The big butt hottie from the diner [MF] (long)

The hostess lead me to my seat, a small 2 person “date booth” with a single seat on either side, positioned just slightly out of the way of the rest of the diner between a doorway to the outside seating area and the pathway to the restrooms to my rear. Last night’s shift was brutal; 12 overtime hours in the factory with temperatures climbing over 110 degrees as I clocked out. I didn’t envy the day shift, as I knew it would be even hotter for them as the day carried on. I sunk into my seat, the old leather groaning and aging springs of the bench creaking and squeaking as I sunk in and stared blankly at my table. My brain power was at its minimum. My body felt weak. My stomach craved something, anything to fill it. A glance at my phone said it was now 11:28am; my last meal was at 3:15 this morning. Why was I continuing to work this hellish job? They don’t care about me there. I’m replaceable. The pay isn’t bad, but-

My thought was interrupted by a voice. I break from my trance and look up from the stained table to see my waitress. As more of a habit than an actual question, I blurt out a confused “huh… What?”

She laughs while gesturing to my work unifor and says “Must have been a long night? My name is Nasha and I’ll be your waitress. Can I get you a drink?”

“Uhhh, sure….” I stammer in my half asleep state. “Pepsi please, no ice.”

“Sure, hun, I’ll be right back with that.” the waitress had a very mild Hoosier twang to her voice, almost unnoticeable… She called me hun. That’s always caught me off guard, despite having heard it many times. Such a southern thing, it was weird to hear it way up here in Indiana. They don’t talk like that back home.

I browse the menu for awhile and decide on a breakfast platter just as she returns with my Pepsi.

“You know what you’d like, hun?” she asks as she sets the drink down in front of me.

I look up at her for the first time, and make eye contact. This waitress is cute. She’s got those eyes that tell a story. Brown with tiny wrinkles at the edges. Amazing eyes I could stare into.Her dark brown hair was in a single long braid draped over her right shoulder, ending just below her armpit. Dangling loosely from each ear was a small Pokeball earing. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, a look that worked in her favor. Her face was naturally very cute and happy looking. Her mouth naturally formed a half smile while resting. She resembled Aubrey Plaza, but with more rounded, Scandinavian cheekbones.

Maybe I was just too tired to focus, or maybe this girl’s adorable face had siezed control of my mind for a moment, but after staring at her for what must have been a moment too long, she shifted her weight to her other foot and asked again:

“Have you decided what you’d like?” This time she sounded just slightly annoyed.

“Yeah, sorry… Real tired, just finished a long 12 hour shift…” I said, trying to cut the awkward tension. “I’ll have the Business Breakfast Platter, with sausage patties and scrambled eggs.”

She smiled, wrote my order down and turned to walk to place my order. Her smile was cute; the kind of smile that showed a little bit of her upper gums and made her pretty brown eyes squint a bit. As she walked away, I was able to get a better look at her.

She had narrow shoulders, and an average build with wide hips, most of which was hidden under her waitress smock… but her most impressive feature was definitely at the top of her legs. This girl had an ass beyond description. Large, plump, and tight, squeezed into a pair of skinny jeans. The perfect heart shape, toned enough that it held itself up high and tight. Her tucked-in tee shirt gave me a perfect view. It was the type of ass that if it was in a thumbnail on an adult site, you’d have to click the video just to see more. Accenting this modern marvel of human shape was a pair ofslightly chubby thighs, toned, but with some meat on them. This girl had a body beyond belief.

I felt sort of guilty looking at her the way I was. Surely she deserved enough respect for me not to look at her as a pretty face and perfect ass, she was obviously more than that… But the last 4 or 5 months had been especially difficult . Between my ugly, drawn-out breakup that had been less than cordial, working these long shifts all week and my lack of time for any hobbies or friends as a consequence of all that overtime, I had been particularly lonely. Maybe she wasn’t THAT beautiful, maybe I was just sad and lonesome and putting her on a pedestal.

I snapped myself out of another needlessly depressive introspective trance and gazed around the diner. There was easily room for 150 guests in here, but it was a slow Saturday, apparently, as only 5 or 6 tables had anyone seated at them. Several staff members were leaned against a half wall near the kitchen chatting, while a few more cleaned up and attended to the handful of guests. My waitress emerged from the kitchen area carrying food for another table, and I was immediately transfixed on her again. The way she walked, the confidence in her voice as she addressed the customers, and…. That body. She was amazing, there was no doubt about it.

A few minutes later she arrived at my table with my food.

“Is it always this slow in here?” I asked, my sleepless brain unable to find a better way to start a conversation with her.

She shrugged slightly and said “Not usually. Most Saturdays at lunch time are a bit hectic. They always staff extra people for weekend shifts but….” she trailed off as she looked at her dormant coworkers. Her voice was so soft and sweet.

“Maybe they’ll let you out early then!” I joked optimistically.

“I doubt it!” she laughed. There was that smile again. I couldn’t take my eyes off this girl. I had to keep her talking to me. I needed an excuse to see more of her, hear her talk.

“I like your earrings,” I blurted out. I felt like an idiot. She must think I’m desperate or something. She’s going to get creeped out and walk away…

But she didn’t. She just smiled again. “Aw, thank you! I usually have studs in at work, but I felt like being a little fun today. Earlier an old guy asked what they were…. Like, how am I supposed to explain a Pokeball to a senior citizen?”

The way she giggled as she spoke gave me butterflies. I’m taking a shot in the dark here… I’ve got to try something. Time to fake some confidence, like my friend told me, see how that works.

