“Seth, Destroyer of Girls” [FF, MF+, BD, Furry]

*Inspired by prompts [Now I am become Jeff, the destroyer of girls](https://old.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/cohzcn/wp_now_i_am_become_jeff_the_destroyer_of_girls/) and [Mermaids reproduce by seducing human women and turning them into their own; a girl has an encounter with one who intends to do just that to her… and more.](https://old.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/co94ae/wp_mermaids_reproduce_by_seducing_human_women_and/) Commissions open!*


“Aminata?” I said. “Are you there?”

“Yph? Whuph ifph iph mmafftur?”

“What?” I said. “Aminata, visual display.”

The AI was suddenly beside me, appearing as a tall, curvy black girl. She wasn’t actually beside me but the augmented-reality overlay was so good it was hard to tell. From the way she cast a shadow on the beach to the way the surf washed around her ankles she seemed real enough to touch. She stood there, swaying slightly in strict bondage.

“Aminata, take that off,” I said.

“Awke whuphh ophh?” she asked, her eyes all innocent.

“The ball gag,” I said.

“Sorry,” she said, stretching her jaw. “You wanted something, master?”

“I want to know where we are. For that matter, what is this place?”

We stood on a beach on what seemed to be a planet, only with most planets the landscape would eventually disappear below the horizon. Here the land and sea was one vast flat surface except where it curved up to form an arch over the sun.

“It’s a ringworld, master. Also known as a Niven ring.”

“Is that like a cock ring?”

“A cock ring of the *gods,*” she said. “It’s an artificial habitat the diameter of Earth’s orbit, with a livable surface area equal to three million Earths.”

I whistled. “That’s a lot of room to get lost in.”

“Master, may I ask what happened to your armor?”

I sighed. I was nearly naked. “Walk with me.”


I started walking down the beach. That is, I took about a dozen steps before I noticed that she was lagging behind. But then, you aren’t very fast when you’re hopping.


“Sorry, master,” she said, and lost the leg cuffs. Now she was naked except for the red leather of her breast harness and armbinder.

I covered my face with my hand. “Why are you like this?”

“It’s not my fault my matrix was based on some pervert’s brain,” she said. “I—or rather, *she*—just couldn’t resist the thought of being imprisoned in a tiny implant and rendered helpless to the domination of a strong, brutish . . .”

There were times I almost envied that guy whose AI was based on a scientist from super-soldier boot camp. She’d been the closest thing he had to a mother, not that it got in the way of their mutual attraction. The addition of a younger-looking version of her made for a weird love triangle but at least it wasn’t as in-your-face as tasseled nipple clips.

I coughed. “To answer your earlier question, the ship was falling apart in the upper atmosphere. There wasn’t time to find a lifeboat or drop pod so I just jumped out an airlock.”

“Ah,” Aminata said. “Well, at least we know the armor can survive reentry.”

“Yeah, barely,” I said. There wasn’t enough left of my undersuit to make a decent pair of pants.

“So,” I said. “I have no weapons, no armor, and no supplies. I don’t even have shoes or a survival kit. And we’re lost in a thing that is bigger than worlds.”

She smiled. “Good thing I’m wired to your nervous system, huh?”

“Mmm,” I said, and then frowned.

“Is something wrong?”

“We just circled around the island,” I said. “And it *is* an island. So on top of being lost, we’re also marooned. I could build a raft, but with an ocean this big I’m worried that the storms could be just as big.”

“I wonder if those people could help,” she said, pointing at the shallows.


“Otter people,” I said, walking into the surf. “They look like otter people.”

“It seems that they occupy a similar ecological niche,” Aminata said. She seemed to stand some distance away, on the beach, but that meant nothing as she was merely a projection. Only I could see or hear her. “Well, they’re friendly enough,” she said.

The otter-people were clustering around me, smiling and chattering. I smiled back, careful not to show my teeth in case they took it the wrong way.

“Hominids,” Aminata said. “Likely split off from *homo habilis*.”

“You can tell from how they look?” I said, very quietly.

“There’s also the smell. I’m not the only implant in your head, you know.”

“So they’re from Earth?”

“From a long time ago. Millions of years.”

I could believe it. It took a long time to make a creature this specialized. They had long bodies and short limbs. Dense brown fur covered them everywhere but their scalps, which grew hair like any human’s. The otter-people were of course very agile in the water, where they swam with the aid of muscular tails.

