The Talk PT 4 (NSFW, Incest, M/s)

Christopher stared back at her. He could feel his heart rattling his teeth. He nodded. “Sure…if you don’t mind.”
Helen shook her head. “I don’t mind dear. I know you’re curious. Come’re” she arched her finger at him in a come-hither motion. He scuttled up the mattress. He realized how ridiculous he must look, scurrying on his knees with a boner hard enough to tear through steel, wearing a “Star Wars” T-shit and classic car boxer shorts, but he didn’t care. So much of this moment felt ridiculous and the part of him that felt any shame about it was not in control.
When he reached her stomach he stopped and knelt pensively before her. “Hold out your hands baby” she directed. Obediently he held out his hands in front of his chest as though he was about to play an invisible piano. They were shaking.
Helen reached out with her own hands and took his. Her fingers soothingly rubbed his palms. “Now sweetie, I know you’re very excited, but I want you to just relax and let your fingers explore my body. Be gentle and don’t rush. Take as long as you like. We have all the time in the world. Ready?”
“Mmmhmm” Christopher murmured, staring at his hands as Helen slowly lowered them towards her breasts. He felt a twinge of fear. “If, I don’t do it right…?” he started to say but Helen shook her head. “Don’t worry, you won’t hurt me. We’re just doing this to help you learn about my body, so there is no wrong. Just remember to go slow, be tender and if I tell you to stop doing something just stop. Ok?” He nodded, reassured.
She placed his hands on the tops of her breasts. “Go ahead sweetie, have fun and satisfy your curiosity.” Christopher took a deep breath and held it for a moment, before moving his fingers. Cautiously, meticulously, he brushed his hands over every inch of her. Starting at the top he felt his way smoothly over her breasts, tracing her areolas with the tips of his fingers, feeling her nipples harden under his touch. He found his way over her smooth shoulders, down her arms, to the back of her hands. This is wrong he thought to himself, She’s you’re mother. It isn’t normal to touch her like this. It isn’t normal to enjoy touching her like this. But he did. Oh but he did!
He continued his journey down her form. Feeling her midriff, toned by years of yoga. His fingers brushed her naval, her hips and her thighs. He investigated the curves of her legs. After a second of consideration, he ran his hands down her butt cheeks. At last her came to her mound. Very carefully he brought his hand over her sex, barely touching it as it went. He could feel the soft fur of her pubic hair, the radiating warmth and the slick dampness of her lips.
As he made his inch-by-inch tour of Helen’s body, Christopher kept glancing up at her for assurance. She’d look from his hands to his face and when she did he could see a fondness in her gaze that reminded him of the times he’d brought home straight A report cards or prize winning essays. After what felt like hours, running his hands over every part of her she reached down and gingerly took his hand by the wrist. “Alright, let’s review a little” she said.
She led his hand up and placed it so it neatly cupped her left breast. “What’s this?” She asked.
“Your breast.’ Christopher said instantly.
“Mmmhmm, and this?” she guided his hand so that his fingers touched her nipple.
“Nipple and your areola?” he answered.
“Very good,” she steered his hand and laid it squarely on her mound. “And what is all this called?”
Christopher paused for a moment, then said. “Vulva?”
“Yep, good so far.” She ran his hand over her triangle of hair and down the soft skin of her lips. “What’s this part of my vulva called?” Christopher shuddered and sighed absently trying to gather his thoughts. “Take your time sweetie.”
“Labia!” He said abruptly.
“Hehe, yes, good….and underneath we find…” delicately she took his index finger and slipped it between her lips. He could feel the warmth radiating from inside off her body , and the slickness of her flesh much more strongly. She guided him until he felt the smell nub.
“Your clitoris.” Christopher said softly.
“Mmmm…and lastly,” still holding his finger out she moved it down and in one quick motion it had disappeared up to the second knuckle inside of her body. The warmth and the wetness was amazing. So to was the tightness of it. Christopher gazed down in shock at the sight.
