[FM] Hooking up with someone I met at a bong shop (her perspective)

Hello all! When I posted my [initial story I posted on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/clikhu/fucking_an_18_year_old_soon_to_be_college) /u/laodod suggested in the comments that I have Ruby tell her side of the story. She was delighted to do so and sent me her draft just now. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.




My 18th birthday was bittersweet to say the least. After a nice evening out with my family it all culminated in me having a massive end of the relationship fight via phone call with my absolute piece of shit ex boyfriend. I felt so alone and worthless that night, like I had just wasted the last 2 years of my life with someone who was toxic to me. I was stupid enough to think he would change but it never came. I cried the entire night and slept until 1 in the afternoon.

I was down and depressed for the rest of the week, even when it came time for me to move in with my friends I was still a hollow shell. I thought I’d be happy to start the next chapter of my life but all I felt was dread and regret. The entire ride over I was slumped in the backseat keeping to myself as quiet as I could. I faked like I was napping when I was trying my best to suppress tears from waterfalling out of my eyes. My family helped move me which took about 3 hours as I said my goodbyes telling them I’ll see them soon as they drive out of sight. I was still immensely sad but lucky to be back with my loving friends, they’ve helped me in the past me being the new girl in town my freshman year of high school.

After a day or so I’m ready to spread my wings and go places with my friends around town. I had enough of being sad and forced myself out and about. We got lunch before we hopped around from shop to shop ending at a local bong shop a couple blocks from our house. I walk in with my friends now being old enough to see foot into one with a sense if happiness I hadn’t felt in a long long time. I felt like I could start my life over and I couldn’t be anymore excited.

I split away from the group and walk around myself considering buying a new rig as a housewarming gift to myself. I walk down an aisle absentmindedly and gaze into the display cases before I hear someone say off to my side, “You go to [college name]?” I whip my head around to see a towering 6’2ish dirty blonde blue eyed college aged bearded beefcake and my heart flutters for a moment before I even formulate a response. “Yes, I’m gonna start my first year this fall.” I shoot back at him before we chat each other up for a good while while my friends were off doing their own thing. “Wait I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” He says sincerely before I give him my name before he replies with, “It’s really nice to meet you, I’m Niko.”

My friends find me and say they’re about to leave but before I go we both traded numbers as I went on my way. My friends gave me shit the entire car ride back jokingly saying I found my prince charming, little did they know that’s exactly what happened. Niko and frequently texted the following days and the two of use became fast friends. He’s such a sweetheart who never fails to make me laugh and is also pretty cute too top it all off. I love his goofy boisterous laugh and glowing smile he seems to always have on him.

We decide eventually to meet up for the first time as he lives not that far away from me and we set a date and time. I was honestly really ansty about it, I’ve grown to really like Niko and I could definitely tell it was a mutual feeling between us. I was super thankful to have stumbled across him because he helped me quell my anxiety of moving away for college after one of the toughest points in my life.

Time flew by fast and the day came around. I was anxiously waiting for Niko to come pick me up, I couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for me. I’m putting the finishing touchew of makeup on in the 2nd floor bathroom as I hear a knock at my front door. My heart skipped a beat, he’s finally here. My friend Stacy answered the door while I hastily finish up and grab my purse heading downstairs to meet him. I turn the corner and meet his eyes as I speed walk towards him as my roomates tell me to have fun as the front door closed behind us. “It’s so good to see you again!” I say with an ear to ear grin as he happily tells me the same.

We have an amazing lunch date as we both chat up each other as much as we did when we first met. Niko is such a kindhearted teddy bear of a person and I consider myself very lucky to have crossed paths with him. We wait for the bill as we both ask ourselves what to do next. “How about my place? It’s not far from yours.” Niko asserts. My mind is racing right now wondering what would happen next. I happily accept as we split the bill and head back to his place.

We pull put of the parking lot of the chinese restaurant as we start the trek back to Niko’s apartment. “I’m happy that you’re warming up to this town.” He says with a semi smirky grin. I didn’t know what to reply with, my heart is pounding right now and I’m starting to get a little hot and heavy a bit. Niko is 21, I’ve never been with someone that older than myself. Plus I really valued Niko as a person, don’t get me wrong he’s like something straight out of an L.L. Bean catalog with how stunning he looks but I really valued being friends with him.

After a semi awkward car ride to his apartment thanks to me getting flustered I waltz up to his apartment alongside him. He kept on eyeing me in a way that looked like he was checking me out and I tried my best not to blush as he opens his apartment door letting the two of us in. The door closes behind us as I turn around to face Niko. “Your apartment is really nice!” I comment to him looking up at his deep blue eyes. “Thanks.” He says with a grin. We both get lost in the moment, it felt like it was only him and me in the entire world for a moment. We slowly gravitated towards each other. I slowly place my hands on his hips as I have my head cocked up at Niko looking down at me with adoring eyes. I didn’t expect this moment would happen but I knew I had to act fast. I spring up a bit on my tippy toes and plant a kiss right on Niko’s lips which caused him to wrap his strong arms around my lower back as we spontaneously start making out in the middle of his living room.

