Return of the Shadow Colletive – Ch 8 – (Star Wars, MFF, creampie)

**Shadow Collective base in orbit over D’Qar**

The mission was over. They had won, but their victory was like a small island floating in a massive swamp of ugliness.

Savage was dead.

Barris was dead.

Hundreds of Mandalorians and Shadow Collective allies that had gone with them to the Republic capitol had perished as well, killed by a coward’s weapon that could reach across star systems. The surviving Shadow Collective and Resistance had destroyed the weapon, but Ren, Hux and the elusive Snoke lived on. Vauldrin’s hand tensed near the hospital bed as he thought of the pleasure he’d gain as he watched the light fade in all of their eyes.

‘I’ll kill them all for what they did to her…’ Vauldrin leaned over the bed and after a moment, he reached his hand out and stroked Lumi’s cheek.

“I’m sure you’ll beat me too it. I know how strong you are… you’re stronger than this. Hell you’re stronger than me…” The New Mandalore said solemnly.

He just hoped that he was right, but it was hard to feel like he was standing on solid ground. Everything had changed so quickly. Vauldrin knew that any soldier who wanted to survive in the galaxy had to be adaptable, but even he still struggled with the reckoning that the First Order had incurred on them, and the rest of the galaxy.

One of the largest issues he struggled with was the Shadow Collective and what their next goal was. He had help running the large alliance, but he needed to direct them, to give them a target, or at the very least, a new fight while he found something of substance for them to target. His thoughts drifted back to Savage. The young soldier was sure that Savage wouldn’t have appointed him Mandalore if he knew his death was so close.

In the moment of unease, he checked Lumi’s status once more. Just like all the other times, there was no change. Feeling useless after such a victory annoyed him to no end. He rested his hand on Lumi’s limp fingers one more time and then left the chamber she was being treated in.

Shortly after, the Mandalorian leader found himself squaring off against four Resistance soldiers. They had found him at the ship’s gym and Vauldrin had bluntly asked them if they would help him train. A small insult followed when only one of them agreed to spar with him, so now he had all four battling against him. A kick to the chest sent one bouncing back. Two others reacted very quickly.

They rattled off some backtalk, but Vauldrin wasn’t listening, he was moving and getting back into the fight. One jabbed at Mandalore but was unable to connect. The seasoned fighter hopped forward and delivered a strike to the man’s face. When the rebel fell back, the man Vauldrin had kicked was rising up while the other two sparring partners closed in. One landed a kick to his side while the other sent Vauldrin reeling with two solid punches.

Vauldrin raised up both his hands to give his head and upper body cover as he turned two more attacks into glancing blows. The moment he got an opening, Vauldrin opened himself up to the Force and delivering a hammering strike to the largest combatant close to him. As his comrade flew back, the other Resistance member’s fist flashed forward but Vauldrin dodged it almost effortlessly. Grabbing onto the fighter’s outstretched arm, he pulled her off balance and then struck hard at her temples. As the operative went down, the other two still conscious struck forward, one going high while one went low.

Vauldrin took a punch in the shoulder and then spun with the momentum coursing through his body. Using the Force once again, he knew just how to move to time and position himself for a counterblow. One and then both of his legs left the ground and Mandalore spun through the air. Before either could dodge, the muscular warrior struck at his foes like a viper. His right hand shot out, breaking the trooper’s jaw while Vauldrin’s legs hammered into the other’s chest. Both went down gasping as pain coursed through their bodies.

“Looks like next time you should bring backup,” Vauldrin said dryly. The four Resistance members gathered themselves up and left him to get patched up. Vauldrin closed his eyes and reigned in the swirling darkness he had called upon. Almost immediately, it felt like he had been awake for two days straight. He leaned forward and managed not to falter onto his knees as his body acclimated to the exertion that had flooded his mind.

‘First thing to do once Lumi is moving again is ask for some lessons,’ He thought and then found his water bottle to dose his face with a wash before he slurped down a few gulps to refresh his body. Sensing someone was watching him, he lowered the bottle and turned around. Vaudlrin found Rey, the girl he had been wiling to blast apart to save Lumi, staring at him. Like him, the brunette was dressed in workout clothes. Rey’s appeared to be a secondhand top and well-worn black and red workout pants.

“You cheated. I could feel it…” She declared, not angrily, but definitely not happily either. From the reaction alone, the Mandalorian couldn’t believe Lumi had risked her life not once, but twice for the strange woman. No one could be that naïve, at least not anyone who wanted to survive long…

“I won, that is all that is important,”

“You could have gone easier on them. If I am right about… your power,” She took a few steps around him, looking at him like she was sizing him up. “They never had a chance in battling you,”

He had to grin at that, at least. “Those men and women are my allies. They will remember the lesson and work harder to toughen up in the future. Hurting them now means they have a better chance of surviving in a real fight…” Rey’s nose scrunched up ever so slightly.

