sidewalk moment

This is a re-write of a post that I put on [r/adultery]( (judge if you need). That one I wrote on my phone, but I wanted to rewrite it from scratch at a keyboard. Enjoy.


You and I were out at a professional event with a small group of friends. I didn’t know you too well personally but had admired you professionally. Throughout the night I wondered about you and a part of my mind always focused on you. During the bar hopping and fun I remember in each moment the relationship of our bodies to one another, how many inches separated our knees, you leaning onto your elbow to face me and listen to a silly story, how you glanced over as we clinked our drinks together. As we drank and laughed and shared so many things with each other, eventually the bar closed and we realized that our small group of friends was gone. We were so deep into each other that the rest of the world disappeared til there was only us and a bartender to pull us out.

We stumbled outside into the warm city air and headed towards our separate but nearby hotels. I had found an abandoned but rather perfect bouquet of flowers and presented them to you in a silly, drunken, and romantic gesture. We linked our arms together and bounced down the sidewalk together, we laughed and flirted and found how well our hands fit together. We walked hand in hand until we found that small spot on the sidewalk in the midpoint between our hotels, the destination we had been slowly moving towards, the spot where we’d say goodbye.

I don’t remember what we said but we stood face to face for a moment and then embraced as a hug goodnight. As I squeezed you I realized that the hug had no end, we stood there holding each other. As our embraced lingered I became more and more aware of your body, I could feel your breath and your lungs softly moving, I could hear little soft quiet moans within your exhales, I smelled your hair, moving to just touch my cheek against yours, and then nuzzle ourselves closer together. You squeezed me back and I felt such happiness squeezing out of me. We savored that embrace, until you took that move, to slowly drag your cheek back from mine, moving our lips closer and closer until we met in that first, powerful kiss.

We squeezed hard. I kneaded my hands over your body, we kissed deeply, passionately, and hungrily. As we made out, we grinded and moved our bodies sensually against one another. I never felt so aroused and stimulated and so urgently needing to have someone. We paused for a moment but just to move from our spot into a building doorway where we bounced off the walls and surfaces, as I pressed against your body, and kissed and squeezed all I could from you. You pressed your hands over my face and gripped me as I held your bodies, embracing you and making out with you.

I don’t remember if how we discussed it but somehow we knew we were going to your hotel room. We tried to reorient ourselves, holding each other and walking, stumbling to the hotel. But sadly we could only make it a few feet before having to frolic in the next doorway or finding another wall to press you against. That walk from the sidewalk corner to your room must have taken half an hour from all the little spots to grab, kiss, squeeze and recharge, but finally we were in your room.

A hotel room, with only us, and we could do whatever we wanted. Button by button, unzipping, tugging, until we stood there finally getting that skin to skin contact, feeling your warm naked body on mine set me on fire. We did everything we wanted to do with each other, you were all mine. We went through every position. I stood before the hotel bed and worked while your body writhed and bounced. You athletically grinded on me. At one point, from dehydration, we stood panting and sweaty in the bathroom facing each other, chugging water while staring so lustfully into one another. It was more and more, it was everything, until we came together and passed out. We slept right there where we finished, naked and spent, and in so deep.

When the sunrise slowly filled the room and I awoke. I wondered how we’d be, what you’d think, we were drunk so how will this be in the morning. You slowly stirred and looked over at me, smiled so big, and pull us together for a kiss. Our morning mirrored the night before in the lovemaking, exploration, and passion.

I know you can’t. I know that month later you would find a sense of guilt that couldn’t be controlled. I know I can’t have you there again, but I hope that somehow I’ll feel those feelings again.
