Sexual [f]irsts with a [m]arried guy I met online

Been a fan of this sub forever and finally decided to create an account so I can “give back”. First time I try this so would love your feedback. Oh and excuse typos I’m on my phone on web. Here it goes!


I’m in my late 20s and have been a single girl for a long time. I’ve been with guys but I’m not very experienced and have been wanting to change that. I’ve been exploring dating apps recently. I matched with Joe one random night and we agreed we’d meet up for drinks at a bar we both liked in the city. Joe is a serious man who works at an international NGO providing groundwork refugee support around the globe – hot. Dark hair. Well shaven face. Brooding dark eyes. Clearly hits the gym in his free time and has a bit of a belly. I was a bit put off at first by his non-existent humor but then he conversation about his work was interesting and I liked how it flowed from there.

I was doing what I do on dates. I flipped my thick hair every now and then onto alternating sides. Animated expressions when I talked and when I reacted when he talked. Tried to sit up straight on the backless stool at our high table. Then I ask him how the app’s been treating him and he tells me he doesn’t usually use it much, only when he’s away from his wife. Wait, what?

Yup – turns out he’s married to a lovely woman. Not an open relationship. “We just don’t tell her.” I thought, great now nothing will come out of this – might as well enjoy my drink. So I did. And I enjoyed another one. We had chemistry. Conversation was intimate and we talked about sex quite a lot. Then we went dancing and I enjoyed our “suggestive yet we are not crossing marital lines” moves. I loved it. He’d put his hands on my hips and let them organically ponder nearby terrain and I’d keep him in check most of the time, staying careful not to let things drag but still enjoying the tingling sensation I was feeling in most tingleable parts of my body. Music was good. We had more drinks. We danced some more. When the night was coming to an end, we hugged. He asked if I wanted to come over and I declined.

End of story? Not quite.

He traveled the next day and we kept in touch after that the way you keep in touch with someone you have no intent on seeing again. He surprised me a few weeks later by saying he’s back in town – did I want to hang out? We tried to meet up a few times and then on his last day he asked me if I wanted to come chill with him and his friend? He was leaving later that night. So I went over to have a drink enjoy a bit of conversation and leave.

His friend left soon after I came, probably feeling like he should. We sat on the living room couch and talked about the world, his job again, traveling, and random topics until we got back again to the topic of his marriage and how he cheats – he didn’t call it that at any point but that really is what he does and assumes she does the same, although they’re happily married.

Processing that last thought, I had to multi-thread further processing of him coming closer to me, setting down his drink, leaning in to what must have been an intrigued though not surprised face and giving me a nice warm kiss. Then he sat next to me, hip to hip. You know that part of the brain that’s labeled “judgement” “morality” “not being a ho” “have some restraint, woman; he’s married”, well I shut that part of my brain down and leaned into him this time reciprocating. He kissed great – like the sensual kiss that starts with a clean, soft and romantic kiss and ends with tongue in a crescendo of passion as the night progresses.

Soon he was opening my top which was buttoned down and took my tit out and started to do wonderful things to it with hand, mouth and tongue. What I’d quickly realize is that he’s a boob man par excellence. Which is pretty convenient given that I’m a 32DD. Might be a good time to zoom out and give you a visual.

I have dark long wavy hair that’s thick and green eyes. My skin is light but I’ve been working on my tan. I’m not tall and I’m really curvy. If I had my pick I’d be skinny but whenever I’m with a guy getting it on I just have newfound appreciation for my assets. I’m pretty hour glass in general, so a bit of love handle here and inner thigh there really ends up being a lot of fun. Okay, back to scene with boob in mouth.

He seemed fascinated with my boobs and licked my nipples with such intent I myself found myself stopping my hair pulling and my neck kissing and just staring at my nipples in awe. Mostly because of how erect they were becoming. He fumbled really hard at my front bra clasp and gave up multiple times until I stepped in to save the day. With my top now off I was half naked and he was catching up, I took the time to take off my shoes as he tore off his shirt. I tugged at his shorts and he obliged, sliding them off in happy urgency. And then he slid his erect penis in between my tits and I, feeling like a downright pornstar experienced my first ever titfuck. I’d always seen that in porn and never wondered much about it – truth is it didn’t feel like much even when it was happening…. but that was to me. To him, he seemed to be in heaven. He whispered to me that he had a titfucking fetish. What an easy wish to fulfill, I thought. Looking down at my tits and his penis bobbing up at my face and back down in between, I couldn’t help but think my tits were made for this.

After what seemed like quite a while of doing that he put his hands up my skirt and I told him I was on my period and preferred we didn’t so he just fingered me over my underwear for a bit and then, putting his weight over me, kind of dry humped me, rubbing his penis against the fabric and pushing against my clit in wonderful momentum. I had already masturbated a few times that day. I was getting really wet but felt I was lightyears away from cumming so I broke the momentum and turned my attention to him.

I licked his nipples and made my way down in what seems to be a typical transition move from upper to lower body following down the naval trail until I was eye level with his dick. And then I just devoured it. Starting with the tip, which I kissed and sucked and licked and swirled my tongue around. Then I spit on it and licked it up and down, following that up with cupping his balls and then licking them too. And then I started the blowjob-handjob combo, picking up the pace as I went along. He had told me at the beginning of it that it takes him a little under an hour to cum so I wasn’t treat expecting it when he asked me if he could cum in my mouth. It definitely hasn’t been thaaat long, plus it was only one of my first few blowjobs ever so I wasn’t even sure I was getting everything right. So I nodded enthusiastically and about 2 minutes later (although the blowjob time warp I was in makes it hard to accurately estimate the time) I felt a warm viscosity in my mouth. I realized that I had barely noticed when he blew his load because I had been so into it. But there it was. Id gotten most of it in my mouth and some was still coming on his dick and belly. He reached over for some tissue and handed me over some. I thought of swallowing but then spit into the tissue papers when he wasn’t looking. It was already the first time someone came in my mouth so I didn’t want to unlock too many sexual levels at once.

I looked up happily at him and he smiled. Kissed me and got up to shower while I put down my skirt again and found my bra and top. I left his place shortly after but before I did I asked him for pointers on how I could improve. He said I was pretty good and added, “I came, didn’t I?” So i smiled, gave him a hug, and walked alone to my car with a big proud smile on my face. I only occasionally remembered later that night that he was married, when I thought about it. And it didn’t bother me as much as I would have thought it would. Partially because I’m grappling with daily new disillusionments as an adult in so many areas of my life but also partly because I was happy about the experience I just had and even happier when I finished myself off before I slept.



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