How I {M] got caught up in an affair with an engaged [F] [cheating]

First time posting after being a long time reader. Finalizing this on my phone so please be kind with any grammar errors and length since this is kind of an origin source. Lastly, i know this is frowned upon by some on here as it is technically cheating but it’s a start to something much longer.

So story starts back in 2011. I just started a new job at a wireless company as a manager. The location I was overseeing has phone repairs for our clients. Now those who have worked in wireless before would know how brutal retail schedule are and overworking oneself is a norm. Besides, I was an ambitious one in his 20’s thus, no time for a social life or dating.

Until I met her.

Still remember it as clear as ever. It was a sunny day and she walks in with her son with a shattered phone screen asking if there’s anything we can do. My employee said that she would need to speak to the manager. As I emerged from my office when notified that someone asked for a manager, I suddenly stopped and caught my breath. She looked mesmerizing. 5’2 with a extremely tight body with nice 34Cs filling out in a long skin tight summer dress that showed off every curve she owns while showing enough cleavage for me to keep glancing.

One person always came to mind when I think of her is [Julia Boin](

Her name was Grace.

But being in retail, I’ve met cute girls who I have helped out plenty of times. However, this time was different. She gave me a hug to thank me and said “I definitely owe you a drink.” I didn’t take it for much as plenty of customers have said they ‘owe me a drink’ and never came through.

But, 2 weeks later, I get a text from a number I do not have saying “how about that drink? Still owe you one.” As I didn’t know who it was, I just replied “don’t worry bout it, just glad I can help.” Before I can put my phone away as I was walking out to my car, there she is….acting like she just ‘happened’ to walk by.

I was still scared as fraternizing with customers is a hard NO with our HR guidelines but for some reason, that day I just had a ‘fuck it’ moment after a long day at work.

So we went out for drinks and as I looked at her smiling while we talked, I realized how cute she looked. Brunette hair barely past her shoulders, dimple on her left cheek, a smile that was addicting to look at, and that body. My goodness that body did not look like it was a body of a 5 year old child. Throughout the conversation I discovered some interesting facts such as she was a bit older than me (she was 29 and I was 24) and while she told me she was single mother, I noticed a tan line where a wedding/engagement ring use to be. I called her out on it but she insisted that she was not married nor engaged. Okie dokie, we moved on. We did talked about interests and hobbies and somehow it came up as she would never consider dating a younger man. That was clear enough for me and I always respected boundaries. Besides, this lighten the burden of the whole improper fraternizing with customers crap that HR can nuke me for.

After a few drinks in, I decided it was getting late and I had work the next day. We parted ways and she said we would make great friends (def. didn’t think much of it. Just thought she was being polite). But, we kept in touch and as time went on and we were texting normally as I thought I found a new friend to catch drinks with after work.

One day, I got a random text from her at like 6:00PM asking what I was doing. While I was a bit baffled because she never texted me that late before, I didn’t think anything of it and just replied “nothing much, just watching’ TV”

She said she was in my city and had a couple of hours to kill and asked to go eat. I did not feel like leaving the house so I declined and told her I just wanted to stay in. That’s when she asked if she can come chill to kill some time.

Again, never thought anything of it as we have been friends for months who just ate and caught a drink every now and then. No touching. No intimacy. But we were flirts as she always complemented that my smile should make every girl weak in the knees.

While I always did well in the ladies department, I tend to be a bit modest and passive when it comes to judging myself. I’m 6’0, pretty athletically fit at the time as I hit the gym every day at 6AM before work and I had a decent smile (got it from my dad, that handsome devil). However, it was always a good ego boost to hear compliments every now and then.

Anyway, back to the story, I just said ok as I didn’t think she would stay long. My place is a bit cold and I was in bed when she arrived. But, I was always taught to be proper when guests arrive. Thus, I got dressed and welcomed her in. She was in comfy clothes (sweats and a hoodie). Offered her a drink and was about to turn on the TV in my living room but she mentioned “where was I before she got there and I said in my room because it’s warmer.” She then suggested we can just watch tv in my room since she is also cold and didn’t want me to leave my comfort. She ask for the restroom and this is where I started to feel something was off with thoughts started running through my mind.

As I was getting a slight hard on at the idea that she was insinuating something, I wanted to maintain the friendship as much as possible and was often far from her side of the bed. We chatted and watched tv like nothing is expected to happen until there was a scene where a guy tickled the girl and she mentioned that everyone is ticklish. I stated I was not. She then started trying to tickle me and for the first time our hands moved all over each other from grazing of her breast to her hand ending up under my shirt. As we are rolling around, she somehow ended up straddling me.

At that moment, our playing came to a stop. As I was trying to get up, she didn’t move and just allowed my face to get closer to hers. So close, that we can feel each other’s breath on one another. Our lips grazed each other’s cheeks and slowly moving towards each other’s lips. Once it touched, it was over.

