Strip club fun with wife [F]

Wife and I were on a trip to a cousin’s wedding maybe 15 years or so ago, all the way to San Diego. We stopped at Vallejo at a motel, there was a strip club just a block away. I was surprised when she popped up saying she wanted to go, we had never been in one before together although I had back home in Portland.

The place was pretty tame, at that time some city law made them wear G-strings and pasties. We got to talking to a couple of young guys at the next table, they mentioned the hot show was North of town, out of the city limits. They couldn’t have been older than maybe 25. The wife said she wanted to go, so off we went, the two guys leading the way.

The place was different, it had a long bar that was wide, with stools lining the front. I found out why quickly, the dancers came out and danced on the bar, all of them naked. Tips got them to spread their legs, it was rather nasty. The wife and I were sitting at the bar with the two guys. It was loud in there so hard to talk much, but she was talking to the one fellow sitting next to her between songs, the other one was on my left.

The wife went to the rest room, then I saw her talking to a woman bartender, she looked my way with a grin and went into the back. I was thinking, “Now what in the hell?” A few minutes later, out she came, naked as the day she was born. At that time, she had a full bush, the other girls all either were well trimmed or bare. She was also about 20 years older than they were. She works out regularly, plus she was a Registered Nurse at that time, (she is a full Doctor now, in charge of our local clinic) her body was and still is in fine shape.

Talk about bring the house down! She was acting a bit shy (she isn’t) and cash was getting tossed up on the bar, several guys had stepped up and were standing behind us. I didn’t think she would do it but she did, she lay down and spread her legs right in front of me, then worked her way up and down the bar. Her show was hotter than hell, and I could see she was close to crazily turned on since she loves to give guys peeks, but this was WAY more than just a peek.

But then she started to touch herself, apparently a NONO since the bartender came down and stopped her. That ended that, she came out dressed and wanted to go right then, leaving what had to be $50-60 on the bar for the other dancers. The two young guys wanted to go with us but she shook her head no. We made it back to our room and went at it like Rabbits for quite some time, damn she was wet! She told me after that she almost invited those two guys back to the motel with us but sanity prevailed. I am not sure what I would have done if she had.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, on the way home we stopped at the same motel, I asked her if she wanted to go to the strip club again but she said no, once was enough.

Since then we have been to a few of the Portland clubs which are 150 miles away from where we live, but just to watch.
