Miley and Carson, Part 1 [mF, incest, taboo]

Miley Roth, age 18, had never been a particularly well-behaved girl. A senior in high school, she had been regularly sleeping around, getting drunk, and experimenting with various drugs since age 14. Her parents mostly knew and mostly didn’t mind. They figured she was smart enough to keep herself safe. Miley was five feet eight inches tall, with pale skin, long brown hair, and a decent hourglass figure. Not supermodel-stunning, but generally considered fairly attractive even in her usual t-shirt and jeans. When she wanted dick, which was often, she could usually find some.

Not that Saturday night, though. She had attended a party at an acquaintance’s house, a somewhat disappointing party. Miley knew of two attractive guys who were invited, one she had fucked before and one she hadn’t, and she hoped to sleep with at least one of them that night. But neither appeared, and she ended up leaving the party around midnight, a little drunk, a little stoned, and a lot horny.

The party was near Miley’s family’s house, so she walked home in the dark. She made it back fine, and walked in to her house. The lights inside were mostly off, which made sense given that her parents would have long been in bed, but walking to her bedroom, she noticed one light was still on, the light in the hallway bathroom. The door was closed, and Miley overheard a grunt that she recognized as that of her younger brother, Carson. *Wonder if he has diarrhea or something*, thought Miley with a chuckle as she went into her bedroom.

Carson Roth was 11 years old, and unlike his older sister, had never been too adventurous. He played video games, hung out with his middle school friends, and watched his favorite YouTubers. Carson was quite skinny, stood about five foot two, had short brown hair, and had yet to grow any sort of facial or body hair. Miley liked him fine, but often teased him or simply disregarded him as older siblings often do, and the two didn’t spend much time together given how divergent their interests and habits were.

Flopping down on her bed, Miley realized that, from a combination of booze, weed, and junk food, her breath smelled horrible. Not wanting to become more of a slob than she was, she decided to retrieve her mouthwash from the bathroom. She stepped out into the hall, and noticed Carson was still in there.

Miley knocked on the door. “Hurry up in there, dickface.” she said. “I need my mouthwash.”

“One minute!” said Carson, seeming a little frantic. Miley sighed and sat down against the wall, waiting for him to come out. After a couple minutes of waiting, Miley knocked again, harder, and said “Come out of there already, assbat.”

“In a minute!” said Carson, panic in his voice. “I’m almost done.”

Miley was done waiting on the kid to finish shitting. She reached up to the top of the doorframe, where they kept a bobby pin that could open the bathroom door’s simple lock. Unlocking the door and opening it in one swift motion, Miley gasped at what she saw.

Carson, shirtless and barefoot, was sitting on top of the closed toilet, his khaki shorts down, and his erect boy-cock in his right hand. Miley and Carson both blushed intensely, as Carson tried in a rush to pull his pants up.

“Oh my *god*,” said Miley, laughing incredulously as she covered her mouth with one hand. “Were you *masturbating*?”

“No!” said Carson, clearly lying. “I was just… cleaning it!”

“Like fuck you were,” said Miley, still giggling. “It’s fine, dude, I’m not mad or anything.”

“D-don’t tell Mom and Dad!” stammered Carson.

“I’m not a narc,” scoffed Miley. “Damn, you weren’t even looking at porn or anything?”

Carson hung his head in embarrassment. “Dad put that blocker on my phone again.”

“Of course he did,” said Miley with disdain. “You know, if you’re that desperate to get your rocks off, I guess you can use the computer in my room.”

“That’d be weird,” said Carson. “Your room smells like you.”

“Oh yeah?” said Miley. “What do I smell like?”

“Weed,” said Carson. “Beer. Sweat. Do you even use deodorant?”

Miley, still standing in the bathroom door, laughed again. “Dude, that smell’s not armpit sweat. It’s sex sweat.”

“Whatever,” said Carson. “Can you leave now?”

“Nah,” said Miley, “come on. I wanna show you something.” She beckoned the boy into her room, and he waddled behind her holding up his still-unbuttoned shorts.

Miley sat down at her desk chair, and booted up her laptop. “Were you just using your spit in there?” she asked offhandedly.

“What do you mean?” asked Carson, still blushing.

“Like, for lube,” said Miley. “Like did you just lick your hand, or did you have lotion or something?”

“Oh,” said Carson. “I just licked my hand, yeah. Why?”

“Here,” said Miley, tossing her brother a bottle. “KY Jelly. It’ll feel better, and you’ll only have to squirt it once or twice instead of licking your hand over and over again.”