“Hmmmm. How… how is Luminara doing?”

Vauldrin rubbed his shoulder. “She will live. And soon enough we will continue our battle against the First Order.”

Rey didn’t say anything for a moment, and then nodded. “Of course, well please let me know when she is on her feet again,”

Vauldrin was a little surprised at that. “Very well,”

With that, the Mandalorian left the brunette and training room behind.


Days later, Vauldrin and Lumi were training, albeit in a different fashion. Currently Luminara was on top, and she was winning. After spending days alternating between a bacta tank and a hospital bed, the daughter of Savage and Barriss needed to be fucked. Of course, even with her ability to heal aided by the Force, her body felt a bit strained, even while having sex in this position. Fortunately, she had a lover of more skill and with than some horny thug. While he never showed it in public, and hardly did it when it was just the two of them together like this, Vauldrin could be tender.

Even now, the Mandalorian left Lumi to her own devices as far as her tempo and speed. His own hands rubbed her arms as the Zabrak-Mirialan hybrid kept her body upright. It was definitely not completely easy riding him like this, but her own pride wasn’t about to have her just sprawled out across her lover’s body as they reconnected after days apart.

Lumi’s hips rolled and she let out another whimpering moan. Everything still felt harder for her, and not really in a good way. “Huahh… nrgghhhh… Karabast!”

“Should we stop?” Mandalore asked beneath her.

“Not on your life…” Lumi replied sharply. Vauldrin smiled at that but he still ended up feeling her cum on top of him soon after. Gently, the muscular man helped the equally rigidly toned woman off of his hips so that she could lay down on her back.

Lumi was quiet for a moment. “Sorry,”

“Nothing to feel bad about. Lumi… We all hate it, but sometimes everyone has to heal.”

“Everyone doesn’t have to do what we have to do…” Lumi replied a bit sourly. After a moment she gave him a weak smile and then leaned forward and kissed his lips.

Nearby, the doors to their bedchamber parted. They were surprised to see both C-3PX and Rey walk in, the former with a plate of refreshments and snacks for the pair.

Luminara’s brow furrowed as she looked at the brunette. “I wasn’t expecting her.”

Vaudlrin picked up a drink from the droid’s tray. “She wanted to talk to you once you were on your feet. I didn’t think we should delay since we’ll be leaving soon.”

Lumi would have chuckled, but she felt a bit annoyed at him. She didn’t like people she barely knew to know her true state, and she quickly straightened up. “What do you want?”

“Can you put on a shit or something?” Rey asked, her hazel eyes shifting downwards and away from the naked couple.

Lumi rose up from the bed, making no effort whatever to shield her naked body, or her freshly healed wounds she had received from Kylo Ren. The hybrid woman noticed Rey’s gaze landed on the marks on her flesh, before quickly stealing a glance at her breasts.

“You’re a guest in my bedroom. You should respect our rules, not bark at me like some junkyard dog…”

Rey looked back and forth between them. After a long moment she nodded and removed her clothing, but ended up keeping her underwear on. “I don’t need to be naked to talk.”

“No but it will help later…”

“Excuse me?” Rey’s nose scrunched in confusion. “Help with what exactly?”

Lumi’s own eyes looked up and down the scavenger. She looked almost close to the same cloth as Lumi and Vauldrin were cut from. But she was undisciplined, that much Lumi would have picked up on even if she couldn’t feel it through the Force.

“The darkness has a hold on you. You’re angry, and if you let it, it will consume you.”

“That bastard killed Captain Solo.”

“Kylo Ren is not here right now, but I know another way you can vent your frustration…”

Rey at least wasn’t stupid. After a moment her brown eyes lit up with recognition. Vauldrin noticed her cheeks redden. “I don’t think I should,”

“Then you shouldn’t have looked at me and at him if you didn’t want to think about it. The galaxy is burning Rey, you should try to have some fun before you die.”

Rey looked over both of them. It was clear she was still very flustered by what Lumi was talking about, but Luminara could feel her true feelings. The girl was curious. Luminara didn’t embarrass her and say that thinking about how long it had been was just waiting time. She had nudged the young woman enough and it was now Rey’s choice.

“If it will help… I could use some distraction…” Even Vauldrin was surprised when the girl said that. Lumi didn’t wait for her to reconsider. Reaching out with the Force, she pulled Rey towards her naked body. Rey gasped as she was sandwiched against Luminara’s naked form. Lumini closed her eyes, enjoyed the fluttering of her own excitement and then pressed her mouth against the humans. As they connected, Lumi enjoyed Rey’s trembling lips and then started tasting her energy as they connected.

