The Talk PT 1 (NSFW, Incest, M/s)

The Talk

BY : SanchoHardbottle

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictional and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental

At about 4:00 on Friday afternoon, Christopher arrived home from school as usual to find his mother Helen sitting at the kitchen table reading, He smiled at her as he set his back-pack down on an empty chair. “Hi Mom!” he said brightly as he went to pour himself a glass of milk from the fridge.
She offered him a small, almost mischievous smile in return. “Hi sweetie how was school?”
Christopher shrugged, “Eh, the usual, boring. How about you? How was your day?”
Helen set her book down, as she seemed to consider her words. “Well…a little interesting…can you sit and talk for a bit?”
Even as he sat, Christopher felt a pang of nerves run through his body. Being asked to “talk” set off a sort of childhood “Spidey-sense” that he was about to get into trouble. Shrugging, he slide his slender, not quite tall yet, adolescent frame into an empty seat across from his mother and fidgeted a little as he looked at her expectantly. She was silent for a long, awkward moment, regarding him with that same, Mona Lisa smile. It seemed to almost say ‘I know a secret!’
“What is it mom?” he asked, wiping a milk moustache away from his lip.
“Well Christopher, I was vacuuming in your room today and I saw something poking out from under your mattress.” She paused and reached into her pocket.
Time seemed to slow down to an agonizing crawl as horrified comprehension plowed into Christopher like a haymaker. He felt a ball of ice explode in his chest and begin coursing through his veins as he helplessly watched his mother produce a wrinkled pair of Pink panties with white trim and laid them on the table in front of him.
Her eyebrow curled upwards as she looked from them to him. “Look familiar?”
Christopher’s face began to burn. He opened his mouth to saw something to explain the whole thing but could only produce a sputtering “I…But…Um…”
“Any idea how a dirty pair of my underwear found it’s way into your room and under your mattress?” Helen asked, her voice at once accusing and maternal.
“No, I….” Christopher began, but at moment a dam seemed to give way in his psyche. His face dissolved into tears. He felt utterly exposed, caught red handed committing an unforgivable crime, Words caught in his throat and became incomprehensible sobs.
In an instant Helen was up and around the table, wrapping her arms around her crying son. “Hey, Hey take it easy dear. Please there’s no reason to cry, shhh.” As she spoke she caressed his hair in a gentle manner familiar to mothers from the dawn of time. His first impulse was to pull away from her. He felt dirty and soiled. He wanted to run into his room, and hide under the covers of his bed like a little boy. But her embrace was so warm and soft. Very slowly he calmed down, enough to manage to say “Please don’t hate me now mom…. I’m so sorry! I’m sooo…. embarrassed!” in a watery voice.
Helen gave him a soothing, sympathetic look. “Sweetie, I don’t hate you. And I’m sorry I embarrassed you. We just need to talk about this now, ok? You’re growing up and going through…changes. We need to discuss them.”
Christopher took a few deep breaths and slowly nodded. He managed to stop crying but could still feel the salty slicks of tears down his flushed cheeks. “Okay… please don’t tell dad though!”
Helen shook her head. “No, this stays between you and me, I promise. When your dad gets back from his trip it’s forgotten.”
Christopher nodded again. He tried to look up from the table but couldn’t meet his mother’s gaze and quickly looked back down.
“Okay…. to start with, tell me exactly what you were doing with my panties?” Christopher Exhaled slowly. “I was…” he began, but found it too hard to finish.
“Were you wearing them?” Helen suggested. Christopher looked up at her thunderstruck. “No! Mom?! I’m not Gay!” He protested indignantly.
“Okay, okay, calm down dear….were you smelling them?” She asked. After a moment he nodded weakly. “Okay and when you did that, did you do anything else?”
Christopher gave her s strained look. Did he really have to say it? She was going to make him say it out loud. She looked back at him silent and expectant. “Well I um, well you know…. It was exciting and I would….” He looked at her urgently not wanting to say it.
“You touched yourself?” She finished for him.
