Yennefer and the Griffin [Witcher] [EU] [Fantasy] [Beast] [Stretching] [Inflation] [Excess cum]

Yennefer had done a lot of dangerous things in her life and always made it out in one piece. She was one of the most accomplished Sorceresses in the world for a reason. As she crawled over lumpy rocks however, she was beginning to realize how dangerous this was. Dangerous and stupid, with much more of the letter.

*What the fuck am I doing?* Yennefer stopped to look out over the ocean. Mainland Skellige was visible from the remote island, a distant amalgamation of rocks. If she squinted hard enough, she thought she could see merchants whipping their oxen forward. A sea breeze tussled her tar black hair and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Yes, what *was* she doing?

Yennefer continued her ascent, careful not to slip. One misstep and she’d break her ankle, and that could very easily spell the end of her. What a humiliating way to die that would be. The island was more grey than green, mostly made of the shale rock common in the Skellige archipelago and less grass and foliage. Occasionally a rogue bush would weasel its way through, and there was a small copse of trees up ahead she intended to rest at.

She’d need her strength for what was ahead.

Resting in the shade, she grabbed her waterskin and jerky, watching the waves crash against the island, white spray creating flickering rainbows. She thought of Squints, and there was a longing in her guts for him. Yennefer had revisited the farmer for a month, letting Squints mount her and breed her. There were nights she couldn’t remember, lying down and spreading her legs just to let that massive hog keep fucking her.

Then he was sold for meat, and the farmer was nice enough to give her some cuts of fat from him. She ate it, even though it felt a bit fucked up to eat Squints after all that. Yennefer *tried* to get into it the same with other pigs, even wandering out into the forest at one point to let a wild boar mount her. That had been stupid, and he fucked her until she passed out from exhaustion, but there was something missing. The familiarity. The connection built.

Yennefer chewed aggressively. She wasn’t lonely, just…Needy? No. She was a powerful Sorceress who didn’t need companionship. Thoughts of Squints faded, replaced by memories of Geralt. She quickly pushed those away. He made his choice, and his choice wasn’t her. She could deal with that. Yennefer just needed something, something more.

Domestic beasts weren’t doing it for her anymore. Yennefer never thought she’d ever end up bent over for so many animals, but she’d run her course. Now there were only certain things left that could sate her, fill that empty part inside that she refused to acknowledge. Monsters. And leave it up to Yennefer to start big.

She learned about the Archgriffin while visiting Skellige hoping to run across some Trolls or Giants. Griffins mated for life, but this one had lost his mate. Killed by a Witcher, they said. When she pressed they swore it wasn’t Geralt.

“Ain’t the White Wolf,” they’d said, hands up and fearing her ire.

“Then who?”

“Some strange fellow with a hood and two swords. One of ‘em was shorter than the other. Had a snake necklace and them Witcher eyes. Nice enough though, whooped us good at cards.”

Yennefer let the sea breeze brush her hair down over her eyes. A Witcher with a snake necklace killed this Griffin’s mate. She made a note to thank the stranger if she ever found him. Without a mate, the Archgriffin had gotten more aggressive. The same townspeople told her they’d sent letters after that same Witcher, begging him to come finish off the second one. Yennefer was confident she’d gotten here first, which was good. She *needed* the Archgriffin.

Once she was rested, Yennefer continued her ascent. It was obvious where the things nest would be on the small island. The peak, where it could launch off easily and without much difficulty. At one point it was so steep she had to crawl on hands and knees, pulling herself by precarious rocks.

One slipped, nearly sending her tumbling down. Yennefer caught herself, set her feet, and took a deep breath. This was a lot of work for something this stupid. She looked back over the ocean. Everything looked smaller from up here. What did the world look like through the eyes of an Archgriffin?

She continued climbing, finally pulling herself over one final clump of rocks. The top of the island was surprisingly flat, as if someone had taken a giant blade and sliced off the peak. Yennefer stretched, clothes pulling tight over her body as she tried to loosen up. She was nervous and sore already.

In the middle of the clearing was the Archgriffin nest.

It was huge, large enough for half a dozen people to lie down in. Cautiously stepping over some leaves and branches, she peered in. Bones. Hundreds, picked clean and bleached from the sun. Some were land animals, others must have been beasts from the sea she’d never seen before. More than a couple were human, some of drowners and harpies. There was a wet pile of something in the middle, buzzing with flies.

Not put off by the sight, Yennefer started to tug at her pants. Her hands shook as she wiggled out of them. She didn’t wear underwear, never knew when an opportunity would present itself, and she felt the warm sun on her long pale legs. The ocean crashed against the island, a distant roar right beneath her as she started to undo her top.

Better to be naked for when the thing arrived. If she was looking like a threat, it would probably just try to attack her. Yennefer ran a hand between her legs and found herself wet already, just from the idea of what she was about to do. She tasted herself. Her mind started to wander. What was Triss doing these days? Enjoying her time with Geralt? Why did Triss deserve to be happy, to get what she wanted, while Yennefer had to spend her days sifting through proverbial garbage for anything that would make her feel better? Yennefer’s throat tightened as memories that refused to stay buried came to the surface. She didn’t deserve happiness, sure, but she *fought* for it. Maybe if she had done things differently, been less snappy and dismissive toward Geralt, chosen less lovers between their time together. She spent so many years running from something good for her, and when she finally ran towards it, it was too late. Now, she couldn’t even keep a fucking pig in her life.