“Are you hungry? I’ll buy you lunch,” I stated, trying my best to appear cool, calm and collected.


She didn’t seem keen on the idea. Keep playing it cool, man. Feign that confidence.

“Hey, if you’re not hungry, that’s fine!” I laughed, anticipating rejection. “You just look like you might like a break, figured maybe a little friendly chat over lunch might be fun. No big deal if you’re busy or whatever.”

“No, no, I’m not busy!” she quickly replied. Her response surprised me. “I just had a break a few minutes before you showed up… Hold on a second.”

She smiled and held up a single finger, the ‘wait a sec’ universal hand sign, as she glanced around the restaurant. Her nails had chipped and faded blue paint on them and her pinky had a ring with a Thunder Stone from Pokémon on it. She scurried across the dining room towards the kitchen, chatted with a coworker, then hurried back to my table with a glass of what appeared to be lemonade.

“I told Hanna to cover for me… One of the perks of being the most senior waitress around here!”

We chatted for awhile while I ate my lunch. She seemed impressed that I recognized the Thunder Stone on her ring. We both shared our excitement over the upcoming Comic Con coming to town. The more we spoke, the more I saw her smile, her eyes, the more I was transfixed on this girl’s beauty. She would bounce just slightly as she laughed.

Around the time my meal was finished, and her lemonade was empty, she told me she had to get back to work.

“Thanks for the chat! That was fun!” she said. My false confidence was slowly turning to a legitimate confidence. I was going to ask this girl out. I had to.

When she returned a moment later with my bill, that would be my moment.

She approached, handed me the bill, and thanked me for coming in as she turned to walk away.

“Hey, hold up,” I said. She stopped and looked at me over her shoulder. She appeared almost posed, showing off her cute face and highlighting that absolutely perfect ass. I was staring again, I needed to snap out of it. This girl’s beauty killed my confidence in an instant and anxiety took over again. FAKE IT! FAKE IT! BE COOL MAN!

“Uhhhh, sooo…” oh no, this is fucked. Don’t abandon ship yet, be cool! “So how, uh, what…”

Her face slowly shifted from curious to annoyed. I was losing her! I closed my eyes and blurted out

“How late do you work?!” My tone a bit aggressive, but I said it. I opened my eyes to see her staring at me. “I mean, like… You know, what time are you off? Like, off work? From here?” anxiety was making me sound like an absolute goober.

She stared awkwardly for a moment in silence. I knew the rejection was coming, but worse than that was my mouth had started and I knew I couldn’t stop it.

“Sorry, you’re just like… Really beautiful, and I had a lot of fun chatting with you, and thought maybe we could-”

She interrupted me and giggled again, with that little bounce. She turned towards me and held her hand out. I looked into her palm, unsure what she was asking for. Did she want to hold hands? What the fuck? I placed my hand into hers. Her skin was so soft, her hand felt so small and delicate.

She laughed and gently squeezed my palm sideways.

“No, your phone! Let me see your phone!”

I felt so stupid. I could feel my face blush and turn red. God dammit, of course she didn’t want to hold hands, that’s so stupid!

I fumbled around and grabbed my phone, dropping it on the floor between us. I quickly picked it up and handed it to her, on my home screen. She tapped around for a few moments and handed it back to me with a locked screen.

“I’m out of here at 430ish, but I have a few errands to run and stuff to do after work. Besides, it seems like you need to get home and get some sleep! I’ll text you tonight around seven or eight, OK?”

My god, the confidence this woman exudes is incredible. It was the most powerfully arousing thing I’d experienced in ages. Maybe I was just tired, but this gave me butterflies like crazy.

“Yeah, that sounds great!” I said back, perhaps a little TOO enthusiastically.

“OK, cool. I gotta get back to work! See you later!” she smiled and hustled back to the kitchen area, with almost a skip in her step.

I couldn’t believe it. This absolutely gorgeous girl responded well to my sleep deprived, weak advances. Was I dreaming? I knew I needed to get home and rest. I needed to get my brain back to functioning level again. I needed to get the hell out of this diner before I did something to fuck this up!

I drove the few miles home and immediately plugged my phone into the charger and set my alarm clock to wake me up at 7pm, then crashed so hard I don’t even remember falling asleep.

7pm rolled around with the alarm squawking away on my dresser. I still felt tired, but more than that I felt excited. I immediately remembered the girl from the diner… Oh fuck what was her name? Natalie? Natasha? God dammit. My half asleep brain was letting me down.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it for the first time since I’d handed it to her. She’d sent herself a message from my phone, just a smiley emoji, and saved herself as a contact in my phone. Nasha. That was her name! I had no new messages from her yet. That was fine, she said between 7 and 8.

I got up and took a quick shower, then checked my phone. Nothing. Cleaned the dishes. No messages. Vacuumed my studio apartment. No messages. Walked the dog. No messages. Cleaned and organized my apartment some more. Still no messages.

I was getting anxious. I’d been so busy working around 70 hours a week for so long that my social interactions outside the factory were basically non existent. I’d seen my friends a few times, but typically I was always asleep when they were free, or working. The curse of night shift is limited social time. Beyond that, I hadn’t had a positive interaction with a girl since my last ex dumped me almost 6 months ago, and never had I had any interaction like this with a girl who looked this good. My nerves were beginning to get to me.

