Anna Henrietta and the Unseen Elder [Witcher] [EU] [Fantasy] [Oral] [Deepthroat] [Excess cum] [Monster]

**Spoiler warning ahead for Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC**

Anna Henrietta forsake her formal dress, instead preferring the figure-hugging travel clothes. The boiled leather tunic pressed her chest down, making her seem a whole cup size smaller than she was. Every step she took, she felt her pants tighten around her ass. She felt her soldiers’ eyes on her, Knights in resplendent armor leering at her like men gone to a tavern whore. She ignored them and held her head high. Anna kept her hair in a tight bun, rather than letting it fall in her usual golden curls. She wore a light dusting of makeup. They may have been marching through the woods, but she wasn’t about to look like a savage.

Her and her troupe left the road behind several miles back. Old trees rustled overhead, and the golden hour of the evening lit up her Knights. They were impossible to miss, though Anna would have wished they brought something smaller. Her original plan was to bring only two or three, but her advisors insisted on two dozen. She was the Duchess after all and going out in the woods. She couldn’t go alone! They protested her clothes as well, but Anna dismissed them after that topic. She wouldn’t be told how to *dress*.

Anna fidgeted with a button. She was the Duchess of Toussaint, one of the most powerful female monarchs barring that Witcher Empress up north, who they swore fealty to. And for good reason. Anna shouldn’t have been nervous, yet she was.

Two years. It took two years of every scholar in her kingdom to root up as much vampire lore as they could. Anna would never forget the Night of Long Fangs and that bastard Detlaff. After the whole terror was over, she set to finding out more. The man was mysteriously recalled from the city, and people around the city later reported the lesser vampires had all paused and looked to the sky. Why?

The Unseen Elder was why.

Some ancient evil, according to old texts. The closest things vampires had to kings. Well, as one monarch to another, she intended to have words with the beast. Detlaff was dead, yes, but so was Syanna, and thousands of her people from that terrible night. This Elder would have to answer for the crimes of his people. She would not have a rogue ruler on *her* lands.

The cartographer guided them to a section of a rock wall. “This is it, Lady Duchess.” He pointed. A mousy man hunched from an old injury. He had a scraggly beard and receding hairline.


“According to the old maps and texts, the Elder’s whereabouts are hidden here, only accessible by the –”

“Crystal, yes.” She opened her satchel, handing the uncut rock to the cartographer. An amazingly unassuming thing, about the size of a fist with a couple of geodes sticking out. It had cost a fortune to acquire, but it was a small price to pay for the blood of her people. The cartographer held it reverently, as if it were an idol, and waved it over the rocks.

Nothing happened.

“Is this a joke?” Anna snapped.

“N-No, Lady Duchess. This is a true higher vampire crystal.” He stammered.

“Then where’s the cave?” She demanded. He yelped and dropped the rock. So much for reverence. Digging through his satchel, he began to pull out old and new maps, tangling them together. Her patience thin, she started to berate him.

There was a hum of magic, and then the rocks melted away, light consuming them and pulling back the illusion. The Duchess, cartographer, and two dozen Knights watched in surprise as the rock face, which had previously been as normal as the rest of the cliff, vanished. The mouth of a cave appeared. Cool, damp air blew out toward them. She shivered.

Well, this was a little more kingly.

“Lead on.” She ordered. The poor cartographer reorganized his maps, pulled out a new one, and led the gathering into the cave. As they stepped in, the sounds of the outside disappeared. Even their footfalls seemed muffled. There was no sound. Anna had been in total quiet before, when she was a girl in the vineyards on a still day. She remembered, she hadn’t heard any birds or insects that day. Not so much a rustle of grass. It was tranquil.

This was eerie. Unnatural. Caves should drip. Her Knights should rattle. The cartographer should shuffle. Anna felt like if she spoke, she’d awaken some terrible monster, and for the first time since setting out from the castle, she felt truly uneasy, not just nervous. It didn’t help that they passed the corpse of a wizard. No one said anything.

