[M25] Secretly giving a 19-year-old [F] housemaid what she needed late at night… then pretending nothing happened the next day

This is a story about a very unexpected and fun experience I had while visiting my friend in Italy this summer. Katie’s father is a fantastically interesting but rather eccentric academic who lives in a remote but idyllic farmhouse on a hill in rural Calabria, surrounded by books and antiquities.

Katie was doing an internship in Salerno over the summer and I visited her for a couple of days. We’re very close – we’ve been friends for several years, we talk about all sorts of things, including sex, and we’ve seen each other naked several times without it being a big deal – which is great, because as a blonde athlete she’s very hot. I’m 25 and Katie is 26. Katie isn’t, however, the subject of this story, although she might be the subject of a later one.

One weekend while I was visiting her, we decided to visit her father. It was a long drive away, but her father drove all the way to Salerno to pick us up in his marvellously clapped-out van. The weather was scorching hot and we stopped several times for ice cream and lemonade.

Eventually we arrived at his remote farmhouse. It’s a beautiful location, with commanding views of the surrounding hills and vineyards, with the towers of a mediaeval town just visible on the horizon. There’s also a deep pool of water in the garden, which is rather strange for a hill, and after the hot drive it was perfect for cooling off.

Katie and I stripped off and splashed around, diving in from a rustic diving board made out of logs and planks of wood. Katie’s tits looked perfect in the sun and cold water ([here’s](https://preview.redd.it/787lcbj52fe31.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=87cab65db36322000cd46ee8a6209f51378d5848) a girl who looks remarkably like Katie). Eventually we got into some loose clothes and joined Katie’s father for a tour of his house.

Adding to his life of ease, Katie’s father has a slightly strange arrangement with a Russian friend of his, whereby his friend’s daughter Natasha spends the summer with him and does various household chores. In return, he helps Natasha out with her English and takes her on day trips around Italy. I’d met Natasha once before the previous year, when she was 18. I hadn’t had much opportunity to speak to her then but I remembered that she was pretty, with long brown hair and slim legs. She was very well read and slightly eccentric.

That evening I got speaking to Natasha properly for the first time. She’d just celebrated her 19th birthday and was enjoying being in Italy, although she said she was sad to be so far from her friends and parties back in St Petersburg, where she was from. Life in the farmhouse was idyllic, but probably a little boring for a 19-year-old girl.

The last time I’d been at the farmhouse I’d made a very good impression with Katie’s father, who had apparently been singing my praises to Natasha after I left. She seemed very keen to get to know me, and asked me lots of questions about my experiences at university and beyond. We also discovered we had a shared loved of Chopin, which she enjoyed playing on the piano. I started to feel that Natasha was quite into me, and I started flirting back gently. She had a pretty Russian accent and her English was quite broken, which was quite charming.

“You and Katie – you are together?”, she asked.

“Oh no, we’re just friends!”, I replied.

“Ah, sweet”, she smiled. Game on.

Time was drawing on, and if we wanted to get back to Salerno that evening Katie’s father would have to drive us. But I was having an enjoyable time flirting with Natasha. It occurred to me that she probably hadn’t had a particularly exciting love life while living in a remote farmhouse. The only other person near her age who was intermittently there was Katie’s younger brother James, who was several years younger than Katie. I could tell that James had a bit of a crush on Katie (hardly surprising), but he was quite innocent and naïve and anyone could see that this wasn’t going anywhere.

Katie hadn’t noticed that I had been speaking to Natasha as she had been spending most of the evening catching up with James and her father. As it got later, I suggested that there was no need for us to go back this evening – we could all sleep on the trampoline under the stars. Natasha enthusiastically repeated this suggestion. Katie was initially sceptical, but after a kitten fell asleep on her father’s lap the matter was decided – he wasn’t getting up to drive us all the way back. We grabbed some blankets and the four of us – me, Natasha, Katie and James – climbed onto the trampoline. I was going to sleep on Katie’s right, but Natasha helpfully pointed out that there was more space next to her on Katie’s left. I therefore lay down between Katie and Natasha, and James lay down on Natasha’s other side.

Katie fell asleep very quickly. I wasn’t sure about James, but Natasha was definitely awake. We lay silently next to each other for about half an hour, listening to each other’s breathing in the dark. After a while I moved slightly so my leg brushed hers under the blanket. Her response followed soon after – her left hand drifted slowly towards me, almost as if she was stretching.

I responded in kind, gently touching her outstretched fingertip with mine. She didn’t draw her hand back, so I stroked one of her fingers. She moved her hand closer to me and I stroked her palm. She touched my fingers and we played with each other in this way for a minute or so.