“Here, repeat this after me,” Aminata said. “I think it’s a greeting.”

She’d been analyzing their language. I repeated what she said and the otter-people crowded closer. None of them was taller than five feet so I towered head and shoulders over them. Hands reached up to stroke my arms and chest.

“They don’t seem disturbed by how I look,” I said.

“No, they don’t,” she said. “I think they’re not the only kind of hominid on the ring.”

Someone presented me with five oysters. They were already shucked and lay on a bed of kelp. I recognized this as hospitality and slurped them down at once, trusting in my enhanced immune system to keep me safe.

“Looks like that was the right move,” Aminata said.

Now some of the otter-people were drawing apart from me. These were the males and also the older females, who paddled away on their backs with their babies cradled on their bellies. I looked around and, yes, I was surrounded by young otter-women.

“Aminata, what’s happening?”

“Mmm,” she said, settling on the sand. “They have a word. It means ‘sex among different humanoids for the purpose of good relations.'”

“Sounds like a long word.”

“Not really. It rather, mmmmhm, rolls off the tongue.”

I risked a glance back. “Are you touching yourself?”

“With your permission, master,” she said, leaning back on the sand. “You’re becoming quite the show.”

The hands were now serious about exploring me. There were five of these ladies and they had me quite surrounded. One of them pulled down what was left of my undersuit. Another swam underwater and bumped her nose into my cock. Without surfacing to breathe, she swallowed it all.

*”Oh my god,”* I said. Another young lady shimmied her way up my body until our eyes were level. Then she kissed me.

I’d never kissed a girl with whiskers before, and she tasted a little like fish, but otherwise she was just like any other pretty girl. She bit me on the lip (Ow!), I nibbled on hers, and we both kept our tongues locked as I walked backward and out of the sea.

“Wet beach sex may be okay for you ladies, but I’ve been there and the sand gets everywhere. How about we head for dry ground?”


We made love in the shade of a lean-to we’d thrown together.

They seemed to have decided to take me in order of age. The oldest otter-girl lay down on the bed of leaves. Two others knelt on either side and spread her legs for her. The two youngest girls sat in a corner and giggled.

I crawled over the biggest girl, laying a kiss on her pussy as I passed over it. I stuck out my tongue and left a trail from her pubic mound to her face, passing over her belly and between her breasts and along her neck. We kissed, hungrily, and we kept kissing until one of her hands found my cock. I started crawling again. Our faces parted as she guided my manhood to the wetness at her center. She left kisses down my neck and chest and then I was inside of her.

“Oof,” I said. She was as tight as a female RANGER-II, and the latter has super-strength. I began pumping my hips, going for long, slow strokes.

“Mmm,” Aminata said. She was crouching outside the entrance and rubbing herself with one hand. “Permission to cum, master?”

I frowned. “Denied,” I said. “In fact, tie yourself down.”

“Oh, god,” she said. At once she was bound to a tall bamboo stake . Her hands were above her head and roped to the stake. More rope wound its way around her neck, above and below her breasts, and across her waist. Her ankles were secured to smaller stakes that kept her legs spread wide.

“That’s creative,” I said. “Now tease yourself, but don’t cum until I tell you too.”

She just moaned as a wand vibrator appeared at her crotch. It was held in place by its own little bamboo stake.


I focused my attentions on the otter-girl underneath me. I couldn’t see her face but she made plenty of appreciative noises. I was wondered what the others were doing when two other girls snuggled up to my face.

“That works,” I said, and kissed the one on my left. She sucked my tongue for a bit until the other indicated with an open mouth that she wanted some too. So I made out with her as well. The oldest otter-girl guided my thrusts with her hands on my hips. She pulled me into herself, faster and faster, and then she tightened around me and screamed in orgasm.

Then she was pushing on my chest. I straightened upright and she crab-walked to one side. Another girl rolled in front of me and presented her rear. I pushed her tail away and entered her, and damn, but she was easily as tight as the first one. The third girl sat up and moved to embrace me. Another crawled out of the corner and embraced me too. Then they started sucking my nipples.

“Umm, okay,” I said.

