Kayla’s Loan, Part 2. [Freeuse] [Gloryhole] [Gangbang]

The first month of Kayla’s semester had begun, and as expected, she was in a rush of going between attending classes, finishing her assignments, and studying to keep herself on track. It had been an interesting month to say the least. Kayla was finally in the spot she dreamed of for years: In her dream university, studying exactly what she wanted to study. It almost felt unreal. On top of that she didn’t have to worry about providing for her family thanks to the universities scholarship program.

For once in her life she actually had free time to do what she wanted to do. In fact she had already made some friends with plans to meetup next weekend. Kayla smiled as she walked her way down the campus halls. Things were going…amazingly, and for the first time in a long time she felt a feeling of contentment. Still, the first day of her new job as agreed on in the scholarship was fast approaching. Kayla pushed it to the back of her mind and told herself to just focus on her studies but still, it kept popping up in her head over and over again. Giving her a strange sense of both dread as well as….curiosity.

The first day of training for her new job was on the 10th of the coming month. It was mandatory for every freshmen who applied for the scholarship to show up for their first day of training. Time went by and the day had arrived. Despite having a fear of not knowing what’s to come, Kayla’s star pupil attitude made sure she came 20 minutes early. She arrived at the location emailed to her at 1:15 PM. It was pitch black outside except for the lights on campus. She walked until she found the room she had been assigned to. “Room 103”. She reached the door and twisted the handle only to find out it was locked. She knocked on the door and it opened half way.

A man’s voice came through. “What are you here for?”, “Um, i was told to come here for the campus service girls work study scholarship, am i at the right place?”. The man opened the door, revealing himself to be the same counselor Kayla had talked to before. “Ah Kayla you’ve came in quite early, come on in, i’m happy to see you”. Kayla smiled and walked in after recognizing him. “I wasn’t expecting you to be the one handling this Mr.Richard.”

Richard sat down on his seat, putting his feet on the desk casually. Something was different about him. The usual professional vibe he gave wasn’t there anymore, instead he talked with a much more…relaxed, eased tone. He smiled as he placed his feet on the desk. “Haha well i’ve been a trainer in this program for years now, school needs teachers with a special set of skills and the job pays well so no reason for me to give up my seat.”

Kayla sat with her hands on her knees and her knees pressed together. It was clear that she wanted to cut straight to the chase, and figure out what this “training” involved. “So um, Mr. Richard…this training thing….What exactly are we going to be doing?”. Richards answer was cold, and straight to the point. “Don’t worry Kayla, Just focus on doing everything i tell you, and you’ll be fine.” Kayla sat there nervously as Mr. Richard sat across her, browsing his phone. Richard didn’t even look up at her, and answered all of her small talk with short, brief answers. Making Kayla even more nervous.

After about 15 minutes Richard checked the time, put his phone down, and stood up. Making his way toward Kayla. “As you know you are attending our university with all costs covered and additional benefits, and in return for those privileges, you have agreed to help serve our community in any means demanded until your contract is up.” Richard said as he circled the young woman. “This training is to prepare you for the job up ahead, to make sure your ready for everything that you will have to deal with. Although you will mostly become acclimated through experience, This will give you a head start so to speak. I will ask you some questions first, and then we will do some exercises in which i require your complete cooperation. Do you understand?”

Kayla hesitated for a moment, at this point the tension completely overwhelming her, “Y-yes, I understand”. Richard stopped circling the desk. “You will refer to me as sir, as a sign of respect Miss Kayla”. Kayla gulped. “Yes sir”. Richard continued his pacing. “Good, now tell me Kayla, are you a virgin?”. Kayla was taken a back for a moment. While she knew what this job would entail she never had anyone ask her about something so intimate that wasn’t a doctor. “Yes I am sir”.

