She told me that I was now her boyfriend during sex….[MF]

This story took place my sophomore year of college

During Labor Day Weekend, a group of friends and I wanted to take a small trip to Chicago to go shopping, tour the city and just hang out. There were 8 of us on this trip, 4 guys and 4 girls. The day before Saturday evening we drive out to Chicago, which was only about 3 hours from where our university was. We all pitched in to stay in a hotel for the night but being broke college students and wanting to save money for shopping, we all only pitched in enough to get one room. Only two of us went to the front desk to pay and get the key while the rest snuck in from the back so we wouldn’t get charged for more people. After we checked in we ate at a Denny’s across the street.

On the trip there was this one girl named Karla who I knew had a thing for me. She wasn’t smoking hot but above average in looks, like maybe a 7/10. But what she lacked in looks she made up for in her great body. She had a HUGE rack and always wore shirts that were a tad small on her so they would always be jutting out. She had a small waist accompanied with wide hips and an ass that was pure perfection. Although she liked me and had a great body I never really reciprocated her feelings. At this point we had been friends for little over a year and I never saw myself in a relationship with her and just really liked having her as a friend. Well all through the night she was making obvious attempts to flirt with me and spend time with me. Once we got to Denny’s she actively pursued a seat next to me (almost knocking over another friend just to take the seat before they did). Throughout the dinner she would flirt, laugh hysterically at about everything I said and kept putting her hands on me when she could, you know, the usually obvious signs that a girl is interested in you.

This continued for about an 2 hours until we left Denny’s. One of my friends had a fake ID, and went over to the liquor store not too far away and got a drinks to bring back to the hotel room (we were all 19/20 at this time). Once everyone starts drinking in the hotel room, fun times were had by all and it was like a little party in hotel room. We played music and the girls started twerking to the music. Even though we were drunk me and the guys were too shy to dance with them as most of us couldn’t dance. Most of the girls were just fine with twerking on each other but Karla made sure that I danced with her at least one time. This one song that she apparently really loved came on and she pulled me up from the couch and started to twerk on me. I felt all of her ass on my crotch area and she really knew how to shake that thing, hip motions and all. Everyone in the room starts to root us on, and me being really drunk and now horny, keeps dancing with her. This goes on for about 3 more songs (including one slow song where she gets really sensual with her movements and really grinds on my cock) until we got a call from the front desk with complaints that we were being too loud.

After this the music basically dies down and everyone starts to settle down but we all keep drinking. We eventually settle on just watching a movie and I go ahead and take my place on one of the beds and start to get comfortable. Everyone is either watching the movie or having their own drunk conversations in the corner of the room. As I’m getting more into the movie, Karla comes and sits right next to me on the bed. We start talking about todays events and I comment on how well she can twerk. Somehow this leads us into talking about each others bodies (I have a pretty muscular, lean, athletic body from playing so many sports and regular gym attendance). I get more horny the more we talk to each other. I had stopped drinking for over an hour at this point so I start to sober up. Karla, on the other hand, wants to keep this vibe going and offers me more drinks. I’m reluctant at first because I kinda wanted to get a good nights sleep to not be hungover in Chicago the next morning but I eventually relent.

At this point a few are passed out and few are silently on their phones or watching the movie. The lights are also off at this time as everyone was seemingly about to go to sleep, except me and Karla. We keep talking for about another 30-45 minutes, her feeding me more drinks the whole time, with our topics being more sexually orientated as we go on. I also noticed that she is somehow moved from sitting to laying beside me on the bed without me remembering how she moved there. The conversation dies down as we both start getting tired and more drunk, taking long pauses in between the conversation as we both start to shut down. Eventually the conversation dies and we both are watching the movie. I’m not even paying attention to the movie anymore as I’m super horny and keep thinking we we go from here. In a wave of drunken horniness, I lean over to look at her to see if she’s awake and she leans over and looks at me, probably thinking the same thing I am. We look into each others eyes for a few seconds without saying a single word, then we start staring at each others lips. Our faces slowly inch towards each others until our lips finally meet for a small kiss.

It’s a decent kiss, lasts about 4 seconds, and I softly pull away to see how Karla reacts. We stare at each other for another few seconds without saying anything, and I can see the look of pure lust in her eyes. We go back in for a kiss, but this time it is more passionate. I feel her nice full lips on mine and her tongue eventually reaches mine. She tastes like strawberry flavored alcohol. At this point I’m rock hard and we continue making out for another few minutes. The lights are out and almost everyone is asleep…everyone except two of my friends on the other side of the bed making out themselves. I had been too drunk to notice but my friend and a girl he was interested in were on the other side of the bed. Karla was laying in between me and them so I must have not noticed them before. All four of us know what is going on but we are too drunk and busy to care what the other is doing, meanwhile the other four are all fast sleep, two one the bed, one one, the floor, and one apparently fell asleep in the bathroom tub.

