That nurse [F] at my [M] Colonoscopy procedure

This one is from way back, I was in my late 30’s at the time. No one will believe it, (I almost don’t myself) but it’s quite true.

I was having some abdominal upsets, my local G/P sent me to Portland for what he called a lower GI. Basically a crowbar with a camera on it up the behind, since it was just the lower Colon, no putting me under. Portland is a 100 mile drive for me, PIA but needed to be done, I was seriously having some discomfort.

I arrived after having done the lime flavored battery acid deal, (any of you who have had this done know what I mean) and zero food for one previous day, needless to say my mood was not the best.

The receptionist was a crabby acting old lady about 60 or so, she checked me in and told me they were running behind so it would be a half hour. What she meant was an hour and a half, which added to my mood. So from this, you can probably tell I was not in the least bit excited at the prospect of having some Doctor stuffing things up my most private region.

Finally, I was called in, the nurse that came to get me was black, and I would have guessed her to be 15 but she of course was 20ish, sort of pretty. In the room, she told me to undress, remove all of my lower clothing and lie face down on the table. Then she sat down in a nearby chair? No sign at all of intending to leave the room.

I hesitated, decided to hell with it, dropped my pants and underwear, then got up on the table, my bare ass pointed her way. She stood up, put on hand on my hip and told me to move my right knee upwards, I suppose so the Doctor would have easy access. Suddenly I felt something damp and cold, she had reached back there and rubbed some kind of lube on my butthole. That did it, I began to get an erection, the idea of this young woman messing with my bare ass was too much. She might even have even been trying to get me going, since she rubbed her finger back and forth a half dozen times, then stuck one finger right in there a half inch or so. I felt my face begin to flame, but nothing I could do in that situation.

She stood there for a few seconds, then said something I didn’t quite get, then walked to the door, stuck her head out and told the Doctor she would need a few minutes, I heard him answer “OK.”. Then she shut the door, walked over to a nearby cabinet that I could see from where I lay, pulled on some fresh gloves and spread some lube on her hand.

Coming back over to me, she reached around from behind, grabbed my dick and very expertly whacked me off. It was so sudden I couldn’t even speak, totally unexpected. It also did not take very long, she had a towel ready to catch everything and clean me up, then she went and sat down again like nothing had happened at all after getting me placed on the table again, ready for the Doctor. No talking, no questions, it couldn’t have taken more than 3-4 minutes.

Then the Doctor knocked on the door, she called out that she was ready. He came in, looked at me, then at her, grinned and said “Good.” and next thing I knew I was looking at my insides on the screen in front of me. After he finished, he told me I could get dressed and he would see me in the other office. The nurse just sat there, she again made no move to leave so I got up and tugged my clothes back on.

“That was.. uhh.. different.” I told her.

“The Doctor doesn’t like men having a reaction during the procedure.” She told me matter of factly, not even changing expression as she led me out and pointed to a nearby office. I shrugged, not another word was said. In the Doctor’s office, he told me I was clear, no Polyps, no sign of Cancer, just some mild inflammation that was probably causing the excess flatulence. He asked about my diet, suggested some changes, like avoiding the Mexican restaurant I liked so much.

I got the impression that what just happened in his office was… normal for him?

I hopped in my truck and drove home, stopping at a place with waitresses on roller skates to get a hamburger. (Now you know how long ago this was..*LOL**) I told Dotty, my wife at the time about what happened as soon as I got home, from her expression I don’t think she believed me either.

Since then, I have had the same procedure done twice, and a full colonoscopy (put under for that) once, and nothing even close to similar ever happened. I don’t know if the Doctor was homophobic, or actually thought an erection would interfere, since I am sure a few guys might erect during that.

I do know I will never forget getting a surprise happy ending in a Doctor’s office before a medical procedure.

Plus maybe that is why he was always running behind?

I might mention here that I am now 75 years old, and have had one hell of a LOT of experiences in my life, since I have always been a bit oversexed, still am in fact. My first wife was a bit of a slut, my second wife was close as close to normal as it is possible to be, after she passed I married this Doctor lady and life for the last dozen years has been mayhem.

Now she is in Boston, I am in Oregon, and I have no idea how things will end up. So, I sit and write to pass the time.

Most of what I post will be just memories, I hope no one minds. It is fun to remember and write them down, it helps to keep me out of the GOGO bars. :)



  1. My healthcare plan wouldn’t cover it. I’d have to work well into my 70’s, cause ya got to stay healthy.

  2. I mean it’s great that you didn’t mind, but that is kinda rape, I know personally, being in a comitted relationship, I would not appreciate that at all

  3. >PIA but needed to be done

    That is to be expected!

    Crazy story, look forward to hearing more

  4. Here’s my hot story: I came in and changed into the exam clothes, the totally average nurse gave me an IV. Next thing I remember I woke up in the recovery room. The End.

  5. The fact that he grinned when he came in, enough so that you remembered to add that detail all these years later, makes me think he honestly was just “doing a favour” for all the guys coming in.

  6. My bet is that there was a hidden camera in the room. All jack off material for the sick doc.

  7. I keep stumbling across your stories, and they’re just great. It seems like you have so much to share, and you’re a good writer. Can’t wait for more stories, keep it up!

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