‘Who is this girl? Even now I can feel her power. If she was trained, she could pin me to the ground and eat me out until I fainted…’ Even more surprising to her then Rey’s power was when the scavenger from Jakku looped her hand around the back of her neck and then pressed back into the kiss. As she felt Rey’s tongue pressing into her mouth, Lumi welcomed the invading tongue easily and both girls moaned lewdly before the hybrid woman started pulling Rey over to where Vauldrin was waiting.


“Ahh… Ohhh… It’s so big… Owuaaahhh… what are you doing to me?” Rey moaned out. Beneath the brown-haired girl, Lumi was hungrily sucking in one of her tits while she used the Force to pinch at Rey’s other nipple. The hybrid woman enjoyed the taste of the scavenger’s flesh, but it was nothing compared to the pleasure she got when Vauldrin stuck his thumb up against Lumi’s clit while using a finger to explore the recovering woman’s pussy. Even as he pounded Rey’s sex, her Mandalorian lover left Lumi unattended.

Lumi continued wriggling beneath Rey as Vauldrin’s fingers flicked across her hot needy lips. Soon he added another finger inside her pussy. If she couldn’t take his cock, having his fingers make a mess of her pussy was at least a great consolation prize. The hybrid woman could feel a new orgasm forming within her orange and black body, but she was trying to hold back to wait for at least Vauldrin to cum before she did.

“Come on… give it to her. We should really be testing her strength…” Lumi said with cocky grin. She was soon caught off-guard however, as Vauldrin punished Rey’s pussy with a score of heavy thrusts that sent the pretty human woman right up to the horned girl’s face. There, Rey leaned in and plastered her lips against Luminara’s. The woman of Zabrak and Mirialan descent was still surprised how open-minded and friendly Rey had turned out to be, and the kissing just added more fuel to Lumi’s curiosity.

When the girl from Jakku was done kissing Lumi’s lips, she looked down affectionally at Lumi with eyes that tingled with pleasure as her body was continually pumped from behind. Lumi was intrigued by Rey’s expression and then let out a little moan herself as Rey moved down and nipped playfully on her multi-colored ear. It had been some time since Lumi had someone kissing and playing there, and she ended up squirming beneath Rey’s warm colored flesh.

With that, both women’s breasts started squishing and sliding together and Lumi ended up pushing her hands in around Rey’s bouncing tits as the cried and wailed. Rey’s tits were nice and pert and not quite so large as her own, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have any less fun with them as Rey’s pussy continued being pumped full of her lover’s potent strokes.

Each of Mandalore’s thrusts was definitely keeping Rey’s mind preoccupied. Incredible sensations of pleasure blossomed inside of her sweaty hips and besieged breasts. The man known as Vauldrin had a cock as big as the man was brutal. She moaned out once again, this time much louder than before. Rey tried in vain to apologize to Luminara, but her words were cut off and turned into a wet scream of surprise as Vauldrin pulled his cock free of her tight wet cunny.

“Fuah… what is wrong? Are you alright Vauldri-” Once again, the girl found her voice forfeited by the actions of the incredible Adonis behind her. Without so much as a warning, his thumb had entered her asshole like a probe droid secretly exploring a planet.

“Vauldrin… that’s my assuahh…” Lumi chuckled beneath her as Rey felt another one of the man’s fingers pushing inside of her tight naughty hole. She couldn’t believe how forward and uncouth the man was becoming and she would have begged him to go back into her pussy but all that came out was a jumble of blubbering words as his fingers tickled the inside of her backdoor.

Looking up, Vauldrin’s lover enjoyed the sight as Rey’s eyes crisscrossed and her tongue lolled out. Lumi knew what kind of sensations the brunette had to be feeling, and she couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.

With her breasts and now her tight little hole now besieged, Rey squeaked and moaned while her fingers dug into the meat of Luminara’s tattooed arms.

“It’s the wrong hole… mwrrulllahahh!” Rey’s voice managed to declare right up to the point Mandalore yanked out his fingers.

“Oh my god. Thank you… I think a man of your size is just too big and…” Lumi had to smile when the woman didn’t pick up on Vauldrin’s attack plan yet again. As she looked up, she got a front row seat as Vauldrin’s massive cock penetrated nice and deep into Rey’s compact asshole.

“Owaahh… oh fuck… fuuhhakk.. Lumiuaaahhh!!!” The scavenger screamed out before feeling her well-fucked cunny start to twitch and spasm. Beneath Rey’s shivering naked form, Lumi’s legs go th full force of the girl’s explosive release. Luminara watched as the girl with stylish buns let her tongue fall forward once again as she continued cumming.

Rey couldn’t believe the mix of plain and pleasure as Vauldrin continued jamming his meat deep inside of her asshole. The sensations were both so potent that even if she had been trained, the tight-bodied woman wouldn’t have been able to notice Lumi creating a link between their naked minds and bodies.

