[M]y Second A[f]fair – Part 2 – Her House [LONG]

A while back I told about my first sexual encounter with Anne, who eventually became my second affair. (I am a computer idiot, I don’t know how to link to that page.) I closed with her mention of ‘a next time’. Here’s what happened ‘that next time’.

A couple weeks later I had just gotten home from caddying, and was alone at home. Showered, changed into clean clothes, wandering through the kitchen looking for something to eat. The phone rang, and it was her. She had seen me finishing up my round when she was playing tennis with one of her brothers, and knew I would be home. Her brothers and parents stayed for more tennis but she begged off and went home.

So she, too, was home alone, freshly showered and hungry, but not for food. She asked what I was doing, and I told her. “Why don’t you come over? We can find something to eat here. We can sit out in the back.” I stammered for a bit, and she added, “I’ll be in my bikini….”

I never knew she had a bikini, she just didn’t seem to be a bikini girl, but the offer both on the surface as well as the implicit one underneath were too good to be true. I started out the door, and then thought, if she’s going to be in HER suit… So I changed into my Speedo, put shorts on, and walked the couple of blocks to her house.

The front door was open, but the screen door was still closed, so I knocked, and from inside, she called, “Come on in!”

I’d never been in her house but the layout was simple, a main hall with a den on one side, a living room on the other, and a kitchen visible at the end of the hall. I thought she’d be in the kitchen, but as I passed the open door to the den, I heard her again, “I’m here in the den.”

I turned, took one step in the room, and before I could say anything, she continued, “I couldn’t find the top to my bikini. Is that OK?”


Oh. My. God.

She stood there in the middle of the room, topless, just wearing a pair of bikini bottoms, hand on one hip, smiling at me with an innocent smile. Her bare white breasts, hard pink nipples on top, said everything else.

I stood there in shock. This girl had a plan, and I didn’t know what it was. Of course I hadn’t forgotten the handjob from a couple weeks ago, and of course I was hoping for some followup action, but I had no idea she was going to be this forward immediately.

I took another step toward her and she walked toward me. “Com’on, we have to hurry. I don’t know how long my parents and brothers will stay at the club.”

I was thinking to myself, “Hurry to do what? What was her agenda?” As soon as she had said ‘bikini’ on the phone, I had become excited, and when I put my swimming suit on, I had started to grow, and since I wasn’t in public, I had let my cock rest off to the side so it didn’t get uncomfortable.

By the time I had gotten to her house, the friction had gotten me pretty meaty. Now, I felt myself stiffen.

She took my hand and placed it on one of her breasts, then wrapped her arms around my neck and started to kiss me. I wasted no time in responding, grabbing her ass with my other hand and pulling her close to me.

We made out for a couple of minutes, pressing our bodies against each other, and I felt her grind against my crotch, making sure I was hard.

“I can tell you’re already hard! I want to see it again!” She took my hand and led me to the couch, then knelt down and unzipped my shorts, pulling them down and off me, momentarily getting them caught on my tennis shoes.

“Oh no! You wore your Speedo again!” she laughed, and reached for the ridge, at eye level. She ran her fingers over the bulge a couple of times, and then said, “I have to see it now!” and with the fingers of both hands, pulled the waistband down, tugging my suit to mid-thigh, releasing my now very stiff cock.

She moaned, and took hold of the shaft with one hand, and cupped my balls with the other.

This time she had a better idea of what she wanted to do, and began stroking the shaft, looking up at me. “I love touching your penis!” she said, “I can’t get enough of it!” I tensed my thighs as she continued to play with me.

“Here, let’s take these off.” She let for a second, then pulled my suit all the way off. I stood there, in a t-shirt and tennis shoes, and decided that felt stupid. I pulled my shirt off, and started to take my shoes off, but she stopped me by grabbing my cock again.

I began to sit down, but sht stopped me. “I love how it stands up straight!” She knelt up and pressed her chest against my erection. Her tits weren’t really big enough for me to slide between them, but she enjoyed rubbing her nipples against me.

She knelt back down and continued to stroke it while I stood there. “I want to see you ejaculate again! I wasn’t ready the first time!” She kept pumping, faster and faster. “Ummmm, where should I shoot?” I asked her. I didn’t want to come all over the rug on the floor, or the couch. She giggles. “How about on my boobs? One of my friends said guys like that.”

I was astounded that she had been talking to her friends about this, I knew who some of them were, and none of them seemed like they would have had any sexual experience. But she seemed to know what she wanted.

“OK, I just don’t want to make a mess anywhere.” “Just on me!” she giggled again. “That’s kind of naughty isn’t it?”

It wasn’t going to take long now, she kept stroking and I felt the build-up start. I planted my feet firmly, and tensed my legs, and she realized I was close. “You’re going to come aren’t you?” I nodded, and she started moving her hand faster and faster. “Come on! Come on! Come on me!”

She stuck her chest out as I started to groan. The first shot caught her a bit by surprises but then she pressed me against her, and I watched as stream after stream squirted up onto her chest, under her chin, between her collarbones. The sticky mess started to make squishing noises, and she wasn’t squeamish about having her hands covered with my semen.

She kept stroking after I was finished, and I felt myself begin to immediately shrink. She wrapped her hands around my balls, working my cum into my pubic hair, as if she were shampooing me. It felt so good, I didn’t even mind the mess. I could shower again later.

She sat back onto her heels, put her hands in her lap, and looked happily up at me. “That was so fun!” I was still dizzy, but managed to eek out “I’ll say!” She reached over to the side of the couch, grabbing a hand towel that I hadn’t seen before, and began to wipe her hands off. “I’d like to shower you off!” she said wickedly. She even had a plan for after! I was amazed.

“Ummm, ok, that sounds like a great idea!” She stood up and we walked through the hallway to the stairway, and walked up the stairs, me following her bikini clad butt. I was wondering how long it would take before I would get hard again, with that ass in front of me, maybe not long. I envisioned her handling me with warm water and soap, and decided that if I got hard in the shower, I’d see if maybe she wanted to put my cock in her mouth. I had this feeling she would be very agreeable.

We got to the bathroom door when we heard a noise downstairs. “My parents!” she whispered. “Oh shit! You have to get out of here, I’ll get in so much trouble!” I was panicked, I didn’t know their house layout, where were they coming in from, how would I get my clothes, where would I get out?

She ran downstairs and into the den, me following a couple steps behind. I heard the backdoor, sounded like back in the kitchen. She grabbed my shirt, on the back of the couch, and threw it at me. I slipped it on while she ran around the couch and found my shorts and threw those at me as well.

“My suit!” I whispered. “We don’t have time, get out of here, use the front door!” I stumbled into my shorts, and ran to the front door, zipping them up as I opened the screen door. I stepped out as I heard her mom call out to her, and tried to close the screen door quietly but quickly, and stepped off to the side of the front porch so they couldn’t see me through the screen.

I slipped through the bushes and made it to the street, and began walking down the street, hopefully casually, wondering what commotion was going on inside the house. How was she going to explain walking around the house topless, with her boobs covered in cum? And my speedo? What was her dad going to say when he walked into his den and found a boys swim suit on the floor?

I was just glad I escaped without getting caught myself, I felt bad that she was going to have to face the music, but better just one of us than both.

Of course, as I’d mentioned at the start, this was not the last time I’d see her, but I didn’t know it was going to be 20 years before I would see her again.

The End

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cozewb/my_second_affair_part_2_her_house_long

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