As they continued, she noticed the silent waterfall. Noticed it was flowing the *other* direction. She stopped to stare, and so did everyone else. One of the Knights whispered something under his breath, but the oppressive silence snuffed it out. Waterfalls shouldn’t do that. Stalactites became stalagmites as the room randomly flipped on them. People shouted, trying to catch their footing even though there was no jerking motion. They had walked onto the ceiling as seamlessly as if they were walking to the fair.

“Unnatural.” Anna muttered.

“Y-yes, Lady Duchess,” stuttered the cartographer, who was clearly afraid at this point. It was too late now though. They were almost there.

At some point the ceiling became the floor again, and then it opened up into a wide, dimly lit room. Braziers burned to fill the cavern with an unwelcoming orange glow. The large group stepped into it, looking around. This was the final spot. This is where the Unseen Elder was.

Only, where was he?

Anna opened her satchel again to reach for the aragonite crystal her scholars told her symbolized peace. The cartographer spoke as she searched.

“I-I don’t understand. This is the final place. Lady Duchess, I profusely apologize, we may have been duped by the historical –” The cartographer started babbling.

Anna felt a gust of wind rush past her, and when she looked up, crystal in her hand, the mousy cartographer’s head was only attached by a flap of skin. Blood poured from his near severed neck and the body hadn’t even caught up with the fact it was dead. It hit the ground, and she heard her knights dying behind her. Someone screamed, but it didn’t last long, ending in a wet gargle. There was a crunch of meat and metal as a Knight went flying across the room. His head hit the ceiling and would have exploded if not for the helmet. She spun on the chaos, only getting a glimpse of severed lips and shocked expressions on heads torn from their bodies before dropping to her knees. Anna kept her eyes squeezed shut, trembling as her Knights died. She held the crystal up, quivering, wondering if she would be the end of the slaughter.

The weight in her hands lifted. There was another rush of wind.

“Rise,” said a voice brimming with ancient power. It sounded like a regal accent had been ground down by sandpaper. It was rough and sank into her like teeth. Keeping her eyes down, Anna slowly got to wobbly feet. She didn’t look up because she didn’t want to anger this beast, and she didn’t want to look at the slaughter.

“You come with soldiers, armed with swords of silver and crossbows with silver bolts, to my domain. Why should I let you live? Look up. Speak,” commanded the rough-hewed voice. Anna turned toward it and looked up. Standing on a small rock pedestal was the Unseen Elder. From this distance, she couldn’t judge his height, but he had corpse grey skin, a bald knobby head, long claws dripping red, and a dirty towel around his waist. The Elder was terribly thin, looking like a victim of famine. Bright orange eyes locked on to her, and she felt so small. King? This wasn’t a king.

This was a terror. A terror even by the standards of their race. Detlaff was nothing compared to this.

“I was only hoping to speak with you.” Anna said, struggling to keep her voice steady. She tried to ignore the mass of red and gold in the corner of her eye.

“Do you speak with swords?”

“No, they were just –”

“Men with swords. Nothing. Who are you?” The Elder asked. Anna straightened, her pride getting the better of fear. This beast didn’t know who she was? Didn’t know that it was on *her* land?

“I am Anna Henrietta, the Duchess of Toussaint, the country you’re in.” She said, opting to omit some of her longer titles. The Elder didn’t seem like someone who cared about titles. Everything she said made it seem like the vampire was a step from killing her. She was a monarch though. She dealt with court politics every day and could verbally spare with even the strongest Emperors if need be.

“Duchess. A pointless title for a nobody,” said the Elder in his harsh voice. “But you command men. Command swords and maps. You know where I am. If I kill you, they will come, won’t they?” His voice was behind her now. Her heart beat faster. She never took her eyes away from him, how did he –


“Yes. Soldiers will come if I don’t return.”

The Elder took in a deep breath. He didn’t seem to like that, but she wasn’t dead yet, so Anna considered the advantage to her. “So, we shall talk terms –”

“I did not tell you to speak,” He said as she turned. She realized how dangerously close the Elder was, close enough she could see the veins in his orange eyes. “Your armies, they are vast?”


“They could not kill Detlaff.” He accused.

“The attack was unwarranted. My soldiers had no time to prepare.”

