The Coach’s Wife Pt. 1

The Dire valley is in Northern Oregon. It is a long and narrow strip of land, between two mountain ranges, and follows the river winding and twisting up the coast until it falls at last into the Pacific Ocean.

It was the perfect combination of nature and humanity. Great amounts of people, but not enough to take away from the beauty of the landscape and feel of Mother Earth.

It would always be considered home, to Erme. He grew up there and knew every secret it held. He would routinely reminisce about his childhood. His friends, the adventures they went on, and the girls who seemed to come and go from his life. But now was not the time for daydreams.

The crowd roared with anticipation as the clock ticked down, Erme snapped back to reality. The slow drowning out of the crowd, the chants of the cheerleaders, and his teammates on the field put him right back into laser focus. The score was already 43-35. If the Eagles could clinch this they would win the game. Erme was always fond of the attention after a big win like that.

The noise in the stadium all muffled into one drum tone. Erme couldn’t tell the difference between the opposing team’s taunts and his own teammate’s encouragement.

“We don’t have all day”. A sharp but familiar tone cut through the static, Nathan shouted at Erme.

That’s when he knew the final play. In that instance, it all flashed through Erme, and he started the play like he had visioned a hundred times before.

After the final buzzer rang, the cheer-squad ran out onto the field. They surrounded the players and jumped and cheered. Through all the hugs and excitement there was a glimpse of the other team – the Vikings, sulking back to their locker rooms. Their coach did not look happy, but the eagles coach was positively thrilled.

Nathan came up behind Erme and slapped him on the back.

“Always leave it to the last second, don’t you?” his strong arm slid up Erme’s back and clamped his neck between his bicep and forearm. The ripples of his muscles, and sweat from the game overwhelmed Erme, but he let out a laugh in all the commotion, before finally heading back to the locker room. They were going to the playoffs, and everybody knew they’d make it to state championships after. That’s the way it had been last year, and the year before that. Every week the stadium was packed, waiting to see them win. Waiting to see Erme show his dominance in the sport. It always drew a crowd, and they almost never lost.

By the time they got back to the locker room, the excitement and congratulations only got wilder. But Erme was already spent. He hadn’t slept well the night previously and it had been a long day at school. After the adrenaline wore off, he felt his body come to a crashing halt. At 18 years old, He was one of the oldest guys on the team, in addition to being captain and class valedictorian, senior year was starting to kick his ass.

As the coach rambled on, James sat down next to Erme. Fresh from the shower and wrapped in a towel, you could see the individual veins in his legs and forearms being pushed to the surface through all his lean muscle.

“Don’t think you can rest. We are back to training tomorrow morning and coach has been scouting out the other team. He’s getting nervous and wants us even more prepared for next week. That means we’ll be living in the gym, not that you don’t already”

Erme chuckled “You’d think so, but you’re still squatting more than me, by at least 80lbs. If I’m living there, you’re the landlord. Haven’t seen you take a day off in months.”

“Ain’t no rest for the wicked, and by wicked, I mean these bad boys” James flexed and the remaining water droplets on his biceps shot down as if dropped straight off a mountain face. He was definitely built like one. Taking a hit from him was like jumping in front of a bus. In his case, the bus might be the one with more damage

After what seemed like an eternity of a cool down speech and congratulations from the coach, plus the ideas for a harsher training regime planned for the team before their next big game, the chatter died down and the locker room slowly filled with steam as the remaining guys started their showers before heading home for the night.

After all the congratulations, high fives, and ass slaps, Erme said his goodbyes to his teammate, made plans with James and Nathan for the gym in the morning, then stripped down and headed off to his ‘unofficial’ favorite shower.

Cranking the handle and waiting for it to get as hot as he could handle, Erme hoped the steam and hot water would heal his sore muscles and bring him back to 100%. He wasn’t sure if he was more sore from the game this evening, or gym that morning. His legs pulsed as his muscle fibers twitched. Firing on and off like a strobe light, his skin seemed to dance as it stretched tight over his body. With barely any fat in the way his shape was more similar to a Greek statue than that of a mortal man. Not to mention the dark features from his Eastern European heritage, made him look like a bronze statue, chiseled and sculpted. His dark hair rested perfectly on his head, full and lush. His chest, as if engraved with definition, was covered with hair making it’s way to a V-shape down his front. Almost like a trail leading those, who were hypnotized by its perfection, to a treasure of sexual desire.

Erme heard a familiar voice in the stall next to him.

“James and I decided to go to see a movie, so i figured i better shower before or else the whole theater is gonna clear out from the smell” Nathan joked.

“A shower won’t help you there, bud. You need something stronger. Try filling the ice tubs with some cologne or something” Erme joked.

“Sounds like someone’s a bit jealous because no one askes for your sweaty jersey after the game. I swear, it’s like viagra for these chicks. I could almost see Stephanie’s legs get soaked when i tossed it to her” Nathan said as he ran a bar of soap over his chest, neck, and arms. With each pass the bar jumped and rattled over his muscles, like a car venturing off road. The water mixing with soap zigged and zagged down his body. Exploring each crag and crevasse before being swept down the drain.

“Stephanie is a babe” Erme replied. “From the sounds of it it doesn’t take much to get her wet. She texts me every week asking about my day or what i’m up to later. I can tell she wants this dick”

“Ha” bursted Nathan “Do it, man. What are you waiting for? Shes got an ass that doesn’t quit. Plus i’ve got off more than once to the idea of her tits bouncing up and down if I were on top of her. She’s got this tiny little body you could just grab and toss around”

“You’re telling me! She’s always dropping hints at the kinky things she likes. Like, just come out and say it. Everyone knows you’re a freak.” Erme said laughing.

“I think it’s because she wants you to make her say it.” Nathan replied “She’s into being told what to do. Plus with the muscle you’re packing on you’ll be able to do a lot more than just tell her what to do.”

They finished off, letting the hot water cascade down their bodies like a river following the river bed. Each mound on their backs, chests, abs, and legs guided the freshwater. Sending it pulsing down their bodies before crashing into the tile floor below.

Stepping out and pulling a towel tight around his waist, his hips and abs straining the fabric, Erme walked back to his locker to grab his clothes and get packed for the night.

The parking lot was dark and nearly empty; most of the people at the game had already headed out and the only cars left in the lot belonged to some of the band kids and the football players at the school.

“Alright, i’ll see you tomorrow morning. Bright and early at the gym.” Nathan reminded Erme

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be there. Worry more about your lifts than about me. Maybe then you’ll have arms like mine” Erme shot back.

“Ha. yeah, okay champ” Nathan said sarcastically.

On his way back to the car Erme noticed some movement in the darkness.

A tall figure walking towards him, slender and with a bit of sway in its step.

“Heard you did it again” A voice broke the silence.

Erme recognized it. A light and playful tone on top of a German accent.

“Ha ha, well i can’t take all the credit. There is a whole team of us. But I guess i did score the last touchdown” Erme replied as the woman broke into the light.

It was the coach’s wife, Sarah. She was usually at every game cheering them on, but for tonight was running behind.

“I’m sorry i missed it, you’ll have to give me a play by play rundown.” She winked while slowly moving her eyes over Erme’s chest and arms.
