If I Admit I Want It [pt.2] [MF]

“Fuck me, Max.”

His voice seemed almost harsher this time and I could feel the one arm still wrapped around me squeeze my waist tighter and I’m reminded of the rock hard member pressed against my back. Suddenly, he begins to slide his other hand under the edge of my skirt and I break out of my momentary paralysis and snatch his hand in an attempt to stop him from going further.

“W-Wait!” I stutter frantically, “Danny, what are you doing?! This isn’t-! I mean, why are you-!”

I couldn’t even seem to finish my sentence when he shoves his hand past mine and grips the inside of my thigh. His action catches me by surprise and I let out a small, high pitched sound that even I didn’t recognize. His hand was no less than an inch from my panties and I could feel my body grow more and anxious as he squeezed and rubbed my thigh up and down. I could feel him lean in and roughly press his lips against my neck and shivered as I felt his teeth graze my skin.

“Max, just give in.” He suddenly says, his breath heavy and almost trembling now, “I know you want it. We’ve been playing this game for so many years. Why else would you only invite me, after a break up, to drink with you in YOUR ROOM, and make you *feel better*.You’re not even actually trying to fight it. And I know-” he began rubbing and grinding on me, “-you can feel how much I want you. How much I’ve wanted you for a long time now, Max.”

He shifted his arm from around my waist, sliding his hand against my body as it made it’s way to my chest. He gripped and groped my breast with his warm, strong hands and my body began to tingle. Then, he took it that small, big step farther and went the last bit up my skirt and began to rub and tease me from the outside of my panties. I squirmed only slightly, hardly trying to fight anymore as my body grew warmer and I began to lose all sense with the sensation of his fingers. Soon I stopped moving at all, my breath becoming shallower with the arousal and, to my embarrassment, I let a small sigh of pleasure escape me.

“Oh?” Danny took notice and I could hear the anticipation and satisfaction in his voice, “Are you finally letting yourself enjoy this? I mean, I guess I should have known. You may try to lie but your body isn’t so good at that. Just look how excited you are, your panties are soaking wet.”

“D-Danny..” I barely get out, my body growing more eager as i try to come back to my senses.
“Yes, Max?” Daniel asks plainly, in an almost taunting fashion, “What is it? Did you want to go further? Your body does seem ready after all.”

I felt my heart skip a beat at his words and before I could do or say anything his fingers slid into my panties and shoved their way into me. I let out a high pitched almost squeal in surprise as his fingers started thrusting in and out of me and I could hear the vulgar noise of the sloshing and squelching. My body had grown so weak from the over excitement that I could hardly hold myself up anymore and I think Danny could sense it. He pulled out his fingers and I let out a momentary sigh of relief until he got off the bed from behind me and stood right in front of me. He then picked me up and threw me down further on the bed so that I was laying spread out across it. My head bounced at the mattress and just as the room stopped spinning I felt him climb on top of me. I stared up at him and his blonde hair caught the light and seemed to sparkle. In my drunken aroused state it was almost mesmerizing until my brown eyes met his intense blue ones. He stared me down for only a second, my heart rate increasing, before he snatched the end of my tank top and yanked it over my head, throwing it off and away from the bed, leaving my bare breasts completely exposed.

“You really didn’t want this?” He asks teasingly as he stared down at me, now leaning over with his arms on both sides of me, “You didn’t even wear a bra, Max.”

“I-I just f-forgot!” I try to defend as I quickly try to cover myself with my arms, my face growing increasingly warm.

He let’s out an almost irritated heavy sigh, leans up, yanking off his own shirt and pants, and grabs both my legs, spreading them wide open, making my body jolt.

“What are you-!” I start as let go of my breasts and try leaning up but am forced back down as he makes my knees bend and pushes them down against me, keeping me pinned there as he leans in, his pelvis and hard-on pressed against my pussy and between my legs. I could feel myself growing anxious. He bends over and gets close to my ear, his warm breath tickling me.

“Calm down, Max. Just let yourself admit you want it or you won’t have any fun.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cp1tu3/if_i_admit_i_want_it_pt2_mf


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