[MF] The Incident

He looked at his watch. The meeting was scheduled to begin in five minutes, and he didn’t want to be late. He didn’t usually wear a tie to work, but he made an exception today. After all, keeping his job might very well depend on how this meeting went, and he wanted to make a good impression. He got up from his desk and began walking over to the office of the HR director.

He played the incident back in his head one more time. He was certain he had done nothing wrong, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was whether or not the HR director saw it that way and if they could come to some agreement that would satisfy the parties involved. He was only trying to be polite. It wasn’t (entirely) his fault his body betrayed him.

He was sitting at his desk on Friday afternoon, waiting for the day to end and the weekend to start. His mind began wandering towards some of the things he planned on doing this weekend. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary planned. He was going to go to happy hour after work with a few co-workers, then go home, have a beer or six, and watch TV or mess around on the computer. “Messing around on the computer,” would no doubt involve looking at some porn and getting off a time or two. As that thought crossed his mind, he realized he hadn’t taken care of that particular need in a few days. He knew when it had been a few days, the orgasm was more intense, and he made a bigger mess. Now that this thought was in his mind, he let his thoughts drift down this path a bit further.

He began thinking of what type of porn he would look at first, what would he use to help with his first explosive orgasm of the weekend. He had a thing for amateurs recently. Something about the idea of real people was a huge turn on. He wondered if someday he would see someone he recognized. Those posts were generally fairly mild though. He needed something dirtier, much dirtier. He quickly did a mental flip through different categories before settling on anal sex. He’d only gotten to try it once before in his life, and there was something about it that always drove him crazy. As he pictured the imagery in his head, he got excited.

He quickly snapped back to reality when a female co-worker of his appeared outside his cube and asked for help switching the jug on top of the water cooler. His computer had switched to its screensaver as he was daydreaming, so he couldn’t pretend to be in the middle of something. And it would be rude to say no. So, he agreed, and awkwardly stood up, well aware that the raging hard-on in his pants would be visible. She led the way towards the kitchen area and he followed at a good pace, trying to will his excitement to subside but not having any luck. He tried not to look at her ass, but couldn’t stop himself, and that didn’t help. She had a nice body, but personality wise, she just was not his type.

Luckily they didn’t pass any co-workers on the way to the kitchen. Since she had her back to him the entire time, he thought maybe she wouldn’t notice after all. When they reached the kitchen, he was able to maneuver himself between the water cooler and the spot with the filled jugs without facing her. He lifted the filled jug and put it in place a top the cooler. He put the empty jug in its appropriate spot, and turned around. She was on her knees with a paper towel, cleaning up some water that had spilled during the process. Involuntarily, her eyes looked directly at his crotch and the large bulge. There was no mistaking the state he was in. She blushed, he froze. After what seemed like an eternity, she stood up, muttered a quick, “Thanks,” and rushed out of the room. He was mortified. Hopefully she would forget about it over the weekend, and this all would be an unfortunate embarrassing scene they could laugh about one day.

When he got the meeting invite on Monday afternoon for the following morning, he realized this might not go away so easily. In the world today where political correctness has a firm grasp on America, he began to panic as he understood an innocent hard-on witnessed at an unfortunate angle could cost him his job. The meeting invite simply said “HR Policy Discussion,” which seemed harmless enough. However the only invitees were himself and the HR director, and that was an uncommon occurrence. The rest of the day and night he worried about what he would say, how could he explain what happened. He finally decided that he might as well just be honest – he was daydreaming, got excited, and helped a co-worker change the water jug. She bent down to clean up some spilled water and almost had her eye poked out, accidentally of course. Was that a fireable offense? I guess he would find out.

The following morning , he looked at his watch as he arrived outside the door of the HR director’s office. He was two minutes early. The door was closed, but he could see through her window that she was alone. She noticed him outside, and stood to let him in. She opened the door and greeted him.

“Thanks for coming. Please, come in. Have a seat.”

As he entered, she shut the door behind him. She walked back to behind her desk, and he couldn’t help but notice the heels she wore. Professional, yet sexy. The black skirt she wore was modest enough and came to slightly below her knees, but the heels gave her calves a very nice shape. He blinked his eyes quickly, trying to drive such thoughts from his head and reminding himself to focus. His job was at stake here, and his active libido was the reason he was in this situation in the first place.

