Locke & Ava

“Ok… I’m ready,” Ava said shakily.

“Once I unbuckle your belt, there’s no going back. Do you understand?”

She slowly nodded. In truth, Ava had hardly so much as kissed a man until He came into her life. Her parents did everything they could to imprison her inside a chaste crystal ball. But during the growing pains of her adolescence, Ava would often find a pulsing pain that wouldn’t heal; one that often required the use of her right hand to soothe, if only for a little, during the late hours of the night. Ava still remembered the first time she did it. Reaching down underneath her nightgown, she had…

“Don’t just nod. I need to hear you say that you understand.”

“Y-yes, Locke. I understand. I’m ready,” she said in an effort to convince herself more than to convince him.

In one swift movement, Locke pushed her onto his bed. The sudden shock wiped away from Ava’s face and was instead replaced by a heavy sigh of relief as she understood what was happening. Locke made quick work of the buckle, but then slowed down as he unzipped her jeans.

*This is it… this is really happening, oh my god this is it. I wonder how long it’ll last god these minutes feel like hours, I can’t bel—*

And they were off. Ava was so preoccupied by her anxious mind she didn’t notice that her jeans were now laying across the room, next to her shirt and bra.

Locke slid both his hands up and inside her calves, and then her thighs, finally parting them at the crest. Ava let out a sharp exhale as she suddenly noticed how cold the room was compared to her tender, pulsating body. Locke pulled on the inside of her panties, brushing aside the last obstacle in his quest of pleasure. Gently, he leaned in, locking eyes with Ava without blinking. There was no sound. Not a single distraction. Yet all Ava could hear was the rush of her beating heart and he got closer, and closer to her pussy.


Locke brushed her clit as gently as an artist grazes his canvas. *This isn’t so bad, and it feels so bloody GOOD*. Locked toyed with her, teased her with the tip of his tongue without keeping his eyes off of her. She couldn’t match his look. All she could see were the eyes of a beast that had gone too long with hunger. She relented, threw her head back and closed her eyes, giving in to her lust.

Locke proceeded to draw figures of unknowns designs on her clit until Ava finally recognized one: a circle. He forced his tongue around her clit—first clockwise and then counter, first slowly, and then…


Losing control, he bit, gnawed, tongue-punched her clit, sending shocks up Ava’s spine. Her first reaction was to grasp the bed for dear life. She let out moan after exasperated moan, doing her best to hold her bare legs in balance above Locke’s head. *Fuck that hurts. Maybe it’s not too late to say something, surely he’ll understa—*

The thought left just as quickly as it had entered her mind. Fear was replaced by a deep, yearning desire for more. The love bites he left on her clit desensitized her but the chills traveling up her spine and down to her feet would not cease. No. In fact, they were building up. Accumulating. Aggregating. Compounding exponentially into what could only be…

“I’m close, Locke. I’m about to—”

Another sharp exhale. What was I about to say? She clasped the bed even tighter this time. Locke’s eyes were now closed and all his efforts were fixated on this one lustful task.

“Locke, be gentle, I’m about to—”

He vice-gripped her clit between his top teeth and tongue. There was no going back now. He rapidly delivered small, forceful licks on her clit’s hood. He grabbed one of her arms and placed it on the back of his head, beckoning Ava to push his head deeper into the wetness of her pussy. She obliged.

Her heartbeat was now in sync with Locke’s tongue as it brushed her pussy. Minutes turned to seconds as a rush filled her body with a warm sensation. Her eyes—seeing stars—found the ceiling of Locke’s room. Her soul left her body as if forced out by a wave of sin-filled lust.

When Ava finally caught her breathe, she looked at Locke’s primordial eyes and said—with what little effort she could muster—“I came.”

“I know.”

She cracked a smile, wiping sweat from her brow.

“But that was only foreplay.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cp5u3u/locke_ava