Hired Help (looking for feedback, unfinished, long) [MFF] [threesome] [anal] [depravity] [squirting]

I got to know someone and wanted to write a story for her. While this is unfinished I was wanting to end it with the couple doing anal while the hired help was getting them both of, but overall wanting a critique of this. It seems a bit long compared to some of the stories here, but I feel a backstory adds to the tension. What do you like, and what wouldyou have written differently?


Michelle was a survivor. Going from home to home, hardly having friends to rely on, much less being in a stable relationship; she wanted to be a part of something, to be wanted, to know her purpose in life. It certainly didn’t come from the attention of policemen, nor the repeated warnings from store managers when she got caught stealing things, but somehow the attention came from her gorgeous neighbor Jack and his wife Erin. Sure the couple had a busy lifestyle but they could always use more help, especially when it came to cleanup duty. Michelle had her moments of OCD, but her wanting to feel a part of something, and Jack and Erin always needing an extra hand; Michelle found a niche she could fulfill.

Yet today she was trapped in their home doing cleanup duty.

It came to fruition one summer afternoon while Jack was changing after a few hours of exhausting yard work. Jack knew that Michelle had the hots for him and coyly teased her believing nothing would come of it. He would roll up his sleeves before starting work knowing she could see him from her house, then take his shirt of ever-so-dramatically, trying his best not to laugh, while giving her an enticing glimpse of his back. Only he wasn’t aware of how badly Michelle desired him. Here Michelle could feel wanted by helping out while getting a free show, and hopefully get closer to Jack a little. There was an age gap between them, but Michelle knew her heart was in the right place. Her hormones were a different story.

Erin wasn’t impervious to this attraction as she could see it plain as day. While she did have her doubts from time to time, like with any woman that suddenly came in the picture, she would strategically let things play out and intervene at just the right times. When the three of them were raking leaves the previous fall, Erin noticed that Michelle, her hard work showing with the sweat on her forehead and marks on her shirt, had stopped to cool off a little behind the shed to admire Jack. Knowing how guilty and embarrassing it was to get caught, Erin found a clear path without leaves to stealthily move up behind her and closely whisper, “He is pretty hot, isn’t he?” causing Michelle to be shocked at being caught. “It’s okay, honey”, Erin laughed, causing Michelle a great sense of relief. “I was once your age and remember what it was like. I’m not mad at you, and trust me… he looks great, but like with any guy he has issues I have to put up with.” While Michelle was relieved, those issues piqued her interest. While she was still coming down from the adrenaline high and shock, she knew Jack looked at her a different way than he did his own loving wife, so she started to wonder, “Could I do any better than her? Could I be a better person in his eyes?” The guilt of doing what was right and doing what she could to fulfill her own needs was conflicting her heart and mind at the time. The more fun she saw the two of them having, the more her jealousy grew. Sure she could have put herself out there as many men her age would take interest, but she felt that they wouldn’t “get” her or relate to her that only so few could. It wasn’t worth the risk of time when she already had scraps off the table in front of her.

At this point she could indulge in the table scraps knowing it was all she would get from both Jack and Erin. And she couldn’t be happier until they said so otherwise.

The chicken dinner was halfway done when Jack came in from fixing things on his car. Michelle had little-to-no technical know how when it came to cars and trucks as she had no father figure to help her nor inspire her, but she did get some guidance from Jack which only attracted her to him more. Jack always appreciated having a second set of hands helping him when he was working on his car, which greatly decreased the time it took to get things done. Since the house only had one shower, Jack went up to clean up first as he did the majority of the lifting and heavy work. Erin followed and poured herself a small glass of water to help hydrate herself, quickly downing it. She didn’t want to funk up their kitchen.

“Hey Erin…”, Michelle asked, “Did you happen to see my phone anywhere?

“Nnnnooo, not down here I believe. Didn’t you leave it with your purse upstairs?”
“Ah that’s probably where it is!” Michelle realized.

Knowing of Michelle’s interest in her hardworking husband, Erin suggested she go upstairs to find her purse and phone, knowing very well that Jack was upstairs showing; and Michelle being so close to her showering neighbor would tantalize her more. This pleased Erin as she could dangle the carrot in front of Michelle’s face, and in turn might help Michelle to stick around longer.