Holding back a fresh wave of tears, Christopher managed murmur a strained “yeah” in response. Seeing his discomfort, Helen stroked his arm gently.
“Christopher, Honey please don’t be embarrassed. Doing that is perfectly normal. Everybody masturbates, especially boys your age. It feels good, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Christopher was not convinced. “I’m still a creep though! ‘Cause of…the underwear. I mean that’s not normal is it?!”
“Honey you aren’t a creep. You’re just changing. You have a lot going on with your body and you’re curious. Being excited by that smell…the smell of a woman’s privates is something most men have in common.”
Christopher felt a flicker of relief. It wasn’t sick, or abnormal? “So I’m…I’m not a pervert?”
“Oh Baby, no! Masturbating is a natural, healthy thing. Doing it absolutely does not make you a pervert. As for my underwear, well, while I wouldn’t say you should make a habit of it and you shouldn’t take things that don’t belong to you, there isn’t a thing wrong with being excited by it. So let’s just consider it forgiven. I’m not mad at you dear, okay?”
Christopher felt her familiar touch upon his arm and when he looked up at her he saw so much lover and understanding in her face, he could not help but smile back at her shyly. “Okay.”
“I’ll bet,” Helen said, “that you think about this stuff a lot, don’t you?”
“What, like sex and girls and stuff?”
Christopher started to nod, slowly, shyly.
“Go own.”
“All the time!” Christopher burst out in frustration. “I’ll just be sitting in class and suddenly out of nowhere I’ll get a boner! I find myself staring at girl’s boobs, even trying to look up their skirts! And I know I want sex but I don’t even really understand it!” This came out in one breathless monologue.
“Take it easy dear. All that, what you just said, it makes sense. You’re becoming man. You’re getting urges. But you don’t understand it all yet. That’s ok. Do you want to ask me anything about it?”
Christopher shrugged. “Well…yeah, I guess. I dunno though mom. It still feels kinda strange talking to you about all this stuff.”
“I can understand that dear, but I don’t think it ought to be. You have to learn about this somewhere and I’d rather it be from me. It upsets me to see you so flustered by this.” She was brushing the hair out of his eyes, her fingers petting her cheek as she did. She then stood smoothly and headed for the cupboard. She pulled out two mugs and two packets of “Swiss Miss”.
Christopher was silent a moment. “How should I start?” he asked at length.
“What’s a question that you’re curious about? Anything at all, there isn’t any stupid question.” Helen said as she filled the kettle from the faucet. Christopher thought for a bit. “Well, there is one thing I’ve heard…Denny, from my class, he told me that his older brother told him that there’s like…like a button on a woman that makes her go crazy if you touch it. I thought it was stupid, but it true?”
Helen turned away from the stove and faced him, smiling a small, amused smile. Christopher could see the color rising had risen in her cheeks. “Well, it’s not exactly a button, but women do have a sort of a bump of extra sensitive skin called the clitoris, that feels very good when it’s touched.”
Christopher’s eyes widened. “Wow, so it’s real?! Where is it?”
Helen paused, thinking of how to phrase her answer. “Just above the opening of the vagina, beneath the labia, or lips.” The kettle started to whistle. Christopher watched his mother as she saw to the hot chocolate. He tried to stifle a giggle. Something about hearing his mother say ‘vagina’ sounded totally ridiculous. Moreover though, as he watched her, a part of his brain was saying ‘somewhere under those clothes, she has one of those.’ Thinking that, as he took in her female shape, caused a flurry of butterflies to stir in his stomach and a familiar tingle to course over his lap.
“Any other questions?” Helen asked setting a steaming mug before him His brain seemed to burn. For whatever reason he was very conscious of the whisper of cleavage her blouse revealed. He felt the twinge in his loins increase to a surge and he fidgeted in his seat a bit.
“Well, yeah… I mean…it sounds stupid though.”
“No stupid questions sweetie, whatever it is, you can ask.”



  1. I’ve tried editing the format and I can’t get it to change

  2. I’ve inly read this one so far but the dialogue seems fairly realistic, good job. Just one stickler thing: it’s not a monologue if he’s talking to someone else.

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