[FF] Mom’s wife

So, hear me out before I get lynched. My parents separated when I was 11, the reason being that my mother came out as a lesbian. I then began living with my grandparents while my dad married another woman and my mom went exploring or whatever, so I never had a close relationship with either of them during my adolescence. This changed a little when I turned 18, but still, I’m almost friends with my dad and colleagues with my mom, at best. My grandparents were the “real” ones growing up, so that closeness with them was never really there. Now I’m turning 20 next month and for the past four or so years my mom has been in a stable relationship with her “wife” (they are not legally married) and they live together in her apartment. I occasionally visit them and sleep over, and while I’d love to spend more time with my mom now that I’m older, I have one big problem: her wife really wants to fuck me and I’m barely handling it.

I am not crazy, please hear me out. As you can imagine, having this odd family situation made me more open to explore things in life, so very soon I discovered I was bi, but still, she wouldn’t normally be my type of woman. She’s an older black woman, I’d guess around 45, stocky build, super tall, mean looking but still feminine. She’s kind of intimidating to meet at first, with a very strong bossy vibe, and from the moment I met her I noticed she couldn’t and wouldn’t take her eyes off me. The day we were introduced I caught her glancing up and down at my body multiple times, getting handsy, “accidentally” rubbing herself on me when passing through the hallway that wasn’t even that tight. This proceeded to happen every other time I saw her, and eventually she sent me a Facebook friend request and liked all my pictures in a row (everyone knows what that means), not to mention liking all my posts religiously from there on. I tried to pay no mind to it, convincing myself that she was just being nice, but I have to admit over time her aggressive sexual energy began to get under my skin and I started finding the idea enticing, if not downright hot. Still, I couldn’t be sure. And then this happened.

This is the closest we ever got and it was almost a month ago. I went to my mom’s early saturday, we were all gonna go out to eat and hang out, and then I’d leave around 8PM to go see my friends. At the end of the day mom said she was too tired to drive me home and suggested I take the bus back, but her wife (Ann) intervened and said she’d drive me. I already knew this could not end well, so I tried to deny it, but she was so insistent that I ended up having no choice. I got in the car with Ann and pretty soon she started chit chatting about college and my plans for a career and the usual boring talks until she hit me with the classic line, “what about the boyfriends?”. I told her there weren’t any at the time. She laughed and asked me about girlfriends instead, to which I replied the same. She said the way I phrased it made it seem like there were some before. I confessed that I was indeed bi but my mom wasn’t aware of it yet, though I think she suspected me sometimes, and from the moment I let this slip her attitude completely changed. It was like she transformed.

All of a sudden she started asking if I’m alone when I’m at home, since I don’t have anybody, and if I ever feel lonely, but not in a friendly tone, in THAT tone. She said if I ever wanted to hang out with someone I could call her anytime, and that I shouldn’t feel like I’m bothering her at all. I didn’t know what to do, what to say or how to act, so I just kind of sat still and waited to get home. When we finally did, she parked in front my house and asked me to wait. I thought she was gonna jump me and was close to having a heart attack. Instead she started saying she knows that growing up has been difficult for me, and that she wants to “close the distance” I have with my family, so we should spend more time together and other things of that nature. As she said all this, she looked me deep in the eye and placed her hand on my thigh. For a few seconds that felt like an eternity we both sat there looking each other in the eye before she said in the lowest, most serious tone that she “wanted to take care of me” while her fingers were carressing my leg. Everything froze. Even though our heads didn’t even move, I swear we almost kissed. Then she said goodbye, unlocked the door and I got out.

I ran to my room and took my pants off. I was wet, very wet, soaked. I locked the door and masturbated thinking of Ann dominating me with her huge hands (I’m 5’4, she’s at least 6ft), picking me up and just owning me and using me whichever way she wanted. I imagined myself servicing her and being her little playtoy that she could abuse to fulfill all her dirty fantasies and I came, hard, and many times since then thinking of this moment. I have been too scared to go back there because I don’t know what’s gonna happen, and I’m scared next time I might just lose control, but obviously I cannot avoid my mother forever. I’m incredibly nervous sharing this so I hope it’s understandable. I feel sort of guilty but most of all tempted. I don’t know how to end this so I’ll just say I look foward to hearing your opinions on the situation.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cvdze7/ff_moms_wife

1 comment

  1. Billie Jean is not my lover, she’s just a girl who claims that I am the one (hee hee)

    Sorry that was honestly the first and only thing to come to mind after reading this

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