She was crying and hated herself for it. This happened a lot, right before she was about to let something new fuck her. Even when it was just the dog she adopted. She thought she was getting better controlling herself, but this wasn’t getting better. This was worse. At least with the other animals, even the beggars and rejects, they jumped at the chance to fuck her and drew her thoughts away.

Yennefer waited naked next to the Archgriffin nest, trying desperately to keep her head up and stop the tears. She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. This was stupid. Not only was it stupid, it was dangerous. Fuck an Archgriffin? What was she thinking? How far did you have to fall before you realized the ground was rushing toward you? She should go back. Go back, grab a drink, and talk to some portly bartender about her woes. Yennefer snatched her pile of clothes, cheeks still wet from the tears of better days. Alcohol. A drink would do the same as a dick to distract her.

The ground shook and she stumbled, dropping her clothes and falling down. When she looked up, she realized how dangerously close to the hulking alpha Archgriffin she was.

It was huge, easily larger than a horse and bigger than a Royal Griffin. Instead of the tan coat, its fur was a deep maroon, feathers jet black. Beady yellow eyes locked on to her and its throat vibrated as it growled. Yennefer remembered that these things could spit acid and she tried to suppress the fear rising in her guts. She slowly sat down and spread her legs, almost doing it without thinking. Yennefer tried to control her breathing.

The position gave the Archgriffin pause as it approached. It cocked its head to the side. Yennefer’s face was hot in embarrassment, as if she were a virgin with a schoolgirl crush and not a woman offering herself to a beast. Why did she get this way? Griffins mated for life, and here she was offering to replace it. How nice it must be, to be with someone you loved forever.

This Archgriffin lost that, and Yennefer felt a kinship to it.

“Please,” whispered the perverted Sorceress. Even though she was already wet, she began rubbing herself. She watched it lift its beak and take deep breaths. A ripple of muscle ran down its body. It shook its plumed head. Yennefer watched in a mixture of horror and need as its cock grew from its sheath.

It was different than the dog, pig, and horse cocks she’d dealt with, and also probably the biggest she’d seen. It was closer to two feet than one, tapered to a point that oozed precum and lined with ridges that reminded Yennnefer of overlapping plate. It was a bright pink, and there was a slight curve to it. She’d once bought a dildo that a man advertised as ‘dragon cock,’ and found that the Griffin’s shape was nearly identical. The knob of fear returned as it approached her, obsidian claws scraping the rock, massive cock throbbing.

“Y-you can fuck me,” said Yennefer, as if the Archgriffin needed permission. This was *its* home, and she was a trespasser. It could do with her what it wanted. There was something freeing about that, giving up control of her fate to a mindless beast.

That’s exactly what she did as the Archgriffin lunged.

Yennefer was smaller and fit perfectly underneath it. She grabbed ahold of some fur, desperately clinging to the monster as the tip of its cock slid against her. It missed her the first couple of times, its prick sliding between her warm legs and nearly touching her breasts. The thing was fucking massive. Would she be able to take it? Did she even have a choice anymore?

She ground her teeth together as she felt it find her pussy and slip in. Yennefer spread her legs as far as she could, but the pressure in her guts and on her hips nearly caused her to black out. She controlled her breathing and watched as her body stretched around the massive Griffin dick, the shape visible through her. It was going to mate with her, make her replace what had been taken by the Witcher.

They both had Witchers take things from them. Yennefer screamed in pleasure as it thrust.

The texture of its ridges grinding against her felt strange, but any pain she felt quickly faded. After fucking horses and dogs, she was remarkably malleable and fit the gryphon easily. Yennefer felt like more of a cocksleeve than a lover though, holding on for dear life so she wouldn’t slip off. The Archgriffin pushed its hips down, squawking with each thrust. Yennefer didn’t mind the treatment, didn’t even mind knowing she was being ruined as it fit itself up to the balls inside of her. She deserved this, after all.

Her jaw hurt from how hard she clenched it, but when she finally opened her mouth she started drooling. Her body’s resistance to the invader fell away and Yennefer found herself rocking with the motions. Scratches formed on her back from the rocks, but she hardly minded. The ribbed cock stretching her womb was far more pressing.

Her tits rocked with each movement and she would have grabbed herself if she wasn’t so terrified of letting go of the Archgriffin. Her legs stuck out from its sides and she wondered how ridiculous a sight it would have been, long, pale legs poking out from underneath the beast and her groans of pleasure carrying in the wind.

Yennefer whimpered as the Archgriffin backed out of her, cock glistening with her juices. Before it could thrust again, she flipped over onto her hands and knees, eyes rolling back in her skull as it hilted itself back inside. Yennefer grabbed its plumage and dug her toes into the ground, arching her ass up. She’d *never* been fucked so deep, and she was beginning to swirl in and out of reality. Black spots appeared in her vision as the gryphon laid claim to her. Yes. Yes. *Yes!* She needed this, this was the best cock she’d ever had!

