I’m now [F24] this story was set a few years ago, long time lurker on the thread, finally had a long enough train journey I decided to post (apologies for my grammar).
So I’d been seeing my boyfriend (now ex) for around 4 years when his sister started seeing Steven *name changed*. Now, post-relationship I realise that me, a 5’6, brunette, curvy, dd-cup boobs, pierced nipples, independent woman type didn’t fit into his family very well. A well to do, money can buy you happiness sort.
Anyway I didn’t think much of it when my bfs sister said she was seeing someone new, this was pretty standard. As someone from money she picked muscley well off men who (entirely not my type). Steven was a pilot, around 5’7, dark brunette hair, brown eyes, pretty dark skin and definitely looked after himself.
They’d been dating around a year when we’d all been party for one of my exes relatives one night when we all got back to my exes family home. My bf went upstairs to shower and his sister fell asleep on the sofa in the living room which was opened to the kitchen, I was talking to his mum while I stood on the living room side of the breakfast bar when Steven walked up beside me, felt my ass and slid his hand beneath my dress onto my ass before winking at me and walking away. I was a little taken a back and didn’t know what to do, I was surprised by how forward he’d been, there’d been definite chemistry between us and flirting before but I hadn’t thought much of it.
This quickly escalated into us snapchatting almost daily, no matter whereabouts in the world he was. We confided a lot in each other, he told me how he was very unhappy in his relationship, that my bfs sister didn’t nearly fulfil all his kinky desires (They’re still together now!) . I showed him my secret Tumblr page my bf didn’t know about, full of all my nudes (confessionsofadaddiesgirl on Tumblr is my newer one for those still clinging on to the days Tumblr was good).
When he was in the country and visiting his gfs family we made an extra special effort to tease each other, I used to play with my bf on the sofa under rugs knowing he knew what I was doing but couldn’t do/say anything. When we used to get home from nights out we used to make excuses and go upstairs so I could purposely get undressed in the spare room and he in my bfs sister’s room directly facing the spare room with both doors open and then have sex with our respective other halves loudly so we could both hear.
When everyone else had gone out to work in the house in the mornings he used to leave me out a little selection of his gfs toys to play with and take videos of me using which I used to put on Tumblr seeing she was a bit of a prude and wouldn’t use the toys he’d bought her.
All in all I’d a lot of fun while it lasted.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d25ttq/i_used_to_fool_around_with_my_boyfriends_brother
Great story once I had Tumblr still I would have looked you up pair.
Post a link to your tumblr
Sexy story! I need a friend like you for naughty adventures like this.