[M] The first time I ever had sex.

Excuse my English it’s my 2nd language.

So from when I was 15 till when I was 17 I went to a sort of small youth club. This story happened when I was 16, (legal where I live).

So this youth club took its members on an outing once a month. Sometimes swimming, sometimes in the park, sometimes a movie, depending on the time of year. This time was July, so the 2 adults in charge took us to a swimming pool.

There were 8 guys and 3 girls in the club, but only 3 guys (including me) and the 1 girl showed up. (Normal thing, most of the time not everyone showed up to the outings). This girl was a bit new to the club. She had been member for almost 2 months, but this was her first outing as she missed the last one.

Ok so we get in the van, an 8-seater. We get to the pool (short 20-30 minute drive) and went to bathrooms, me and the 2 guys in the boys’ and the girl in the girls’ (obviously). We each went in a shower cubicle, it was those type which ‘close’ with a curtain, but no matter what you try people can still look in. Nobody else was there anyway so we changed into swim suits and went outside. (The reason we went in shower cubicles is that there were no designated cubicles for changing in this pool’s bathrooms, just shower cubicles and toilet cubicles, and the shower cubicles are usually cleaner.

We waited a few seconds and there she was, coming out of the girls’ bathroom. She had a beautiful yellow bikini. This was the most close to naked I’d had ever seen her before. If she was attractive before, she was even more attractive now. I should probably say that we were already good friends, not really my girl friend but almost.
And also,the 2 guys that were with us were close friends of mine, one already had a girlfriend and the other had just had a break up I think? Don’t remember but I remember hearing him say he wasn’t interested in girls for the time being.

There were only 3 other people at the pool (a couple with a baby), it was a pretty small, family-owned swimming pool. I don’t remember what we did in the pool very well, but there was a slide, so that was fun. The adults with us didn’t swim at all.

Later we bought a snack from the counter and we ate it. We were told by the adults we had 45 minutes before we leave, and we had to finish our sandwitches and shower in that time. The girl (who I probably should have given her a fake name by now, let’s call her Alyssa) had finished her sandwitch, grabbed her backpack, and told me to come to the girls’ bathroom when I’m ready. I told her yes great idea and she winked.

I talked a bit with my friends, one suggested that they take one last dive, the other said sure, I declined. I finished my sandwitch, grabbed my bag and left for the girls’ bathroom. There was a towel and clothes hanging on the outside of the middle shower cubicle. I could see Alyssa in the stall from the outside of the stall, the curtains leave gaps like I’ve already mentioned. She hadn’t taken off her bikini, she was waiting for me. I took my towel and my clothes from my bag. I also brought shampoo as I learned from past experience, there was none in this pool’s showers.

I asked Alyssa if I could come in and she said yes. I hung my towel on the outside of the left-most shower cubicle; there was no space on the outside of the middle shower cubicle.

Alyssa asked me to undress her. Her bikini was easy to take off. Just a pull from the back and they come off. Her panties I just pullee down and she removed them. Then she removed my swim suit.

If she was attractive with her bikini she was extremely attractive now. Her boobs were smaller than average but that’s how I like them. Her vagina was somewhat filled with pubic hair, but I didn’t care, so was my balls. She asked me to cover her in shampoo but I was already rock hard, I had sex with her for like 2 minutes and used the famous pull out method. We were not too loud, but we didn’t have to be too quiet. The other guys were probably still in the pool, same with the couple with the baby boy. The pool’s cleaners only came in after closing time. I then did what she asked, covered her shoulders, back, butt, legs and then boobs, tummy and around her vagina, restocking on shampoo with each body part, and she did the same to me. We then used the hair shampoo to wash each other’s hair, both with our eyes closed but staying extra close to each other. We rinsed and got out. I didn’t take the towel or clothes or cover up with anything because I didn’t need to, nobody was coming in anyway. She didn’t either, but she took her towel and made a hat out of it, just like girls do in movies. We waited a bit, talked about the experience, we both said it was first time. It was starting to get time to leave, I took my towel, she took another one from her bag and we dried up, then put our clothes on and that was it. We went out and waited for the other guys, they were still in the boys’ bathroom at this point, then we found the adults, noticed everyone was ready and we left.

TL;DR: Girl from youth club invited me into the girls’ room after swimming, had sex with her in one of the showers.

Also this was posted from a new account because my friends follow me on my main account.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d2mlgl/m_the_first_time_i_ever_had_sex

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