8:00pm came and went and my phone remained silent. Maybe she changed her mind and didn’t want to see me after all. Maybe she just got busy. Maybe she thought about what an awkward goober I am, I able to form a simple sentence. Maybe she’s turned off by a guy who’s seemingly afraid to ask a girl out. Who knows.

By 8:15 I’d decided to just hang out and play video games. It was almost too late to make plans with my friends, and I didn’t want to get busy and lose a chance to see this girl if she DID decide to hit me up. I’d almost given up hope, but not completely.

I was pretty involved in my Xbox when I heard the familiar BRZZT BRZZT of my phone on the coffee table in front of me, the dim glow of my television barely illuminating the room. I’d almost forgotten I was anticipating a text! I quickly snatched the phone up and opened the message:

“Hey sweetie! Hope you’re doing well, can’t wait to see you soon! I’m thinking dinner next weekend? Does that work for you?”

Confused face.

Oh, wait…. That’s from my Mom. Dammit.

I reply to mom and just as I’m about to set my phone back down and get back into my game, I feel it buzz again in my hand. I expected another text from mom, but instead I see on the lock screen:

Hey! ?

Holy crap, it’s her!

I reply back a simple “howdy! ?” and set my phone down on the table, screen unlocked. Waiting. Staring at it.

I felt pathetic, staring at my phone, waiting for a text. What was I doing? Is this what my life had-



“Sorry I’m so late! I got caught up in some dumb stuff, and I didn’t have a chance to text you.”

Then another text shortly after:

“Are you still free? Do you still wanna hang out?”

Don’t wanna seem TOO desperate. Be cool.

“Yeah, I’m free. Not much going on, pretty chill Saturday, just playing some vidya at my apartment”

This time my phone didn’t leave my hands. She replied quickly:

“What are you playing?”

“Some Xbox arcade game, bubble shooter or something”

“Sounds fun!”

“Hey, it’s multiplayer, if you wanna join me”

As soon as I hit send, I was nervous about that text. Sure, I’d try to get her to hang out, but to invite her to m place, right away? Was that sending a weird message? Was I giving off a weird vibe? I don’t wanna screw this up, not yet anyways.

It felt like an eternity before she replied, which was probably all in my head.

“Where is your place??”

“I’m at Lakeview South Apartments, just a few miles west of the diner”

“You’re not a serial murderer, are you? You’re not going to chop me into little bits, right?”

“I only murder occasionally, and only if they really deserve it. You’ll probably be alright”

Please get the joke, please get the joke, please get the joke, Please get the joke, please get the joke, please get the joke

“lol what’s your address”

HOLY CRAP. SHE’S ON HER WAY NOW. She said she’d be here in 20 minutes…. It’s 9:02 now, that means I have 20 minutes to… Do what? Shit. Should I rub one out? What if we fuck? I don’t wanna be a one pump chump. Is that presumptuous to rub one out in anticipation of potential sex that probably won’t happen? What if I – Aw fuck it. I need a quick tug, if anything just to kill time and alleviate some stress.

Just as I finish myself off, clean up and put on some decent clothes, I get a text:

“I’m outside but it’s dark and I can’t see where I am”

I meet her outside and guide her back to my apartment. As we step inside the hallway to my apartment, I get a good look at her. She’s not in her work uniform, instead in just a Nintendo logo tee shirt and some yoga pants, over her shoulder a small purse. Man I love yoga pants. They hug her figure so closely, I can already feel the blood redirecting away from my brain into my groin, and I’ve barely looked at her. Focus, man! Focus!

I lead her into my studio apartment. At 300 sq/ft it’s definitely not impressive. My furniture consists of my queen bed, a couch, TV on a stand and a small coffee table that doubles as my dinner table. The decor screams “millenial dork” with nerdy posters on the walls, and small trinkets from various video games and movies scattered across the place. It’s not much, but it’s home.

“I have to admit, I’m kind of relieved. When you told me Lakeview South, I kind of expected… Well…” she trailed off.

Lakeview South has a reputation for being a bit…. Ghetto. The super low rent attracts a lot of strange, low rent people. Most of them are harmless, but at least 4 or 5 times a year Lakeview South is on the local news. Always some bullshit going down on the west side ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I laughed and agreed with her.

“I signed the lease before I knew the reputation of this place. It’s been pretty decent so far, though.”

We both chuckled, followed by an awkward silence. It had been so long since I’d been in this type of situation I hardly knew how to act.

“You, uh… Want something to drink?” I asked. That’s what the polite thing to do is, right?

“You mean like alcohol, or…”

“Oh, uh… I suppose, if you want… I meant like a root beer or something.” Oh shit, does she want to drink with me? I was not prepared for this, I didn’t think we would be drinking-

“No, yeah, a root beer! A soda is fine!” she seemed as awkward and uncomfortable as I did. Was she nervous too?

I grabbed some snacks and when I returned to her, turning on Netflix and sitting by her on the couch. We both took an armrest and sat at opposite ends of the couch, the only light in the room coming from the dim glow of my small television.

I wanted so badly to scoot closer to her. To touch her. To smell her. To be near her. I wasn’t sure if that would be crossing a line… But it was almost 10pm on a Saturday and I have this beautiful girl alone in my place with me. Surely she wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t interested. Maybe I should wait for a moment.

We exchanged idle chit chat during the show, and after the first episode ends, I asked if she wants to watch another episode. She looked at me and offered a sort of half hearted shrug.

In the light of the Netflix pause screen, she looked truly incredible. Her face was highlighted, figure silhouetted but accented. It was just too much. If I didn’t make some kind of move now, I’d regret it forever.