“Um…va…vagina.” He stammered in a whisper.
Helen nodded. “Very good Christopher. Do you notice anything about my labia and my vagina?” She asked.
He was silent, still staring at his own hand. Finally he looked up “Huh? Like what mom?”
“How do they feel Sweetie?”
his finger wiggled slightly. He slipped it out and gently ran his palm over her, confirming what he thought. “Wet? Sorta slippery?” He suggested. Helen smiled and nodded “That’s what happens when I’m aroused. A woman’s body starts to get wetter and wetter as she get more aroused, to make a penis going in easier.”
Christopher thought about this and looked up at her, smiling sheepishly and blushing a little. “Soooo…that means you’re excited now?” He asked, looking back at her wet slit.
Helen shrugged a little and smiled mischievously, “Well…it’s kinda hard not to Sweetie….it’s very exciting being touched like this….come’re honey, lay down with me.” She beckoned with her finger again an again he scurried up the bed. He laid himself down next to her, propping his head up on his elbow. He bent his hips back awkwardly to keep his hard-on away from her.
She looked at him quietly for a moment, seeming to contemplate his features, brushing the hair from his face, petting his cheek. Finally she said, “Has this been helpful dear?”
Christopher nodded. “It’s been awesome mom. You’ve really helped me to understand this better. I really appreciate you talking with me.”
“It’s what I’m here for baby. I’m just glad you feel better.” She leaned forward and planted a kiss on the corner of his cheek, half an inch from his mouth. When she backed away Christopher saw a shine in her eyes. Something like fear and excitement rolled into one. They just hung there in silence like that, listing to the sound of their own hearts for a while. At last Christopher broke the silence. “So….is that everything mom?”
Helen took a breath, “well, that’s the basics…there’s still lots more to learn about though… I don’t suppose you would want me to show you some of it? Since we’re talking about it.” As she said this she took his free and squeezed it. “Like I said before, you’ll learn it eventually anyway, I’d rather it be from me.”
Christopher squeezed her hand back. “I wouldn’t mind learning more. It’s interesting, and I want to learn. What were you thinking?”
Sighing slightly, Helen took his hand once more by the wrist. “well,” she said, moving it to her hip, “why don’t I show you how to rub my clit to start? Would you like that sweetie?”
“Ok.” Christopher said meekly.
“”Ok, now cuddle up close to me.” Helen said holding out her arm to take him. Christopher slid closer to her so that his body was flush with hers. The swell of his cock was thrust out over her bare thigh and the floral scent of her filled his nostrils. He rested his head by her breast and she wrapped her arm around him, running her fingers though his hair. “Can you find it on your own?” She asked.
With out speaking he nodded and slid his trembling fingers between her legs and after a moment of recollection rested his pointer on the bump. She smiled at him and nodded. She then took hold of his hand with the one she had free and coached him to stick out his first two fingers. She placed them directly on the pea. “Now just take this two fingers” she directed, “and to start off just move them up and down a little like this.” She maneuvered his fingers up and down, slowly and deliberately. Nestled by her as he was he could feel her body starting to shiver. Her eyes closed and she made low purring sound and she guided his work.
“Like this?” he asked, watching his hand moving in sync with hers.
“Mmmm, yes honey, just like that.” She said, starting to breathe a little faster now. Stealing a glance at her face he saw her brow furrowing. Her mouth was half open and her fingers kept gliding in his hair. She held him tighter, and Christopher nuzzled his face against her. He watched her breasts rise and fall. She motioned for him to stop abruptly. Then she began to move his fingertips in a small and steady circle, pushing them down just a little harder.
Helen gave a small gasp. “Oh!…Ok Christopher…just keep doing this…be sure use pressure, and keep going in a nice, quick…circle…mmhn!” She let go of his hand, gripping the sheet beside her. He followed her instructions, keeping his fingers moving in a fixed tempo. He could feel her getting wetter and wetter as he did. The shaking in her body got more pronounced as she started to pant. His heart was racing, alternating is gaze from his fingers to her face, watching as it shifted, her eyes opening, then shutting again, mouth pouting then opening in a small ‘o’ shape. Is cock throbbed harder against her leg.