Richard kept pacing with a thoughtful look on his face, as if he was making plans or calculations. “I see, and i assume you masturbate?” Kayla blushed so hard she wish she could disappear. “Y…yes, i do”. “Have you ever used sex toys kayla?”. “Um..No…I haven’t”. Richard scratched his beard, kept pacing for awhile, then stopped. “I want you to take off your clothes Kayla”. Kayla was shocked at that command, stuttering as her eyes opened wide. “B-but wh-“ Richard interrupted her before she could finish. “You agreed to serve the campus in return for our support Kayla, if you wish to keep your scholarship then do what i just told you”.

Kayla gazed at Mr. Richard, the warm, kind counselor she had talked to before was replaced by a stern, and frightening man. She hesitated before doing what she was told. Stripping her top off first and then her skirt, all while her entire body shook in anxiety. “Underwear too” Richard said sternly. Kayla loosened her bra then took off her panties. Her entire body an anxious mess. She hoped that Mr. Richard couldn’t see the mess between her legs.

“Bend over that desk Kayla, and put your hands above your head. Kayla questioned Richard again “B-but”. Richard faced the young girl and stared at her with the eyes of an angry bull. “Young lady, do you wish to lose this scholarship?”. Kayla dropped her gaze and obeyed. She walked toward the desk and bent over it. Trying her best to squeeze her legs together to hide herself, but she knew that Mr. Richard could see everything.

Then, suddenly, as soon as she got over the desk she felt a hard,heavy, hand slap against her backside. Letting out a yelp in response and immediately rubbing the spot that was hit. Kayla winced from the pain, near tears. Mr. Richard took her hands and put them back above her head. He reached his head down next to her ear. “That’s the second time you’ve questioned what i told you, three strikes and you can kiss your scholarship goodbye”. Kayla tried her best not to breakdown out of both the fear of losing her scholarship and the fear of what Mr. Richard might do to her. “That was for your own good Kayla, trust me things will be easier if you just learn to obey”.

Richard circled behind her slowly, putting his hands against her backside. He took his thumbs and spread her open, looking at her tight holes and examining them as she layed bent over the table. Richard examined her carefully, spreading her vagina with his thumbs and pushing through the folds, and then examined her ass. Kayla felt degraded. The way Mr. Richard examined her wasn’t even sexual. He did it in a purely professional manner, as if Kayla was nothing more then a toy and Mr. Richard was testing her quality.

Richard spit on her pussy, and thrusted a finger slowly inside. Kayla clutched the desk tighter and let out a pained moan. She had never even fingered herself before, this was the first time she had something inside of her, and it was her counselors fingers. Richard watched the way the girls hole resisted his fingers penetration and her vagina squeezed down on it tightly. He smiled, “This one is going to be very popular” he whispered to himself. Richard stood up and circled to the other side, to Kayla’s face.

He knelt down and grabbed her hair, examining her face. “You ever sucked a cock before Kayla?” He said as he turned her head side to side. “N-no i haven’t sir.” “Hmm” said Richard under his breath as he stood up, His crotch now facing Kaylas face. He reached down and undid his pants, pulling out his semi hard cock hardly an inch a way from the young girls face.

Kayla trembled, she had never even kissed a boy, let alone been this intimate with one, yet here she was, barely an inch away from her counselors cock. Something about the position, and seeing the cock so close to her made her feel so…..submissive. She had watched some porn in the past but never realized how big they were in real life. The way it hung in front of her felt so masculine and dominant. A feeling that made the wet spot between Kayla’s legs even more wet. Something she was still too embarrassed to admit.

Richard looked down at the girls eyes, “Suck it”. He said in a stern, demanding tone. Kayla was taken back, and was about to raise her voice in protest but remembered what Richard had said, She wasn’t about to lose that scholarship. She hesitated, then slowly inched her mouth near the throbbing cock. As she embraced it with her lips every inch of her body drowned deeper and deeper into a feeling of submission. Something she kept trying to fight.

After getting her mouth half way around the thickness, she felt Richards hand hold her head and the other one lightly slap her cheek until she released his cock out of her mouth. Lines of spit connected her mouth and Richards cock as Kayla coughed before gazing up at him. “No, no, No, your doing it wrong,” said Richard. “Don’t use any teeth, Focus on using your tongue and the inside of your mouth, if you can’t do that then cover your teeth with your lips, Now try again”.

