The Summer Moon Challenge [MF] [PIV] [Romantic]

It started off as a dare. Years ago, a young couple was dared by their peers – who might have been drunk, depending on the version of the story – to put their love to the test. At the time, it was dangerous. If they failed or were caught, then they would’ve been in big trouble. However, if they succeeded, then their love would endure for the rest of their lives.

According to the story, the first young couple succeeded. They then went onto get married, have kids, and stay married for over 50 years. Since then, it became known as the Summer Moon Challenge. Other young couples attempted to match their feat. Carrie Burns and her boyfriend, Derek Dryer, were just the latest.

“It’s almost time,” she said as she anxiously watched the clock. “God, why does time have to move so slow?”

Carrie paced restlessly in her bedroom, hugging her shoulders and glancing out her window every other second. It was ironic. She used to laugh at the couples who attempted this strange, yet adventurous challenge. More than one couple had been caught and a few had failed in hilarious ways. She never thought she’d be the kind of girl to try it.

Then, she met Derek. For the first time in her life, Carrie got a taste of what it felt like to be in love with someone. While she’d been attracted to her share of men, she never knew the kind of love that made people do such crazy things. Having been with Derek for over a year, she understood its power, but she’d never tested it.

That was about to change.

“I hope we’re ready for this,” Carrie said as her thoughts drifted to Derek. “I don’t care if the legend is real. I want this to be it. I want our love to be that special.”

Her gaze drifted to the picture of her and Derek that she kept on her dresser. She finally stopped pacing. She smiled at the memory of when it was taken.

They’d gone to his sister’s wedding together. It was the first major family event he’d attended. Before it ended, people were already asking about when they were getting married. They’d been embarrassed, at first. As the night went on, it didn’t seem that outrageous. The way she and Derek carried themselves felt real.

They were young.

They were in love.

They wanted to be together.

In just a few minutes, Carrie would find out just how strong that desire was.

“I know I’m ready,” she said as she looked at the picture. “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

Her heart raced as the seconds ticked away. It began at the stroke midnight during the first full moon after the Summer Solstice. It didn’t matter what the weather was like. It could’ve been a cloudless sky or a full-blown hurricane. The lovers who took up the Summer Moon Challenge had to trust each other and forces beyond their control to see it through.

Finally, the moment came. Carrie lost herself in the picture of her and Derek long enough to make it through the final countdown. Her alarm went off, just as she’d prepared. Knowing Derek’s had gone off at that exact moment, the time for doubt had passed.

Fate, love, and a unique tradition had dared them. She and Derek were ready to respond.

“Finally!” Carrie said, excitement taking over her restlessness.

Without a shred of hesitation, she shed her clothes. She hadn’t been wearing much to begin with. As per the story, she wore the same pants, shirt, and underwear she’d worn the previous night. Carrie had never gotten undressed so quickly before in her life. She’d also never had so much incentive.

“You’re already picturing it, Derek,” Carrie mused as she slipped out of her panties. “I know you are. I am too. Trust me. I want it just as much!”

Now fully nude, she followed the next step. She opened her bedroom window and climbed out into the muggy, mid-summer night. It was a good thing her room was on the first floor of the two-bedroom house she shared with two former schoolmates. There had been more than one story about lovers getting injured for sneaking out of a second-story window. Neither she nor Derek had that problem.

Already, it felt jarring. As soon as her feet touched the soft grass below her window, it dawned on her.

“I’m naked! I’m outside…in the dead of night…naked.”

Carrie’s mind raced, but her excitement never waned. This was so unlike her. She was the same girl who didn’t like getting undressed around other girls in a locker room. Now, there she was, fully nude and out in the open.

It was risky, dangerous, and bold. At the same time, it was exhilarating. It filled her with more energy than she had ever felt after midnight. It also aroused her more than she’d expected. Already, she felt a growing heat between her thighs and it wasn’t due to the summer humidity.

“I’m on my way, Derek!” Carrie said intently.

Armed with both energy and motivation, she commenced the next part of the challenge. She ran full speed through the backyard of the house, hopping the fence at the north end of the property, and entered the large wooded that dominated the center of the county.