When she sat down across from him, that became even more difficult. She was very professionally dressed. Her blonde hair was up in a bun. She wore classy looking glasses. Her white blouse was buttoned to the very top button. She had a bit of lipstick on, but just enough.

“I assume you know why you are here?” she asked.

“Well, I think so. Does this have to do with when I helped change the water cooler jug?” He replied.

“Yes, yes it does. I’ve read the report from the co-worker who feels you sexually harassed her. Usually we would have terminated you immediately, but you have never had any HR violations before, and this sounded like an unusual situation, so I wanted to give you a chance to tell your side of the story.”

He relaxed slightly. He wasn’t going to be fired on the spot, that was good. But he still wasn’t out of the woods yet. He slowly and calmly explained how things happened. She listened without a word, intently watching him the whole time. He got the feeling that she was not just listening, but also watching his gestures and tone, trying to see if she could pick up on any indication he was lying. When he finished his story, she nodded and looked down at a piece of paper on her desk.

“The report she filed says that ‘He then thrust his erect penis towards my face.’ Is that true?”

“No, absolutely not! I simply turned around and didn’t realize she was on the floor. I suppose it could seem like a thrust since it came at her suddenly, but I was only just turning around.”

“And you were still… excited… from the time you were sitting at your desk several minutes earlier?”


She paused for a moment to consider that. “I see. I believe you. I do think this is a misunderstanding. It might not be so easy to convince her of that, but I think we can handle the situation. However, we can’t have the male employees walking around with erections and claiming it’s because they did a little daydreaming at their desk. We have to address that somehow.”

She closed the folder on her desk with the papers inside and looked him directly in the eye.

“Do you have any thoughts on how we can resolve this situation to the satisfaction of all parties involved?”
She took her glasses off and smiled mischievously at him.

He didn’t know what to say and was caught a bit off guard by that question and that look. He tried to keep himself composed and professional.

“I’m not sure what exactly I could do to make this right. I’ve never been in trouble with HR before. My managers and co-workers will vouch that I never make inappropriate comments or advances. I really like it here and need this job. I would do anything – “

“Anything?” she interrupted. Her mischievous smile got a little wider and something naughty glimmered in her eyes. He swallowed. Before he could respond, the smile vanished, she looked away, and she put her glasses back on.

“That will be all,” she continued. “I have a meeting with the other party this afternoon. I’ll let you know when I’ve made a decision. Thank you for your time, have a good day.”

Without another word or look, she turned to her computer and began typing. He got up and left the office.

For the rest of the day, he could barely concentrate. Not only was his career still in jeopardy, but it almost seemed like the HR director was toying with him, maybe even teasing him. When she asked if he would do “Anything?” what did she mean by that? Maybe he was reading into it too much, and she was talking about something like a pay cut or demotion. Maybe it was something else. He couldn’t get that smile of hers out of his head. It was a very nice smile.

It was 4:45pm when the email arrived from her:


I met your co-worker and got her side of the story. Let’s meet tomorrow, first thing in the morning, before anyone else arrives. Be in my office at 7:30am. Don’t be late.”

That didn’t help much. On one hand, at least he wasn’t being told to pack his things and be gone today. On the other hand, having the meeting so early meant he could have his things cleared out and be gone before anyone else arrived. He tried to put the entire thing out of his head as he endured the commute home. A dozen things raced through his mind, most of them not good. He tried to focus on the positive, on the glimmer of hope he would keep his job. Then he switched to the worst case scenario, and told himself even if he was fired, it was unlikely this would be something the company would publicize, so he should be able to get another job without too much trouble. The mind is a complex thing, and trying to sort through the various thoughts and emotions isn’t easy. He watched some mindless TV, but that wasn’t much of a distraction. When he went to bed, he made sure that his alarm was set to make it to the office with more than enough time to make the early appointment. As he drifted to sleep, he’d wondered how something so simple had gotten him into this situation.

He arrived outside her office promptly at 7:25am. She was already there, typing away on her computer. Her office door was open this time, and she waved him when she saw him.

“Shut the door behind you,” she said as he entered. “Have a seat.”

He did as he told her.