She could hear the water running as her heart was trembling. The man behind the bathroom door was the guy she constantly tried to get glimpses of. She hoped the sizzling of the chicken would be enough to disguise her delay and intentions, but she fluffed some of the bed sheets while staring at the door to fool Erin into thinking she was still looking for her purse. She found her purse, but her intentions now were elsewhere as her heart beat was increasing. Michelle had difficulty swallowing as she approached what she wanted that very minute. Her palms a bit sweaty as her bare feet were getting misted by the hot shower steam, she put her hand on the door. “No, this is too risky”, she thought, hesitant to stop her own actions. She didn’t want to risk her income and friendship with the neighbors, but more importantly she didn’t want to miss out on the chance to see Jack again.

By luck, she saw Jack’s sweaty boxers lying next to the bed on the floor. Maybe Jack got sloppy or careless. Maybe this was one of those issues that irritated Erin so much. Maybe Jack left them out there to tease Michelle and give her a glimpse as to yet another thing she wanted that she couldn’t have. She bent down to pick them up, entranced by the sweaty goodness soaked in the fabric, a clear sign of hard work. The underwear brought slowly to her face in anxiety and anticipation; she greedily inhaled the scent of his manliness, the muskiness of his genitalia, basking in the prize that belonged to Erin. Now she had an artifact of that prize and could briefly enjoy it. She slowly put the underwear in her mouth, letting the garment please multiple senses. Her taste buds pleased with the fibers of Jack’s sweat, her sense of smell sated with the scent of Jack’s body, sensations arousing her body and mind awakening a new channel of desires.

Until she heard Erin’s voice yell, “HEY!”, creating a similar shock to being caught the first time. This was worse, much worse. Instantly her thoughts whirled as to what excuse she could come up with, but with Jack’s boxers just in her mouth, now left on the floor having been dropped in surprise, what was left to say? She no longer heard the chicken cooking downstairs but could hear her crush drying off in the bathroom, her heart still racing from being caught. Her only focus was on, “What will happen to me? What will Jack think?” despite him drying off from the shower and unaware of the confrontation in the bedroom.

She was too stunned to notice Erin bending down to pick up Jack’s boxers before Michelle heard her say, “No.. I want him to see this. Honey?”

“Erin?” a startled Jack questioned.

“You’re gonna wanna see this!” said Erin.

Already embarrassed from being caught, Michelle knew it was only going to get worse. She just wanted to get her lecture over with and get out. She’s been punished before, but never that and embarrassed in front of people she knew. Out of the blue, Erin took Jack’s boxers, and scrunched them up, then held them up to Michelle’s mouth. “Open”, Erin said stoically, to which Michelle obeyed immediately for fear of something else. Michelle then had the familiar taste and texture of her crush’s underwear, but the thrill was gone due to this sudden change in events.

The bathroom door creaked open with Jack emerging in a teal bath towel. “What did you wh– OH!” He stopped suddenly, eyeing up the situation of his neighbor gagged by his boxers stuffed in Michelle’s mouth with Erin binding Michelle’s hands with her own. Puzzled, he asked, “What’s going on?”

“ –Your neighbor has a crush on you. I caught her with your boxers in her mouth.”, Erin replied.

“Uhh.. wow, okay.” This caught Jack off guard, bringing a sly smile to his face as he looked at a scolded Michelle holding her head in shame. He was afraid of showing any joy of the newfound received affection to his wife, who stood there proud of her catch, “I’m uhh…. a little torn on this”, he said, with a twinge of embarrassment in his voice.

“–Embarrassed? Don’t be, sweetie.”, Erin said. “I kinda had a feeling she had the hots for you. I’m not afraid of any competition. Besides, she’s done such a good job of helping out around the house, I couldn’t **stand** to think of all the work we’d get stuck doing without her.” Jack couldn’t agree more, but inside he did like the extra attention he was getting from his younger neighbor. And the tone in his wife’s voice confused him as to whether or not she was being sarcastic or serious. Did he know if Erin knew he had an attraction to Michelle and this was some trap to corner him, or was she genuinely enjoying having the extra help to free up time? He understood it would be different if it were a younger male helping out around the house and Erin had some eye candy to gawk at, yet feet from him was a crush, neither of them knowing if it was mutual or not, with his boxers in her mouth. At least he, unlike Michelle, knew he was in the clear.

Erin pressed on. “I want to keep her at work, but give her a show” as she winked at Jack. She let go of Michelle and brought Jack closer in to a comfortable whispering distance. Michelle knew she was fucked, but now thoughts of anxiety and confusion clouded the previous feelings of embarrassment. Jack happily obeyed his wife and grabbed a series of Zip Ties. and handcuffs from the nightstand with a better vision of what was going to happen, and in the meantime Erin took the boxer out of Michelle’s mouth

“W-what’s going to happen? What are you going to do?”, Michelle asked. “Can I at least get some more water? The boxers made my mouth dry.”

