The Wrong Mark; an erotic vampire short [F/MM, Rape]

I wrote this a while ago. I don’t know if I’ll continue it, or in what capacity, but I thought people here might enjoy it. Trigger Warnings: Non-consent, violence.

I walked down the sidewalk, my eyes locked on the pavement a few feet in front of me, scanning the darkness between street lights for anything that might trip me up. I was trying to concentrate on my breathing, trying to ignore the rumbling in my belly.

“Hey beautiful,” a young man’s voice called out. I pretended I didn’t hear him, just kept focusing on my breathing, my pace quickening slightly. This diet was playing hell on me.

The young man wasn’t alone. “Where are you walking too so late at night? You want an escort?” They were following me now. I was focusing on breathing. In 1-2-3-4, out 1-2-3-4. I kept walking, my head low, my hands tightening into fists in my pockets.

“You seem uptight,” the first guy said, walking up next to me. “Maybe we should have a little fun.” Keep calm, I told myself. Don’t do anything stupid. Focus on the fact that you have food at home waiting for you. Focus on your breathing.

They made their move as we passed by an alleyway. They grabbed my arms and shoved me into the dark recess between buildings, picking me up and taking me further and further from the light of civilization.

The big one pinned me against the rough brick of one of the buildings lining the ally, while the other one turned his back to play lookout. The big one kissed me roughly, his breath reeking of stale alcohol, his powerful hands pinning my wrists above my head. His head lowered as he kissed down my face, and began teething against my neck.

My foot slid up against the wall I was being pushed against, and I moaned softly. I tilted my head to the side, giving him better access. Feeling my lack of resistance, he shifted both of my small hands to one of his own, freeing his other hand to explore my body more.

He groped my breast, squeezing hard enough through the thin material of my dress to leave fingerprint bruises. I cooed again, arching my back and presenting myself to him. He almost seemed to hesitate now. Was he becoming more turned on by my own arousal? Or was he getting frustrated at the lack of a fight? Maybe the consent was ruining this for him.

And then I pounced. I pushed hard against the wall, hard enough to lift us both off the ground. Our bodies were flung twelve feet from where we started, until we landed hard against the wall on the opposite side. I felt his bones give and buckle against the surge of power. So fragile.

His friend had heard us, although the big guy hadn’t had time to make any noise. Maybe the friend had just felt the wind of us moving so quickly. Either way, he turned towards us and locked eyes with me.

I reached deep inside of his mind with my own, bridging the distance between us with a bloom of psionic energy. I didn’t spend much time on him, I just hit “Pause” on his motor functions. The friend wouldn’t be able to run, or scream, but he wouldn’t collapse or suffocate either. After I was satisfied that the friend wouldn’t be able to do anything but watch, I turned back to the man I was holding up against the wall.

Looking him over for a moment, I gained a brief sense of his injuries. Several broken ribs. Punctured lung. If he got to a hospital quickly, he would live, make a full recovery, go forth in life too terrified to ever approach a woman on the street again.

He wasn’t going to make it to a hospital.

I returned the kiss he gave me, as he tried to turn away and cough up blood. Then I mimicked his own kisses, trailing down to his neck. His survival instincts kicked into overdrive, and he began to thrash.

It’s not that I wasn’t strong enough to hold him, but he was just so damn bulky. I had to lift up my knee and jam it into the brickwork next to him, use the additional leverage to keep him in place. I opened my mouth wide, running my tongue along his salty flesh, tasting for the telltale warmth of a vain.

I found it.


If you’ve never had fresh human blood, there’s no way to describe it to you. Imagine enough cocaine to kill King Kong, and then snorting that all at once while simultaneously having a porn-star worthy orgasm. The preserved animal blood I had back home was nutritional enough to keep me alive, but this… This was living.

I only had a few moments to enjoy my meal until he wasn’t able to give me a fight. He squirmed underneath me like a mouse trapped in an owl’s talons. I managed to reach down, rip his jeans, free his manhood, already rock hard and leaking from the tip. I guided him into me as I nursed on him, filling myself with him greedily.

He convulsed and spasmed as he tried to escape, tried to pull out, try to do anything to control the situation. He was a big man, and he’d probably lived his whole life thinking he was strong. In reality, life had just been softer on him than it had been on most people. This was the first time he had truly felt how weak he was.

I clamped down on him, gripping him so tightly that I was nearly a cigar clipper. I forced him to give me his life-giving seed. That was food and pleasure for me as well, no matter how I got it inside me. He tried to scream, I think, maybe from fear or pleasure. The vibrations dancing along his throat massaged my gums nicely either way.

A few seconds after that, his blood pressure had dropped too much to keep either fountain going. I let him go, let him slump down to the earth in a pile. I took a moment to let the last few shudders roll through me, then regained my composure.

I turned to his friend, still petrified with psychic suggestion. It was dark out here, but my eyes had a slight glow all of their own. That, and my extended fangs had the marvelous ability to catch even the faintest hint of light, even when tinted red with blood. I’d been told I can look like the Cheshire cat in the right lighting conditions. Maybe this was one of them.

His body was frozen stiff, but his mind was plenty active. I could smell that his blood was now spiked with adrenaline. His heart was pounding so loud that even a human could have heard it. Even with the powerful command I had shoved into his mind, he body was quaking.

I had plenty of options, of course. Reach into his mind, erase the last few minutes of his life. Hell, I could wipe him of all of his memories, or just the ones of his friend here. I could turn him into a fellow vampire, if I so chose…or into my slave. Keep him mortal, but unaging, and addicted to trace amounts of my own vampire blood.

My smile grew wider as I slowly slunk over to him. The fresh blood and seed was flowing through my body now, sloshing through me with an intoxicating thrill. What the hell, I thought. I’d already cheated on my diet, I might as well have dessert, too.



  1. Wow. Those tables turned quickly! A lively, interesting read. I hope there is a followup, because I wonder which fate she chooses for the second man. :)

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