way she was riding me, using less up and down motion and started to grind a little more. It felt amazing and my cock had now stretched her enough that it was just about fully inside her.

Though I was a little less toward the point of no return than previously, the sex still felt really good, and now I was treated to the visual of my wife pleasuring and teasing Sara’s body from behind. Soon, I was ramped up too much once again. Being so close to us now, my wife definitely sensed it this time. Kate new that if I came, I would be spent for a few hours, and she was now very horny again, so she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Just when Sara was really starting to get into everything that was pleasuring her, and maybe was on the way to an orgasm of her own, Kate proclaimed, “sorry, I have to do this!” She firmly pulled Sara off of me, crawled up the couch to straddle me, then like Sara before, impaled herself on my cock with one swift motion. Except with Kate, my cock easily sunk all the way in on the first push. Luckily Sara took it well and just laughed at how horny my wife had become for my dick.

Having both of them fuck me back to back in the same position really showed off the differences in their pussies and also their bodies. Where Sara had been fucking me with quite a bit of space between us, Kate’s large breasts completely filled up that space and were gloriously smashing into my face and chest. Her weight also felt amazing and I wondered if that was the primary reason why it was so much easier to get more of my dick into her.

After the quick insertion, Kate began riding me like she had never ridden me before. She used a kind of combination of pumping up and down and grinding against me. It honestly felt just as good (if not better) than when Sara was riding, but since I was more used to her pussy, I was far better at controlling myself and my desire to cum mostly subsided.

After maybe only 30-45 seconds of riding me, Kate clearly yelled out “Fuck I’m going to cum.” The next thing to occur is yet another of those moments I will remember forever. Instead of continuing to grind like she normally does when she cums on top of me, she quickly pulled off of me, raised up just a bit, then sprayed an absolute torrent of female ejaculate onto my throbbing cock. Now Kate had squirted a few times previously in our love making, usually when she was super turned on, but this was at a completely different level. I was drenched. The couch was drenched. It was running onto the floor. I even think even Sara, who was still sitting next to us, got splashed by the ricochet off my dick and stomach.

This turn of events colossally excited Sara. I think she got more enjoyment out of seeing mine and my wife’s pleasure than her own. She started gushing about how amazing we were and how Kate needs to teach her how to do that. It was a very fun, yet extremely messy moment in the evening.

As we cleaned up ourselves (and the couch) with some washcloths, Kate tried to apologize to Sara for pulling her off, but Sara completely brushed it off. “He is your husband, you can do what you like,” she said laughing. The girls’ casual banter really helped to take the edge off the entire situation. By this time, I think all of us were simply having a blast. We had gotten over any kind of jealousy or awkwardness and were surprisingly very comfortable being naked round each other.

Continue to Part 2 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d2zqwj/mff_an_unexpected_threesome_part_2/).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d2zm67/mff_an_unexpected_threesome_part_1

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