Her hands running through my hair, my hands caressing her face. Slowly sliding her neck and making way back near her ear and into her hair. I gave it a slight grip (I had a thing for being in control). She moan into my mouth and pressed deeper into the kiss.

Tongues down each other’s throats and as I have always been aggressive in bed, all of the biting and neck kissing was in full effect. She let out sighs and moans after every touch of my lips on her skin. My hands were running wild at this point. I lifted her up by her ass cheeks to had her sit up straight while I ran my hands under her sweater to feel those perky breasts.

That was when she pulled away and we stopped. Realizing what we were doing can jeopardize my career as she was still technically a customer that I had interactions with prior, we got up and I was walking towards the door with the intent to cooling off a bit. She grabbed my hand and didn’t say a word. Pulled me back and kissed me again.

Next thing I know I lost my mind and pulled her in for a deep kiss. I pulled down her sweats and her pink thong went with it. Spun her around, shoved her face in the bed and just shoved my cock in her soaking pussy. She was surprised as I’ve always been gentle aside from that slight grip of hair during the kiss. She was trying to catch her breath and couldn’t even catch her words.

Her pussy was extremely tight due to her slender frame and you can hear her scream as she grasp for air with every stroke. At first it was just me going deep and slow while she was running out of breath. But eventually she caught her own rhythm and no longer cared about anything else except backing her ass up on me. I took it as a sign and grabbed a handful of her hair, yanked it back and she BENT so far back that she was staring at me while I was pumping her.

I picked up speed, went harder and harder with every stroke. I whispered in her ear “if this is what you wanted?” and she replied “o.m.g….you have no idea how much I’ve been thinking about it…”

She kept goin’ with “I can’t believe I’m doing this. I shouldn’t be doing this.” As I was curious why but pretty much confirmed that she felt guilty about cheating, at that point, I didn’t give a damn. I fucked her harder.

Flipped her around, spread her legs, flipped it over my shoulders, and drilled her deeper than ever. For some reason, I got turned on even more knowing that she might be with someone. I asked her “why shouldn’t she be doing this? Should I stop?”

At this point, her eyes a rolling to the back of her head, she just screamed “NO, keep going” and I felt her cum so hard that it left a gigantic puddle on the edge of my bed. It was so soaked that I eventually had to get a new bed a few months later.

While she might’ve been done, now I wanted my turn. After slowing down a bit and let her catch her breath, I started going again. This time, I was pulling her hair and gripping her breast with force. I could tell this was her first time getting handled this rough.

She never resisted. Until I started with my heavy breathing and she knew I was close, that was when she freaked out. Saying that I can’t cum in her and she cannot get pregnant as she wasn’t on the pill.

While a bit shocked, I wanted to finish so I pulled out, shot ropes after ropes all across her stomach and chest. I guess I came a lot because it was all over her chest. She was a mess.

Hair messed up. Make up all off. Sweat dripping. Juices dripping while her pussy were right red from all the beating it took.

As I fell to the bed, we just laid there. She looking like she had something on her mind and constantly checking her phone.

I pulled her closer and we were looking into each other’s eyes as she looked back at me while quickly closing her phone. We kissed again. I got hard again and suddenly slid into her pussy from behind without any effort as she was still wet with juices. She was shocked and fell back into ecstasy as I began pumping her slow and deep. Her pussy is sore so with every pump she was wincing in ecstasy and pain at the same time. This time though, it both slipped our mind and I filled her pussy with my cum. Rope after rope while she felt it all. She never pushed me away. Just reached back, grabbed the back of my head, and moaned in rhythm with every shot causing her body to arch back further.

All of this while her phone rang, texts messages notifications hits one after another. She kept turning it off while trying to catch her breath.

Finally I just said it, “is he expecting you home?”

She look shocked and tried to play it off as if she doesn’t know what I mean. I told her that it’s been months since we met and her tan line where your ring should be is still there and as fresh as ever. That can only mean one thing: you take your ring off whenever you feel the need to.

She was just staring downward. She finally admitted that she was engaged to someone. Even though I had my suspicion, the confirmation caught me a bit. Here I am, just finished pumping this chick with my cum still leaking out of her and she tells me she’s engaged. I quickly apologized and told her I definitely didn’t plan this.

She said she knows and she didn’t either. She just couldn’t stop herself from contacting me all the time. Told me about how her relationship was loveless and she wanted to leave him for awhile but they have a kid together so she was staying just for that.

I told her I respect that and I never wanted to break up a family. So I told her it’s best we end it here after we get her some contraceptive for our irresponsible finish.

She agreed. We parted ways. She gave me one last kiss. She left.

Didn’t hear from her and I went back to my hectic work schedule.

Then 2 weeks later….I get a notification on my phone….text opened…my eyes in shock:

”No worries, not pregnant. But I wanted to tell you that I can still remember the feeling of being unable to walk inside the house with your cum dripping down my legs, trying to clean up in the shower but it was too sore, and barely able to climb up on the bed as my legs were shaking….can we talk?”

Ahh shit….

Let me know if you guys wanna hear anymore.



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