It was a strange, but thrilling experience, running naked through the night. The wet grass under her feat, the brisk air passing over her naked skin, and the way her breast bounced with every stride felt so liberating.

It was like a return to nature, shedding her clothing and leaving behind the comforts of her home. She didn’t expect it to feel so refreshing. She didn’t expect it to make her feel horny, but that might have had more to do with the next part of the challenge.

“You’re closer, Derek. I can feel it!” said Carrie through labored breaths.

Impassioned and determined, she followed the narrow trails through the woods. The light of the full moon illuminated the path before her. Carrie took it as a promising sign. There were few clouds above. The beaming glow of the full moon, combined with the presence of fireflies, sent a message that there was a higher power at work.

That power, whatever it was, wanted her and Derek to see this through. The only obstacle was the strength of their passions. As she neared her destination, she felt that strength push her beyond her limits.

Carrie had never run so hard for so long. She’d never been so driven to seek someone, fully clothed or otherwise. Her leg muscles burned, her lungs strained, and her feet became dirtied by mud. Whereas other couples might have pulled back, she kept going until she reached a special clearing.

“There it is. I see it!” she said into the darkened night.

It was even more beautiful under the moonlight than she’d imagined. A tall, thick oak tree that towered over many others came into view. Dozens upon dozens of fireflies congregated around it, giving a halo that helped it stand out amidst the dense woods.

As Carrie approached, she marveled at its grandeur. She also kept an eye out for the man with which she’d embraced this challenge. He was nowhere in sight, but she was not dissuaded. Needing to catch her breath, she approached the thick base of the tree and looked over the trunk.

At that moment, a brisk wind blew through the clearing. Even in the middle of summer, it sent chills down her naked body. That exposed feeling was easy to ignore while running. Being under a tree, in the middle of the woods, and completely nude was still jarring, but not enough to give her second thoughts.

“He’ll be here. I know he will,” Carrie kept telling herself.

She hugged her shoulders, covering her breasts briefly as she looked around for her lover. As Carrie caught her breath and waited anxiously, she noticed something on the trunk of the tree. It hadn’t been there when she and Derek selected it, as required by the challenge. At that moment, warm feeling came over her that completely naked any late-night breeze.

“Oh Derek…you wonderfully cunning man,” she said into the night.

“I was hoping you’d see it,” replied a familiar voice.

It was a sweet gesture that affirmed what she’d hoped. She and Derek were going to complete the Full Moon Challenge. It was destiny.

Within the trunk, Derek had carved a message. It was simple, but sincere. It included her initials and his, encompassed in both a heart and the moon. It was the universal symbol of the Summer Moon Challenge. Typically, it was only carved into the tree after it was complete. Derek had chosen to be proactive. It showed just how confident he was in their love.

“I stopped by this afternoon. I didn’t want to wait. I didn’t see the point,” said Derek as he emerged from behind the tree.

“Spoken like a man who has a lot of confidence in his girlfriend,” said Carrie as she touched the carving.

“I just ran half-a-mile through the woods naked, my dick and balls flapping wildly every step of the way,” he told her. “I don’t think confidence begins to cover it.”

Carrie turned away from the tree and towards her approaching lover. Sure enough, he was as naked as her. If his muddy feet were any indication, he’d run just as hard through the dense woods, exposing himself to the elements.

In the soft glow of the moonlight and fireflies, he looked so beautiful. Every masculine sinew and feature lay exposed before her. She’d seen Derek naked before. She’d touched him, tasted him, and made love to him on multiple occasions. However, there was something special about seeing him naked under the light of a full moon on a balmy summer night.

He could tell from the beaming grin on his face that he appreciated the spectacle just as much. Standing before him, she made no effort to cover herself. She wanted him to see her feminine features under the light of the moon and the shade of a tree. It reflected the essence of the Summer Moon Challenge, putting them in a unique setting with which to channel their passions.

“Damn, you’re beautiful,” Derek said to her. “I know I’ve said that many times before, but still…”

His words trailed off. Derek was usually so good at putting into words how much he loved her, but for once, his vocabulary failed him. Carrie took a step closer and offered a loving grin of her own.