Yennefer blacked out when it came inside of her, womb filled nearly to bursting and the ropes of cum hitting her guts so hard it knocked the wind out of her. When she came to, the Archgriffin had pulled out, leaving her a leaky mess and covered in its nut. It sat in its nest, watching her carefully as she struggled to her feet and staggered after it. Yennefer dropped to her knees, grabbing its cum covered cock ad quickly lapping at it, not caring it smeared her makeup of stuck to her hair. It didn’t matter. She’d replace its lost mate, and it would replace hers. As she licked and suckled on the colossal Griffin cock, she felt the hole inside of her slowly filling.

Yennefer lost track of time, then of days. Her mate brought her food, which she cooked with spells. Her clothes lay discarded, as she was always naked. Whenever it returned from hunting, it found her with her head in the hay and ass up. It laid claim to her over and over again, and there were times where she came so much, she could do nothing but wheeze in exhaustion in a puddle of cum.

The Archgriffin was probably wondering why she wasn’t laying any eggs, which only prompted it to fuck her more often. What was once a single time of brutal fucking turned to twice a day, then three times, often with Yennefer blacked out and limply being rutted like the idiot cumdump she’d turned into. It wasn’t uncommon for her to wake up with the Griffin trying to slip back inside of her. She always gave it what it wanted.

Yennefer didn’t know how long she’d been the beast’s mate but found herself happier there than she had been in a long time. Here she had something that cared for her. There were nights she spent curled up in its plumage, or times where it protected her from the powerful archipelago storms. After those storms, she always tried her best to swallow its massive cock, guzzling down its load like the greedy Griffin whore she was. Yennefer didn’t know if it was love, but it was the closest she’d gotten in a long, long time.

She was on her back again, groaning as the Archgriffin used her asshole this time. Yennefer didn’t mind anal, preferred it actually, especially with the huge loads where cum shot out of her mouth and even out of her nose and eyes one time. Her body was sturdy, and she could handle the rough treatment that she received. Its ribbed cock tugged at her as it gutfucked her, and she felt as if it was pulling her apart. She *loved* it.

Cum flooded into her stomach, and then she coughed out a glob. Salty, thick nut sprayed out of her nose as her body once again couldn’t contain the huge loads it received. She shuddered and came herself, twitching like a fly caught in a trap as it pulled out of her. Black spots appeared in the corner of her vision, and she started to welcome the darkness, knowing she’d wake to the Archgriffin on top of her again.

A howl of pain pulled her out of her state of euphoria, but it was hard. She felt like a fish, hooked and being dragged out of the deep. Yennefer struggled to lift her head in time to see the Archgriffin failing to take flight, black blood seeping from wounds in its neck. It screamed, a sound that ripped through her. When it tried to leap into the sky there was a flash of silver from underneath, and beautiful black feathers scattered. They floated to the ground as the Archgriffin crashed into the rocks, kicking, wailing, trying to hold on to life. Yennefer realized tears formed in her eyes, and she tried to stand up, tried to protect it. Or save it. Anything.

A figure in dark leather armor, wearing a hood, hopping onto its back and drove a silver sword through the back of the Archgriffin’s skull. Its screams ended in confused gargling, legs twitching as it finally died. The figure pulled his silver sword out, red with gore.

Yennefer was alone again.

“N-no,” choked out the Sorceress. “No!”

“Huh, you look in pretty rough shape, Yennefer of Vengerberg. First the girl with the drowners and now this,” the figure shook his head and hopped off the corpse. “Seems I should be a monster if I want to get my dick wet in this day and age.”

“You are a monster!” Yennefer shouted. She’d kill this man. Forcing herself to her feet, cum pouring out of her ass, she prepared to light the bastard on fire.

She stopped when he pulled down his hood and mask. Bald, with a series of scars crisscrossing his flesh. A short brown beard. A snake medallion around his neck, and those eyes. Witcher eyes. The Viper School Witcher grinned at her.

“Not arguing with that, but I’ve got two jobs. One, finishing that beast off,” the Witcher jabbed his thumb at her Archgriffin’s corpse. “And two, finding you.”

“Who are you?” She whispered, all the fight drained out of her. Those eyes were so, so similar to Geralts. Yennefer hadn’t even thought of him while with the Archgriffin and hated that she remembered now.

“Name’s Wix. The Empress of Nilfgaard wants to see you, Sorceress,” He flashed her a sharp grin and Yennefer deflated. “And who am I to deny the wishes of that witch of a woman? We’ll clean you up in Ard Skellige before heading to Nilfgaard. Cirilla can be quite persistent.” He said. Yennefer’s lips trembled as memories crashed together like waves of the rocks. She looked at the Archgriffin’s corpse and wished she could have just stayed with it forever.

Yennefer no longer deserved to be happy, it seemed. She looked at Wix with his sharp smile and razor eyes.

“To Nilfgaard then,” whispered the broken Sorceress. “I haven’t seen Ciri in a long time.”
