Kayla’s Loan Part 1 [Free-use] [Gang bang] [Age Play] [Glory hole] [Consensual Non Consent]

This is a story i made based off of this picture

Philippa’s tuition payment (by Erenisch) from Erenischverse

Enjoy, and leave a comment if you like it.

Part 1: All for a dream

Kayla Ishwari was the definition of a teachers dream student. With her family coming to America when she was a young girl and slaving away to give themselves and Kayla a better life in the nation, Kayla was determined to work hard and make all her parents blood sweat and tears worth it, and she showed it in her grades.

Kayla was a star student, Getting As across the board on every subject and dedicating most if not all of her time to her academic achievements. She put all her spare hours toward extracurricular activities, and excelled at each and every one of them. She was Beloved by all her teachers as the role model that every student should be like. The role of star pupil however came at a cost.

Kayla had trouble making friends. The ones she did make she could barely maintain from her hectic and busy schedule. And in terms of relationships? She couldn’t even think about it. Not only was her schedule too jam packed to worry about men but her family came from a very conservative background. The thought of anything related to sex or relationships seemed completely out the realm of possibility.

She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind and told herself to direct her attention only at her grades. Kayla grinded her way through most of high school. Getting outstanding grades with a goal of attending medical school with a full ride in her dream college. However during her senior year her mother became extremely ill and eventually bedridden. Forcing her to step up and become the woman of the house.

She not only had to grind her way through school, but also slave away at home, tutoring her two brothers, making dinner, cleaning the house, and at the same time attending a part time job to make sure the lights stayed on. She tried her best but her grades dropped significantly. Going from every teachers dream student to slightly below average.

Still, Her SAT scores were high, and her grades from her previous years were stellar. She applied to the college anyway. Knowing she couldn’t afford it and would be forced to settle for less but at the very least wanted the sense of pride to know that she had what it takes to get accepted. Weeks of grinding between school, work, and chores went by before before the college emailed her back, Asking to meet.

Kayla was star struck. Despite all the work on her hands she was jittery and excited, and finished everything with a huge grin on her face. The day of her appointment with the student counselor came by and she hugged her family close before heading out the door. excited to see what opportunities awaited her, She stepped off the bus and walked into the campus area. Stunned by not only the view but at the fact that she was standing at her dream college, about to be interviewed for a shot at getting accepted in, something she dreamed about for years.

Kayla thought she might pass out from all the excitement until an older man interrupted her. “Excuse me, Are you miss Ishwari ?” The man looked mature, probably in his 30s with a scruffy light brown beard and a round pair of glasses on his face. “Oh uh, Yes!” Kayla replied in the cute, awkward way she tended to when meeting new people. The Man let out his hand. “I’m Richard, I’m the counselor that emailed you, it’s so nice to meet you”. Kayla shook his hand. “So are we doing the meeting right now?” Kayla asked gleefully. Richard smirked, The awkward young woman before him was full of energy. “Follow me to my office”.

The two of them walked toward the building and made their way into a small office at the end of the hall. Richard closed the door behind them as they entered and sat down on his chair. Kayla sat down on the chair at the opposite side of the table. “We’ve seen your records and we were quite amazed” Richard said with a positive tone, “the essay you sent us was astonishing, and the things you’ve done in your first three years of high school were remarkable” Kayla sat proudly as the counselor went on about her achievements.

“However” Richard hesitated “In your last year of high school your grades dropped significantly, from the emails you sent us we understand that your mother was ill and you had went through some tough times and so we want to make it easier for you, we want to grant you a scholarship and admit you into our university” Richard stared at the girl in front of her. Expecting her to be quite excited. To his surprise she seemed to be more worried then anything. “Will…Will it be a full ride scholarship?” Kayla asked with a concerned look on her face.

Richard took of his glasses. “I’m afraid your last year of school prevents you from getting a full ride, however we’ll gladly accept you and with fafsa and loans you could……” Richards words just seemed to trail off in Kaylas ears. Her dream was dead. There was no way she could go through with the burden of putting her parents in debt, her family hardly had enough to keep the lights on, and to make them put up with something as expensive as this? They had already sacrificed enough for her, she couldn’t put them through this.