The fur on the otter-people’s faces was lighter than on the rest of their bodies. With these girls it was almost white. They smiled as I put my hands on their friend’s hips and started seriously ramming her.


The second girl came hard, but crawled away as soon as she was able. The third-oldest sank to her elbows and I pushed her tail to one side to thrust inside of her. The other white-face otter girl had moved to locking lips with me, but then the girl I was fucking looked over my shoulder and indicated that she wanted that too. I obligingly covered her with my body and we kissed even as we rutted like animals.

I became aware of the buzzing of Aminata’s vibrator. The AI’s illusions were nothing if not detailed. Sweat beaded on her dark skin and ran drop-by-drop down her shapely legs.

The girl under me said something. “Harder,” Aminata translated. “She says go harder.” I started pumping a little faster. “No, harder,” the AI said. “She can take it.” So I went harder. And harder. The otter-girl’s arms buckled under her and we sank to the ground and when she was close to her climax I arched my back and put my weight into a thrust that made her bite the floor and shriek.


Next they rolled me onto my back and let the fourth girl climb on top of me. The second one knelt beside me and we resumed our tongue-wrestling session.

Aminata almost orgasmed again, but the vibrator turned down every time she did this. I could hear her disappointed whine over the sound of lesbian sex—two of the otter-girls, the oldest and third-oldest, were going at it in one corner, tongues and fingers everywhere.

So far the youngest girl hadn’t done anything besides watch and giggle, but I was otherwise occupied.

The fourth girl rode me to completion. Then she had a quiet, restrained orgasm. By that I mean she sat up straight, tensed every muscle in her body, and quivered like a skyscraper when the demolition charges go off. She started to topple backward but stopped herself and—still half-squinting from the pleasure—slowly draped herself over my chest.

A shadow fell over me. I noticed I was kissing a very different pair of lips than I was before I got distracted. The two older girls had changed places so smoothly that I was tongue-deep in otter vagina before I realized it. Now that’s skill.


“Aminata, how do you say ‘Are you sure you want this’?”

My AI told me and I repeated it to the youngest otter-girl, who had come out of her corner to sit in my lap. She nodded. Yes, she still wanted it, even if I gathered that this was her first time with any male ever.

She was an adorable little thing, well-padded with puppy fat and with quite a sizable chest. Her people generally had small breasts but hers were substantial.

“And you’re sure that she’s of age?” I asked.

“Yes, and she said so,” Aminata. “Right now she’s asking for your name.”

“It’s Seth,” I said. “Seth-069, everyone calls me just Seth.”

“Se-eff?” said the otter girl.

“That’s right,” I said. “Or close enough. What’s your name, sweet thing?”

“Oraya,” she said.

“Well, Oraya, is it okay if I put my arm around you?”


We screwed all night, me and those five girls. I remember someone came around with more oysters, and also coconuts for hydration, they sure knew how to offer hospitality.

One thing I’ll always remember is how Oraya announced she was ready. She said one word and then the other girls were gently pushing me to the ground. They spread my arms and legs and then sat on them. This didn’t actually restrain me but I guess it gave her the confidence to do what she did next. She straddled my head, gave me a good look up her, and then lowered herself until she was sitting on my face. She enjoyed it for so long that I went soft and the others had to tease me back to hardness. That’s another thing I’ll always remember: four pretty girls, their faces in a row, all taking turns to lick and suck me. When Oraya finally lowered herself onto me, taking just the tip, she did so with barely a whimper.

I wish I could say I was the first one to give her an orgasm that way, but even if I didn’t I think I gave a good accounting of myself and humanity.


The next day I woke up different.

“Aminata, why do I have fur and webbed fingers?”

“Th-th-that’s the ED implant,” she said. She was still tied to the stake. “It lets you, ah ah, acquire traits from creatures you’ve sampled. It’s, ooooh, powered by the same bioreactor that supports your healing factor.”

“I see. And is this reversible?”

“Completely,” she said. “P-p-please, sir, may I cum? I’ve been, *haaaahh*, edging all night.”

I thought about my newly-discovered powers. Well, it would certainly make it easier to go island-hopping. I could search for other survivors and maybe even wind a way off this ring.

“Master, please!”

“Sure,” I said, and Aminata came so hard that she glitched out of her bonds.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cpnf6r/seth_destroyer_of_girls_ff_mf_bd_furry