My [F]irst time at a nude party. [FM]

Links to previous stories:

– [My first experience with Tinder. [FM]](

– [My First time deepthroating. [FM]](

– [My First time getting creampied. [FM]](

– [My First time trying anal. [FM]](

– [Fucking two guys within 10 minutes. [FM]](

So a more unique story for you now, though maybe this isn’t unique for people browsing this site. Either way it was for me. So I made a friend one day at University, his name is Martin. He was 30 years old but worked at the University as an adminitrator or something, I’m not realy too sure of his job title. A glorified secretary basically. I saw him around a lot as we are both in the library and he helps me with a lot of things, so naturally we talk a lot. After a few weeks of becoming more and more comfortable with each other we start having more familiar conversations about love, sex, marriage and so on. He brings up that he hosts nude parties at his house regularly when enough of his regulars are available.

Now, naked parties are something that had never even crossed my mind until this point. He half-jokingly tells me that if I’m interested I can come along. I decline, but said that I will remember in the future if I ever feel daring enough and he said that he knew it was a big thing for people to do, and that public nudity is definitely not for all.

So anyway a couple more weeks pass by, and I’m starting to get a little bored of my usual clubs and pubs, and I can’t stop thinking about this naked party stuff. I mention it to a couple of my more sexually open friends, and they laughed and said we should go and check it out. They were serious about it, so next time I saw Martin I brought up that me and a couple friends would be down for going to one of these parties. As it happened he was hosting one that weekend and gave me the address, ran through the rules and so on. Basically it was a regular party, but as the night goes on, more and more clothes come off until everyone is naked, so it kinda built up to it for the more inexperienced of us there. I said I will see him there and that was that.

The night comes to it, and one of my friends chickens out, so it’s just me and one other. We are super nervous, but we get in to the taxi and head to his place. His house was quite big, not what I expected to see on a secretary’s wage. We knock on the door and Martin greets us, and we can hear the party already in full swing. We walk in to the main room and everyone is talking and dancing and having a good time, still with clothes on thankfully. We mingle for a while, feeling out everyone at the party, asking them how often they do this, things like that. All of the people there were much older than us, mid to late twenties, and a husband and wife that were there were in their late thirties, the same age as my parents, so it was a little strange.

The night goes on, and eventually the music quitens down for the benefit of the neighbors, and Martin comes in and makes the announcement that we will begin playing strip poker now. Ummm what. I’ve never played poker in my life. It’s quite clear that I was going to lose this fast. Luckily I had actually wore a couple layers (which is the exact opposite of what I usually do hehe), so I had a bit of a buffer before it got too embarrassing. We al sat around this big table, about 14 of us, and I said, “uhhh so how do we play this”? Everyone started laughing and was saying stuff like, “may as well just get those tits out now hahaha”. My face went so red. Luckily though me and my friend were given a few free passes to alow us enough time to learn how to play. I sort of got it by the time I ran out of free passes. From what I understood, I basically keep folding until I get two good cards at the beginning, like two kings or something. Either way though, I didn’t actually win a single game. However due to the rules of the game, the only time you have to take clothes off is if 3 or more people play a hand, the two people with the lowest value hand have to strip off a layer.

After a few hands, most people have taken off clothes. There are some women in their bra, and one guy in only his boxers. At this point I was in my undervest, bra, spats, and panties. Spats are like a tight lycra thing you can wear with dresses. I only wear them when it is windy so that I’m not constantly holding my skirt/dress down. My friend is sitting in her bra and panties. But then she loses a hand, and has to take off her bra. She kepts incredibly red and hot and says that she can’t do it and that she wants to go home. No problem, I kinda thought this would happen. She had been nervous about it all night and really wanted to go home earlier but I convinced her to stay, so I felt really bad like it was my fault. Martin orders her a taxi and I walk her to the door when it arrives and she leaves.

So now it’s just me there. The next youngest person is almost 10 years older than me at 27, and I feel so out of place. The game continues, I play a few losing hands, and I’m now sitting in my bra and panties. A lot of the women are now topless, so luckily I wasn’t as bad as them – though I suppose I did get those free passes while I learned. Then I lose another hand. I kinda look to the sky and swear at the heavens, took a deep breath and unhooked my bra. Everyone was complimenting my boobs, but I was so embarrassed that I covered them up lol. Eventually the first victim of full nudity happens. She has clearly done this before and she isn’t phased, she just gets up and slides off her panties, exposing her pussy. I was never going to have that confidence, at least not tonight. She moves away from the table and just goes to sit on the sofa watching the rest of us play. Then the next victim, another one of the girls, and she uses the same confidence and joins the other girl on the sofa and they just talk as if nothing was any different.