“Somehow i knew it would come to this” she thought to herself. “I’m sorry Mr. Richard” She said with a forced smile. “While i’m very honored to be accepted in your university i’m afraid i can’t attend without a full ride, however i’m very thankful for the opportunity and time you took out for me, please don’t let me take the rest of your day, i’ll be out and on my way”. Richard scratched his beard and looked up at the young woman, seeing her grim expression,

He examined her body. She was slim with smooth brown skin and long black hair that reached down to her thighs. She had D cup boobs that she tried her best to hide but still ended up being very prominent to everyone who got a look at her. He sat silent for a minute. “Wait” He said raising is hand up calling for her to stop. “There is an option that might intrigue you Ms. Kayla”. Kayla sat back down in her seat, waiting for what Richard had to say. Richard scratched his beard, and spoke in a more serious, hushed town.

“There is a certain scholarship we offer to our female students. One that guarantees a full ride and some bonus perks if said student is accepted in the university.” Kayla eyes we’re open wide, waiting for Richard to continue now on the edge of her seat. “Well? What is it?”. She said eagerly. “You can be allowed a full ride scholarship to our university with added benefits on the contract that you serve as “stress relief” for the students and teachers here”. Richard told the young woman.

Kayla raised her eyebrows “Stress relief? What do you mean?”. Richard put his glasses back on, adjusted his seat, then responded “As you know the student life is not an easy one, especially at a school with such high prestige where our students face the highest of expectations. With research we have discovered that students tend to have higher grades, and lead a healthier campus life when they have an outlet to release their frustrations on” Richard hesitated before going on “A….sexual outlet”.

Kayla opened her mouth in bewilderment “What?” she said in a shocked yet confused tone. Richard rolled up his spoke clearly “We assure you that this is with full consent of the student and they are allowed to quit at any time. However after your second year at our college you are required to serve as stress relief until the end of your contract with us.” Richard looked at the young girl, her expression similar to most of the other students he told about this scholarship.

“There are also many benefits to this scholarship, we realize that many students who choose this path come from backgrounds of poverty, and so we not only provide them with a full ride scholarship, but also a reasonable sized income based on the size of their family, and If they have siblings, they will be guaranteed a spot in the college granted that their grades aren’t below a C. Meaning you won’t have to worry about providing for your family any longer and can fully commit to your college life”.

Kayla sat in her seat, still absorbing everything in, “Sexual stress relief for students and teachers? So your basically turning into a whore?” Kayla told him in response. “You can choose to look at it that way.” Richard spoke in a calm yet collected tone. “Or you can choose to look at it in another way. You are providing a great service for your peers, helping them succeed in their future goals by giving them a way to let out all their frustrations. Many of them have dreams just like yours, and in turn for helping you achieve your dreams as well as making your families lives easier, we are only asking you to aid other students in achieving theirs. That seems fair don’t you think?”

Kayla bit her lip. Richard was right. The university had given her a guarantee that not only would she be able to live the life she’s always wanted but her family will too. The least she can do is return the favor. Besides, she definitely would be helping her fellow classmates get less stressed….even if it was with her body. Kayla’s mind overcame the dirtyness of it all with the thought of how proud her parents would be, and how much easier and happier everyone would be after she graduated, and the thought of the look on their faces overtook all her other emotions.

She hesitated, then spoke up. “I have…One question”. She said shyly. Richard looked up at her. “Yes?”, Their eyes met up. “Will the school keep it a secret?” Richard sat back in his seat and smiled. “Of course…..As long as you do too”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cpopvp/kaylas_loan_part_1_freeuse_gang_bang_age_play

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  1. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/gloryhole411] [Kayla’s Loan Part 1 [Free-use] [Gang bang] [Age Play] [Glory hole] [Consensual Non Consent]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gloryhole411/comments/cpukgf/kaylas_loan_part_1_freeuse_gang_bang_age_play/)

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