“It’s okay. Sometimes, what we say can never fully convey what we feel,” said Carrie. “I think that’s the point of the challenge.”

“You sure? The way I heard it, the first couple who did this were just fooling around behind their parents’ back.”

“Their reasons don’t matter. The feelings that drove them to do it…that’s why it endears. That’s also why I wanted to do this with you. I could never tell you how much I love you, Derek. Through this…a challenge, a test, or whatever you want to call it…I can show you”

Carrie could already feel the passion between them escalating. Like two lost souls drawn together, they approached each other. There happened to be a small patch of thick grass just under the carving. That was where they met.

Without saying a word and with more fireflies buzzing around their naked bodies, she and Derek embraced. As soon as she felt his skin touch hers, the final part of the Summer Moon Challenge commenced.

“Derek?” she said while gazing into his eyes.

“Yes, my darling Carrie?” he said as he caressed her face.

“Make love to me. Make love to me right here…under this tree…under summer moon.”

According to the story, those were the exact words the woman said to her lover. Every couple that had attempted the Summer Moon Challenge repeated that line, as if to channel the passions of that first couple. Within Derek’s loving embrace, she could feel the spirit of those lovers find them.

“Right here…under the summer moon,” he said distantly.

“Under the summer moon,” Carrie repeated.

In a final echo of this story that had echoed through the years, she and Derek kissed. Even in the windy, midnight summer humidity, it tasted so sweet. Finally, passions could flow freely, unburdened by uncertainty and reservation.

The kiss naturally evolved into foreplay. With their lips softly entwined, they touched and caressed each other’s naked bodies. Carrie pawed his chest while he fondled her butt, tracing a path up her feminine curves, taking full advantage of their nude state. The brief gusts of wind gave them even more incentive to immerse themselves in one another’s intimate heat. It quickly built an arousal that had been sparked before they’d arrived.

That heat between her legs turned into something more tangible. Her thighs rubbed together in anticipation, her womanhood becoming wet and engorged despite the brisk winds. Derek achieved a similar arousal. In his embrace, she felt his manhood stiffen rapidly. The touch of naked skin, combined with her affectionate pawing, got both his passions and his blood flowing in the right direction.

Dazed by passion, the challenge became secondary. Their focus was each other and their intentions were clear. She and Derek were going to take their love and turn it into a physical act under the light of the moon. Between the buzzing fireflies and the chorus of crickets echoing through the trees, it felt like as though nature was urging them to make love.

Neither she nor Derek needed that much urging. She felt him slip his hand between her thighs where he cupped the outer folds of her pussy, as if to confirm that she was as aroused as him. She let out a sharp gasp, shuddering within his embrace to leave no doubt.

“Derek…take me,” Carrie told him.

Breathing heavily, his gaze locked with hers, the man who dared to share this fateful challenge obliged her. He eagerly grasped her hips, lifted her up into his powerful arms, and laid her down upon the soft grass just in front of the trunk of the tree.

Carrie clung to his shoulders, never diverting her gaze from him. More fireflies swirled around their naked bodies as he got on top of her, positioning himself between her legs and aligning their bodies in preparation for their intimate union.

“Carrie…my love,” he said.

Again, his words failed him. That didn’t matter, though. For once, Derek let his actions do the talking. It was the only way to adequately convey their love.

His grip in her hips tightened, as did her grip on his shoulders. She hitched her legs around his waist in anticipation, feeling his hardened manhood rub up against her wet entrance. With their eyes still locked, he thrust his hips forward and entered her.

Hard masculine flesh entered hot feminine depths.

Powerful feelings that could not be put into words became real actions.

Under the light of the moon, the challenge was officially complete.

“Oohhh Derek!” Carrie cried out, her blissful cries shattering the silence of the night.

It was a scene right out of myth and legend. Two lovers had come together under the light of the moon. Guided by passion and desire, they expressed their love in an intimate act for nature to see. It proclaimed to the universe that their love was special and worth celebrating. The Summer Moon Challenge was just their way of proving it.