I picked myself up and slid across the couch, putting my left arm around her. She froze for a moment, her body tensed up… I studied her face for a moment, she was so cute, and when my eyes met hers, we paused; I felt the tension leave her body. I leaned in and kissed her. The lips on this girl felt so soft. She barely kissed back at first, a hesitation of innocence, before she let her body take over and she kissed back, her tongue swirling gently against mine.

I took my other hand and grabbed her side. She grabbed my wrist with one hand and put her other on the back of my head. The energy between us was powerful. I could sense the connection we were sharing.

She lifted her leg over my lap and straddled me. I could feel the bottom of that big perfect ass on my thighs. I put my hands on her sides and pulled her in close. She grabbed the sides of my face and put her tongue back in my mouth. I couldn’t believe how fast this happened. 30 minutes ago she was as awkward and shy as I am, barely asking for a soda, now she’s on top of me, slowly grinding her yoga pants on my crotch!

I slid my hands under her shirt, onto the tops of her hips. Her skin felt so soft and smooth. I’d forgotten what a woman felt like. The way my fingers glide smoothly along her skin, the curves of her stomach widening out into what can only be described as perfect breeding hips. I squeezed gently on her sides and slid my hands back, over her yoga pants and onto her ass. With a firm squeeze, I grabbed her ass and pulled her body in close to mine. The move made her gasp slightly, and made me feel like a man. And that ass… Oh man. This girl won the genetic lottery. When I first grabbed, she was relaxed, and I got a big handful of soft, squishy, perfect ass fat. As I pulled her close, her body tightened up, and the muscles in her ass did as well, both cheeks firming up within my grip. It was an instant redirection of blood flow to my dick, which was already quite hard.

She looked me in the eyes after I pulled her close, and without saying a word, gave me a look that said “I liked what you just did” before leaning down and continuing to make out with me.

Now, if this was all that happened all night, I would have been happy. I’ve made out with this gorgeous girl I just met this morning, I squeezed what is unquestionably the best ass I’ve ever seen in person, and I got to utilize some of the confidence I’ve been working so hard to aquire (or at least pretend I had). This had been a very good night. But It wasn’t over. The night was far from over. I’m fact, it was about to get MUCH more interesting.

She backed off of me, grabbed my shoulders and looked at me intently. After a moment of silence she spoke.

“Can we just…. Can I be real with you for a second? Skip past all the bullshit?” her tone seemed very serious.

“Uhh, I mean… Yeah? What do you mean” I queried. I had no idea what she was going on about. Was she about to drop a bomb on me? Does this chick have herpes or something? Is she pregnant? Am I being put on? Or maybe shes-

“Look, you’re pretty good looking. Like… Really good looking. Like, exactly the type of guy I’m into” she stated. Her tone was so serious, I believed her.

“I… Thank you? I’m fla-”

“Shh.” She pressed her finger to my lips. “I’m going to be honest, and if you’re not into it, that’s cool, but… I want to get fucked. I mean I want to get good and FUCKED,” she stared directly into my eyes, and her grip tightened on my shoulders as she said ‘fucked’ the second time. “Can you do that for me?”

“I… Uh… Yeah, I can-” she cut off my stammering.

“No, listen to me. I want you… To FUCK. ME. Say it.”

“You want me to fuck you,” I said, toned almost like a question… This felt so artificial, like something out of a porno.

She rolled her eyes and looked away for a moment, towards the window. A slow rain had begun outside. In the silence I could only hear the sounds of the raindrops against the windows. Without looking back she started again:

“I don’t usually do this. I dont… I’m not the ‘fuck guys I just met’ kind of girl. But you just… You’re fucking hot. And the way you talked to me earlier, at the diner…theres an obviously strong sexual tension between us… I just, I dunno. I want you to take me.” She looked back into my eyes and there was another strong silence. I was about to speak when she cut me off again. “I don’t know what’s going to happen with us tomorrow, or the next date, or whatever. We might never see each other again….”

“I would hope-” she silenced me again with her finger on my lips. Her touch so gentle, yet slightly aggressive. I pushed my mouth into her finger slightly as she continued.

“But we have tonight, and I want you to fuck me tonight. I want you to pound me, and use me, and get weird with me, and do whatever you want with me. Treat me like a whore. I’ve never been fucked like that before, like a whore. I want that.” the conviction in her voice was powerful. The way she said those verbs through her teeth. POUND. USE. FUCK. The longing in her voice as she said “I want that.”

I knew what I had to do. This was a moment I may never get again. This was exactly the type of thing every guy dreams of, from the beginning of puberty until they die, or run out of sexual energy. I knew I must sieze this moment.

I looked up at her, her face showing a deep desire for a memorable experience, chewing just slightly on the corner of her lower lip. Her eyes spoke to me as if to say she needed this so badly. Without warning, I quickly and forcefully put my hand on her neck, grasping the bottom of her jaw. She shrieked slightly and her eyes widened. I pulled her in close, putting my mouth close to her ear, my grip firm on her neck. If ever there was a time to fake confidence, this was it.

“Tonight, then, I own you.” Her breathing hastened for a moment. I could almost feel her pulse quicken. “You’re mine. Your body… It belongs to me, to use. But first… What do you say if you want me to stop?”

“Like… Safe word?” she groaned. I felt her vocal chords move under my hand.

“Exactly,” I replied. I didn’t know if this was too far, but… Better safe than sorry


“Good girl. Now, give me a kiss.”