“They will prepare for this though,” The Elder said in a way that didn’t warrant any further confirmation. “You may leave, Duchess. Do not return.” His voice was back on the pedestal, gone in an eyeblink. She spun back on him, gawking. Anna wasn’t about to be dismissed like this. Not after the Night of Long Fangs. Not after her Knights! She glanced over at them. It was a horrific sight, a mass of twisted metal, torn limbs, and opened throats. Her stomach heaved.

“We never spoke.” She said, turning back to him.

“You’ve been dismissed.”

“No! This is my land, and as Duchess I have a right to defend my people against those who would harm them!” She stomped her foot, anger getting the better of her. The Elder vanished in a puff of smoke. It whipped over to her and then she was in the air, claws around her throat, legs kicking hopelessly underneath her.

“You wish to demand. To order. You order and cannot listen. People will kill for you?” He lowered her until she was right up against his face. Close enough she could smell the rot and blood on his breath. “I will kill your whole army. Every man and woman. Then the children. I will slaughter all who step into my domain. I will bury your country under corpses. What can you give me to spare your people? What can you give *me* that outweighs the seas of blood I will spill?” His voice grated against her ears, caused her bones to vibrate like tuning forks. She gripped his wrist to try and alleviate the pressure, but it didn’t matter. Anna’s mind raced, thinking what she *could* give this thing. The Elder didn’t care about politics, nor the Night, nor what Detlaff did. The carnage, the bloodshed, her people ripped apart and left as floating chunks in gutters meant nothing. How the sewers backed up with flesh and gristle, and sometimes blood still bubbled out of them. That didn’t matter to this thing. What could she give? What?

“I…Don’t know.” She choked out. Admitting it hurt, though not as much as the Elder launching her through the air across the cavern. The air fled her lungs as she hit the ground. Pain lanced up her back where she’d hit a rock. Damn her tunic. She needed to breath.

Before she got her bearings, the Elder was there, looming over her and staring at her with the same indignation of a child seeing a cockroach. His claws flexed, dark with gore. From this end of the cavern, Anna could see better the slaughter of her men, how the pool of blood leaked outward.

“You will give what you don’t want to give the most. For your people. For your life.” The Elder said. Every word was spoken with finality. Anna chastised herself for thinking she could talk to this thing. This monster could have been in the Nilfgaardian court and would have spoken to the Child of Destiny the same way it spoke to her. All humans, even the extraordinary and the super, were nothing to this thing. It could kill them all as easily as it killed her Knights.

“O-okay.” Anna mumbled, unsure exactly what the Elder meant by that. Slowly, like a child reaching to grab a feral cat, the Elder crouched and reached out with his razor hands. Anna sucked in a breath as he swiped through her belt. She didn’t bother trying to stop him as he slowly tugged off her pants, the fabric bunching as it was pulled over her plump thighs. Her heart raged in her chest. This? She wasn’t expecting *this*.

Soon, she was bare from the waist down in front of this monster. Her face burned in embarrassment. The Elder cocked his head to the side. “Spread.” He commanded her. Anna obliged, slowly opening her legs for him and showing him her pussy. She’d trimmed lightly, but there was still a tuft of golden hair down there. Would he care? How did something like this think about these things?

The Elder opened his mouth and she watched in horror as a long tongue slithered out from between finger-long fangs. How did any of that fit in his mouth? Anna didn’t dwell on the thought long as he ran his tongue along her, causing her to shiver. She wanted to ask what he was doing but feared his ire. Would he still have his way with her if he killed her? Anna didn’t think about that as his tongue slipped inside.

Anna dipped her head back and groaned. Even though the rocks scraped her bare ass, she couldn’t help but grind against the Elder’s face. She closed her eyes, partly to ignore who was doing it, and partly to avoid the Elder’s unblinking eyes watching her as his tongue slid against her walls. Gods, she was already wet. Pleasure spiked through her each time he pushed in, smooth tongue hot inside of her. Part of her wished he’d add a finger but considering he only had claws she thought better of that.