“Thanks…” said Carson, somewhat uncomfortably.

“It’s no big deal,” said Miley. “I had two bottles. Now are you gonna finish or what?”

“Oh yeah,” said Carson. “I guess I’ll go back to my bedroom so you can use the bathroom?”

“Nah,” said Miley, a fiendish, ridiculous germ of a thought beginning to sprout in her mind. “I said you could use my computer, right?”

“Oh, okay,” said Carson. “Thanks. Where are you gonna go?”

“Nowhere,” said Miley, grinning.

“But… you can’t… I don’t wanna…” Carson stammered and blushed, unsure of what his older sister was getting at.

“Come on,” said Miley, “I wanna do it too. I’m horny as shit after not getting any at that party. Grow some balls, it’s fine.”

“Ooookay…” said Carson, clearly still very uncomfortable. He sat down on the edge of Miley’s bed, and began to pull his shorts back off, leaving his black boxer-briefs on underneath. He reached into the underwear and began playing with himself without revealing his goods to Miley.

“Lemme pull up a video,” said Miley. “It’s one of my favorites.” She opened up a porn website and pulled up a video she had bookmarked. She unbuttoned her jeans, pulled them off, and stuck one hand in her dark green panties as the video began, with three muscled men and one petite blond woman sitting on a couch.

“I’m gonna skip to the middle,” said Miley, “get to the real action.” She dragged the slider a few minutes into the video, straight to all three of the men penetrating the woman at once. Carson gasped and Miley giggled.

“Is that… *real*?” said Carson, shocked at the amazing feat of elasticity.

“Yep!” said Miley, rubbing herself as she began to get very wet.

“How do they all *fit*?” asked Carson, squirting some KY Jelly into his hand.

“Practice,” said Miley, moaning slightly as she continued to masturbate in her panties.

“Have… have *you* done that?” asked Carson. “Three at once like that?”

“I fuckin’ wish,” said Miley, chuckling. “I did two once, but it hurt like hell the day after. And the guys were nowhere near as big as those porn stars.”

“Wow,” said Carson. The two continued to masturbate side by side for a minute.

Frustrated at her underwear’s restriction of her hand movements, Miley muttered, “Fuck this,” and slid the panties off her legs, now wearing just her shirt and bra. Carson glanced over and saw his sister’s pussy for the first time since both were much younger. He immediately jerked his head away, pretending to still be focused on the video.

“It’s fine, you can look,” said Miley. “I know I have a nice cunt.”

“O…okay,” said Carson, turning his head back. His sister’s labia were short, giving her a fairly youthful appearance, and her pubes were trimmed in a neat, thin landing strip.

“Why don’t you take yours off too?” said Miley. “It’ll feel better on your hand at least.”

“No way!” said Carson. “My hand is fine.”

“Come on,” said Miley, “I already saw it once.”

“Maybe later,” said Carson, hanging his head down again.

“Come onnnnn,” said Miley playfully. She reached out with one hand and tried to pull

down her brother’s underwear. He swatted her hand down, and the two began slap-fighting as she kept trying in vain to pull off his boxer-briefs.

“Ugh, alright,” said Carson. “If you really wanna see my weiner, you can.” He pulled his boxers all the way off, becoming completely naked. Miley took a good look at her brother’s erect cock. It was circumcised and completely hairless, standing at a solid three inches.

“What?” asked Carson, flustered. “Why are you staring?”

“No reason,” said Miley, beginning to rub her clit again. “It’s just been a while.”

The video ended. “Do… do you wanna play another one?” asked Carson.

“I could,” said Miley. “But I had a different thought.”

“What?” asked Carson.

Miley climbed up onto the bed next to Carson. She put an arm around the naked preteen, then slowly moved her other hand down towards his erection. Carson flinched, surprised, but ceased resisting as soon as she began to slowly jerk his still-lubricated cock.

“Do you like that?” asked Miley with a smirk.

“Yeah… yeah,” said Carson.

“Christ above,” said Miley, “it’s been a while. How have you still not jizzed?”

“I’m sorry?” said Carson.

Miley laughed. “Nah. I know a way to speed things along.” She pulled off her shirt, then unhooked and removed her bra, revealing her picturesque breasts to the spellbound boy.

“Lie down on your back,” said Miley. He did, and she knelt down between his legs, her face pointed down at his erection. Miley slowly took her little brother’s cock in her mouth and began to gently suck. Carson moaned loudly, loudly enough that both momentarily worried if their parents would hear.