I pulled her face in front of mine, my grip on her neck remaining firm, and gently kissed her lips. At the same time my lips left hers, the palm of my other hand came down hard against her ass cheek. I felt a slight jiggle as my hand shook the fat on her ass. She squeeled with delight.

“What do you say?” I asked, still not easing my grip on her neck.

“Thank you, sir” she muttered

“Nooooo,” I said, and brought my hand down for another firm slap on her ass. Her muscles more tense this time. She definitely felt that one more than the first. “You say thank you daddy. Do you understand? I want you to call me daddy, and I want you to say it a lot.”

“Mmmm, yes daddy!” she said with a smile. God damn. Was this girl going to appease me any way I wanted? I’m not an overly kinky guy. I like a little bit of weird here and there, but nothing that would require a fetish website to get me off on my own. Maybe I could test my own limits tonight.

I released her neck and pulled off her shirt. She went to release her bra, but I stopped her.

“Not yet.” I said. I wanted to enjoy this. Enjoy her. I ran my hands along her sides. A peach colored cotton bra supported her breasts. A white lace design sewn into the cup of each side of her bra. They weren’t huge boobs, maybe a plump B cup, but a seemingly fantastic shape. She also didn’t have the flat, “perfect” athlete’s body. She had a very thin pocket of thickness all around her belly. Not enough to cause a muffin top, but enough that I could tell she would jiggle a little if I fucked her hard enough. The kind of girl who lived an active enough life to not get fat, but still loved to eat a big dinner with desert. She reminded me of the “farm girls” at the small town bars back home. She looked and felt so… “real.” I fucking loved it. I ran my fingertips all across her body, enjoying her smooth skin, milky white from lack of tanning. She closed her eyes and relaxed, leaning slightly backward, giving me a better view of her body. My God this girl was amazing. Not textbook fashion model perfect, but that type of girl who looks beautiful because of all the little things that others would call flaws or imperfections. I cupped her boobs in my hands, still in her bra.

It’s been so long since I’ve felt tits. It’s been so long since I’ve seen tits up close. The last pair I enjoyed was over half a year ago, on my ex, who had close to no tits at all. I kissed gently along her cleavage, savoring the softness of her skin against my mouth, grasping firmly against her hip with one hand while the other pulled her chest towards me from behind.

“Take this off,” I ordered, tugging slightly at her bra “Slowly.”

As commanded, she reached behind her back, and slowly unfasted the snap. The tension released, and her boobs didn’t droop or move. They stayed perky and in place. Slowly, Nasha lowered her bra downwards until both her breasts were revealed. Perfect tiny pointed pink nipples greeted me, both tits perky and firm in appearance.

I cupped them both with my hands and pulled her in close, forcing a nipple into my mouth. I licked and sucked and tickled each nipple, back and forth between the two. Licking a trail across her tits, occasionally offering a few small playful bites. I could hear her breathing faster, as her arms wrapped around my head. She grinded her crotch firmly against the ever stiffening dick in my pants. As much as I loved sucking this girl’s magnificent tits, I knew it couldn’t last. We both needed more. I could tell by her body language, she ached for more.

I reached down with my left hand and grabbed onto her pussy. Immediately I felt the heat and moisture coming off of it, through her panties and yoga pants. She was so wet. As I rubbed slowly over her pants, she leaned in and pulled my shirt to the side, exposing my shoulder where she planted a playful bite. “Yes daddy…” she moaned through her teeth. I quickened my pace as I rubbed my fingers up and down the length of her slit, pushing barely enough for her to feel, but not so light she could resist. After a few moments, I slid my hand up further, past her waistline and down her pants, over her panties. They felt like bikini style panties. Before I even made it past her clit, my fingers were soaked from how wet she was. I continued running my hand in the same pattern as before, but each time I reached the end of her slit, I pushed her panties into her pussy just slightly. Each time my fingers grazed the opening she sharply inhaled.

“Oh, do you like that?” it felt so weird to talk dirty, I’d never done it before, but in this moment… She was my woman, my whore, I own her, I don’t care if I sound silly. She loves it.

“Yes daddy. I like it! I love it daddy!” Oh, she’s good. She’s knows what to say.

“Stand up!” I demand as my hand retreats from her bottoms.

Quickly she stands in front of me, almost at attention like a soldier.

“Get naked. Now,” I’m beginning to like this authoritarian voice thing. I feel powerful ordering this woman around, and she obeys! I’d never felt like such a MAN!

With haste, this beautiful young thing begins lowering her pants and underwear at the same time. Very quickly, she’s completely naked in front of me. Almost as if she can read my mind, she takes a step back, poses in the light of the television and does a slow spin around to show off her body. Even without the tight pants to support her big beauty of an ass, it still remains perfect and propped up. She crosses her arms together behind her back, does a cutesy innocent face, and spins slowly on one foot with the grace of a dancer until she’s facing me again. A small tuft of perfectly manicured hair decorates her pussy, shaped into a little strip. Her tits look even more perfect now in the light, her nipples just above the center like something from the 45/55 subreddit, albeit they look a bit smaller now than they did before, when they were right in my face. Perfect regardless.

“Do you like my body…. daddy?” she asked innocently. I fucking love that word. It does not get old to me.

“Its fucking brilliant, baby. Come over here. Take my pants off.”