“ –oh, you’ll get more than water, sweetie.” Erin knew they had put Michelle’s body to work, but now she was going to exhaust Michelle’s heart, mind, and emotions, and she was going to get the most devilish pleasure out of all of it, especially knowing the psychological toll it would take on Michelle. “We’re going to keep you on cleanup duty.” Michelle gulped in anxiety, and because she was already thirsty from assisting Jack earlier in the afternoon, who was already in the stages of binding Michelle’s wrists and ankles.

Michelle found herself restrained to an old, wooden chair, placed very close to the foot of the bed, using a series of handcuffs and Zip Ties; thankfully loose enough to allow a bit of mobility. She was experiencing brief moments of regret despite getting a taste of her crush’s body elements, but these were overshadowed by her current scenario and the uncertainty of what would happen next, not to mention blossoming thoughts of jealousy as she watched Erin disrobe Jack, then start to disrobe herself. If her embarrassment, shame, and anxiety were not enough to keep her flustered in her current state; surely the arousement, heartache, and jealousy from what she could see would only contribute to her exhaustive state. It was a feeling that Jack knew all to well, as he put the finishing touches on Michelle’s restraints to ensure she would be comfortable, at least in the physical sense. Obviously not his first rodeo, he could sense the feelings Michelle had like other women the couple had brought over for help in the past, and gave her what may have been a false sense of comfort with a kiss on her forehead.

Erin, like Jack, careless disrobed and left her crumpled clothes on the floor. She didn’t care. She knew she had someone on cleanup duty. Besides, she wanted to give the little helper a show. While Jack moved to the front of the bed, his wife walked toward him from the other direction, behind the restrained Michelle. While in motion, Erin playfully ran her fingers through Michelle’s hair while walking by. The helper’s quick sense of comfort and relief were cut short by Erin gripping Michelle’s hair aggressively; then placing an appropriately-sized, chrome-chained dog collar around Michelle’s neck. This was no typical BDSM collar though. This one was specially made to accommodate a second chain which the collar had. Erin didn’t want to completely torture her subject. She wanted her to feel secure, not confined. Erin fitted the collar to allow enough breathing room for later.

With an exhaustive sigh Jack fell backwards at the foot of the bed with not only a feeling of relaxation from the hard work done earlier, but the pleasure he would receive from his wife which would in turn put Michelle on an emotional roller coaster, giving Jack a mental high –a high almost as equal to the amount of sexual contact he was about to give and receive. Maybe Michelle would get jealous, or aroused, or disinterested. Either way he was going to win. He was already giving the girls a nice view of his crotch, his clean penis slowly growing from being watched. Erin bent down to Michelle, “I know you like him. I bet he likes you too. Don’t you wanna feel him and make him hard?” Jack had difficulty trying to hide his smile, his excitement, as he spread his legs in front of their helper. His heart beat increasing, he had a good idea of what was about to happen, but didn’t want to let it show to Michelle. “C’mon ‘Chelle…”, Jack spoke softly. “It’s okay. You want some help?”

Trembling in her voice Michelle spoke, “I… I’m.. (sigh) I don’t know what-t tt-to do. I’m af-f-fraid you’ll be mad at me but.. but I want to… I want to taste it!” Her voice spoke of desperation from already being parched from the heat and the tension, the other desire from her luscious curiosity. Erin playfully tilted her head and smiled at Michelle, then using her slender-but-toned calf, brought Michelle’s chair closer to the edge of the bed. Here she could use one hand to position Michelle closer to her husband’s cock, and use the other to guide Jack’s cock to Michelle’s anxious mouth. “First, lemmee show you how it’s done…” said Erin, gleefully and hastily moving her head down on to Jack’s member. She wasn’t really there to demonstrate. She wanted Michelle to beg for it, to lubricate Jack’s penis with her own saliva, then let Michelle taste the mixture.

Michelle noticed how Erin’s technique was much different than her own, almost amateurish, as Erin had her mouth gaping and tongue extended inches before reaching the head and shaft. Even Jack didn’t know how good of an actress Erin could be, as he could feel a big gob of saliva drenching his ever-growing cock with Erin engulfing it slowly. It was as if she was hungry for cock before he was even nude, which pleased Jack at his wife’s show of self-control. Despite any hand action, it didn’t take long before Jack was erect and happier, as Michelle watched the outline of Jack’s head go back further and see a bulge in Erin’s cheek from time to time. Even the pleasant breaths emitting from her crush, despite it being the result of another woman’s pleasure, became burned in her memory of favorite sensations. In spite of the jealousy, the restraint, the dehydration, the exposed intimacy; Michelle was beginning to experience a new sense of pleasure as her pulse increased, and she could feel a damp, warm sensation on the underside of her thighs while witnessing Erin awaken the nerve endings of her husband’s tool.