Richard pressed the tip against the young girls mouth until she took his cock into it. Something about hearing those words triggered something inside Kayla. She did not want to fail him. Maybe it was her perfect student nature or the heat covering entire body, either way, She wanted to do it right, She wanted to please him, She wanted to be a good cock sucker. Kayla adjusted her mouth and tried her best to take his cock in as far as she could. She thought of the porn videos and erotica’s she read and tried to imitate what she had heard about sucking a cock.

Richard moaned, While the girl in front of him certainly wasn’t experienced. She was giving everything into pleasing his cock. Trying her best to cover every inch of it with her tongue as she went up and down his shaft. Looking up at him with puppy eyes, desperately wanting his approval.

Richard leaned back and enjoyed the young girls mouth. “Get my balls too” he said with his head leaned back. Kayla let the cock out of her mouth as richard pulled it up, putting his balls near her face. She could smell the sweat around them from being stuck in his suit pants all day, but as strong as the scent was it was just as intoxicating. She took Richards balls into her mouth, and sucked on them eagerly, trying to take them in gently whilst still sucking on them as desperately as a bitch in heat.

Richard smirked as he felt Kayla’s mouth worship his balls. Kayla would become a good fuck toy. The other girls who he had trained tended to be stubborn, and be half hearted when given orders, Forcing Richard to use harder measures to whip them into shape, and even then they only obeyed out of fear, either of him or losing their scholarships, but Kayla was different. She WANTED to please, despite her inexperience she eagerly took his cock and balls in her mouth, worshiping the with enthusiasm.

Richard finally pulled away from Kayla’s mouth, letting the strands of spit that connected his cock and her mouth detach. “Good work, you need practice but you’ll make a very good cock sucker girl”. For some reason Kayla felt proud. The same kind of dopamine high she got when she put extra effort into an assignment in high school and her teacher showered her with praises, She was addicted to it, Even if she was too embarrassed to admit that pleasing his cock turned her pussy into a wet mess.

Richard circled around behind her, his cock still hanging out of his pants. He spread Kayla’s hole and with his spit covered cock he began to prod against it. “Wait!” Kayla exclaimed, pulling away from him. “I’m a virgin. I know it’s part of the contract but…I..i wanted to save that for someone i liked, please can’t you leave that out.” Richard rubbed the girls clit with his finger.

“Sorry Miss Kayla, but the scholarship is all or nothing. I know it’s hard for you to lose your virginity like this but our girls are required to give complete use of their bodies in return for the scholarship, I thought i’d make it easy for you by making it with somebody you at least have some acquaintance with. If you decide to wait for your first day of work to lose it then i can assure you that a total stranger will take it. You will not see their faces or know who they are, and i can not guarantee they will go easy on you, the decision is up to you.” Kayla hesitated, biting her lip in thought.

She could either give her innocence up to a complete stranger she had never met. Or to her counselor that she had barely spent any time with. There was no guaranteeing that if a stranger took it that they would be gentle, or if the person taking it would be someone even semi decent. at least Mr. Richard was professional and knew what he was doing, he also didn’t look half bad, and seemed to be a caring kind of guy, But still, he wasn’t at all who she thought she’d lose her virginity to.

Kayla thought about it. Eventually deciding that if she was going to lose her virginity regardless, it didn’t matter who did it, as long as they took it easy. She relaxed her body. “Just make it quick……and please….go easy on me.” she said to Richard. Richard look up at her. “I cant promise it won’t hurt but i will be as gentle as i can with you Miss Kayla….until the next part of our training.” Kayla paused for a moment, she let out a long sigh, raised her ass, reached her hands behind her, and spread her hole as far as she could in Richards direction. “Take it”.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/crg6wf/kaylas_loan_part_2_freeuse_gloryhole_gangbang


  1. Thoroughly looking forward to more chapters in this story!! Excellent writing

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