With no signs of hesitation, she quickly drops down to her knees and begins undoing my button-fly jeans. Each button popping off adds to the anticipation. When she’d finished the final button, she reached down at the lump in my pants, which was now at maximum stiffness. Slowly she traced her fingers around the edges of the bulge, over my jeans. So gentle. She looked up at me and smiled, before pulling down my jeans leaving me in just my underwear. She rubbed gently again against my bulge, where a giant precum wet spot had formed in my boxer briefs.

“A little excited, are we daddy?” she playfully stated, poking at the wet spot.

“Take off my underwear!” I said with a laugh. She obeyed, and dropped them to my ankles.

She returned to my dick with the most gentle touch, her fingertips grazing gently across my balls, up the bottom of my shaft and across the magic spot and off the tip. She leaned forward and put her mouth on my balls, an experience I’d not yet had before in my entire life. Nothing had ever come close to being so unexpected, yet brilliant. I never suspected I would enjoy it as much as I did. Obviously I knew getting your balls licked would be great, but I didn’t realize it would be THIS fucking great. It almost deactivated my brain. The entire world ceased to exist in that moment, and the only thing on earth was this girl, with my scrotum pressed against her mouth. Her tongue swirled tiny circles as she occasionally sucked a ball up into her mouth, where she continued to flicker her tongue across it. She would rub her nose gently against the sack, licking slowly up the seam and onto the base of my dick. Her tiny hand wrapped gracefully around the shaft of my dick, offering slow but deliberate strokes, her thumb sliding up and down the “magic spot” on the bottom of my tip, just below the hole. The sensation of all this was powerful, akin to light drug use. Time stopped for me as she orally pleased me in a way I never knew was possible.

I needed her to slow down. I wanted to have some fun with her before she did anything for me. I loved what she was doing, but I couldn’t let her make me cum so quickly. That pre-date tug-off can not have been in vain! She was my play thing tonight, I was going to enjoy her. I mustered every bit of willpower I had to break the spell he ball-licking had put me under, before my cock entered her mouth – that would be GAME OVER for sure.

I grabbed that single long brown braid of her hair and pulled her head away from my package. Her eyes went wide with delight as I pulled her up by her neck towards the couch and pushed her over it, onto her hands and knees, facing the backrest. The backrest of my couch lined up perfectly with the foot of my bed, so she was laying her chest on my bed, while her knees were on the couch, and her thighs pressed into the backrest of the couch. I stepped back for a moment to just enjoy the view, and adore her perfect ass for a moment. She looked back and saw me staring. With a tiny giggle, she pressed her thighs together, slid herself back and poked her butt up in the air a bit. It was a perfect heart shape. Her pussy was that slightly sloppy labia, uneven to one side. Her asshole was a perfectly unstained skin color. Both holes looked so flawless and inviting. Maybe my raging hardon mislead me, but it all looked so perfect. I felt my dick twinge in anticipation. After seeing her display, I changed her position. I turned her sideways, put her face to the seat of the couch and had her keep her ass up in the air.

I wanted to admire it a bit longer, but I wanted even more to enjoy this perfect specimen on display in front of me. I dropped down and planted my face in her ass, immediately pushing my tongue as hard and as far into her perfect little asshole as I could. Swirling and flickering across her balloon knot, I heard her groaning with delight below me. I slid my whole face downwards to suck on her perfect pink pussy, tracing my tongue over every inch. I traded places between her ass and pussy over and over, occasionally slipping my index finger into her warm tight womb. She reached back and grabbed my hand, pulling it towards her mouth. She wanted to taste herself on my fingers. Fucking HOT.

She let my fingers out of her mouth, and pleaded “do that again, daddy.”

Did SHE just tell ME what to do? Oh hell no. She was MY plaything today.

I reared up with my right hand and planted a strong hard slap across her left cheek. She was not expecting that. She shreeked in a way that sounded a lot less fun and a little more painful. For a moment I felt I’d gone too far, but she looked up at me and bit her whole bottom lip.

“I’m sorry, daddy….” she whimpered. She definitely liked it.

I raised my hand again, and held it high so she could see it this time. I brought it down HARD against her other cheek. She whimpered again and apologized. I wasn’t done. I raised my hand again, but behind her so she couldn’t see it coming. I landed 6 or 7 good hard slaps across her ass, each slightly lower than the one before, the last one my fingers hit her pussy just slightly. I slid my middle and ring fingers into her box, the tightness of her hole resisting slightly. I twisted and turned and wiggled them for a moment, then placed them in her mouth. She moaned into my fingers with delight. I switched back between my tongue and fingers a few times, until I’d found a rhythm with my middle finger that really seemed to work for her. I grab her fre hand and position her fingers on her clit, where she immediately begins frantically rubbing it back and forth as I continue my “come hither” motion across her G spot. Only moments after we find this rhythm together, I feel her pussy begin to spasm, her breathing strengthen and her muscles twitch across her body. Her face shows a strong climax, but not a sound comes out. The orgasm overpowers her ability to make noise for a few seconds, before she let’s out a long and gutteral groan of pure ecstacy. I keep going, but she reaches off her clit and grabs my wrist after to stop me and whimpers out “banana! Uhhhg… Banana….”

I take a few moments to feel a little pride while she recovers from her orgasm. Nothing instills a feeling of manliness more than helping a woman achieve orgasm. The testosterone flows through my veins.

As I moved back into position behind her, I spit on her ass and drug my finger through it. Gently, with that same finger, I began running tiny circles around her asshole. After a moment, her breathing began to match up with my rubbing. Without losing my pattern, I leaned close to her ear and spoke:

“Do you like when I play with your ass?”

