He tricked Mom into betrayal [M]

My true name is Jayden, and I’m going to tell a very sensitiv story about my family and ecpecially my mother, This is a true story, based on real people and real events. I will be able to write this story in a very detailed way because I’ve heard this story so many times, and even read a book that my mom wrote, which was about her story, and her experience. This is a pretty old story now, after studying it for so long and working on it, I can write it and talk about it like I was there.

My father Adnan (Mr. Malek), born 1959.

My mother Rita (Mrs. Farran), born 1974.

My sister Julia, born 1994.

And then me, born 1996.

**The beginning**

So it basically goes back to 2014 in mid june, when my father finally decided to leave Lebanon, We are a proud Lebanese family who love our country, but after many war events in the country and lots of other problems it was enough for us. We in the family jointly decided to leave Lebanon and move to the United States. We all spoke english very good so it wasn’t a problem to move to a foreign country.

We then started looking for someone who could smuggle us into the United States, because the legal route there could take years, so we wanted to get in there illegally and then get a residence permit when we are over there.

Then we were told by our neighbors next door that there was a young American man in his early 20s, named Chris Johnson who used to come here to Beirut in Lebanon for vacation. He used to help people with smuggling, he helped people go to many different countries, so our neighbors recommended that we talk to him. After getting the address, the whole family went to him to discuss our situation.

We knock on the door and out came a young and quite tall man. Dad didn’t wait and asked the guy if he was Chris Johnson. The man nodded and we went in to his house. We talked about leaving Lebanon for the US, the conversation lasted about 30 minutes. Chris had agreed to help us get into the United States, and would also not charge for his service, we were incredibly excited about the news but also had a big problem. We told him that we couldn’t afford a new house over there immidietly because of our not so good economy. Chris smiled and told us that he owned a motel close to Alabama in the US, and that we could stay there the first couple of months until we get up on the feets.

We thanked him a lot and started to talk with him about the process, how long it will take to get there, and how the way would look like. Chris informed us that he only will be able to smuggle one person at a time and that it could take for about a month between each person to be smuggled. We needed to give him old passports so that he could start working and fix ¨new¨ false passports that would take us to the United States.

He told dad that mom would be the first one to go, dad tried to talk Chris into first getting me or my sister there first, but Chris insisted and said that mom was the one to go and that he couldn’t change anything. We then started preparing mom for the trip, she had packed and was ready, we hugged her and wished her a safe and enjoyable trip.

Chris came over and told us that he would travel with mom to take her to the motel and then come back after a month for the rest of us. He was strangely nice to us, more than he should be, but we were just happy and thanked him for his help.

Mom and Chris flew to America and after landing there mom immediatly called dad and informed us that they had arrived and would now take a taxi to Chris’s motel.

After we were done talking to her, I saw dad shed some tears, I asked him why he was crying and he replied to me by saying: ”Since I married your mom in 1992, when she was only 18 years old, she’s never been away from me more than a day”. I looked at dad and hugged him, I told him that everything would be okay, that he should be happy, we’re soon leaving Lebanon for a safer and better country.

**After arriving**

Mom arrives at the motel together with Chris, it is a pretty small motel, with only 6 houses not so close to each other. Mom asks him: ”So which house will I be living in?”, Chris start to look at mom without saying anything, mom asks him what’s wrong and he then tells her: ”Mrs. Farran, I forgot to tell you on our way here that there is only one house available right now because the others are occupied, so we both have to sleep in the same house”. Mom starts screaming at Chris: ”How in the world did you forget something like this, what are we supposed to do know?” Chris said that they had to stay in the same house, the house he always stays in when he’s here. But mom couldn’t do that and said that it would be very inappropriate and uncomfortable. After arguing with each other for a while, Mom finally accepted, she were very shocked that she agreed to it.

They went into the house, the house had a small bathroom, kitchen and a very small bedroom, with only one double bed. Mom very frustrated and confused put her hands on her head and said: ”Is it only one bed in here, why isn’t it more than one bed?”, Chris then told her that the other houses have more than one bed, but they were after all occupied by other guests, sadly this house only had one bed. It was late and they needed to sleep, mom told Chris that she could sleep in the kitchen in a chair and he could take the bed, but Chris insisted that mom should take the bed, mom without saying anything agreed. But this was a very strange and hard night for mom, she was going to sleep alone, away from her family. She started to think about dad, Julia and me. When waking up the next day, she saw Chris just standing some meters away from her, suddenly she got a quick reflex and jumped out of bed with fear, Chris said: ”Easy Mrs. Farran, I didn’t mean to scare you, I was just looking to see if you were awake”. Mom then looked at him and said that it was okay, although it wasn’t okay for her but she didn’t want to cause a scene out of it.