“Is this good?” he asked quietly, voice shaking slightly.
“Yes baby…your doing…very good…it feels really, really nice…oooh! Go little harder!”
He obliged, pushing his fingers down more securely on her. He sped up his movements, moving his fingers in a faster circle. She responded by shuddering suddenly, “oooh! Mmmmyeah! That’s it sweetie…why don’t you suck mommy’s nipple while you do that” She said, gently nudging his head as she did. He allowed himself to be led towards her breast, still keeping at the same pace on her clit. He opened his mouth slightly regarding them.
“I just-?”
“Just put your mouth over it and suck it sweetie.” Helen advised in a breathy voice. Christopher leaned in and took her tit into his mouth. His lips suckled tenderly on it, undulating smoothly. For good measure he ran his tongue around the rim of the areola. She gripped his head securely in place as she rocked on the bed, her hips starting t gyrate in rhythm with his hand.
“That’s good sweetie. Keep going, mm that’s sooo goood. Suck on me just like you used to…. you’re gonna make mommy cum soon… oh god! Use your teeth a little baby.”
Christopher let his teeth grind gingerly on his mother’s breast while his lips moved back and forth. His fingers pressed down harder still on her clitoris and moved faster and faster. Helen’s eyes opened wide and her mouth hung open. She took a gasping breath as her back arched, her hips thrusting forward. “Oh! Oh! Uhhhhhh! Mmmmmmmn! Yeah! Yes! I’m cumming!” Her body shook intensely. Christopher kept going his head bucking back a little with her.
As her bum touched back down on the mattress she grabbed his hand. “Slow down…slow down….” She panted. He decreased his speed, finally coming to a halt. He moved his hand away from her, slick with her juices. She was still shaking as she turned and grabbed hold of his head with both hands. Before he knew it she was raining quick little kisses on his face, her lips softly pecking at his lips, his cheek his forehead. “Oh my sweet little baby….oh you did that so good….my little man mmmm! I love you honey!” She whispered as she did. He stared up at her, eyes wide with surprise and delight. “I love you too mom.”
When she had stopped kissing him, he asked “I did it right?”
“Ooh, Christopher you did fantastic.” She took his hand and with it she stoked up and down her slit. “Feel how wet I am down here? That was all from you.”
Christopher looked into her eyes and a satisfied smirk crept across his face> “What did you mean when you said you were cumming mom? He asked, still absently stroking the soft curls of her pubes.
“I had an orgasm dear, you know what that is?”
He furrowed his brow and thought. “I’ve heard of it I think but I’m not sure.”
Helen explained. “When a man or woman get’s really turned on they have what’s called a ‘climax’. Their muscles contract and it feels really, really good. When a man has an orgasm he shoots his semen out. When you would touch yourself when you smelled my panties did that ever happen?”
He nodded, “yeah, it felt awesome. It shot out this sticky white stuff that I guessed was sperm.”
She smiled “well when a woman orgasms she doesn’t shoot semen, instead she gets very wet and a wonderful feeling passes all through her body. Women can have more than one orgasms back to back, whereas boys and men can only have one and then their penis gets soft again and it take a little while to get back up. ‘Cumming’ is a word people use for that. Boys semen is called ‘cum’, and when a person says they’re ‘cumming’ it means they’re having an orgasm. Understand?”
“Yeah…. I’m glade I cold make you feel good mom.” He said nuzzling his head into her shoulder. His hand ran up her arm.
“Oh honey, you’re so sweet.” She petted his hair. “So now, I was thinking I could show you something else. How about we discuss oral sex….do you know what a blowjob is dear?”



  1. I’ve changed the formatting, hopefully this out to make it more readable :-)

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