Derek was extra-motivated. Imbued with primal passion, he rocked her body with his, working his hips and caressing her body with the utmost care. He’d made love to her before, but never with such focus and fervor. With every motion, he let out a grunt that echoed with a very masculine strength. It drove Carrie wild in ways she’d never experienced. Beyond just stimulating the intimate depths of her core, it gave her a rush that compounded the intimacy.

In the mid-summer heat, sweat formed on their flesh, allowing their flesh to seamlessly glide together. From the ruffle of the grass to the gusts of wind to the swirling fireflies, it felt like nature was cheering them on. She and Derek responded in kind.

“We’re really doing it,” Carrie gasped as her body rocked. “Here…under the moon…we’re making love. Ooh I love it!”

“Mmm…me too!” said Derek, just before he kissed again.

Inspired and impassioned, they mixed up the pace and form of their lovemaking. Carrie shared in the exertion, rolling her lover over, getting on top of him, and riding his cock with the same vigor as he’d done before. He used that as an opportunity to fondle her breasts and squeeze her butt. He was always playful during sex, but he never lost focus.

Under the tree and the beaming moonlight, they rolled around and made love in various positions, not minding the dirt and grime that clung to their naked bodies. Not one ounce of passion could go to waste. She and Derek were determined to make the Summer Moon Challenge the ultimate manifestation of their love.

Under the weight of those vented passions, the culmination of that love drew near. Carrie felt it coming strong. It was an orgasm like no other, a byproduct of shared passion with an incredible lover. She sensed Derek holding back for her, wanting to enjoy the feeling for as long as their bodies allowed. As she neared that special edge, she caressed her lover’s face firmly and locked her eyes with him once more.

“Derek…I’m close! I’m so…so close!” she told him.

“So…so am I, Carrie,” he said through labored grunts.

“Please…let’s do it together. Let’s…share this…together!”

The pace of their sex intensified.

Derek got on top of her again and found his second wind, unleashing one last round of powerful thrusts to carry them into that world of ecstasy. Carrie let her blissful moans guide him through the final steps.

Then, it happened. In what felt like the most fitting triumph to the Summer Moon Challenge, she and her lover achieved orgasm together.

“Ohhh Derek!”


It was beautiful. She couldn’t tell if their peak was perfectly simultaneous, but that didn’t matter. It still felt incredible.

She curled her toes, dug her nails into her lover’s back, and threw her head back in an orgasmic outburst that echoed throughout the woods. Outside, she didn’t have to concern herself with disturbing the neighbors or making a scene. Out in nature, she could articulate her ecstasy to the greatest extent possible.

Derek clung to her as hard as she clung to him, caressing her face with one hand while clinging to her thigh with the other. She watched his expression become awash in ecstasy as he got his release. She could feel his manhood and her womanhood throbbing together, sharing in the flow of ecstasy.

They soaked in every sensation together, their bodies shuddering together under the weight of the feeling. They lingered in their intimate union, their gasps and moans eventually fading into the echoes of the night. Even after their flesh parted, they remained in an intimate embrace. Derek lay beside her, his powerful arms wrapped around her while she lay curled up next to him. Like a powerful bond, locked with pleasure and passion, their love was secure.

“I love you,” Derek told her in his blissful daze.

“I love you too,” Carrie said with a beaming grin.

“We did it! We completed the Summer Moon Challenge,” he said with a proud grin.

“You know how the story goes. You know what that means for us, right?”

“Of course! But there’s one part of that story I think most overlook.”

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Carrie asked curiously.

“The first couple who did this didn’t endure because they completed the challenge. They endured because they were willing to run naked through the woods together for quality lovemaking! Honestly, can you think of a better way to affirm your love?”


1 comment

  1. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. This story was originally [posted on my website]( with the rest of my sexy short stories. It’s actually based on a real-life dare that someone made in high school to this couple I knew. I don’t know if they ever went through with it, but it’s fun to think about. Thanks again for reading. ?

    PS: My next story will involve sex robots and I hope to post it next week.

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