“I have some good news and some bad news. I’ll give you the good news first. I spoke to your co-worker, and she agreed to drop the case against you as long as I could arrange that she be moved to a different floor. She’s had her eye on a corner cubicle on the 15th floor, one overlooking the water. I had to pull a few strings, but she’ll be moving into that space tomorrow. So you won’t have to see each other much at all.”

He felt his heart lift in his chest, the pressure relieved from his chest. He could physically feel the relief, a relief he hadn’t felt in some time. “Thank you. Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it, you have no idea how happy this makes me.”

She held up her hand. “I haven’t given you the bad news yet. There’s a condition.”

He felt his relief sink a bit, but managed to reply, “Condition? What condition? I would do anything.”

Her naughty smile returned. “There’s that word again. You would do anything. I was hoping you would say that. I have some side work that needs to be done. The condition is that you do whatever I tell you to do for the next 30 days. Anything. Are those terms acceptable?”

He paused for a moment, unsure what he had gotten himself into. He had said anything more than once, and he surely didn’t want to lose this job. Her smile drew him in, he could not resist. He nodded slowly. “Yes, those terms are acceptable.”

She leaned back in her chair and gave a little laugh. “Excellent! Now, let’s start with your first task. I need to see for myself what this complaint was all about. Stand up and show me your dick.”

He couldn’t believe he had heard her correctly. Did she just ask for him to take out his dick?! The HR Director?! He hesitated, not sure if she was serious. Even still, his dick did harden a bit in his pants at her directness.

“Did I shock you?” she said as she laughed again. It was a nice laugh, the kind he wouldn’t mind hearing while in bed naked next to her. “Don’t worry, it’s not a test or a trap. I would lose my job too if I tried these kind of tactics to trap someone. I really truly want to see your big, hard dick. Now stand the fuck up.”

He complied. His dick was getting harder by the moment, but wasn’t quite fully erect yet. He stood up across the desk from her.

“Not bad, but I don’t think we’re fully there yet. You have a good imagination, use it. Maybe I can help a bit. I’m not wearing any underwear.” She removed her glasses and proceeded to unbutton the top two buttons of her shirt. Her bra wasn’t quite showing yet, but he could see that her breasts were bigger than they usually appeared, ample cleavage now showing. She bit her lip as she kept her eyes locked on his crotch. “Yes, that’s better. You like that. Take it out. Now.”

He unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them. As he pushed them down to around his knees, his hard dick moved outwards, less restrained now with only his underwear on. He could feel it throbbing now, hard as it could possibly get, as the excitement rushed through him knowing she was watching him strip.

“Those too. Now,” she commanded. As she did, her hand reached down in between her legs and she began to touch herself. He couldn’t quite see it from where she sat on the other side of the desk, but he knew what she was doing. The thought made a drop of precum appear on the head of his dick. As he pulled his shorts down, the drop was pulled into a tiny thin strand from the tip of his glistening head to his descending underwear.

He stood there now, totally exposed, fully hard. The strand of thin wetness broke after a moment, but another drop formed soon after.

“I can see why she was worried you might poke an eye out. Very impressive. Now stroke it for me. I’m so fucking wet for you.”

He began to stroke the length of his shaft with his right hand, his thumb gliding over the head to pick up and spread in the precum as he stroked. He let out a little sigh as he felt himself getting closer. She whimpered a bit on her side of the desk, her hand busy between her legs.

“You better not cum on my desk. If you do, I’ll make you lick it up. Then again, maybe you’d like that.” She smiled at him and bit her lip again. She glanced up at the clock on the wall. “Okay, time is up. Put that away. Your next task is tonight at my apartment. I’ll email you the address. 6:30 sharp. Don’t be late. That cock is mine for the next 30 days. Now get the fuck out of here.”

She buttoned her shirt back up as he pulled up his pants, struggling to shove his rock hard dick back inside as he got dressed. Without another word, he walked out of her office and back to his desk. Luckily he didn’t pass any co-workers, or he might have had another sexual harassment complaint filed against him considering the size of the bulge in his pants.

He was going to keep his job and somehow become a sex slave in the process. He didn’t know just how far she would push it, and that both frightened and excited him. He tried not to think about it as he sat down at his desk and began the work day. The time would certainly drag by today as he anticipated their next meeting tonight.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cu4md2/mf_the_incident


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