Then I lose. My heart was pounding and everyone banging on the table chanting “panties, panties, panties”. I kinda half stand up so that my waist is still below the table, and slide my panties off. I sit back down immediately so that no one can see me. I kinda walk sprint over to the sofa and join the other two girls, pressing my legs together and leaning forward while covering my boobs with my hands. One of the girls just put their arm around me and assures me not to worry and that everyone is like this on their first time. She complimented me and said I have an amazing body. I started to loosen up and up and sit upright, still sort of grapsing my boobs to cover my nipples.

It was sort of exhilarating though. I’d never been naked in front of anyone unless it was for sex, or whilst I was showering at after PE in school or something. I didn’t mind too much being naked infront of the girls here because I did that all the time in the dressing rooms in school, but I’d never been naked in front of guys like this before. I down a few shots of vodka, and after another 20 minutes or so I become much looser, and move my hands away from my chest. The girls again compliment my body, saying my tits have a perfect size and shape to them and that they were really jealous.

By now basically everyone is naked, so Martin puts away the poker mat and we move back in to the main room. We put some music back on and everyone is really getting in to it and dancing. I get up and join in the dancing with some of the girls. I’m still really nervous about opening my legs too much though, I found it so embarrassing. All the girls had some pubes to kind of cover them up a little, but I was clean shaved so I had nothing. I started to get more in to it though as I got my alcohol.

I started to get dizzy and sat down on the sofa in the other room to cool off. I was eventually joined by one of Martins friend. He proudly walks over to me, boner flapping side to side, and sits next to me. He was asking if I was okay and if I was embarrassed and such. I said that I wasn’t really embarrassed anymore, just a bit drunk and needed a sit down. Like the girls earlier I was with, he was complimenting me all the time, saying how nice my pussy and tits looked, and that I should be happy flaunting them.

After a few minute resting I got back up again and joined in the party. I walked over to the girl I was with earlier and started dancing with them, before being joined by a few guys. We all danced with each other, and their cocks kept brushing my back and stomach. They kept apologised for it but I don’t didn’t even care anymore. In the corner of the room I saw a couple of people making out with each other, and it turned me on a little. I was quite loosened up now and I didn’t even care. I started dancing with this guy I liked the look of, and my tits kept brushing against him, and his cock brushing against me. I turned around so my back was to him and took his hands and left him explore my body. He ran his hands around my back, stomach, tits, but mostly the latter :P. I danced with a few more people, letting their hands explore me. One guy even got a cheeky grab of my pussy, which I laughed off by squeezing his cock. Eventually I found a guy I was quite attracted to and began making out with him while his cock rubbed against me.

Eventually we went in to the other room and sat on the sofa. By now quite a few people had paired off with each other and had the same idea as us. There were, I think, three couples in the room, four if you included us. We squeezed ourselves on to the sofa and began making out. After a few minutes there wasn’t much room though and my body started to cramp up, so I got on top of him and straddled him. I felt his cock pushing against my pussy, but I didn’t want to fuck anyone tonight, I was exhausted. I just let his cock slide against my pussy while I made out with him. Two of the other girls were getting fingered, but I was a bit too embarrassed for that. I let him rub my pussy to show him what he couldn’t have while I kept grinding against his cock.

“I’m about to cum”, he whispered in my ear. I stopped grinding against him and teased him. “Cruel”, he whispered afterwards. I told him to wait there, and went to ask Martin what the rule on sex was, and he told me if I wanted to then to go in to the spare bedroom. I didn’t want to have sex, but I wanted to let this guy orgasm rather than being cruel and having him hold it back. Martin said it was okay as long as it didn’t go over anyone else or the furnite. I went back to my guy on the sofa and straddled him. He asked where I went, but I just stayed silent and began grinding him again. He was close to cumming again and told me.

“Hmmm, you want to cum in my 18 year old pussy”, I tried to say as seductively as possible.

“Oh god absolutely”, he said back.

“Tough”, I smirked.

And just kept grinding away. Eventually he stopped kissing me and started to moan, and I felt his cock started twitching as he shot cum up his stomach and chest. I kept grinding against him and his cummy cock, but it started to get soft. Before it did though I put him inside me and whispered, “maybe next time”, to him. I licked some of the cum off his chest and walked away.

People started going home with each other after this, so I got my clothes on and got one of my friends to pick me up. I was speaking to Martin while I waited, and I said that I had a good time and would enjoy doing it again. He thanked me for coming and said that next time it wont be so embarrassing and that I wouldn’t need to get so drunk. I laughed and said it was fine after a while, and that I was just embarrassed at first, which he replied was completely natural, especially for an 18 year old being around all the older adults.

My ride eventually arrived and I hopped in and went home. As soon as I got in I took my clothes off and fucked myself in to oblivion. I was so horny it was unreal. I used my bigger dildo, and when I came I just collapsed on my bed and went to sleep where I lay.

It was one of my most favourite nights ever, and I couldn’t wait for the next time, which I will definitely write about btw.



  1. “My friend left me alone, half naked, around essentially a group of other half naked strangers fueled with alcohol and hormones.”

    And that, my friends, is how rape happens.

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