“Mmmm, yes daddy, but…” she seemed hesitant to finish her sentence.

“But what?” I asked calmly.

“As much as I’d love to, if you try to fuck my ass, I’m going to have to ‘banana’ my way out of that one,” she said rather flatly. Not the sexiest thing to say when there’s a fingertip one knuckle deep in your ass, and a slight mood killer, but not a huge deal. She continued “it’s not that I don’t want to, I think I’d enjoy it, it’s just, well, two things. One is I don’t have any lube. You might have some, but… The other thing is….” she trailed off again.

She sat up on the couch, and looked me dead in the eyes. The sweet innocent anime look swept over her face again.

“Daddy, can I make a request?” she asked coyly.

“Of course, sugar. What do you have in mind?” as I said this I reach forward and slowly stroke her pussy with my left hand.

“Well… I’m on birth control. I can’t get pregnant, at all, but… I want you to cum inside me. Don’t even think about pulling out, just pound me until you cum in me.”

I’ve never heard anything sexier in my life. Despite being sexually active for almost a decade, I’ve never had that opportunity. I’ve always either used a condom or had to pull out.

“Maybe we can try anal another day, but right now…. I just want you to cum in me as deep as possible.”

Was this really happening? Am I dreaming? Is this girl serious? Consequences be damned, I’m doing this.

Without a word said, I push her chest over the backrest onto the foot of the bed, and I position myself behind her, my dick as stiff as iron. She pressed her thighs together, her little pussy poking put between them. Her body looked so ready for this. I slide the tip of my shaft up and down her pussy, slowly spreading around the juices of an already soaking wet hole. I rub a couple times against her asshole, just to frighten her a little before plunging my meat rod deep into her incredibly tight hole. No resistance, balls deep first thrust. She was so ready for this.

Continued in comments….



  1. She let’s out a long, slow, quiet moan and relaxes her body, sinking her chest into the bed sheets more. Slowly, at first, I begin rocking my hips back and forward, feeling every inch of her pussy as I slide along inside of it. I grab tightly on her hips as I pull myself closer into her body. Within a few moments I’ve found a really steady rhythm, sliding back almost to the tip, then deep in again. I can tell the angle I’m at is going just slightly too deep, and causing a slight uncomfortable pain as I get deep inside her. I lean up close to her ear again and ask her:

    “Does it hurt a little when I go deep inside you like that?” as I lean back upright and very slowly push myself in as deep as possible, my hand against the back of her neck, my body weight pushing down just slightly against her.

    “Mmmm, a little bit daddy…” she says, an obvious wince in her voice.

    “Good,” I reply firmly. “It’s supposed to hurt a little.” Deep hard thrust. “So you’ll feel it tomorrow.” Deep hard thrust. “So you’ll be reminded all day…” Deep hard thrust. “That you’re my little whore.” Deep hard thrust. “That’s you’re daddy’s” SLAM “little” SLAM “whore!” SLAM SLAM SLAM

    I begin pounding her little hole from behind, as fast and as hard as I can. I want to make sure she remembers this fuck. I want to make sure she tells her friends about this about how she got good and properly wrecked by a big white dick. I want her to feel this as she walks later.

    She began moaning loudly, yelling directly into the blanket on the bed, her fists squeezing tightly on the blanket.

    “Thank… You… Daddy…” she moaned several times. What a fantastic female.

    “That’s right, good slut! Take it all, slut!”

    I grasped her long single hair braid and pulled back against it, my other hand grabbing her throat. Her loud moans reach a point where barely any noise came out, and a soundtrack of hips slapping violently against ass was all that could be heard between her occasional squeaks. I shift my body slightly upwards so each thrust goes not just deep inside her, but also downwards slightly against her front wall of her tight, perfect cunt. I felt her fingertips each time I trusted fully in, as she danced them across her clit while I fucked her. While I used her. While I abused her hole.

    I felt a familiar sensation begin to build inside of me. I knew i was ready. I wanted to cum. I was going to cum inside of her. Make her my own.

    NO! Not yet! I want to look at her when I do it. More importantly, I want her to look me directly in the eyes when I cum in her. I want her to see my face and know I’ve used her as my toy, that I own her now.

    I pull out and release her hair and throat. She breathes heavily, similar to when so one surfaces from underwater.

    “Get on that bed, on your back!” I demanded. My voice had never felt so powerful and manly. I felt like a fucking viking. “You look me right in the eyes. Don’t look away for any reason. Even if I look away, you stare right at my eyes. Don’t you dare look away for ANY reason, you hear me?”

    She couldn’t even speak. She just nodded and stared right into my eyes.

    I climbed over her, and she grazes her hands on my chest. Such a graceful gentle touch in the midst of all this hard fucking. I slid my dick inside her and began long, slow strokes. Her eyes locked onto mine. She looked so pretty. I picked up some speed and began fucking her harder. Just as I guessed earlier, she had a slight jiggle to her body, a sexy trait that almost drove me over the edge. I knew if I kept watching her jiggle casually like that I would cum too soon. I knew how I wanted this. I knew how I wanted her. I grabbed her thighs behind her knees and bent her legs back towards her armpits, pushing myself deep inside her. Clearly this was very deep, as she inhaled deeply and held her breath for a moment.

    “You like it deep like that, don’t you?” I asked. I just wanted her to say it again.

    “Yes daddy!” she replied. Her tone serious. Her brown eyes locked into mine.

