Sleep Tight [MM; BDSM]

“Evan, I’m home!”

My ears perked up when I heard that, my master was home! Cody, or master as I call him when we are “playing,” is my boyfriend. We have a consensual BDSM relationship, he is the dom and I’m his sub. Anytime I wanted this to be over, it would. We could easily go back to a normal relationship, heck, we often do! But I love this side of our relationship. I have my safe word for if things get too heavy or go too far, but I love testing my limits.

“Cody! Finally your home! Dinner’s ready.” I called him by his name instead of calling him Master. This was fine because our games wouldn’t start until after dinner.

We ate and talked about our days and about life. After dinner, we both cleaned the kitchen. As soon as I put the last dish in the dishwasher, I felt Cody’s strong hand grab me, turn me around, and passionately kiss me. After a few moments, he pulled away and sexily whispered, “Are you ready to go upstairs?”

I responded, with a voice that totally betrayed how aroused and excited I was, “Yes Master.”

We quickly ran upstairs to the bed and began fondling and caressing each other. We were passionately kissing and caressing and teasing each other when Cody grabbed my cock and started stroking me and I him. It had been a few days since we had sex, Cody had been out of town on business.

I quickly felt myself getting ready to cum. That’s not good, I needed permission to cum and I’d never get it this soon in. I tried holding back, but I couldn’t. I was just about to ask permission to cum, when disaster struck, I came.

Master looked upset, but he told me we’d deal with it later. We continued our night of passion and had sex. It was great. I tried to fully enjoy it, but my mind was on the mistake I made. We both came, this time I got permission.

We both lay there panting, waiting to catch our breaths. When we both calmed down, my master spoke. “Alright, now it’s time for your punishment.”

“Yes, Master. I’m so sorry Master.”

“I know you’re sorry, but you still need punishment.” Master sternly said while pulling out handcuffs and a blindfold.

After securing my hands and plunging me into darkness, my master threw me over his shoulders in a rough but gentle way and carried me to the bed where I was positioned on the edge of the bed in a kneeling position. I could only assume this was so Master could have perfect access to my now fully erect penis. I waited in apprehension until my master finally broke the silence.

“You broke my rules by cumming early, I am very disappointed in you.”

“I’m very sorry, master” I whimpered. Part of me wanted to escape this punishment, but the other part was really excited for it.

“I’m sure you are, but sorry isn’t enough, you must be punished.”

“Understood, master.”

“Your punishment is ten swats on your penis with this ruler.”

I gasped, this would not be an easy punishment.

“You know the rules, you will keep count and thank me after each swat or I will start over at one.”

“Yes, Master”

“Good, let’s begin”

I was scared, the knowingness of the coming pain was amplified by the blindfold, I had no clue when it would start, but my wait wasn’t long…

“Ahhhhhh, one! T-thank you, Master!” I screamed out in pain. He gave me just enough time to recover between each swat.

“Owww!! Ten. Thank you, Master!”

I was removed from the bed and placed on the floor in a kneeling position, but bent over so that my ass was sticking into the air, giving Master perfect access.

“Now, my pet, you mentioned wanting to take things up a notch?”

“Yes master” I responded with excitement and anticipation, fully assuming I was in for some more passionate sex. I was hoping to fully enjoy it this time now that the punishment was out of the way, although I was a little nervous because I didn’t know how he intended to take it to the next level. This confusion and anticipation only got me more excited and aroused.

“Now, here’s the deal, I love seeing you bound and squirming, so tonight we are going to try something. This doesn’t have to become a regular thing and if you don’t like it we will never do it again, understood?”

“Yes, Master”

“Good, tonight you’ll be sleeping bound, blindfolded, and gagged.”

I guess Cody could sense my fear because he quickly added in a reassuring and comforting voice, “Don’t worry, I will be right next to you all night, I know you’re scared to be away from me.”

“You promise you will stay by me, Master?”

“Yes, Love”

“Ok then, let’s give this a try”

“Good, trust me you’ll enjoy it”

I felt a hand begin to massage my ass and begin to finger my entrance. I let out a whimper as I felt a buttplug slide inside me.

He let out a small chuckle, “Oh, I forgot to mention this part, sorry! You still on board?”

I nervously laughed a little, “I’m sure, you forgot. I’m ok”

My master picked me up off the floor and led me to the bed and sat me down. I could hear him crouch down and cuff my ankles together. I could hardly get them 3 inches apart, now I was going no where.

“Comfy?” Master teased.

“A little” I responded with a laugh. I suddenly felt a firm slap.

Master followed the slap by firmly saying, “Missing something?”

“Sorry, Master. I meant a little, master.”

“That’s better.” He praised while gently stroking my cock, causing me to whimper in pain and discomfort. Normally it would feel amazing, but it still felt sore from the flogging. He released my cock as he got up. “Now only one thing left. A gag.”

I frowned, Cody knew I’d be ok with it if he really wanted it but he also knew I didn’t like being gagged, especially overnight. He was really testing my limits tonight. The scary thing? I was really turned on. I did trust and love him after all…

“Wait! Is that really necmmmppphhhh”

“Yes it is,” Master laughed in response.

Now I couldn’t move, speak, or see, and I had a plug up my ass. I didn’t know what else he could do. So imagine my surprise when I heard, “One more surprise.”

Wait, there’s more? How much more can I take?!? I felt a hand on my ass when suddenly I heard a switch and the butt plug sprung to life. I started squirming rapidly and moaning and screaming into my gag until the vibrations decreased to a lower level. I was still squirming and moaning, but at least this was a little more bearable. The other setting is good, but not for long term, and I had a feeling I’d be like this all night. Suddenly, the vibrations ceased. Master must’ve noticed the relief on my face because he quickly chimed in.

“Don’t get too comfortable my pet,” he laughed, “I didn’t shut it off, I merely changed the setting. You will be receiving a 90 second dose of vibrations every 15 minutes until morning. Having you moan and squirm against me will help me sleep, and turn me on so I’ll be ready to go in the morning.” He said that last part in a very seductive manner that had me excited for the morning, even if I had to endure this first.

I could hear Cody turn off the lights and I felt him climb into the bed. He grabbed me and pulled me close. He whispered in my ear, “Goodnight my love.” I tried to respond with “I love you too” but it only came out as a series of mumbles. He chuckled and said, “Sleep tight.”

I lied there, in a mixture of discomfort from my situation and comfort from being next to the man I love. I was reflecting on my relationship and thinking about how much I loved him when the intruder sprung to life again. I am sure I’ll get some sleep tonight, but it is not going to be constant or restful. I’ll definitely need a nap after our morning “activities.”

The last words that were spoke that night were when Cody laughingly said, while I was squirming and moaning from the gentle vibrations, “Oh, and don’t you dare cum until the morning!”

Note: if you like this story and want more (including a brief sequel), please check out my Wattpad (same username) where I post both gay and straight erotica.