With growing confidence, I let my fingers dance up her arm towards her shoulder, then softly stroked her cheek. She let my finger slide down towards her lips, then, very quietly, opened her mouth and licked my fingertip. For the next couple of the minutes she gently sucked on my finger, taking it slowly in and out of her mouth like it was something else. I drew her hand towards me and kissed her fingers, then starting sucking one of hers as well.

We had to be very careful, as on a trampoline (of all the things we could be doing this on!) every movement we made risked waking up Katie or James. Natasha was wasting no time. She lowered her hand and stroked my stomach, inching down until she touched my hard tip which was poking out of my waistband. This was obviously her intention. Natasha ran her fingers around my tip, then pushed her hand down under my trousers and started fondling my cock.

I honestly hadn’t expected things to move so fast. I took my finger out of her mouth and squeezed one of her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra under her thin T-Shirt, and deliciously her nipples were poking through the fabric.

Natasha stuck her hand further down and cupped my balls in her hands, then gripped my shaft between her fingers and started moving her hand up and down. I was quite surprised and actually a bit nervous, because I didn’t want Katie to find out about this. I don’t think she’d mind, but it might be a bit embarrassing. Still, I’d made a resolution recently to stop overthinking things, so I just whispered ‘Quietly…!’ to Natasha.

Natasha barely changed what she was doing – if anything, she was getting into it. I placed my hands on her waistband and I was about to slip my fingers underneath when she stopped me. She placed my hand between her legs but over the fabric of the pyjama shorts she was wearing. I could feel that she was wet, and I gently ran circles over her through the fabric. I slipped a finger inside her, feeling her wetness through her shorts.

It was a risky game we were playing. Natasha still appeared to be asleep, but if anyone felt vibrations and woke up it would have been very hard to explain. I picked up my phone and typed a message quickly, holding it to Katie with the brightness as low as possible: “What shall we do?”

Natasha took my phone with the hand that wasn’t currently in my trousers. “I go for pee now. You follow in 5”

I silently agreed, and Natasha started climbing off the trampoline. The movements woke James.

“Are you going inside?”, he asked sleepily.

“No, to pee”, she replied, and he went back to sleep.

Five minutes later, I followed. Whether I was more skillful or whether James guessed I was going to pee as well, no-one stirred as I got off the trampoline and started tip-toeing through the darkness.

It occurred to me that we hadn’t actually agreed a place to meet, but I guessed that Natasha would be in the outhouse where she lived. The light was one and I met her inside.

“What did you tell them?”, Natasha asked.

“No one said anything to me”, I replied.

“Ah, good”, she smiled, and kissed me. She had lovely warm lips and our tongues darted together. As Natasha started pulling down my trousers I hitched her T-Shirt over her head. She had a wonderful body: a slim stomach, small waist, and c-cup boobs which were the perfect balance of firm and jiggly. Her small pink nipples stood to attention. [This girl](https://external-preview.redd.it/srtP31iOO_ZHysrfx42BTEbwil2YBi8nVcZ-MGpWprw.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=21cb57fd34cfe4ad5f24829d31be7db72bcaaf30) looks a lot like Natasha, including her facial structure and her boobs.

Natasha dropped her shorts to the ground and pulled me forwards onto her bed.

“Do you have a condom?, I asked.

“No…”, she replied.

“Are you on the pill?”


“I don’t think we can do this then”, I said, disappointed.

“Please… I just wanted to feel you”, she said, spreading her legs. She was pink and glistening and obviously very turned on.

There are some circumstances in which men can exercise their will-power against temptation. Having a pretty, topless and obviously sex-starved girl spread her legs in front of you and beg you to penetrate her is not one of them.

I knelt over her and felt her wetness on my tip. I hadn’t had sex with a 19-year-old since I was 19 myself, and I was unprepared for how tight she was. In fact, I couldn’t get my tip in at all – it was even a little painful.

“Have you done this before?”, I asked, slightly moronically.

She laughed. “Yes, I have done this before…”, she said, as if stating the obvious. “I haven’t been to any parties all summer”, she added matter-of-factly, as if to explain her tightness.

Natasha spread her legs a little wider and managed to take my tip inside her. She sighed with pleasure and slowly worked the rest of my shaft into her. The combination of her tightness and her wetness was fantastic and I could feel I wouldn’t last long. However much I wanted to, I knew I mustn’t cum inside her.

Natasha started to rock her hips against me as I slid in and out of her. Her boobs jiggled slightly with each thrust and she put her hand over her mouth to stifle her moans. I grabbed her shoulders and gave her a few hard thrusts. She bit her lip, and then I had to pull out.