Lumi almost felt like an anal virgin having her cherry clobbered as the connection was made. It was foggy and nothing that meant she could see through Rey’s eyes, but she definitely picked up on a multitude of sensations as the girl was ass-fucked. With every new thrust of her partner’s muscular hips, she felt new echoes of fiery strain flying through the other girl’s body as Vauldrin’s cock continued drilling deep and deeper inside the scavengers warm twitching hole.

Soon Rey ran straight out of energy and was unable to moan or move her body. Her sweaty form abruptly fell forward onto Luminara’s who quickly embraced her with a sisterly hug. Through their link, Luminara continued receiving gifts as Vauldrin reached his own fitting end. For the hybrid girl, it felt like a volcano had erupted deep inside of her ass. Rey got the brunt of Vauldrin’s explosion, and she let out a new chorus of confused and beleaguered lamentations as her ass was filled by the hottest explosion of cum she had ever endured…

After that, things started settling down for all three. A few minutes after her asshole had received a powerful discharge of cum, Rey watched as Vauldrin was summoned to the bridge of the ship she was on. Almost nervously, the girl turned towards Luminara.

“When we fought. Kylo said… said I needed a teacher. Someone who could teach me what I can do… and hopefully someone who can help me figure out how I can use the Force…” Rey finished and leaned in close to Lumi, looking at her fondly while imagining the two of them training together.

“No. I am no teacher.”

“But you know the Force.”

“I don’t want to teach about the Force, Rey.” Luminara said sharply, nearly losing her temper. Talk of teachers just reminded her abut the two most important ones that she had just lost.

“I am no master. Find Luke Skywalker, he will be a better teacher than I ever could be. Now go get cleaned up, neither of us can waste more time in bed…


Later on…

“You’re sure about that map? Sounds like a wild bantha chase,” Luminara said curtly. She knew she had told Rey to train with Luke, but she didn’t think they would actually find a clue where he was hiding, at least not so soon.

“Orion, their tech specialists say it all checks out. Luke is definitely on Ahch-Tu. At least according to the map that R2 and Orion were able to create.” Rey said. Luminara and Vauldrin could both feel that Rey was a bit uncertain about journeying off to find the Jedi Master, but Rey needed answers and they all knew she was unlikely to find them among the Shadow Collective.

After a brief pause, Lumi nodded and gave her new friend a faint smile. “I hope you find him, Rey.”

“I really wish you would teach me, but perhaps I’m meant to go to Luke,” Rey declared.

“Perhaps, perhaps not.” Luminara mused. She was still fiercely opposed to being anyone’s Master.

“Who knows what will happen? If we can’t deal some more losses to the First Order, there won’t be a galaxy to save by the time your skills are ready.”

Rey shook her head. “I’m a fast learner, and I will not let you down.”

“We’re of the Mando’a. We’re very adaptable when it comes to disappointing situations.”

“Still… I hope we see each other again…” Rey smiled at Lumi and then nodded towards Vauldrin. With that, the onetime salvager gathered up her staff and her gear and then moved aboard the Millennium Falcon. Quickly enough the ship for take off before lifting up from the landing pad of the Resistance base. Vauldrin leaned in close to Lumi so that Leia couldn’t listen.

“It’s a mistake, she could be made into a skilled fighter, and now she’s run off to find some hermit, and she took one of the fastest ships in the galaxy,” Even then it was too late as the YT-1300 blasted free towards the atmosphere of the planet they were on.

“Her path is hers, besides, we have our own work to take care of, and it doesn’t involve training people.”

“What does it involve?”

“Find me Orion.”


“But, I’m supposed to be meet with the General to discuss Black Sun operations.”

“You don’t work for the general, you work for us.” Vauldrin told the young woman gruffly. He grabbed her hand and started pulling her from the workstation to make sure there wouldn’t be any delay between picking Orion up and getting her to their ship so that they could return to the fleet.

Orion was still confused and turned towards Luminara as they moved towards a shuttle. “What are we going to do?”

“You’re going to do as I say if you want to stay alive. We’re going to get you into the Black Sun leadership, and then you’re going to help the Shadow Collective to find and hunt down every last member of the First Order. Only when they are removed from the galaxy do you get to go free again…”



Rey stood before Luke Skywalker. Her heart swelled with excitement. Here was a man she had only ever heard about in legends, stories of history expanded into mythos. He wore what appeared to be ancient Jedi robes and the young woman couldn’t wait to learn the ways of the Jedi from him. As he faced her, she extended the lightsaber she had found towards him. Her hunt for answers had brought her here, and when she handed off the lightsaber, she was a little sad that she received no new visions.

All the same, Rey was sure she would learn something here. She waited for what seemed like forever, and then the grizzled man standing before her moved once more. This time, he shook his head and then gently handed the ancient weapon of the Jedi Knight back to Rey.

“You’re going to need it more than I am…”
