[Sexual] [F] How I started daily wearing thongs

So this is a bit of a long story, but I figure you depraved souls enjoy the details. I’ll try to keep the story as accurate as I can, but I’ll obviously change some names for privacy sake.

Back when I was 20, I’m 33 now, I was not as sexually open as I am currently. I would wear thongs, but typically as either a last resort, or if I put on lingerie for my boyfriend. I just didn’t like the feeling of them, I didn’t like the fabric, or the proximity of it to my asshole. No matter how long it was on, I was still aware of it. Some girls are able to just get used to it after a while, but that didn’t happen for me. I would be consciously aware of it all day, and it was irritating to me. But my boyfriend had commented a few times about me not wearing them, or made a big deal out of the abnormal day when I did. I was also a bit aware of the fact that my friends wore them much more often. I didn’t mind, but i wished I was able to be more comfortable in them. That’s the back ground.

One afternoon on a weekend, my friend Jessica and I (made up name), were out shopping at our local mall. No intended purpose, just hanging out, messing around, coffee and snacks, and browsing through stores. I don’t remember what store we were in, but there were some cute panties on a display table, which I started looking at. Jessica saw one, and grabbed it exclaiming how cute it was, but she quietly put it down soon after. I asked her why she put it back, and that she should buy it, and I agreed it was cute. It was navy blue with some white stripes, and I want to say some sort of dot design as well, but I don’t exactly recall, and I could see it was a thong. I then said if there was a regular style version of it, that I would buy one, but there weren’t.

So we left the store and walked around a bit more. I don’t remember who led the conversation, but one or the other of us admitted that we just hated thongs, and it was sort of a personal guilt that we didn’t like them. It was incredible to get of my chest, and admit it to my best friend. Even more so because Jessica was the same way, which I didn’t know. I just assumed she wore thongs more often since I had seen her in them now and again. We both wished we could get used to them, but just hadn’t been able to. After having a few laughs about everything we thought was wrong with thongs, I had an idea. I suggested that I wondered if I would naturally get used to them, if I had to wear them. So we hatched a plan. We decided for the following 7 weeks, we would wear a thong, corresponding to the week. So on week 1, we would wear 1 thong, week 2, twice, all the way to week 7, where we would wear a thong every day. We decided that we would hold each other accountable and make sure both of us knew it was thong day, and to tell each other what we were wearing. So we were really excited, optimistic, and curious how we would feel if we got to week 7, and what would happen following that week. Naturally, we both went back to the store and bought the thong we thought was cute, along with a couple more.

Fast forward to the end of our trip, Jessica and I went back to the house we were renting, where our boyfriends were hanging out drinking beer and playing video games. We exchanged pleasantries, grabbed a drink and sat down with them. Jessica’s boyfriend, Matt (again, made up name), asked if she bought anything for him. Jessica and I looked at each other and immediately grinned, which turned into immature giggles. Once we were able to contain ourselves, we both shared our plan for the next 7 weeks. We asked that they both keep us accountable, and encouraged us to get through it. Obviously they both agreed, and were beaming. Both of them just told us to go cold turkey and jump to week 7, but neither Jessica nor I were ready for it. We were excited for the journey and progression, but not convinced we would even make it. That’s when my boyfriend, John (again made up) suggested making stakes to increase the likelihood that we would get through it. Intrigued, but concerned, I wanted to know what he had in mind, but he wouldn’t come out with it. Jessica and I agreed to hear out a proposal, but John and Matt had to come up with it. Jessica and I left them to their own conversation, and we went to hang out and try on our new purchases, not the thongs, just shirts and what not.