    I leaned my body forward over hers, the insides of my elbows against the back of her knees. The mating press, I believe it’s called. My face just inches from hers. My cock as deep as it could possibly go. I thrusted slowly inside her, grinding my hips against her at full penetration. I could see in her face she loved it. She loved feeling completely full. She loved feeling like my conquest. I kissed her passionately and demanded:

    “Who fucks you the best?”

    “You do daddy!”

    “Say it to me.”

    “You fuck me the best daddy. Better than anyone else ever has!”

    “Tell me what you want.”

    “I want your cum, daddy!”

    “Say it better!”

    “I want your cum please, daddy!”

    I leaned back a bit to free my hand, and slapped her across her face with just under half my strength. She seemed shocked by it for a moment, and then incredibly aroused. I gripped her neck tightly and she closed her eyes. With my other hand I slapped her again, this time a little harder.

    “I said don’t you dare look away from me!”

    “I’m sorry, daddy!” she forced out from under my grip, the abuse serving only to increase her arousal. I leaned in real close to her face and whispered to her:

    “I want you to beg me for my cum, deep inside you, and thank me for it when you get it.” I felt so powerful, so alive! She nodded her head in agreement, her gaze never wavering from my own. I took my hand off her neck, wrapped my arms back around her thighs to bend her in half, my hands grasping behind her shoulders to pull her whole body as close to mine as possible and began pounding as hard and deep as I could without going too fast.

    “Daddy, please!” she whimpered, “Please cum deep in my pussy! I want your seed, daddy! I want everyone to know you gave me a big hot load, deep inside my pussy! Please cum in me daddy, please!”

    I didn’t know I wanted this girl to say that about my seed, but it was enough to send me over the edge. I felt it, a big hot load, rope after rope of hot sticky load, deep inside this fine girl’s perfect young pussy. As I came, she smiled a giant genuine smile, her eyes glowing brightly and her gaze never wavering from my own. Her arms wrapped around my back, nails digging in slightly as her grip on me tightened. Her calves and heels wrapped behind my back and pushed down, serving only to push my cock slightly deeper inside this woman. I was so deep.

    “Yes! Thank you daddy! Thank you! I love your cum daddy, please give me more! Yes! Thank you so much daddy!” Her whole body twitched and shivered slightly, as her pussy pulsed around my cock.

    It was such an intense orgasm. The physical feeling of being so deep inside her, the high of cumming in her without pulling out, with no protection, the mental high from the risk, the pulsing squeezes of her pussy from what I assumed was another orgasm… But more than anything, seeing the light in her eyes begin to glow as I pumped her full of my load…. It was just incredible. How could anything ever top this?

    I couldn’t even pull out of her after coming down from my orgasm. I was just… Drained, completely. All I could do was kiss her, hard and passionate. Usually post-nut I hate women, and want to just get the fuck away from them, but this girl… I couldn’t get enough. My body twitched occasionally as the blood flow slowly returned to other parts of my body, and away from my still throbbing hard cock.

    After a few moments I climbed off of her and lay by her side, both of us hot, sweaty, messy, breathing heavy, slightly giggly from the ridiculous porno-esque sex we’d just had.

    “I’ve never had sex like that before,” she said between breathes. “That was fucking… incredible!”

    “Honestly, neither have I!” I laughed back. “Your little pre-coital pep-talk really kind of inspired me to just… Embrace the moment. I’ve never talked to a woman like that, I’ve never treated a woman like that, ever.”

    “Right at the end, when you came in me… I’ve never had an orgasm quite like that before. It was… Intense.” she said, getting quiet at the end.

    Almost simultaneously, we rolled to face each other, both naked and spent. I couldn’t stop staring at this girl’s eyes. When I did I felt like I owned her.

    Neither of us was in any condition to sleep, so we snuggled on the couch, naked, watching Netflix and chatting casually and making out until we saw the sun start to rise.

    She knew it. I knew it. I owned her now.


    Not only is this my first contribution to this subreddit, but this is my first creative writing project in nearly 12 years, since high school basically. I’m open to some criticism in my writing. I’d like to improve and possibly tell another sex story of mine (of which there are many!). I’m worried it may be a bit to wordy, drawn out and drag on too long. I know the stories I like to read are the longer ones with more detail, especially ones that try to explain the emotions attached to the sex.

    Also, I know everyone says this on this sub, but this is a TRUE STORY. I took a few creative liberties for the sake of the narrative and for story pacing, but I’d say that apart from some (very minor) dialog changes, this story is about 95% accurate to what really happened, about 6 years ago. I haven’t forgotten a second of that night. It was the first date of an absolutely bonkers relationship.

    I hope you’ve enjoyed my contribution! Please share your thoughts with me

  2. Holy shit, I felt like I lived through this experience. Your writing is incredible. Thank you so much for sharing such an intimate experience, and also thank you for adding your internal feelings throughout, it added the perfect air of realism and relativeness that is hard to match. Can’t wait to hear more from you.

  3. I upvoted this solely for the sentence of “I’m going to have to banana my way out this” because it made me laugh

  4. I loved it. It felt heated, passionate, unbelievably sexy, the kind of story hot enough that people can fantasise about themselves living out the story. I felt like I was seeing the entire scene develop through your eyes, and it was incredible. (small note, you spelt shriek as shreek, I believe. small spelling error) Thank you for taking us through your journey, and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  5. Honestly I have no complaint, i would be willing to pay for material like this, your writing made me feel as if I was you, I cant say anything other then please continue with these stories.

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