Jack was ready for more. Both ladies could hear it as his breathing become more pronounced, but Erin didn’t want to keep her prize waiting. Erin released her oral grip with Jacks full-grown manhood popping out of her skilled mouth, a few drops of saliva left on the tiny folds. Taking pride in her work, she pleasantly held it out for Michelle, offering it to quench her thirst, to finally give her a taste of the forbidden fruit, and to tease her mercilessly. “Here you go” said Erin with a pleasant demeanor, as she looked back at Jack giving him one of the collar chains.

Cautiously Michelle could shift forward a little, enough to see Jack’s head tilted back in ecstasy. Her mind unsure of what to do, Michelle moved closer to accept Jack’s cock in her mouth, still being presented to her by Erin’s hand, but she figured he liked to be taken slowly. Taking in the scent of Erin’s saliva mixed with the smell of Jack’s orally-cleansed dick, Michelle’s lips parted slightly to start working on pleasing her crush. While the parched texture of her lips contacted Jackson’s glistening mushroom head, the yin-yang of dry vs wet, mouth-to-member, husband-to-crush sated a young woman’s yearning of curiosity, of sexual desire, the first step of a long journey. Erin’s hand did not detract from her concentration as Michelle secretly inserted the tip of her tongue into the sliver of Jack’s penis head, creating a quick and unexpected gasp from Jack himself. While that sound surprised Erin, she had a vague idea of what Michelle may have been doing. Jack was gentle though. He could be forceful if he wanted, but inside he knew Erin would have his way with both of them.

Pressing on, Michelle was too intent on tasting every part of Jack’s rugged body to care about what Erin was thinking. The texture, taste, movement, and sexual quench was too much for younger ‘Chelle to think about anything less; even the growing dampness on the wooden chair, now moisturizing her thighs with slight irritation, but not enough to spoil the moment. Jack himself was basking in the glory of what was, giving another woman a tryout to prove themselves, having the pleasure of two women pleasing him, and being thankful for having such an open-minded wife. Michelle’s wider tongue darted out further, the surface covering more of Jacks throbbing shaft, desperately attempting to recover Erin’s thinner saliva and salivate her own throat in an effort to quench her thirst (among other things).

Michelle started working further south on Jack’s genitals when she picked up a freshly-familiar taste just at the base of his cock, similar to the taste and scent she familiarized herself with minutes before; but this was suddenly interrupted with Erin’s hand releasing Jacks reddish cock and pushing her head back away, leaving ample room for Erin to climb on top. Jack emit a slight whimper, almost showing disappointment from losing the pleasurable new sensation. This was just the beginning to Erin who strictly spoke to Michelle, “The harder the work; the harder the reward.” and lifted her leg over to mount him. Not giving Jack a chance for his erection to subdue and allow Michelle to swoop in and recharge him, Erin plopped her taut pelvis down on her husband, enabling his dick to penetrate easily through her moistened vaginal lips. Erin could have pleasured herself while Michelle warmed up Jack, but sometimes she enjoyed the slight friction of his rigid cock going inside her, her sensitive canal gulping every inch. Sometimes the sensation of lubricant mixed with her own natural juices was too easy, too slippery, and sometimes even rushed the length of lovemaking. There was no remorse with Erin not wanting Michelle to see how aroused she was getting with the two of them, nor was there a reason to show her cards for the two of them ahead.

She plunked down on top of her husband slowly, and whatever trace of Michelle’s saliva on Jackson’s cock was now helping to lubricate their organs together. Erin was loving this: her helper’s juices assisted in her and her husband’s lovemaking. Her breasts swaying in Jack’s face, a nipple being licked and teased every so often causing her thigh muscles to contract, bringing the couple closer. With Jack’s hands on her thighs and ass, Erin squatted down a bit more, her body near-parallel to Jack’s while he pumped his angry member in and out of her quelled pussy. Michelle, on the other hand, was torn, hurt. She felt betrayed, dirty, but confused. She got a heaping taste of Jack’s penis which fulfilled her curiosity in various ways, and already she wanted more of it than what Erin was willing to share. Still close to the edge of the bed, Erin’s supple ass cheeks were in her face with Jack’s hands on Erin’s softer thighs. The senses were becoming too much as Michelle was still a bit parched from the heat and hard work, and now her desire for Jack was being rubbed in her face.