“I’m sorry”, I said, “this is super risky.”

“I know…”, she sighed. I thought that was it, but Natasha leaned forwards and licked up and down my cock, which was still wet from her. She took it into her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down, swirling her tongue around my sensitive tip.

“I don’t have scrunchies”, she said. “Can you hold my hair back?”

I did so, and with my free hand I cupped Natasha’s boobs and squeezed her bum as she gave me head.

It felt amazing and I told her so. My legs were getting a little tired (I was squatting down on her bed), so I asked if I could stand up. We changed position and I stood next to the bed while she sat on it, sucking my cock from her head height.

It normally takes me a lot to cum from a blowjob, so I asked if I could jerk off for a few seconds. While I did so she kept my tip in her mouth and continued licking and swirling her tongue around it. I was getting close, so she took my cock deeper into her mouth and started sliding me in and out.

“I’m about to cum!”, I warned, but she kept bobbing her head and I exploded. I hadn’t cum in about a week and I unloaded into her mouth in five strong spurts, and she kept sucking until my tip was dry. She then picked up some panties from her laundry pile and spat out my cum.

“I don’t like to… how do you say?”, she said.

“Swallow?”, I suggested.

“Yes”, she smiled.

“Well I probably wouldn’t if I were doing it”, I joked.

Natasha laughed. “And have you given many man a blowjob?”, she asked.

“No, never, but if I did, I probably wouldn’t!”, I said.

We kissed, and I could taste myself on her lips. I started going down on her but she said “We haven’t got time!”.

Suddenly she was very efficient. “OK, do you pinky promise never to tell ANYONE about this?”, she said.

“Of course!”

“OK, you go back first, I follow.”

I headed back to the trampoline. James woke up again and looked at me in amusement. “Woah man, that was a big shit”, he said innocently.

I laughed and got under the blanket.

About ten minutes later, Natasha came back. Jamie looked at her in disbelief. “What took you so long?”, he asked.

“Pee. And woman things.” This shut him up, and I smirked in the darkness.

That wasn’t everything for the night. Natasha was still horny, and we lay touching under the blankets. After a few minutes I could feel small vibrations which told me that she was touching herself. I stroked Natasha’s arm and her breasts as she masturbated, and after a while there came a sudden intake of breath as she came. Natasha slowly lifted her fingers to my mouth and I sucked them as before.

Then, we turned over and went to sleep.

The next day we all woke up at different times, with Katie the last. Natasha and I didn’t mention the previous night at all as we hung out the next day, and no-one seemed to be any the wiser. It was amazing how ordinary everything felt.

Katie and I stripped and swam in the pool again before leaving, and Natasha joined us. Katie joked that I was lucky I was getting to see two girls naked today. It amused me that this wasn’t the first time I’d seen Natasha in the nude. After swimming we sat down and chatted, surreptitiously admiring each other’s bodies. The girls laughed when I became hard and squeezed their boobs together for me. “Guys are so simple!”, Katie laughed.

Later that morning, Katie’s father drove us back to Salerno and I stayed with her for a couple more days before going home.

It still amazes me that this experience, so unexpected and potentially risky, happened at all. Natasha and I still occasionally send friendly messages on FaceBook, but nothing risqué – we’re just friends who shared something special and secret.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ctwotw/m25_secretly_giving_a_19yearold_f_housemaid_what


  1. > I picked up my phone and typed a message quickly, holding it to Katie with the brightness as low as possible

    Got the names mixed here

  2. Great story. Just a note that I think you accidentally swapped the names for Katie and Natasha in the paragraph about writing on your phone.

  3. Great story! Let’s hear about Katie! Also the pics were a nice touch to the visual. I wouldn’t have been able to contain myself in the pond the second day.

  4. I want to move to a place where it’s cool with dad if you go skinny-dipping with his daughter and friend in his backyard pool.

  5. This was such a hot story!! Loved it. I just can’t get the part, ‘Natasha’s boobs jiggled with every thrust’, out of my head. Especially since you’ve shared that photo. I just can’t stop imagining that! So hot. We’ll done man. You’re lucky guy….

  6. Amazing story! When will you see Katie or Natasha again?

    I would not have been able to pull out once she had me in her. You have good willpower!

  7. The real bro of this story is the little kitten who fell asleep on Katie’s father’s lap so he couldn’t drive that night.

  8. If you ever need a substitute in life, let me know. Sounds like you have an amazing friend with Katie. Also you have some really good writing skills.

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