Was she really wishing this monster would do more for her pleasure? Had she really been so quickly seduced, or was it just fear masquerading as pleasure? Ann shuddered as he forced her legs wider like a common whore and his tongue swirled inside of her. Her moans were short and quick, and she found herself placing her hands on his head, urging him to continue.

How was she enjoying this? Anna pushed the questions away. It was easier just to let the Elder do what he wanted with her, to taste her deepest parts. She reached up to pull her hair out of its bun. It fell around her shoulders, tips curling naturally. That felt better, right. She felt a pressure in her lower abdomen, the heat between her legs growing as the Elder continued to slurp at her flowing juices. Close…She was…So…

Anna came, tossing her head back. Her moans echoed back to her through the cave as her body was rocked with ecstasy. The Elder didn’t stop eating her out, causing the wave of pleasure to last longer than it would have normally. Her chest heaved, and she desperately wanted to be out of that tunic. Anna began absently unbuttoning it as the Elder pulled back, a strand of spit and cum reaching from the tip of his tongue to her pussy. Her face felt so hot. Anna ignored the mountain of corpses behind him.

Her large breasts spilled out as soon as they were freed. She wasn’t able to take the whole thing off though, as the Elder dropped his moth-eaten waist towel. Her eyes widened at the sight of his cock. It was grey, much like the rest of him, its head more pointed than a human prick. Along the shaft ran a line of bumps, much like some of the stud piercings that she knew were popular in Skellige. Heavy nuts hung low, and a clear precum glistened at the tip. Anna grabbed a tit at the sight.

“Suck,” commanded the Elder, and like a good girl, Anna complied.

She crawled over to him, making sure to keep her ass stuck out so he had a good view of what he could get. Anna had no idea what overcame her as she grabbed that ribbed shaft and began jerking it. Here she was, the Duchess of Toussaint, one of the most powerful women in the south, on her knees and wrapping her lips around the cock of a mass murdering monster. Oh well. She tried not to think on it as she swallowed more of him.

Unlike some abrasive men, the Elder didn’t push her down, allowing her to pleasure him as she saw fit. Anna was thankful for that. Even though his cock must have been a foot at least, she only swallowed half of it, cheeks caving in as she sucked and bobbed her head up and down. Her left hand massaged his nuts, and her right jerked the base of his cock while she pleasured him. She rotated her wrist as she sucked, like she was grinding pepper.

Anna couldn’t help but feel like a whore. She barely *knew* this thing, right? Well, if it’s an immortal being that could kill you in a blink, you suspended moral judgements a spell. Besides, she enjoyed sucking its cock. She pulled back with a pop, slapping its pointed head against her cheeks and smearing her lips in spit and pre.

“You like it? Like a Duchess sucking you off?” She teased. The Elder’s piercing eyes and thin lips revealed nothing. Right. Maybe trying to dirty talk would only ruin the mood. Whatever that mood was. She returned to what she was doing before, focused on having him blow a load in her mouth. She wanted to taste him. With her tongue lapping at the ridges underneath his cock, she forced more of him. More. More!

Grabbing his hips, she deepthroated herself with a satisfied grunt. She wasn’t expecting him to cum right then. The Elder hadn’t made a sound this whole time, and she was genuinely surprised when she felt his cock pulse in her throat. Not a filthy quitter, Anna kept his cock lodged down her throat, feeling his cum splatter inside of her. Gurgling, she swallowed. Not a single drop was wasted, and once he finished, she pulled herself off, spit around her chin and dripping onto her tits. She smeared herself.

“Delicious,” cooed the Duchess. Now that he had finished, she could –

Anna blinked and then was out of breath, bent over a stone that had struck her in the diaphragm. She gasped for breath, both in pain and surprise at how quickly the Elder moved. Her tits sagged, and she scrambled for a perch. She froze when she felt the Elder grab her hips and hike up her ass. Now that it wasn’t locked away in pants, he got a perfect view of her fat, doughy ass. She hadn’t done a day of hard work in her life, so it wasn’t toned, but jiggled tantalizingly when he smacked it. Anna moaned.