We both get passionate more and more with each passing second as he drags me to his couch where he pulls me in as he sits down and I straddle his lap. Niko runs his hands down along my hips as I slowly started to grind against him. I couldn’t hold back anymore, I wanted Niko now more than ever. “Do you miss your ex?” I say in between smooches. He starts to kiss my neck as I melt in his arms as he huffed in my ear, “You want a proper welcome?” This sent me through the roof. I couldn’t say yes fast enough.

I start to slowly peel off my shirt with the help of Niko tossing it behind me as I unlatch my bra and expose my breats causing him to be enamored with lust. “Holy fuck these are perfect” he says as he plants a kiss in between them. He kissed his way up my neck and face as I’m now grinding on his hard cock through his pants turning me on. He askes if I need help out of my shorts which sends shutters down my spine in anticipation.

I stand up and turn away from him as he gets to his feet to help me out of my shorts with me wearing nothing but my panties. He swoops one arm around my waist while the other was feeling up my tits. His touch gave me goosebumps all over myself before he playfully pushes me back onto the couch as I let out a yelp and a laugh. His eyes were hungry for me and I wanted him as much as he wanted me. I peel my white panites off and throw them at him with his jaw dropping to the floor. “Let me get a condom I’ll be right back.” Niko says with urgency. I was going let him get one but then I remembered one of my roomates has Morning After pills that I know she wouldn’t mind me sneaking one. “WAIT!” I yell at him, “I can sneak a Plan B from my roomie, you don’t need one!” I could see the gears work in his head as I marches back over to me planting a forcefully kiss on my lips.

We both start slipping in some tounge as I can feel his fingertips wiggle up and down along the slit of my soaked pussy causing me to buckle under his touch. He starts to nibble my ear lobe as he slowly prepares his fingers to enter my pussy and I’m completely ready for it. He plunges his digits inside me as I let out a long gasp as be started to work me in all the ways he could think of. My clit is really sensitive and I was being put into overdrive with sensation.

I let out a series out series if high pitched moans before he clasps his hand around my mouth stifling my noises. Behing manhandled like this sent me through the roof. His fingers pounded against my g spot and I could feel my pussy start to leak with my juices. He let’s his hand off my mouth as I expel out, “YOU FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD, YOU FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD!” as mu juices pool underneath me on his carpet with a wild manic smile slashed across his face. He gives a few final pulses before he drags his fingers along the roof of my pussy before they slip out of me. He holds his dripping wet hand above my face looking into my eyes with a look of lust I’ve never seen. “You usually get this soaked.” Niko grunts at me as I shake my head no in slight embarrassment for having created a mess on the floor but Niko and I didn’t care about it at all.

I offered to suck his cock in return for what he did but all he wanted was to fuck me senseless which I was more than happy about. He slipped out of his jeans and boxers revealing an impressively thick erect cock, I was marveling at if when he asked, “This bigger than your ex?” which I nodded my head up and down as I was so hungry for his cock. He props his foot up on the couch as he slowly guides his dick inside me. Niko started off slow and steady as he slowly but surely picked up speed as his dick continues its assault.

At this point Niko is slamming full force into me as I scream out, “FUCK ME TILL YOU CUM FUCK ME TILL YOU CUM FUCK ME TILL YOU CUM!” over and over as he plants a sloppy kiss kn my lips before lifting my legs up and bringing them together as he goes in for the kill. He slammed faster this time causing my pussy to pour out more of my juices out onto his cock as I sink into the couch and melt with pleasure. I writhed on his couch as he begins to cum inside my tight little hole. He finishes up his thrusts as we lean in for a long passionate kiss as he slowly removes his cock out of me.

We both cleaned ourselves up and headed back to my place. I was elated and euphoric having been through what just transpired between us. I didn’t know what to feel about Niko, I still valued him as a friend but an attraction to him was starting to grow inside me. We both gushed about how much fun we both had as he pulls up curbside at my place. “I’ll let you know when I’m free next, I really want to see you again.” I say before he gives me a hug and a tiny kiss on my cheek before I step out of his car and walk back in my house. Immediately I see Stacy on the couch blazed out of her mind as she asks how it went. “It went really well!” I say through a smile, “I can’t wait to meet him again!”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cqg7g1/fm_hooking_up_with_someone_i_met_at_a_bong_shop