luna (penned by SAINTTAYLOR) (harry potter fan flick)


penned by SAINTTAYLOR sunday september 1 2019.


(Luna ,

white t shirt,

pale legs,

gives a just a glance,

just an outline,


begging, to be seen,


Harry awoke disoriented from the night before up in his room in Gryffindor tower,

groggy from the time of sleep on with an unexpected guest.

“Luna, Luna, hey wake up.”

“What, what, what, is it?”

“Wake up, you gotta get out of here before someone wakes up and sees you.”

“Uuuugh, good to see you too sleepy head.”

“Common Luna.”

“Alright, alright silly, again, good flying last night Harry, where did my, oh there they are.”

“Wait no, leave them Luna.”

“You pervert, what do you want my panties for.”

“Jerking off, showing friends, you know.”

“Ugh, It’s a good thing your cute.”

Luna donned her robes

and Harry fell back to sleep.



Later that day, downstairs at breakfast, Harry received compliments from Gryffindors ,Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws alike.

“Slytheren played an exceptional dirty game.”

“I can’t believe they blew such a large lead.”

“Luckily Harry was there to save the day!”

Said Colin Creevey, gesticulating a rendition of last night’s game as he spoke.

“Shut up Colin.”

Said Ron, as he gesticulated a punch in the direction of Collin.

“Thanks Ron.”

Secretly, Harry didn’t want to be in the limelight today.

Harry couldn’t remember last night’s match with Slytherin all too well, not to say that he couldn’t remember last night.

It’s just that, for Harry, winning and beating Draco was only a tertiary part of his night.

Rather, something else was on Harry’s mind, something else entirely.



Harry heard a knock at the door,

he jumped out of the water,

he knew he was caught,

he was not perfect,

it’s just that Cedric Diggory had told him about the bathroom the year prior,

and the password never changed.

“pine fresh.”

“Gotta get my story straight,

Shit shit shit, need a towel.”

Knock, knock, knock

knock, knock, knock

Knock, knock, knock

“Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck.”

“Harry, its Luna, open on up, I know you’re in there.”

“Please Harry, come on,

I have a present for you,

just let me in,

I swear I won’t tell.”

Harry cracked open the door.


what are you doing here!

You gave me a heart-attack!”

“Well done Harry,

I knew you had it in you.

What are you talking through the crack for, let me in.”

I’m taking a bath Luna,

all I have on is a towel.”

“Oh I don’t mind.”

“Well maybe I do.”

“Don’t be silly Harry,

I brought you a present,

congrats on your win tonight, everyone is so excited.”

“Fine, fine, come on in.”

“Is that butterbeer Luna?”


I brought you a little celebration token to go along with your cup.”

“Wait this case seems different from how butterbeer usually looks?”

“Yeah! It’s the new holiday flavor,

it’s not out yet,

but my uncle sent me some from Ireland!

Want to try it with me Harry?”

“Well you’re already here, and I don’t think your likely to take no for an answer.”

“Now that’s the spirit!

I was thinking about you after the match up in the Ravenclaw common room,

how well you played,

and then I remembered that I had a case of butterbeer hidden under my bed,

and I just thought you would like a drink after a long game.”

“Ya, that’s actually really thoughtful Luna, thank you.”

“Oh, you have a bath going Harry,

Look at all the bubbles!

This is way nicer than the Ravenclaw bath,

Ooo and candles!

Here i’ll light them! for you.”


Fine, just please be a bit more quiet,

we aren’t supposed to be here at all,

let alone this late at night.”

“Okay, okay,

sure thing dad.”

“What are you doing”

“I’m getting in the water,

what does it look like I am doing.”

“Luna, what?

It looks like your de-wrobing, that’s what it looks like!”

“Well, I’m not going to hop in with my wrobes on,

don’t worry I’m wearing a bra and panties,

they’re cure too,

just don’t look,

Oooh it’s warm, and there’s bubbles!

come on Harry, and bring the butter beer!”


just let me slip on my briefs,

look away”



(Sitting next to one another,

bodies hidden, lost,

foliage of soap,

under the living painting of the mermaid.


where did mine go.)