“F-fuck me, please,” whispered the whore Duchess. And that’s what she really was now, wasn’t it? Anna Henrietta, Duchess of Toussaint, bent over a rock in a cave filled with corpses by an immortal elder vampire, about to be his bitch. She spread her legs willingly, pushing back against him. “Fuck your Duchess slut.” Gods, it felt good to say that.

Anna groaned as the Unseen Elder shoved himself inside of her. She was ridiculously wet and took his whole cock with ease. Her tits rocked back and forth as the Elder began to fuck her, hips clapping loudly against her soft rear. It jiggled with even the slightest movement, rippling with each thrust. Anna grabbed a tit with one hand, her one supporting herself on the rock. She pushed against the Elder.

It felt incredible. The pointed tip jabbed against her, but the pain it caused only served to intoxicate her more. The ribs along his cock rubbed against her insides in ways she’d never had happen before, and soon she was gripping the rock and panting. Her mouth was dry, and she tried to swallow spit that wasn’t there. She felt all his cum sloshing around in her belly while he railed her, and she loved it.

Anna yelped as he grabbed one doughy thigh and lifted it up, placing it on her shoulder. Turned sideways, she could see the Elder with his stone expression and wordless thrusts. She made all the noise, moaning and begging. “Faster. Harder. Fuck me harder!” He obliged, proving he too could take orders. It was a bit *too* hard, as she was jabbed against the rock, and she felt the soreness in her hips from his raw strength. But gods, his cock. Gods, it felt so fucking good.

The Duchess was a soft woman in body. Her thighs were plush and easy to squeeze, her tits molding around his claw when he grabbed one, ass clapping lewdly. The Elder was the opposite, skin hugging muscle like children afraid of being ripped from their mother’s corpse. He was a hard beast, but Anna didn’t mind. She didn’t mind this at all.

“C-cum inside of me. Please. Please, inside.” Anna breathed out. There was a twinkle in the Elder’s endless gaze, but that was it. She could have been imagining it too. Her abdomen stretched slightly with each thrust, the pinpricks of pain spreading from her cunt like a terrible rose that spiraled through her body. She pinched a nipple, eyes rolling in her head and groaning while she came. The Elder continued to plow into her, just as he didn’t stop eating her out before, and one orgasm quickly turned into a second and caused Anna to screech. “Oh, fuck yes! Fuck! *Fuck!*”

The Elder sheathed himself one last time before cumming. Needles of pain were eased by the warmth of his seed filling her. Anna felt her womb taking his cum, filling to the brim and stretching slightly. When he pulled up, he shot a couple more ropes on her inner thighs. Anna slumped on the rock, exhausted and dribbling cum from her abused cunt. It leaked down her legs, and she trembled.

“You’ve paid. Leave. Do not return.” The Elder said, his tone final. She nodded absently. Anna would listen.

“C-come visit me at my palace, please. Come whenever you want.” Anna said. Her tone was practically begging. Yes, she wanted to be the Elder’s royal plaything, to be used whenever he wanted. He could have his way with her, have it until he was bored with her. How badly she wanted him to sneak in at night and claim her in her bed.

There was a rush of air, and Anna didn’t even notice she had been spirited out of the cave. It happened so quickly, a blur of black smoke. She was literally tossed out into the night like a cheap hookup. Anna fell with a grunt and rolled over to watch the cave closing back up. Her heart sank.

“Whenever I please,” came the haunting sandpaper voice, slipping between the cracks of the illusion before it was sealed up. Anna smiled like a schoolgirl, hardly caring that she was out there, half-naked, covered in the cum of a monster. She got to her feet and buttoned her blouse, though one of them had spun off in the ordeal. Anna staggered back the way they came, remembering the route. People would be horrified to find the Duchess this way, of course, but her court and others would simple find some unscrupulous group of men to place the blame on. They’d become scapegoats and sent to the gallows for raping the Duchess. She wouldn’t tell a soul about the Elder. She’d lie and dodge every question they’d ask. The Unseen Elder would remain Anna’s secret.

Anna Henrietta felt a deep heat in her guts as she thought about the Elder slipping into her room, making her a royal bitch and using her. Yes, he would be her perfect, hedonistic secret.