“Oh my god… Miley…” said Carson through stifled moans. He had never felt anything like this before. Miley continued to suck, enjoying the taste of the middle schooler’s shaft and head more than she expected. Suddenly he convulsed, letting out one last moan as he fired his first ever cumshot into his sister’s mouth. She happily swallowed it, then snuggled up to her brother, still reeling from the experience.

“Did you just… give me a blowjob?” asked Carson in disbelief.

“Yep!” said Miley. “How’d you like it?”

“It was… wow,” said Carson. “Oh my god.”

“Hehehe, looks like I’ve still got it!” she said. Briefly climbing on top of Carson, she planted a quick kiss on his lips.

“Have you ever done anything like that before?” asked Miley.

“No,” said Carson. “I mean… once me and Michael showed each other our cocks, when I slept over at his house. But we didn’t do anything.”

“Well, I guess I can add ravishing a virgin to the list of my sins for tonight,” said Miley smugly. “Though it looks pretty small alongside the incest and pedophilia that were already there.”

“Have you done anything with a kid as young as me before?” asked Carson. “I mean, I knew you slept around, but I never thought you were *that* kind of freak.”

Miley chuckled. “Nah,” she said. “Most of the guys I mess with are older than me, I think my youngest was 15, and that was when I was 16.”

Carson blushed yet again. “Can I… you know… try it on you? Like with my mouth?”

“You wanna eat me out?” asked Miley.

“Yeah,” said Carson, “if that’s what it’s called.”

“Sure,” said Miley, “never too young to acquire some skills.” She moved to the foot of the bed and spread her legs, and Carson climbed up in front of her. He moved his head down near her pussy, but hesitated.

“Just go for it,” said Miley. “I’ll give you tips as you go along.” Carson began licking aimlessly and slowly at her labia.

“Go faster and harder,” said Miley. “Your tongue’s a muscle, use it like one.” Carson began pumping his tongue in and out of her vulva, keeping up a quick rhythm.

“Try to focus on my clit,” said Miley. “It’s the hard nubby part at the top of the opening.” Carson poked around with his tongue for a few moments until he found it, then began licking up and down it, applying pressure and moving vigorously.

“Oh god yes,” said Miley, convulsing slightly. “Fuck you’re good at this. Goddamn.” Suddenly she moved away, stopping the cunnilingus.

“Did I do something wrong?” asked Carson.

“No, not at all,” said Miley. “You were getting pretty close to making me cum. That’s why I stopped you. I wanna cum with you inside me.”

“You mean…” Carson blushed.

“Yeah,” said Miley. “Are you hard again yet? Because I want you to fuck me.”

“Oh god,” said Carson, in equal parts trepidation and anticipation.

Miley lay down on her back and spread her legs in the air. “Get on top of me,” she said. He complied, crawling between her open legs until his cock rubbed against her entrance.

“Just guide it in,” she said. “You can use your hands if that helps.” Carson guided his tip to her vulva, then slowly pushed his hips until he was inside his sister.

“Good, oh my god, yes,” said Miley. “Now start moving. Start slow and get faster.”

Carson began to fuck his sister, trembling with pleasure and with the shock of disbelief. He gradually sped up as instructed, until he was fucking Miley as hard as any of her teenage or adult flings had.

*Damn*, thought Miley, *kid’s good at this.* She mentally noted that his vigor made up for his smaller size. Miley moaned as Carson began to suck on her nipple.

“Cum in me,” whispered Miley into her brother’s ear. “I’m on birth control, please please please just cum in me.” Her words were strained and breathy, and her body began to tighten. Finally she let out a sharp groan, as she reached orgasm. A couple thrusts later, Carson had gotten there as well, releasing his seed inside his older sister. He pulled out and they lay there, naked, dripping, and silent for a couple minutes, overwhelmed by everything that had just happened.

“You should get back to your room, kid,” said Miley. “Before Mom and Dad get suspicious.”

“Yeah,” said Carson. “Right.” He hopped off the bed and rummaged around for his underwear. Miley glanced at his cute little skinny ass, and casually mused that plenty of pervy guys she knew would wanna fuck that.

Carson put on his underwear, and was about to walk out the door, when Miley stopped him. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she kissed him again, this time a full-on tongue kiss, which he returned.

“Night, stud muffin,” she said as she got back on her bed.

“Night, slutface,” replied Carson with a snicker as he left. Both siblings lay down in their respective beds, each having the naughtiest thoughts as they drifted off to sleep.

**NOTE: this story is available on my brand-new blog, along with any future pervy stories I write! Check it out, it’s**