Chris then asked mom if she would like to go to the supermaket nearby with him to buy some food to eat and food to keep in the refrigerator so that there would be food in the fridge. Chris spent that whole day with mom, took her to a mall, trying to be friendly so that she would start to feel comfortable and trust him. But my mother did not want to give him any confidence, after all she was a married woman with children. They came home late that day after a long day in the mall, mom then had to take a shower because she hadn’t done so for a while now. Mom waited until Chris fell asleep in a chair in the kitchen, she then walked in to the bathroom, undressed and started to shower. Mom got out from the shower and wrapped a towel around her, when the door suddenly opened, she had forgotten to lock, and in comes Chris, mom screamed: ” What the fuck do you think you’re doing here!”, Chris said that he was sorry and that he didn’t know she was there, mom continued screaming: ”Out, you need to get out, you gotta go right know!”, Chris left the bathroom directly. Mom got out and they had a fuss with each other. Mom then tried to leave but Chris persuaded her to stay and that she had nowhere else to go.

**The uncover and betrayal**

After some days had passed, mom started asking Chris about us the family and when he would bring us here. Chris said that it would take a while, but that he was working on it. We talked to mom at least twice a week and she told us how much she missed us and wanted us to be there with here. Mom’s third day in the US, she spent it home, Chris came home that day around 9pm and asked if mom would take a walk with him, she refused and went to sleep. She woke up that night at 3.30am from a loud noise outside, she looked through the window and saw the motel reception door open, mom got curious, she had never seen anyone in that reception since she got here, she carefully and slowly put on a jacket and walked towards the reception. When she got there she saw a blonde haired woman work in a pile of paper, mom quietly asked who she was and what she was doing here. The woman greeted mom very kindly and said that her name was Tina, and that she worked in this motel as a receptionist. Mom said: A receptionist, how come I haven’t seen you here before?”, Tina laughed and told mom that she was told by the owner Chris that she only would work from 2am until 5am and then close up and leave for the day. Mom without thinking, very spontaneously, asked Tina if she always worked during such inconvenient working hours, Tina then answered mom that she just started doing it, about 4 days ago. Mom then started to think about it and realised that she arrived here 4 days ago, would this thing with Tina have anything to do with her, so mom asked Tina about the other guests at the motel and Tina replied: ”We currently don’t have any guests here ma’am, your the only one here”, with a little laugh at the end. Mom couldn’t sleep for the rest of that night.

That other day mom didn’t try to talk with Chris about what she had seen and heard the other night, this day she instead spent it go shopping and walking, so she was very tired when she finally got home, Chris was sitting on a chair, mom just walked in put the things she had bought and changed to her sleepwear in the bathroom. When walking out she went to the kitchen to eat something, she was wearing a very tight and short underwear to sleep in, because it was very hot that day. Chris then stood up and sreamed: ”Can’t you just see that I love you Rita!”, mom shocked turned around and said: ”what are you talking about?”, Chris said: ”Why do we need to sleep separately from each other, I want you, and I know you want me too, we should sleep in the same bed and make love to each other”. Mom screamed at him: ”What the fuck, your insane, I’m leaving, that’s it, your disgusting and not raised well by your parents”, Chris very angry walks to mom, grabs her by the arms and says: ”Look, I love you, from the moment I saw you I loved you, why do you think I agreed to help your family, It’s all because of you, I want you, I need you!”, Mom trying to push him away, but he’s stronger and younger. Chris then said: ”I tricked you to come here, I’m not going to bring another one of your family here, it was only you”, he then carried mom against her will, carrying her to the bed, threw her on the bed and then jumped on top of her. He then started to scream at her: ”I have needs, you also have needs, I’ve seen how you look at me sometimes, why can’t we just be together from her on, you and me only”, after mom heard that, she actually started to fall for it, she knew inside that she always found Chris sexy and that she was in need to have sex, she then raised her hands putting them around his head and started to make out with him. They kissed, licked, sucked and fucked each other in every possible way that whole night until they fell asleep, mom woke up the next day, very relaxed and happy.