Jack felt Erin’s breath, then opened his eyes from the orgasmic sensations to see Erin closer to him whispering, “I want you to.. to tell her how to pleasure your balls…” He could not have been happier to hear those instructions, but it would not be the instructions to push him over the edge. Loosening her grip of the bed sheets, she grabbed both collar chains and put them in each of Jack’s hands. This way he could maneuver their little fucktoy in which ever direction he chose. “Hhhhhhhh.. mmmhhhhhhh… Mmmhhhichelle? HhhhhHHHHhhhh You’re doing… you’re doing great kid. I know you’re thirsty, so I want you to lick and suck my balls. Hhhhhhhhh….” he said. There was little resistance when he regained the strength to pull both chains towards him as Michelle greedily moved forward. Just as it happened minutes ago for the first time, she was damn thirsty; not just for Jack, but anything liquid in general. She fulfilled her desire with the newly-acquired taste and smell of Jack’s genitals via his boxer shorts, then he penis, and now his testicles. Not only did she indulge in the sense she knew of, but now there were trickles of Erin’s juices trickling down Jacks ball sack, a copious mix of body fluids swirling on Michelle’s eager taste buds, creating an even better taste than she expected. Here she was getting a diet of her neighbor couple’s sweat, vaginal juices and what she thought may have been precum. Her mind in a tizzy from her controlled environment, it was difficult to tell.

Erin remained near parallel to Jack to better feel the sweat between them and to allow clearance so that Michelle had better access to Jack’s testicles, now being pleasured by their helper. While Erin pumped her body on her husband’s engulfed member, Michelle was playing the helper in a different way. Her thighs now annoyingly chafed from her own sticky fluids in a warm mess on the chair, she was heightening the sensations of a couple’s fuck session, a thought that had never occurred to her when she told herself that she wanted to feel a part of something, to feel wanted. Yet she still didn’t feel wanted. She felt used. A fucktoy to be used to make not just a man happy, but an entire couple. The negative thoughts in the back of her mind, she was still attempting to focus on Jack’s testicles. Michelle savored every sweat droplet no matter who it came from, took in the sensation of every bump and ridge on his sac, every tiny hair hinting at a small part of Jack’s DNA, every muscle contraction in his balls caused by her and Erin’s stimulating movements. With her gentle lips creating a sucking motion on his sensitive skin, arousing his testicles with each suction; it’s as if she could feel him growing harder inside Erin, and could feel his body heat intensifying. She wanted his semen badly now. Michelle’s talents were proving to Jack how well she was doing; but she wanted that sticky, boiling semen in her, not his wife.

By this point Jack could not be happier. In his blissful state he could no longer hold on to the collar chains. He knew that Michelle knew that she was doing, so he felt no use for controlling her. He was more passive anyway, more lenient and gentler. In some ways he was being friendly, but in another he wanted to tease Michelle just as much as Erin was teasing her, playing the good cop in a good cop – bad coup routine. He thought it may drive Michelle wild enough to compete with Erin as to which of them could please him the most. A devilish side of him believed that Erin would be so spiteful and mean enough to drive Michelle into his arms permanently, or at least that he could alternate between partners frequently. Maybe all three of them would get along so well that they could simply cohabitate without tension.

But Erin got selfish. Between the throes of passion, the sweat droplets forming on their bodies, the cooing of Michelle pleasuring her man; she thought, “Why is he getting most of the pleasure out of this? I’m going to put her to work!” The collar chains were already at Jack sides, and with Jack too exhausted (or too nice) to pull Michelle forward any more, Erin went into action. She grabbed the chains slowly, each one in her hand, raised her body from Jack while keeping her cock socket grasped on her husband’s bulbous cock, and yanked her arms forward above her head. Luckily Michelle hadn’t latched on to one of Jack’s testicles, and instead she sloppily dragged her tongue quickly across the pubic hair creating a slight abrasion, up Jack’s throbbing shaft, quickly tasting Erin’s labia, and planted her mouth right against Erin’s weeping, puckered asshole.