“No it’s alright Harry, we can share the last one,

wow so you weren’t scared at all!”

“No, I was just so focused on finding the snitch, we were so far behind I knew it was just up to me.”

“Wow your so brave.”

Mockingly touching Harry’s chest:

as a damsel in distress.

(Harry hadn’t thought about it until this moment, but he was sitting here in a bath wi–)

“Harry, Harry, Harrreey!”


“I asked you a question silly, what did you think when you saw Draco diving?”

“Oh that,

well I knew that Draco had seen me do a move like that in the previous game,

and I suspected he would try to copy it,

luckily I spotted the snitch just as Draco was diving. ”

“Wow that’s so lucky, I’m so happy for you, and,

wait there’s one more on the other side!

We can split that one too,

actually you can have it,

I’m already feeling warm in the cheeks.

No wait let me,

I’ll get it for you, you must be tired already.”

“What are you looking at Harry, is there something on me”

“O no I was just thinking–”

(Oh my god, I can see through, Luna’s nipples, oh my, I forgot she was just in panties, now soaked from the bath. I just want to fu—-)

“what were you thinking?”

(fuck, im fucked, she know I’m–)

“I was thinking about something for my charms homework due tomorrow.”

“I’m sure you were, athletic and smart.

Here you go Harry.”

“Whoa scoot over,

don’t sit so close to me, it’s warm enough here already.”

“Oh sorry.”

“No wait, no I didn’t mean it, I’m just surprised

no no come here. “

“Is it alright if I hold you hand Harry?”

(shit, shitt, shittt, she’–)


“Wow, your hands are super rough, even in the bath.”

“Ya, all these quidditch practice leading up to last night have really roughened them up.”

“Hey, at least I know what to get you for Christmas, although I kinda like them rough.”

“O no, don’t get a present Luna, really, your really enough”

“I’m enough?”

“Oh no, I mean, what I was saying was–”

“It’s alright Harry I’m just teasing, sometimes I just like to tease,

and we finished the box too.”

“I bet you do Luna. So um, how tall are you”

“That’s your question. Hmhm, I just told you I like to be a tease and am slightly tipsy,

And you ask me how tall I am:

I’m only 5 1, I have been trying to put on weight, it’s just that it’s so hard here at Hogwa”–)

“No Luna.

You look great Luna, you really do,”

“Aww thanks Harry. Here, let go of my hand for a sec, I’m gonna untie my hair.”

“Wow, I didn’t know you had so many piercings Luna.”

“Yeah! I have seven in this ear, and six in this one.”

“Did they hurt to get?”

“Oh, these, they actually weren’t too bad. My nipple ones hurt way more, in fact, they still get sore sometimes.”

“O, ya, sore you say.”

(thank you god there are bubbles to hide m—-)

“Ya, I was in London this last summer, and I just thought it would be nice, there’s just something about a girl with piercings that just really turns me on.”

“Ya I agree, they are, or wait, what I mean is tha–”

“No, it’s alright Harry,


Could you tell that I was pierced when I stood up to get you a drink?”

“Yeah, I, well couldn’t help it, your all wet and—”


“And what?”

“Do you like them?

Are they cute?”

“Ya, I do, I’ve never seen a girl with piercings before, I didn’t think anyone in Hogwarts was like that.”

“Like that?”

“Oh, you know what I mean.”

“I’m just kidding, I told you, I like to be a tease.

“I can tell.”

“So you’ve seen them, well, don’t tell anyone.


since were here,

do you want to feel them?”

“Wait, what?”

“I said, do you want to feel them, my nipple piercings?

I’ve never had somebody touch my tits since they were pierced.

I wonder if it feels different.”

“Uh ya sure,

I’d love to feel them for you Luna”

(oh my fu–)

“here let me see your hand,

No under the bra silly,

And don’t be so gentle.

You know what, it does feel different,

my nipples are way more sensitive.

I know they’re tiny.”


They’re perfect Luna, they really are,

Look at me Luna,

They’re perfect.”

“Sometimes I play with my nipples, here like this,”

“Like circles?”