We both get under the covers and take off both our pants. She then gets on top of me, still under the covers and straddles me over my crotch. We continue kissing and then she starts grinding her clit on my rock hard cock over my boxers. I feel my boxers getting wet from her juices rubbing directly on them. “Fuck, you’re so hard,” she says in a silent voice. “And your pussy his soaking my boxers,” I tell her back. I then reach down under her panties and start to finger her while my other hand attempts to take her panties off. I can feel (and hear) how wet she is as I fell all her her pussy juices start to my fingers. She then, still under the covers, starts to taker her shirt off and she reveals her massive breast. They’re dangling right in front of my face and without saying another word I take one in my mouth. She let out a soft moan as soon as I did that and I suck on her nipples as I continue fingering her. Meanwhile, I hear soft noises from the other side of the bed coming from my friends, but I can’t see what they are doing because its dark and there was a goo distance between us (this bed was HUGE). Anyways I figured they were too engrossed in what they were doing to even care about me and Karla. I finger her for another minute or two, fingers completely soaked. and she pulls my hard cock out from my boxers and starts stroking it. Her hand was really soft and it was already lubricated from her own juices. “I want to fuck you,” she then whispered to me. “Go for it it,” I reply.

While she gently repositions herself I reach for a condom I had in my wallet and quickly put it on. She then takes my cock and puts it right on her pussy, she starts rubbing it until she gently pushes my tip inside of her. She then slowly inches down on my cock and stays put once she reaches the base of my cock. “Damn,” she says as she starts to slowly move her hips with my full shaft buried deep inside of her. She starts riding me gently, making slow but sensual movements. Even with a condom on I can feel how wet and how warm her pussy is. I start kissing her and playing with her boobs as she gently rides me. She then starts whispering dirty talk in my ear, “you like this wet pussy daddy?”, “Fuck, you feel so good” or “god you make me so wet.” The dirty talk is all good and fun at first and is getting me excited, but as it progresses, she starts getting weird with it. She says things along the lines of “Your going to be daddy from now on”, or “do you promise to be my boyfriend after this?”, or “since you’re gonna be my boyfriend we’re gonna fuck everyday.” Red flags are going off in my mind and this starts to sober me up. But me being dumb and horny just decide to go along with it just so I can bust my nut and get it over with.

The obsessive girlfriend talk from Karla continues until I finally cum, her having orgasmed twice already. I go to the bathroom to take of the condom, and clean myself up, then I go outside for fresh air. Karla comes out about a minute later. Still partially drunk, she comes up and hugs my arm and swoons. “Hey boyfriend”, she greets me. I immediately try to shut that down immediately as I still am not looking for a relationship with her or in general at that point in my life. “Hey can we talk?”, I ask. “Yeah what is it daddy?”, she responds. I then explain to her that when I was going along with her obsessive girlfriend talk that we were both really drunk and that I wasn’t really trying to be in a relationship right now and that I really though we should just remain friends. I expected her to be mad at me for agreeing to be her boyfriend just to keep having sex with her. However, she understood and even acknowledged how clingy and obsessive she sounded then and blamed it on her being drunk. She apologized for all of the extra stuff and we went back to bed, cuddling each other.

The next day as we all ventured through downtown Chicago, Karla kept being super clingy to me. At first I didn’t mind as I thought she was still feeling attached to me after last night and I though it would stop soon. but that whole day she would keep grabbing my hand so we could hold hands and kept resting her head on my shoulder whenever we stopped walking. I was getting annoyed because it was blazing hot outside and I had to basically walk around the city with an extra person either leaning on me or holding my hand. My other friends started to notice and teased me in private about the situation. I didn’t tell her to stop or leave me alone because I thought I had already embarrassed her enough (not to mention she was really emotional that morning because she got a call from her parents telling her that her grandpa was in the hospital so I didn’t want to hurt her feelings even more). So I then was a dick and just started to avoid her. If she was walking in the front of the group I was in the back and vice versa. I would position myself between friends so she couldn’t get too close to me and I purposefully tried to lose her in every story we went in.

After the Chicago trip and going into school. She eventually calmed down with the weird behavior and now she’s really chill and we are still friends to this day.

This would not be the last time me and Karla hooked up but that story is for another time.

TL;DR – I had drunk sex with a girl who was attracted to me in a hotel room while another couple were doing things on the other side of the bed we were on with several other people asleep in the room. She started claiming that I was now her boyfriend and stuff during sex and I went along just to bust a nut. Told her later I wasn’t interested in her like that, she became obsessive and clingy the next day.



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