They started to sleep with each other everyday, mom forgot about us, we were now not relevant anymore, it was just Chris now. When 1 month passed and we didn’t hear from mom and Chris, we started to get worried, dad tried to call both mom and Chris but none of them answered, of course they wouldn’t, mom was baning that dude, betraying her family.

**The reunion – The discovery – The future**

After almost 2 years searching for a way to get to the US dad found another smuggler, he immediatly got us to the US after about 2 days meeting him. We hadn’t seen or talked to mom for about 2 years! We then took a taxi and started to look for a motel in Alabama, we didn’t have the adress so it was hard to find the motel, but after searching for hours, we actually, miraculously, found Chris’s motel, we saw mom sitting at a bench outside of the motel, and beside her were Chris, we ran to her and hugged her, she seemed very surpised to se us and we the same. She said: ”OMG, when did you come, I’ve missed you guys”, hugging me and my sister, she barley looked at dad, before he hugged her, when he tried to kiss her it was like she tried to avoid it, but did it.

We got a house by Chris to stay in, but mom always seemed to spend her time with him, my sister Julia thought that she had grown close to him because of the time they spent together here, I actually tried to believe in that but just couldn’t, dad looked broken all the time, she didn’t pay him any attention.

I then wanted to be sure of something, so after a few weeks I tried to stay awake and not sleep one night, I don’t know why I did it, but I just did. It was very late between 1am – 2am as I remember. I saw mom in her underwear, putting on shoes and leaving the house, without thinking, as fast as I could, I got up and followed her, very, very slowly.

I saw her entering a house, which was Chris’s house, I thought maybe se wanted to ask him about something or borrow something, but then thought why in the middle of the night, so I waited for her to come out, but after 10 minitues and still in there I decided to approched the house, and got in, it was unlocked, I heard people moaning from inside, in the bedrom, I slowly walked close to the wall to see what it was, when I got there, I saw something, I never wished to see in my life, something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Mom was riding Chris, they were having sex, he was fucking her, mom very loudly screamed out how much she enjoyed this and how much she loved Chris, and he just kept pounding her, I was just standing there, frozen, for about 1 minute. Before walking back, open the door and leave. I then not knowing what I’m doing, opened the door again and walked back in to where I was. I kept looking at them having sex, mom switched position, where she rode above, with the face towards me, she saw me, but didn’t do or say anything, she just stared at me and I stared back, I then got tears in my eyes and shaking my head, she looked at me with a enjoyable facial expression, because she was having sex, that’s normal, but she didn’t stop or do anything when se saw me, she then raised her right finger and made the hush sign to me, then with her left hand she signaled to me to go out, immediately. I looked angry then left, slaming the door behind me.

The next day mom walked to dad, gave him her ring, and told him it was over, they started to scream and argue, and she told him everything about Chris and her, and that she wanted to live with him and that she was going to, because this is the United States and she can do whatever she want that this is not Lebanon and the middle east etc… All this things you didn’t want to hear, she said everything. Mom then along with Chris left us in Alabama and moved with Chris to Las Vegas, where they’ve ever since been togheter and married each other.

Mom is still married to Chris today (2019), and they have 3 children, one boy and two girls. I hadn’t talked to her before last week, when she wanted to meet and normalize our relationship, she said that she will not ever return to dad, and that I have to accept that, and that she will be with Chris, mom told me that they’re happily married and have kids now. I didn’t say anything, but she wanted to and I could see it, to have a good and strong relationship with me and my sister Julia, she wanted us to be close to her. She still loves us, we are after all her children, but she didn’t want to have anything with dad. She made that clear to me when we met and talked. Mom told me about a book she had written, the book was about her and Chris’s love story. She gave me a copy and I read the whole book in no more than 2 days.

What do you think? What should I do? I still after all these years want dad and mom to return to each other, I know that it sounds silly and impossible but that is how I feel, I still want and have always wanted to beat that guy Chris for everything he as done, to me and my family. What do you have for advice? Should I accept mom’s request or just tell her to forget it?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cruta9/he_tricked_mom_into_betrayal_m


  1. This is a fine story for this subreddit. Apparently people are upset you asked a question that actually invoked real thought and that they couldn’t answer with their penis. On to your question the guy is a manipulative ass that has no place in your life or your family’s life. If your mother isn’t completely lost to this manipulation she can eventually try and ask forgiveness from your father but I really don’t see that happening nor him forgiving her. I would be there for your father in these really difficult times. He needs his kids he does not need to think about those two at all. I wish you the best of luck though this situation.

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