The tastes, smells, and textures of her crush’s body were quickly replaced by the crush’s wife’s womanly scent. Expecting to feel just a change in skin texture, now she was taking in the rawness of the anal cavity, along with Erin’s well-rounded and dimpled buttocks dripping sweat and onto Michelle’s timid face. While worried about a possible unpleasantness despite the passion around her, Michelle cautiously went to work using her toned tongue to explore the forbidden area. The action was new to her, and while the first sensation of her tongue on a woman’s asshole felt indifferent; Michelle felt a proud sense of duty as she heard an undeniable squeal from the wife of her crush. This, she felt, was part of the reward for a job well done. That wooden chair was getting drenched from her own dripping juices, a result of immense sensation of a hidden talent freshly discovered, along with sounds of pleasure approving of said talent. Maybe being a fucktoy was Michelle’s purpose after all… She couldn’t resist feeling her own drenched lips soaking in the pool formed in the chair, her vulva marinating in the tangible result of her own pleasure, the heat from her reproductive organs cooling from the organic fluids expelled.

Still in passionate intercourse with her husband Erin demanded her husband grip her buttocks hard and pull back to invite and entice Michelle to go deeper. Between wanting to experiment and the curiosity of her fucktoy’s talent, she slowly pulled the collar chains further away, pulling Michelle deeper inwards and forcing her tongue further. She hoped it would push Michelle to her limit, which would take her and Jack’s fucking to their own limit, raising the bar as high as it did their heart rates. The sexual curiosity served a multipurpose fulfillment of yet again quenching Michelle’s need for liquid, acquiring a new taste and habit, the comfort of knowing her oral skills could please another person, and adding a new experience to her expanding sexual bucket list.

Michelle took great comfort in being able to pleasure herself mentally while providing a service physically; circling her neighbor’s sensitive anus, penetrating it in and out with each pull of the collar chain, each thrust revealing a gooey flavor on her tongue, which in turn triggered Erin’s orgasmic anal nerve endings causing her to contract her kegels, further gripping Jackson’s pulsating penis; a penis appearing to want to explode from the bulbous head and being sucked further inside Erin’s love tunnel, kissing her cervix. For the moment, there was nothing quite like a shared sexual sensation as what was being experienced: an orgasmic harmony shared between the threesome, each breathy moan and sensual coo becoming erotic music to the other’s ears.

As greedy as Erin was becoming in lieu of the sexual contact, her saturated taint was being pleased by Erin’s waning tongue as Michelle’s lustrous desires began to crave more of Jack’s occupied penis, already doing a hearty job of satisfying his wife. Jack, in his state of relaxation and bliss while performing, became more aroused from the sensual curiosity of Michelle; the tip of her tongue glistening over Erin’s swollen lips and ever-so-sneakily teasing Jacks throbbing member as it pumped in and out of his wife’s overheated pussy. Panting profusely, tantalized by the oral and vaginal sensation to his cock, Jack sighed and said, “baby.. I’m… I-I’m.. . I’m so c-close!”

Despite Erin’s mental state from the flood or orgasmic sensations, she could sense Michelle was distracted as her voracious tongue wasn’t constantly tasting her genitalia, and that Jack himself was being given even more pleasure from their help. Slightly diverting her attention from the lack of sexual attention she was receiving, she lowered her arms down far enough to give the collar chains a bit of play, and in doing so allowed Michelle a bit of breathing room. The problem was that Michelle was getting a good amount of nutrients from someone else’s body fluids as she was still struggling from the dehydration from working hard, and now the longevity of intense passion was causing temporary dryness in her throat. With Erin’s body collapsed on top of her partner in a pool of sweat between them, the angle of coitus gave Michelle a bit of wiggle room to breathe. It was in this position that Erin whispered to her exhausted husband, quiet enough for Michelle not to hear, “I’m getting close too, but I want Michelle to see us cum together. I **want** you to pump my ass with all of that cum…” Lying on sweat- and smell-stained bedsheets, Jack was still trying to catch his breath and interpret his wife’s requests, secretly disguised as demands. He didn’t want to give up the pleasure he was getting from the help, but didn’t want to disappoint his wife either. Would the help who was pleasing him be equally talented as the previous help? Would Michelle be devoted more to pleasing him or her, or hopefully both equally?

In her weakened state, Erin found enough “umph” to get up off of Jack before Jack could ponder more questions. Michelle was still quite aroused from feeling the heat emanating off of their genitals, but the pool of cum from her own pussy was becoming uncomfortable as her thighs were damp. Her struggle to quench her thirst had become a moment of desperation. While she was aware of her actions to please her (CONTINUED)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cy45ol/hired_help_looking_for_feedback_unfinished_long