“Yeah, like that,

you catch on quick kid,

oh, be more gentle here though.

Ya that’s better,

actually ya, that feels good.


“What is it Luna?”

“It’s just, some girls were talking in the ravenclaw common room the other day,

no don’t stop,

they were talking,

they were talking about giving their boyfriend’s blowjobs, ”


Blowjobs you say?”

“Shut up, you know what I am talking about.

No, no, don’t stop.

Do the girls in Gryffindor give good head Harry?”


“What’s so funny Harry?

Is it that bad?

I thought Hermione wou–”

“No no no, let me cut you off,

this is kinda embarrassing, but well,

actually Luna, I have never, you know,

been, hm hm,

been with a girl, before. ”

“No way!

You lie,

Harry Potter,

you lie,

never getting head, impossible!

Fuck, my nipple is still so sensitive.

No, no, like a good way.

Well surely the gryffindor girls play with you, and let you play with them,

what about Hermione?


“No they’re just friends, and Ginny is Ron’s sister.

Actually, your the first girl i’ve seen naked Luna”


Well first off you haven’t seen me naked, so hold your horses.

Harry Potter, sixth year,

and I am the first girl he has felt up on,

you expect me to believe that?

That’s your story huh?”

“Now don’t make fun of me Luna, this is kinda a sore spot you know.

And im playing with your nipple piercing right now, so you know what I mean.”

“Sorry Harry, I didn’t mean to–


don’t stop by the way,

that’s actually kinda cute,

what I was saying was that,

the girls in Raven claw got me thinking.”


“is it alright with you,

if I uh,

you know?”

“You want to give me a blowjob?”

“Ya, just to try, see what it is like, you know?

See if I like it?”



ya, okay,

sounds good to me, I guess, why not, if you want to uhh try?”

“Here, sit on the ledge of the bath right here,

Wait wait,

take your boxers off first.”

“Yes master,

I am a good house elf.

And they’re briefs actually.”

“Shut up,

don’t make me change my mind.

That’s better, here, pull my hair out of my face for me.

Wow you must be really horny.

All right, tell me if it feels good

(Luna’s eyes:

eager, wanting



just the lips,

tongue, on.





just the tip





(So this is what the girls were talking about)


ya that’s good,

no don’t stop.”

(I’m such a slut,

Luna the slut,






asking mouth,







Whoa whoa whoa,

Whoa, that’s close”

“What is it”

“Here there some hanging off your mouth, here you go.

God Luna, that feels so good”


here I’m going to take this off,

Do you want to see my tits Harry.

No don’t nod, I want you to say it.”


“Are you horny”

“Please Luna, I’m super horny, please”

“horny for me?”

“Please Luna, you make me so horny, please.”

“Here let me sit on your lap.”

(erect cock,

against my,


” kiss my,



Harry, right the give me a hickey Harry,

lay down.”










“I want you to fuck me,

no you on top.”

(oh, my, god)


pressed against,








No, just be inside me”









humping against,


“Your so big Harry,”


“Fuck me”

(Uh Harry,

harder ,


don’t stop,

like that ya,


Please please,

don’t stop,

Like that

I beg you

please, please, please

Fuck me Harry,

don’t stop,

please don’t stop Harry

Uh uggh

Please, I need,

I’m a slut,

I’ma slut


I’m your slut Harry,

Say it, ya, say it Harry,


call me your slut,

please keep fucking me,


Oh my God,

Oh my God

Oh my God

That’s it that’s it

Your so big






Touch me









Touch me.)










Don’t stop

Don’t stop

Please don’t stop

You cocks so big









Don’t God


Fuck me

I’m your slut




I think I’m cuming

Don’t stop

Please God

Grab my titty

Don’t stop





Don’t stop


Your so big









Don’t stop


Oh my God

Cum in me Harry





I’m so horny






(Grey eyes,

fail to disguise,

the anxiety I know,

rests inside,

Brave Luna)

“Harry are you even paying attention! You’re barely even eating any of your breakfast?”

“Wait what, oh ya, ya Ron, it’s just that I’m a bit groggy from last night is all.”



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