A little while later, Jessica and I went back to the living room, and the guys presented their idea. They said it was fairly intense, but to hear them out for the logic. What they came up with, was to hold us accountable for the 7 week period, but, it was to hold the other party accountable. Though John would be able to say I was in a thong, and I would tell Jessica I was wearing one, there isn’t necessarily a way of preventing us lying. Not that I would ever, but for full accountability, it would be better if Matt could verify I was in a thong, and John could verify that Jessica was, or so they argued. So they proposed, that for the next 7 weeks, they would have 7 chances to certify a thong being worn. The 7 chances could be used once per week, or bundled for multiple days in a row. It could even be used in the last week, prove it every day of the week.

Jessica agreed to it pretty quickly, before I had even really come to terms with proving what underwear I was wearing to another guy. The suggestion was that at any point, 7 times, Matt could ask me to show him my thong, and John could ask Jessica to show him. Show, being pants down far enough to reveal the thong. Jessica and I agreed that it would never be alone, but either our own boyfriend, or each other would be there. But once we were asked to prove it, it had to be proven there and then. If we were caught out not wearing one, a bare ass spank was the punishment. We all agreed, and assured the guys they wouldn’t get a spank, and set the schedule. We would start Monday, and each week, add the next day in the week.

That’s how it began. The next 7 weeks were fun. Neither Jessica nor I missed a day, so there was no spankings to be had. I can’t really recall how the guys checked, but I don’t think there were any days in a row. It was mostly once per week, but neither checked on the first week.

What was interesting, is by the end of the 4th week, I didn’t really care about the thongs anymore. By the end of the 5th week, I didn’t want to not wear a thong, it was like I was enjoying it and deciding that they were more comfortable than regular panties. The 6th week was the most challenging, in the sense that on Sunday I wanted to wear a thong, and hated that I wasn’t able to. I actually voluntarily showed my panties to Matt without John or Jessica present, just as a look at how boring they were. We both laughed and obviously told Jessica and my boyfriend about it. Jessica was in the same situation as me, and we both agreed that the the experience was fun but now had taken an unexpected turn. She was ready to be at week 7, during week 4.

That led to week 7, where we were both in a thong all day, every day of the week, and thrilled with it. At the end of the week we were all sat down, and one of the guys asked what the future held. Jessica and I had no intention of wearing regular panties often. One of the guys suggested just throwing them all out, so we went for it. Jessica and I got out all of our non thong underwear, and humorously displayed them all to the guys, and ceremoniously threw them into the trash. They were cute, but it was almost like a trophy for winning the race. Abundant alcohol may have encouraged the excitement as well. To add to the fun, I told Jessica that it was only fair for my boyfriend to see her in a non-thong just like I had shown Matt. So John chose one of her old panties, prior to being thrown out. Since he had now seen her ass 7 times before, she just stood and undressed back turned and put the underwear on. We laughed and I yanked it off her and she got back into a thong and redressed. All was fair and even again haha.

From then on, I’ve been in a thong everyday without exception. John and Matt are long gone, my husband has heard the story many times over, and now enjoys the benefit of seeing me in a thong daily. Jessica and I still talk, but aren’t as close as we used to be. We’ve joked about the good old days, and she knows that I’m still committed to it. Last I heard, she still wears thongs a lot, but has a more diverse panty collection.

So that’s the story. I’ve never posted here before, so I’m not sure if there is typically commentary or questions. But I’ll keep my eye on Reddit and see what happens.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cutqit/sexual_f_how_i_started_daily_wearing_thongs


  1. Sounds like a fun little experiment that turned out well for your boyfriend and husband. I still don’t understand how a thong can feel as comfortable as regular panties or in your words even more comfortable. I guess I’m really missing something, can you fill me in?

  2. Awesome story, I love it! I’ve long had a fetish for thong underwear, and amazing women like you are a reason why. It’s especially rewarding to see someone who is anti-thong transform into someone who loves thongs. Your husband is a lucky man, and I wish I could have been a part of a thong challenge like this. hahaha

  3. I completely understand the anti thong perspective, I’ve grown up in a very conservative family and I just want to see what it feels like to be in a thong? I’m not sure when or how but I hope one day I can get into it.

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